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More BackBurner Stuff
by Awoq @ Thu 08-31-2000 13:27

The BackBurner has yet another map review and some exclusive screenshots for you today . The review is of the map Lavaworld authored by Leroy "Bolle" Ramdjan. Also up on the site are 16 exclusive screenshots of =VH=Eddies upcomming WFA map, Moonunit 1.

Full Metal Jacket Update
by Awoq @ Thu 08-31-2000 13:15

The Full Metal Jacket mod team has redesigned their site and have released some screenshots of a new map. The screenshots are of Therm0's new map, oblivion and show the general layout of his by-the-sea map.

Titanium Released
by Awoq @ Wed 08-30-2000 13:04

There's a new mod in town released today by Reactive Software called Titanium. This first beta release includes configurable battlesuits, custom weapons, sounds and graphics and three new CTF maps. CTF, Clan Arena, and Free For All support are all included in this first beta release. If your looking for a mod that is different, fast paced and very brutal, then this mod is for you. Get the mod at the Reactive Software site or on the Titanium page.

Quake Done Even Quicker
by Awoq @ Wed 08-30-2000 12:49

For those of you who remember Quake done Quick, the team who brought us lightening fast demos that raced completely through the Quake game, today released two new demos to thrill the viewers. Here is what the site says about these two speedy demos.
The first on the list is Quake done double Quick, a cooperative run through Quake on Nightmare skill. Exploiting the possibilities that coop running gives us, we managed to beat the time of the single player equivalent (QdQr) by four minutes, leading to a time of 12:35. Quake done double Quick has been the longest project ever in QdQ's history, begun in early 1998.

The other project is a byproduct of the recent Speedrunner's meeting, reported earlier. It takes place not in the id levels, but in a mission pack specially designed for speedrunning - Runner's Delight by Jesse van Dijk. The project, called Runner's Delight at Speedcon, is available in two forms, with and without the mission pack itself. Therefore, if you don't already have Runner's Delight, you can download everything together and enjoy playing the levels, too.

The fun is not quite over yet - we have another release waiting, and this time we're serious about the word "soon" .
Check out the Quake done Quick site for more details.

Check out the NavCenter!
by Awoq @ Tue 08-29-2000 12:29

We get a lot of mail here asking where to find that mod, modeling place, mapping site, or just about anything Quake related you can imagine. The premiere place to find that information is our very own NavCenter featuring hundreds of Quake related sites. Here is a current list of what you will find if you search our NavCenter.
  • Additions (210)
    Maps, Skins, Updates...
  • Clans (32)
    Deathmatch, CTF, Ladders...
  • Community (138)
    Art, Humor, Discussion...
  • Configuration (38)
    Game, Linux, Windows...
  • Editing (132)
    Level Editing, Skinning...
  • Hardware (93)
    Drivers, Reviews, Tweaks...
  • Information (166)
    FAQ's, News, Server Info...
  • Modifications (166)
    CTF, DM, Server Side...
  • Official (10)
    QW, Quake2, Quake3...
  • Online Stores (15)
    Price Comparison, Hardware...
  • Utilities (126)
    Game Location, Server Monitors...
As you can see, our NavCenter is an invaluable source for Quake related information. Next time you need to know where a site is, head on over to our NavCenter and give them a try!

Coliseum2 1.9 Report
by Awoq @ Tue 08-29-2000 12:12

The Coliseum2 team has sent word that their up-coming 1.9 release scheduled in approximately two weeks is coming along at a brisk pace. Added to this version will be a whole slew of server administrative controls to make the games flow smoothly and a revamped voting system.

New Map of the Week
by Awoq @ Tue 08-29-2000 11:26

The BackBurner has a brand new Featured Map of the Week to entice the masses with. This week the featured map is a very good CTF map called Coral CTF authored by Willow. The entire writeup and the download for the map can be found at The BackBurner.

Weapons Factory Arena Help Wanted
by Awoq @ Mon 08-28-2000 13:41

The Weapons Factory Arena team have announced an experimental beta version (1.2) due to be released this weekend for their Q3A mod. Before this version is released as an official version, the team needs player feedback on some of the new features implemented. It looks like anyone can be part of this testing so be sure to check out the Weapons Factory Arena site for all of the details.

Bomb's Birthday
by Awoq @ Mon 08-28-2000 01:25

The staff of Q3Arena.com wish our fellow staff member and friend, Bomb, a very happy birthday today! WHOOP! Bring on the champagne and dancing girls!

AutoQuake 2000 Version 5.5
by Awoq @ Mon 08-28-2000 01:14

Version 5.5 of AutoQuake 2000 has been released. This program easily starts mods based on id Software's Quake engines (1,2 and 3).
Games supported are:
  • Quake, Q2, Q3A
  • Half-Life
  • Heretic2
  • Hexen II
  • Kingpin
  • SiN
  • Soldier of fortune
  • And all Quake engine games and mods.
Some of the things added to this release are:
  • Finds Quake3 arena demo.
  • New url option.
  • New color buttons at color selection.
  • You can start mod by clicking on an icon.
  • View option in popup menu. You can select what modifications you want to see.
  • New hints.
More info on this useful program can be found on the AutoQuake 2000 website.

New Urban Terror Server Patch +
by Awoq @ Sun 08-27-2000 12:50

Hot on the heals of yesterdays beta release is a server patch for the Urban Terror mod. Also up on the website is a new Manual and FAQ, and the team has released two new maps titled "Ricochet" and "Docks". With all the goings on at the Urban Terror site this weekend, we have little to complain about in the "something to do" department. ;>)

More Q3A Map Reviews
by Awoq @ Sun 08-27-2000 11:37

Z-Axis has three Q3A map reviews for you today. They are, Hero's Death, Distonic and Kleskonian Hights. Grab em while they are fresh!

Q3A Map Reviews
by Awoq @ Sun 08-27-2000 11:18

The busy people at The BackBurner have 6 new Q3A map reviews on tap for you today. You will find in-depth reviews and the download locations of the following maps.

Fake Doom Screenshot Contest
by Awoq @ Sat 08-26-2000 13:51

The Shuga Shack has a fake Doom Screenshot contest they are calling The Stupid Shack Contest. Your mission, should you decide to accept it, will be to vote for the best and also the funniest fake Doom screenshot the Shuga Shack has to offer.

Urban Terror Release
by Awoq @ Sat 08-26-2000 13:35

Beta 1.1 of the Urban Terror mod has been released. Along with 55 bug fixes and tweaks, the new release now includes a new gameplay type and a new scoreboard.

What is Urban Terror? Here's the teams description of the mod.
"Urban Terror is a Quake 3 modification [mod] based on action and realism. Like its predecessor, Action Quake 2, Urban Terror will feature realistic weapons, damage, characters models and true to life physics. All the action will take place in real world settings, such as cities and buildings. We have a good variety of maps which will enhance overall game play."

Classic Quake Arena Beta 2 Release
by Awoq @ Fri 08-25-2000 16:43

The Classic Quake Arena team has released beta 2 for our fragging enjoyment. On the site you will find the download and a nifty list of servers to hook up with. The team will also be standing by for your questions in irc.planetquake.com #milk. Classic Quake Arena is a Q3A mod that tries to bring the best features of QuakeWorld to the game.

Everglide Mouse Pad Review
by Awoq @ Fri 08-25-2000 14:45

EuroGamer's John Gestalt has written an enlightening review on the Everglide "Large Attack Pad" precision mousing surface. The review delves into the authors playing experience with the pad and weighs in the pro's and con's of it. (I personally own one of these pads and am very happy with its performance.)

FreakBall Arena Released
by Awoq @ Fri 08-25-2000 10:51

Beta 1 of FreakBall Arena has been released to the public. What is FreekBall Arena? Here's what the mod team has to say about it.
"FreakBall Arena is a Future-Sport MOD for Quake III Arena. Your task is to shoot more goals then your opponents. You are allowed to kick, shoot or kill your enemies. There are 2 different game types. In the standard game type it is allowed to use weapons. The second one only allows the Ball-Launcher as a weapon. You can lose the ball when you are hit by a weapon. When carrying the ball you aren't able to shoot on your enemys, so your Team will have to defend you and make the way to the goal free. You may of course also pass to your Team Mates if they are in better positions."
More information on this strange but fun new mod can be found on the FreakBall Arena site.

New Q3A FragAndFlag: Arena
by Awoq @ Fri 08-25-2000 10:43

Q3A FragAndFlag: Arena 1.4 is now available (at this moment) as an update the the full install only. Added to this upgrade is support for more mods and some more features. Here is the authors explanation of the server utility.
"FragAndFlag:Arena is a server utility for Quake 3:Arena that uses an easy to understand graphical user interface (GUI). Using easy to understand check boxes and buttons, the user can quickly get a Quake 3 server up and running.

This program can be used to set up Quake 3 servers for internet, modem, or local area network games, as well as settings up a single player game. The best feature of FAF:Arena is that it can set up servers for your favourite mods."

Quake3 European Championship Coverage
by Awoq @ Thu 08-24-2000 17:54

XSReality.com has posted their pre-event coverage of the BarrysWorld Quake3 European Championship finals which will take place the upcoming weekend in London, UK, featuring the top 8 national Q3 teams in Europe. The feature contains an extensive interview with the team captains of all of the 8 teams, where they give their take on who they think is most likely to win, as well as a number of other topics related to the tournament.

New Hosted Clan @ Clans.Q3arena.com
by Awoq @ Thu 08-24-2000 12:43

We welcome our newest hosted member of Clans.Q3Arena.com, The Dark Siege Clan. The clan is now accepting applications for membership.
If your clan needs a home, feel free to apply on our clan hosting page.

BackBurner Interviews
by Awoq @ Thu 08-24-2000 11:42

The BackBurner has 6 interviews on tap for us today. Somehow, they managed to snag interviews of six of the finalists in the Aussie Pro Mode Duel League.
Here's a list of the interviewees.
  • Jb-d2d
  • Blight =XM=
  • ^MAL^saCred
  • DexTr
  • ]-[ydro =XM=
  • FxR.Mode2

Map Competition Deadline
by Awoq @ Thu 08-24-2000 11:28

Quake3Stuff.com has sent us word that the Q3A map competition they are holding only has seven days left until the August 31st deadline. The rules are pretty straight forward, make the best Q3A map, win an Nvidia GeForce2 GTS video card or some if the other prizes which will be up for grabs.

Anders [69]Streamer Larson Interview
by Awoq @ Wed 08-23-2000 14:19

Z-Axis has an interview with Q3A mapper Anders [69]Streamer Larson. Anders is noted for his recently released Coitus Interuptus map. The interview covers who he is, and what he does. The site also has a review on his map and, of course, the download.

Classic CTF Team Interview
by Awoq @ Tue 08-22-2000 15:25

Admin Central has an interview with the Classic CTF team. The interview appears to have taken place on an irc channel and has most of the team there. It covers some interesting aspects of this popular Q3A mod which brings Q1 and Q2 styled CTF to Quake3.

Q3A Tutorial Index
by Awoq @ Tue 08-22-2000 10:50

claudec's Lair of Q3A has a tutorial index of most of the Q3A tutorials found on the net. This one stop tutorial repository has just about everything you would need to get into the mapping business. The site features 198 tutorials, 23 categories and 27 editing sites for all the Q3A mapping goodness you can handle.

Q2 Linux File Fix
by Awoq @ Tue 08-22-2000 09:59

GNU Generation: Games has a download of Linq 0.1 which fixes a problem with case sensitive files when tring to run Quake 2 from a Linux machine. The script fixes the "file not found" problem, often found when running on a Linux machine, by changing the files extentions to lower case. Just run the script, answer a few questions, and your file extentions will be changed saving you hours of work.

by Awoq @ Mon 08-21-2000 11:04

End of Time Productions has released the first beta of DOOMED2FRAG (D2F), a Doom2 deathmatch to Q3A conversion designed to bring that fuzzy Doom feeling to the masses. Seven Doom weapons replace their counterparts in Q3A and three maps are included in the beta.
Here's a list of the features so far.
  • Faster Player speeds
  • new Airbraking feature
  • weaponStay option ("g_weaponrespawn 0" activates this)
  • new item models
  • weaponRespawn menu option (in server set up options)
  • new armor system
  • fast weapon changing
  • 7 new weapons (mostly DOOM2 crossovers)
  • 3 custom maps:
Be sure to visit the End of Time Productions site for all of the details.

Q3F Concept Art
by Awoq @ Sun 08-20-2000 12:22

The Q3F team has added Concept Art to the Shots section of the website. With user feedback in mind, the team is offering some in-progress concept art which they using as the basis for the creation of all new player class models and skins in Beta 2.

New Map Pack and Help Wanted
by Awoq @ Sun 08-20-2000 12:25

Oblivion HQ has announced a "Oblivion map pack" for Quake III arena is now in progress. It will consist of 4 levels, "2 CTF's, 1 FFA and 1 Tourney". The Map Pack is should be completed within a month or so.

The team has also announced that they are in need of 3D artists, level designers, sound affects, music makers/ developers, modelers and texture artist. Anybody with QERadiant, Lithtech, UnrealEd, Visual C++, DromEd, Genesis 3D SDK, SDK tools , Photoshop or DEdit experience might be very useful. Check out the Oblivion HQ crew section and see if you can be of assistance.

SPQ3 Mod Competition
by Awoq @ Sat 08-19-2000 11:44

The SPQ3 ( Single Player Quake 3) MOD team have announced they are holding a Single Player Quake 2 Map Run Competition. Here's what they have to say about it.
"Welcome to the first of hopefully many Lord of the map contest. Everyone is free to compete. You will need to have Quake2 v 3.20, Bloodred Sunset, the map, and Q2timer, a mod that adds a timer to quake2. To compete, you have to record a demo of you playing 'Bloodred Sunset' on hard difficulty getting all the kills and secrets, the fastest time will win! To proove that you have completed the map, you have to record a demo. Now, have fun, and try to become the Lord of this map!

There are prizes for the winners. Check out the official page for more details, or check out the actual contest page."

Hosted Clan News
by Awoq @ Sat 08-19-2000 00:28

It is our pleasure to announce the 52nd Panthers Clan to our hosted clan line up. The clan is ready to go and is accepting applications right now!

All clans wishing to be hosted by Q3Arena.com can sign up here.

Unreal Arena Beta v0.4
by Awoq @ Fri 08-18-2000 17:50

Beta v0.4 of the UT to Q3 partial conversion mod Unreal Arena is now availaiable. Here is a clip from their website about this new beta release.
"This is a public beta release for everyone to help test the mod through out it's development. Mainly this beta v0.4 is to test a few of the maps, and several of the weapons we've included, and to generate some feedback and squash any bugs that have been overlooked on our part.

We're making the mod available with no music, but with an optional .pk3 file containing the .wav music files for each of the maps. This way we won't be forcing people that don't want the music to have to d/l it. This is temporary for now as we're looking into doing the .mp3 thing for the mod."
Grab the beta and find out more about this new mod at the the Unreal Arena site.

Q3Radiant Tutorials and Help Wanted
by Awoq @ Fri 08-18-2000 17:21

The Green Eggs and Spam site has posted a bunch of Q3Radiant tutorials on their site, the latest being on how to make Beam Lights. Also, they send word that they are in need of some help in the form of news posters, reviewers, and tutorial makers. Check out the Green Eggs and Spam site for more information.

Quake3 in Scandinavia
by Awoq @ Fri 08-18-2000 15:47

Scandinavia's Quake3Arena Center has just announced their start on the web. The site is maintained by Scandinavian Q3A players and will offer content like daily news, forums, clan list and leagues and more in the future. We wish them lots of luck in their endeavors.

Quake Alive and Well in Poland
by Awoq @ Fri 08-18-2000 15:11

Just to prove that Quake is alive and well in Poland, the Timib Q2 Page has some interviews up with with professional Q3 players [9]Sujoy and HKA|Matador. The interviews are offered in English and Polish so here are the links.

Map Reviews and Interview
by Awoq @ Fri 08-18-2000 13:59

The BackBurner has been busy with 5 Q3A map reviews (2 are WFA maps), a mod review on Rocket Arena 3, and an interview with =VH=EddieVH the map author of "Apollo Station".
Here's a list of the Map reviews.

Q3A CTF Review
by Awoq @ Fri 08-18-2000 13:26

Z-Axis has a new Q3A CTF level review on tap for you. The review is on the "Gotham" level authored by dur which is set in a city. The map is made for 6-10 people and is good for DeathMatch, TeamDM and Capture The Flag. Check out the review and then download the map at Z-Axis.

Weapons Factory Arena Interview
by Awoq @ Fri 08-18-2000 12:38

UK Clanzone scored an interview with the Weapons Factory Arena project leader, Acrid. The interview covers some of the development aspects of the mod and is a good read.
Here's a little something from the interview.
(Clanzone) What are differences between WFA and the previous version for Quake 2?
(Acrid) There isn't a whole lot of differences between 2 and 3 yet. A couple things, off the top of my head, that are different are the sticky sentries, meaning they can be placed on floors, ceilings, walls etc and cloak for the spy/assassin class. Of course some things from the Quake2 version haven't been added or wont ever make it over, but I wont speculate on which features.

Proving Grounds Giveaways
by Awoq @ Thu 08-17-2000 15:11

Starting this Friday, the Proving Grounds, a fairly new competitive ladder site for Quake 3, Half-Life and Unreal Tournament, will begin a weekly random drawing of prizes for their members. Prizes include t-shirts and mouse pads from NVIDIA and baseball caps and t-shirts and autographed posters from Gearbox Software. Two lucky winners will be drawn each week. All Proving Grounds members who are signed up on a ladder are eligible to win.

There is also a week left in their Launch Contest, in which they are giving away Klipsch speakers, a Netgear switch and an Intellimouse Explorer. Visit the Proving Grounds site for complete details.

Send In Your News!
by Awoq @ Thu 08-17-2000 14:30

For a very long time we have enjoyed a full compliment of Q3A news from our readers but now our news bag is slowly but surely drying up. We can use all of the input for Q3A news we can get here at Q3Arena.com so we can continue our efferts to offer the best Quake news coverage possible.

If you have a Q3A news item which will benefit the rest of the Quake community, feel free to submit it to news@q3arena.com.

MilkShape 3D 1.4.1
by Awoq @ Thu 08-17-2000 13:55

For all those 3d game model people out there, MilkShape 3D 1.4.1 has been released and is offered as a shareware program.
New things included in this release are:
  • Added: 3d viewport selection for vertices and faces by vertex
  • Added: optional close cylinder
  • Added: Vampire: the Masquerade NOD exporter and importer (both without bones yet)
  • Changed: any file formats can be loaded for the background image
  • Fixed: texture coordinates on seam in Quake MDL Export
  • Once again: the trial period restarts
More information can be found on the MilkShape 3D site.

Freeze Tag 1.35
by Awoq @ Thu 08-17-2000 13:45

Freeze Tag, a Q3A mod that lets you freeze your opponents, has released version 1.35. The new version fixes a problem where the players body was left behind during a team switch.

Angel Munoz Interview
by Awoq @ Thu 08-17-2000 13:01

Gamesmack.org managed to land an exclusive interview with the Cyberathlete Professional League's (CPL) founder and president Angel Munoz while at the recent AtomicArena Event held in Singapore. The interview covers the beginnings of the CPL, some personal info on Angel himself, and his thoughts on where the CPL is headed. Also in this interview is some exclusive info on where the next CPL World Championships will be held.

L4m3r Bot Release
by Awoq @ Wed 08-16-2000 11:29

While scouring the web for news this morning I came upon a news article at PQ which just made me laugh.

Clan Lamerkatz have just released a new version of their L2m3r Bot. This bot is designed for those times a player cant seem to get a good internet connection and would like a single player game to feel like they are on line. To accomplish this miracle, Clan Lamerkatz have come up with a bot that crouches a lot, kills himself and even insults you nonstop.
Here's the Clan Lamerkatz description of the bot.
"The L4m3r Bot uses a custom model built off Tank Jr., and features not only the totally l33t skin (with the Epileptic Seizure-Inducing Color Flashing Shader™), but also a group of all new (and quite hilarious) sounds, hand-picked for the funniest possible experience possible! Sounds from such greats as The Simpsons and Monty Python and the Holy Grail are included. And yes, this model even features the classic "target painted on the back" joke!

The L4m3r Bot now features red/blue teamplay skins, which means you can have L4m3r fight alongside you in CTF! But this isn't some ordinary bot, the L4m3r bot is a professional deal, which means it includes custom teamplay chat!"
Seeing is believing so go get your L2m3r bot now!

Carmack and Hollendshead Interviews
by Awoq @ Tue 08-15-2000 17:27

The GameSpot TV website has written and 40 minute streaming interviews up on their website from QuakeCon 2000. In the spotlight are interviews with id Software's John Carmack, and Todd Hollendshead. More coverage of the last QuakeCon event can be found on the Gamespot TV site as well.

GameSpy2mIrc 3.1
by Awoq @ Tue 08-15-2000 17:13

GameSpy2mIrc, a script for people using GameSpy and Mirc who want their buddies to know where they are playing, has released a new 3.1 version. The new release fixes some bugs provided by user feedback.

Q3Fortress Interview
by Awoq @ Tue 08-15-2000 16:11

Planet Quake's HellChick has posted an in-depth interview with some of the makers of the Quake III Fortress mod while covering this years QuakeCon. Some of the things covered in this interview are who the team is, how many are on the team, what skills the team possess, what they accomplished at QuakeCon and how long the mod has been in development.

Quake3Files.com Redesign
by Awoq @ Wed 08-16-2000 10:30

Quake3Files.com has a new site design and is now up and running. The site offers a lot of resources (currently 397 files) for just about every aspect of Quake 3. Here is a partial list of Q3A files you can pick up on their site.
  • Bot makers and other bot stuff.
  • Codeing programs.
  • User config files.
  • Map editors.
  • Mods.
  • Point releases.
  • Prefabs
  • Server-Browsers
  • Utilities
More can be found on the Quake3Files.com site.

Mr Elusive Interview
by Awoq @ Tue 08-15-2000 13:26

The news hounds at Stomped were busy at QuakeCon this year and has yet another interview on tap for us today. This time it is with id Software's bot programer Jan Paul "Mr. Elusive" van Waveren. The interview covers how he landed his job at id, how he works as a contract employee, his views on working at id and gets into some of his work on the Team Arena mission pack.

DiGiTALYS FunNames Editor 1.6
by Awoq @ Tue 08-15-2000 13:07

DiGiTALYS FunNames Editor 1.6 has been released. This nifty editor turns your boring name into artwork with ease.
Here's a list of some of the name editors features.
  • Colored names in Q3A.
  • User friendly interface
  • Color toolbar
  • Special characters toolbox
  • Real time preview.
  • OpenGL powered engine.
  • Allows special symbols.
  • Spell checker.
  • Allows custom backgrounds.
DiGiTALYS FunNames Editor is available in both English and Spanish versions.

Q3Plug Release
by Awoq @ Tue 08-15-2000 12:23

Q3Plug, a rewrite of the popular Q2Plug-Plugin by John Carmack, Jack Mathews and Dave Kirsch which provides information about Quake 3 Arena servers such as game settings and connected players, has been made available to the public. This version 1.0b2 release has been tested with Internet Explorer versions 4.0, 5.0, 5.5, Netscape Navigator version 4.x and Opera version 4.0 on Microsoft Windows 98 and Windows 2000 Professional and should work with all other browsers as well.

More Navy Seals
by Awoq @ Tue 08-15-2000 12:12

The Navy Seals mod squad have added a new screenshot of their H&K PSG-1 7.62mm Rifle to their growing arsenal of weapons. More screens of most of their weapons and some of their maps can be found on their site.

Paul Jaquays Interview
by Awoq @ Mon 08-14-2000 13:09

Stomped has a short interview with id Software's level designer Paul Jaquays on his work in Quake 3: Team Arena, his goals in creating a level, and a little about his work in the new Doom game.

New Rocket Arena for Servers
by Awoq @ Mon 08-14-2000 12:48

Another update of Rocket Arena, for servers only, has been released bringing the server version to 1.3. Included in this release are some fixes for some annoying bugs and some user requested enhancements.
Here's the list.
  • Fixed Physics (for real!) same as baseq3 now.
  • Fixed missing rails/rocket explosions.
  • In competition mode teams must be even before the round starts.
  • In competition mode players must "ready up" before round 1 starts.
  • Time limit waits until the current clan arena match in progress is done.
  • Level changes after 30 sec if no one hits ready on time limit.

Q-Workshop³ Moves to Stomped
by Awoq @ Mon 08-14-2000 00:12

For all of those Q3A map editors or budding map editors out there, Q-Workshop³ has moved to Stomped.com and is now open for business. On tap at the website there are currently 68 Q3Radiant tutorials in the following categories.
  • Newbie Mapper
  • Basic to Advanced Mapper
  • Capture the Flag
  • Entity Specific
  • Texture Entities
  • Texture Creation
  • Bots
  • Modeling (Milkshape / 3DSMax)
  • Miscellaneous Information
Anyone interested in modeling really should check out the Q-Workshop³ website and grab some of the invaluable mapping information they provide.

The Warriors Elite
by Awoq @ Sun 08-13-2000 16:24

We would like to welcome The Warriors Elite as a new part of our clan lineup at clans.q3arena.com. Anyone interested in having their clan hosted should check out our clan signup page.

Navy Seals Screenshots
by Awoq @ Sun 08-13-2000 12:32

The Navy Seals team have posted 12 new screenshots of their "estate" map giving us a pretty good look at the architecture and mood of the map. Also up on their site are weapons pictures of the MP5a5 and Macmillan.

A Day at id Software
by Awoq @ Sat 08-12-2000 16:01

Gamespy's HellChick has an article of what happened the last time she was invited to id Software. The article delves into just what happens in one of the worlds most famous game headquarters from the moment you step into the front door. Some of the layout of the offices is also covered as well as how they break the different sections of the work load down. All in all, the article is very interesting and well worth a look.

Dreamcast for Q3A News
by Awoq @ Sat 08-12-2000 10:44

During last weekends Quakecon, Stomped interviewed Sega of America producer Scott Hawkins on the Dreamcast port of Q3A. Included in the interview is when Q3A will be released (Oct 10) and what compromises will be involved in porting the game to the console. The interview is a good read for anxious console fans biting their nails waiting for Q3A to hit the Sega shelves.

New Overkill Version and No Class
by Awoq @ Fri 08-11-2000 13:28

Long time mapper Wiebo de Wit has reworked his popular Q3A level "Overkill" and is now offering this new version to the public addressing a few bugs reported by users.
Changes in the new version are:
  • Fixed clip brushes so walking in skies and over rooftops is no longer possible
  • Added teamplay support
  • Fixed shader name to prevent shader over-writes
Also available on his site is his new Q3A level titled "No Class". The map was three months in the making and features a large map for teams of 4. The level was designed with the Challenge Pro Mode mod in mind, but it will also do nicely with standard Quake 3 Team play and FFA. Bot support is in so everyone can enjoy this map.
Be sure to grab both maps at Wiebo de Wit's website.

Coliseum2 1.9 Progress Update
by Awoq @ Fri 08-11-2000 13:05

The Coliseum2 team have sent in a progress update for the next release of Coliseum2 v1.9.
Here's what they have to say about the upcoming release.
Major efforts are underway to bring teamplay/clan features into the next version of Coliseum2 1.9. Features already implemented include a full featured voting menu with a built in mini-console so that everything can be done while still watching the action. Also complete is a user customizable weapon prioritization system for effective weapon auto-switch. A referee mode has already been programmed with optional password entry and full voting capability.

To Do:
  • Team locking/unlocking.
  • Clan names for team games.
  • IP ban/filter with optional include or exclude command.
  • Name ban/filter with optional include or exclude option.
  • Individual player Ready/Not Ready state for team games.
  • Time out.
Also, there is a screenshot of the voting menu on their website for those of you who are interested in seeing it.

Team Arena News
by Awoq @ Fri 08-11-2000 01:36

Planet Quake received a few words shedding some light about the deathmatch gameplay mode in the up-coming Team Arena expansion pack for Q3A from id Software's Robert Duffy when he was asked the following question.

I was wondering, will all the new features like powerups/weapons be available in DM? I doubt id will release DM maps that are compatible; however, if it's possible, will we end up seeing a surge of Team Arena DM maps from the community?

All of the weapons and items in Team Arena are fully usable in all game types but the Team Arena maps have the class based powerup set for team play only. There is no reason why community mappers cannot produce maps where the class powerups work in Deathmatch. Balancing might be an issue but as long as care is taken it would work out fine.

Eternal Arena v2.5
by Awoq @ Thu 08-10-2000 01:51

Coven's Eternal Arena mod for Q3A is offering a new 2.5 version on their website. On tap for this version are a lot of new features, fixes and changes.
Here's the list.
  • 3D spiral railtrails effect in InstaGib Railguns gamemode
  • Railgun recharge colour as in player settings
  • Cvar no team skin colours new option on menu
  • Cvar weapon position new option on menu
  • Cvar warmup time new option on menu
  • Cvar do a warmup new option on menu
  • Cvar game speed new option on menu
  • Cvar game gravity new option on menu
  • Cvar knockback new option on menu
  • Cvar scoreboard over podiums new option on menu
  • bugfix additional registered item icons on gameloading
  • Plasma bombs changed from bouncing to impact bombs
  • Award presentation back at game end

New Weapons Factory Arena
by Awoq @ Wed 08-09-2000 01:48

Weapons Factory Arena, a great mod for Q3A, has released version 1.01. The release is available in full downloads for Windows, Linux, and Mac users as well as patches for their last version. This new version addresses many bugs and has a few tweaks to the popular engineer's magnotron grenade. More info can be found on the Weapons Factory Arena website.

New Powerpillz
by Awoq @ Tue 08-08-2000 21:03

Powerpillz, the Q3A mod where teams hunt each other down and look for powerpillz to enhance their experience, has released version 1.0 taking the mod out of beta. New in this release are a boat load of enhancements and fixes. Here's the list.
  • Fixed "Denied" message bug when a controlling player stands next to powerpill he cannot pick up
  • Starting ammo adjusted to 5 rockets/grenades, 5 rails, 50 lightning cells or 50 plasma cells.
  • Players can now choose 2 weapons: a primary (between rocket, rail and plasma) and a secondary (between shotgun, grenade and lightning)
  • Weapon choice menu modified for primary and secondary weapons.
  • The name of the person who got the pill is now mentioned.
  • Hunted players can now initiate a kamikaze attack.
  • Light effect and icons added to kamikaze players to make them more easily seen.
  • Sound errors when picking up powerpill sorted.
  • Kamikaze sounds and timer added to client.
  • Kamikaze countdown sound muted when player dies before explosion.
  • Kamikaze countdown now displayed as proper "x.xxx" format.
  • Indication of what team is on control now added to HUD.
  • Superplayer indicated on the HUD by the powerpill model or icon.
  • Kamikaze key binding added to the setup controls screen.
  • Added new ammunition model to prevent confusion.
More info can be found at AZ Development, the makers of the mod.

Rocket Arena 3 Server Release
by Awoq @ Tue 08-08-2000 10:16

For those of you running Rocket Arena 3 servers, a new version 1.1 patch has been released. The new version is compatible with all clients and has the following changes in it.
  • Fixed spawn-in-other players
  • You now "detach" when going into free flying where you were tracking
  • Made location cvar serverinfo
  • Changed rounding to fix physics
  • Kill everyone that falls off ra3map4
  • Admin setting falling damage off works
  • Allow voting falling damage works
  • "lockcount" arena option added (default 6)
  • Documented RA3-specific banning options
This small patch is only 358KB on the Rocket Arena 3 site so sure to grab this important server update to keep your server running smoothly

Free E-Mail from Q3Arena.com
by Bomb @ Mon 08-07-2000 16:38

We are now offering free e-mail accounts to everyone in the community! Click here to go and sign up for your cool e-mail address!

Just a few features include:

  • Branding: Q3Arena.com means quality. Show others your community spirit by sporting an @q3arena.com address! By going with Q3Arena.com's free e-mail service, you're using only the best!

  • 6 MB Quota: All accounts come equipped with a 6 megabyte quota for e-mail and attachments. Most services only give you 3 MB, restricting the amount of mail you can store and limiting attachments.

  • Send Multiple Attachments: All accounts have the ability to send multiple attachments. Currently users can upload 3 attachments at once. There is no limit on the size of the attachments.

  • Privacy and Spam Controls: We understand that privacy and spam is a big issue, so all accounts come with filters and other controls for a more enjoyable e-mail experience.

  • Accessibility: You can access your free Q3Arena.com mail from anywhere in the world with just a simple web browser! Accounts also have the ability to check any other POP (Post Office Protocol) accounts you have and display the results in your account.

  • Classic CTF Beta .99c Released
    by Awoq @ Mon 08-07-2000 11:55

    Last night, the Classic CTF team released beta .99c of their mod complete with a grappling hook and power up techs.
    Here are just a few of the many features you will find in this release.
    • Grappling hook (with Q1 style damage)
    • Threewave CTF style Runes(Techs)
    • Q1 style Super Nailgun
    • Q1 style Lightning discharge
    • Q2 style Weaponstay
    • Q2 style armor classes
    • Q2 style ladders and additional mapping features
    • Q2 style flag trails
    • Q3 default physics
    • Power screen (not shield like Q2)
    • Limited Invulnerability spawning
    • Improved side-by-side scoreboard and smaller HUD
    • Weapon/Ammo/Rune/Armor/Flag dropping
    • Chat parsing variables for improved teamplay
    More features, as well as the beta download, can be found on the Classic CTF site.

    SPQ3 Mod Screenshots
    by Awoq @ Mon 08-07-2000 11:40

    The SPQ3 (Single Player in Q3A) mod team have some new screenshots posted showing off some of the architecture in their new maps. As the team returns from their vacations, we can expect a lot more activity on the SPQ3 site in the near future.

    Full Metal Jacket Video
    by Awoq @ Mon 08-07-2000 11:09

    The Full Metal Jacket team has produced an 18.8 MB video (complete with sounds) of their alpha version showing off their mod based on the Viet Nam war. Also available are quite a few screenshots of the alpha. Be sure to check it all out on the Full Metal Jacket site.

    Requiem for Q3A version 0.8
    by Awoq @ Mon 08-07-2000 02:34

    Requiem for Q3A version 0.8 has been released. Here's what the Requiem team has to say about this release.
    New weapons, new serverside settings, enhance HUD, and so much more! Just a small piece of what's new:

    • Explosive suicide RSG (Radioactive Slug Gun) weapon; don't walk too close to the radioactive material!
    • RBFG (Really BFG) weapon; the more ammo you have, the bigger it gets. And 100% ammo = BIG!
    • Pulverisor weapon; (replaces requiem chaingun) 5 high-speed nails per shot.
    • Mirroed team damage (server option) - hurt your teammates = hurt yourself.
    • The nails in the touch-grenade are back!
    • Easier option for selecting alternate weapons (*ONE* key to do the job)
    This is meant to be a feature-complete version of Requiem for the 1.0 series. Upcomming version 0.9 will be for bugfixing and tuning, with a final release version 1.0. Check it out and please provide feeback to q3reqsupport@reqoning.com so that we can provide a stable, well-balance release in the near future!

    Quake III Menu v.1.06
    by Bomb @ Sun 08-06-2000 12:18

    Version 1.06 of the Quake III Menu has been released, adding more functionality to the program. This new edition includes:

  • New servers in both old and new countries

  • New and improved team messages system (44 messages)

  • More models

  • More scripts

  • Bots commands

  • Personal menu (Names, e-mail, homepage and a lot more)

  • Support of Rocket Arena Quake 3 (with new crosshair, commands and more)

  • Quake III Menu is a program that adds a menu with a lot of useful bindings (over 850) to make it easy for all players to play Quake III: Arena. Click here to check it out!

    Todd Hollenshead Interview @ Stomped
    by Bomb @ Sun 08-06-2000 12:04

    Stomped got id Sofware's CEO Todd Hollenshead to sit down for a few moments for a quick interview at QuakeCon 2000. Check out the exclusive interview by clicking here!

    WFA 1.1 Release Scheduled for Tuesday
    by Bomb @ Sun 08-06-2000 12:01

    Weapons Factory Arena will be releasing a patch to the current 1.0 version to fix a serious exploitable bug. This new release is scheduled for Tuesday of next week. They are also working to get some new art and models in by this date also. This coincides with the PC Gamer release of WFA hitting newstands next week. People that buy the PC Gamer in order to load WFA can install it from disk, and then download a 2 mb patch in order to play.

    Help Wanted
    by Bomb @ Sun 08-06-2000 11:57

    We are looking for a few good people to help us work on some upcoming sites within our network. We are particularly interested in reviewers, writers, and news updaters.


  • Unreal/Unreal Tournament

  • Diablo/Diablo II

  • Halo

  • Doom Series

  • More titles will come soon. If you are interested in any of the games and positions above, then please give me a shout by mailing bomb@q3arena.com. Thanks!

    Urban Terror Released!
    by Awoq @ Sun 08-06-2000 11:48

    As promised, Urban Terror was released yesterday. The beta is available in 4 flavors and weighs in at around 22 MB. Even though some maps are included in the beta download, you will still need to get their 4.89 MB map pack offered separately. More information including a partial server list is available on the Urban Terror site.

    Good ol' reruns
    by Blitz @ Sat 08-05-2000 17:47

    Since the nostalgia of old TV shows, movies, music and clothes is always fun, I decided to do the same with an old web site. I have reopened the old Quake2.com site for people to poke around through. Why not play a rerun while Paul is away on vacation :)

    Quakecon 2000 Coverage
    by Bomb @ Fri 08-04-2000 17:59

    Now that QuakeCon 2000 is here, there are many places that are offering coverage of (quite frankly) the biggest event of the year. :)

    Be sure to check out the following places:

    PlanetQuake's QuakeCon 2K Page

    News pages offering coverage:


    Z-Axis Map Review: Coral CTF
    by Bomb @ Thu 08-03-2000 23:51

    Z-Axis has posted a review on the Q3A map called Coral CTF, which is is a great little CTF map that is set on a tropical island that is surrounded by the shark infested waters. Who can dominate on this island? Who will control the red armor? Who will stay back and watch the fort? Check it out by clicking here.

    Off on a Mini Vacation
    by Awoq @ Thu 08-03-2000 00:40

    I'm off on a mini vacation to the Redwood National Forest until Sunday. Standing amongst the 200 - 300 ft. Redwood trees should be an awesome experience. Our ace reporter Bomb will be taking my place for a few days bringing you all the latest Q3A news.

    PakScape v0.11
    by Awoq @ Wed 08-02-2000 18:50

    PakScape, a pak/pk3/vol explorer, has released version 0.11 on the Maldavria site.
    Here's a partial list of revisions since the last version.
    • Daikatana pak support.
    • Starsiege vol support (uncompressed).
    • Context menus.
    • Somewhat improved progress indicator.
    • Don't force lowercase names.
    • Only recompress file if previous compression level is lower than user's choice.
    • Separate pk3 and zip compression choices.
    • Plus lots more!
    Check out the Maldavria site for more information.

    Urban Terror Stuff
    by Awoq @ Wed 08-02-2000 11:43

    The Urban Terror team has posted a full motion trailer and theme music (15 MB) on their website available in both AVI and Quicktime formats. Also, they have a post on the missing readme file from their map releases explaining exactly where to put the maps and the information on your hard drive. Another part of todays post deals with the missing map from Gerbil called mbase. They now have an alternate download area for the map. More information can be found on the Urban Terror page.

    Longevity v0.9 for Q3A
    by Awoq @ Wed 08-02-2000 11:22

    The author of Longevity, a server side modification for Q3A that changes the scoring system, has released version 0.9.
    Here's some of what the author has to say about the mod.
    LONGEVITY is a server side mod that attempts to shake up the scoring system of Quake 3 Arena. You get points based on the damage you do. In addition Longevity balances the game in favor of the losing player on an attack-per-attack basis. Thus significant skill is required not only to get ahead, but also to stay ahead.
    More information on the mod can be found on the Longevity page.

    Urban Terror News
    by Awoq @ Tue 08-01-2000 14:09

    The Urban Terror team has released the Server files (win 32 and linux) for the Quake 3 mod Urban Terror in anticipation of the Beta 1 client release on the 5th.

    6 Map Reviews!
    by Awoq @ Tue 08-01-2000 13:14

    The BackBurner has sent word that they now have 6 Q3A map reviews ready for human consumption.
    Here's the list of what's on tap today.
    • Short Circuit
    • distonic
    • The Tower
    • The Kristall Keep
    • The Sinister Zone Remake
    • The Cross of Pain

    New Eternal Arena
    by Awoq @ Tue 08-01-2000 13:02

    Coven's Eternal Arena for Q3A has released another version bring it to v2.4.
    Here's the list of new things in this release.
    • Bouncing Plasma Bombs
    • Cluster Grenades use 4 ammo now
    • When using cluster grenade if you run out of ammo it will revert to just shooting the normal grenade instead
    • bugfix Cluster Grenades starting as on
    • bugfix not decloaking when fire grapple
    • bugfix other players not hearing cloaking sound
    • By public demand the flamethrower has been removed from startup weapons

    New JailBreak Arena
    by Awoq @ Tue 08-01-2000 12:40

    The final beta version of JailBreak Arena for Q3A has been released as three different downloads . The full version contains everything in the mod, a no bot version suggested for servers and those who do not want bots, and there is a preview version for those who just want to try JailBreak.
    Whats new in this version? Here's the list.
    • Bots
    • Clan Mode
    • Custom Weapon Switching
    • Dropable Items
    • Lots of fixed bugs
    • 6 new maps
    • New nibbles levels
    More information can be found on the JailBreak Arena site.

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