Quake 3 Still Good For Tourney

by tIKi_mAn @ [03:18 PM] October 19 2004
A new bracket is starting up, called
The Central Havoc Invitationals, featuring RA3 as their first run. If you think your team has what it takes, check it out.
"The league’s first season will be open to teams from all over North America. We invite competitive teams from any mod to come register."
Though unfortunate it is currently limited to players in the North Americas, prizes include GeForce 6800's and other powerful goodies.
Doom 3 GOLD

by DGhost @ [03:08 PM] July 14 2004
The word is out, the planet is shacking, Doom 3 is officially GOLD, here's the .plan from Todd
Welcome to id Software's Finger Service V1.5!
Name: Todd Hollenshead
Description: CEO
Last Updated: 07/14/2004 12:36:49 (Central Standard Time)
7-14-2004 11:52 AM CDT
IT'S DONE!!!!!!!
Yes, this is the official word that DOOM 3 has been code released and has been approved for manufacturing!
It won't be long now until the anticipation ends and the PH34R begins ;-) We literally just hung up with
Activision and have confirmed that our latest release candidate has been mutually approved and is finally
GOLD. Thanks to everyone for their patience (yeah right! =) and for everyone at id, Activision and our
numerous partners for helping us create what I believe is absolutely the best game we have ever made.
So, the next question is release dates. Retailers in the States will be allowed to pick up games starting
at 12:01 AM on August 3rd. The official street date is actually August 5th in the U.S.A., but some of
your favorite stores will probably have it early for those of you who have to have it first. Check with
your local retailer for that information.
Internationally, the game will take a few more days to make it to the store shelves. The UK will probably get it first, on or about August 6th. Everywhere else will probably be Friday, August 13th (que Twilight Zone Theme) or close to that date, with just a few exceptions (e.g. Russia and Poland). This isn't
because we don't have love for you folks outside the U.S., but the localization and manufacturing process
takes a bit longer outside the U.S. where we will have JVC run 24/7 to get the units built. I guess the
European manufacturers prefer to give their employees nights and weekends off. Go figure!
The champagne is flowing here at id and smiles abound!
I'll update again with some DOOM 3 preparation tips (not what hardware to buy - you'll have to wait for
a programmer for that sort of thing). In the meantime, I want to see those "DOOM 3 GOLD!!!" threads set
new records for swamping message board servers, destroying productivity, and post counts ;-)
Recapping today's headlines....DOOM 3 GOLD!!!
Full press release is
here. I couldn't stop myself from posting that! :) At last, time for me to upgrade my computer!
QuakeCon 2004 CTF Tourney Updates

by tIKi_mAn @ [11:03 AM] July 14 2004
After getting much feedback (or complaining)
QuakeCon.Org has updated the Q3 CTF maplist to the following: q3ctf2, q3w2, q3wcp1, q3wcp9, and q3wcp15. Leave a comment on what you think about that if you are playing, so far they are intresting. Of course, full tournament details and more on the
QuakeCon site.
MilkShape 3D Update

by tIKi_mAn @ [10:55 PM] July 09 2004
Q3 Modelers might want to swing by the
Chumbalum Soft site to check out the latest update to MilkShape 3D. Lots of updates, and a few new features. Just don't forget to keep it refrigerated.
Q3Map 2.5.15

by tIKi_mAn @ [11:01 PM] July 09 2004
ydnar survived his bike trek across the US, and back in action pushing out another update to Q3Map2. Along the fixes some some new toys for mappers.
- New: q3map_rgbGen, q3map_rgbMod or q3map_colorGen, q3map_colorMod
- New: q3map_alphaGen const (like q3map_alphaMod set)
- New: q3map_noVertexLight to suppress overwriting of vertex rgb
Swing by
SplashDamage Forums for all the details, and a picture of ydnar half way to LA.
QuakeCon 2004 Tournaments

by tIKi_mAn @ [11:01 PM] July 09 2004
Now if that does not scream a good reason to go to QuakeCon, I am not sure what does. Amoung the toureys will the the first ever DooM3 tourney, Q3 One on One, and Four on Four Q3 CTF. Hope to see you there.
Happy Fourth of July! (USA)

by awoq @ [02:34 PM] July 04 2004
The staff of Q3Arena.com would like to wish everyone a very happy 4th of July. May your celebrations be both fun and safe.
Fun Mod goes Live

by tIKi_mAn @ [01:11 PM] June 18 2004
After the better part of two and a half years, the
World of Padman mod team has finally released their cartoon fun mod! The mod itself weighs 335MB and has plenty of mirrors available for both the Win32 and Linux/Mac versions - and some game servers listed for you to try the mod out with.
Nation Clan Action

by tIKi_mAn @ [09:34 AM] May 24 2004
Latest results from
ClanBase Q3 DM Nations, Russia beat the UK 2 - 0. Maps played were ospdm5 Russia's choice, q3dm14tmp UK's choice. Full game details and screenshots on ClanBase
Q3A DM Nations page.
BG-COMP1 Results are in!

by tIKi_mAn @ [09:15 AM] May 17 2004
Burial Grounds have finally released the results from the BG-COMP1 Map Comp!
"With 10 maps submitted you would think this would be easy. Well, what we lacked in quantity we more then made up for with quality...however there could only be one winner and today it's Daniel 'ALMighty' Alm with his map Arena 13."
Runners up were The Last Arena by Grudge in second, and Shake Your Body by Strahlemann. All the results are ready for your viewing pleasure here, on the Burial Grounds Site.
Urban Updates

by tIKi_mAn @ [02:27 PM] May 16 2004
The folks over at
Urban Terror patched up an expliot for us with a 500kb update patch, bringing the current version up to 3.6. Check out the
site for details and download locations.
EuroCup IX Playoffs

by tIKi_mAn @ [12:54 PM] May 09 2004
Clanbase reports that Q3A CTF EuroCup IX playoffs kick off tonight. Poll was in favour of FOE vs reCap at 19:00 CET. Check out the
EuroCup IX page on ClanBase for the details and info on upcoming events.
More pain for everyone

by tIKi_mAn @ [12:20 PM] April 29 2004
PainKeep Arena 3.0 has been released today, along with goodies for level developers.
"Would you like to make a map filled to the brim with pain and despair? Now you can! We have also released the source materials for the Level Designers to create their own masterpiece Painkeep maps!. The source materials will enable Level Designers to develop PainKeep Arena maps using a custom entity file as well as map source from a production map."
More information and downloads on the
PainKeep Arena website.
QuakeCon 2004

by tIKi_mAn @ [12:31 PM] April 14 2004
Tonight, 9PM EDT. Register.
In understandable terms, now is the time to signup for QuakeCon 2004! You can read the newly posted FAQ about QuakeCon on the official site,
QuakeCon.Org if you have any questions about the event. Hope to see you there!
Keep with updated with the Pain

by tIKi_mAn @ [05:57 PM] April 08 2004
This has the time to update your mods, and here is yet another one. PainKeep Arena 3.0 is ready for download. Sporting twenty new arenas, new set of weapons and much more. Head on over to the
PainKeep Arena site for all the details and downloads.
More Mod Updates

by tIKi_mAn @ [01:19 PM] April 04 2004
This past friday
Urban Terror 3.4 was released for Q3. This is to be the last update for the Q3 version since now they are putting work into Urban Terror for Enemy Territory.
Also this afternoon Navy Seals 1.91a for Q3 is to be released.
"In previous versions of Navy Seals, we had 2 different scopes, one for seals and one for tangos - by far not realistic. Therefore we now have different scopes for M4, AK47, M14, PSG1, MacMillan and SL8SD."
That and plenty more game enhancments to show up this round. Stop by the
Navy SEALs: Covert Operations site for all the details.
Threewave 1.7 release date

by DGhost @ [03:34 PM] March 23 2004
Kilderean has given us the date for the release of
Threewave 1.7. Here's a copy/paste from
their forums :
Well, do or die, i'll release 1.7 on monday the 29th of march.
It'll be 1.7 RC4 + very minor changes fixes.
At last, an update to my favorite mod!
Excessive Source

by tIKi_mAn @ [09:57 PM] March 22 2004
For anyone intrested in the Excessive Overkill mod by Mr. Pants, one of the greatest time killing mods out there, the source code has been released for your viewing pleasure. Take a gander past
Mr Pants Excessive Overkill for the goods.
QuakeCon 2004 Plans are set!

by tIKi_mAn @ [03:48 PM] March 16 2004
It is that time of year again, well, the time to start planning for that time of year. Going to QuakeCon is any players dream.
“QuakeCon is the Woodstock of gaming, with thousands of fans from around the world coming together for 4-days of non-stop competition, parties, and just hanging out with friends,” said Todd Hollenshead, CEO, id Software. “QuakeCon attendees expect the biggest and best -- they won’t be disappointed. There simply is no equal.”
Start putting those plans in line, LAN dates set for August 12th tot he 15th in Mesquite Texas. Head on over to the Official QuakeCon site for all the details.
RA3 Update

by tIKi_mAn @ [06:46 PM] March 12 2004
New version of RA3 was relased this week. New features include:
- Support for custom team names
- New scoreboard
- Built in HTTP server for dedicated servers
- Database player stats tracking
and more!
Check out the
Rocket Arena website for downloads and details.
Peek into Reaction Quake3

by tIKi_mAn @ [06:21 PM] March 09 2004
Reaction Quake3 brings us a little update about their next upcoming release. Some of the items include:
- Fixed a bug in the sky portal code that prevented it to work in certain situations.
- Fixed a "Bad gEnt" bug that would cause a crash.
- New sun flare effects, with options to control the sun flare size, opacity, sprite count.
- New impact effects for snow and grass surfaces.
You can read up on all the features to come out in v3.2 March 13th here, on the
Reaction Quake3 site.

by tIKi_mAn @ [11:07 AM] March 07 2004
Got anything planned for May 8th?
Burial-Grounds is hosting their fourth LAN party! For $25US you too can to eat and frag. Hey if you plan to be somewhere around Massachusetts in May why not? You can catch all the rules and other info
here at the Burial-Grounds.
Finally, It is Friday!

by tIKi_mAn @ [04:19 PM] March 05 2004
That's right, and soon
Friday Night Frag Fest will be in full swing. Tonight the FnFF servers will be running Excessive and Instamush. Check out the times and map rotations
here. Hope to see you there!
Q3Map2.5.13 Released

by tIKi_mAn @ [03:50 PM] March 04 2004
Calling all mappers: Ydnar has released an updated Q3Map2, version 2.5.13. One of the coolest features looks to be the new Convert, so you can take a Jedi Academy map and compile it for Enemy Territory for example. Get the whole scoop over on the
Splash Damage Forums.
Deathmatch of the Game Kind

by tIKi_mAn @ [05:24 PM] March 03 2004
Which is better, Quake or Duke Nukem? On
The Ultimate Gaming Grudge, where gamers vote for their favourite games, that is exactly what we can tell them... Quake of course! Jump in and vote!
Frozen Again...

by tIKi_mAn @ [05:54 PM] March 02 2004
The initial release for
Freeze For All is out for download. This is a server side mod which supports Q3, Q3:TA and Star Trek Elite Force. What makes F4A slick is the amount of tweaking you can do to get the server set up exactly how you like. Take a swing by their place for all the details and downloads.

by DGhost @ [08:52 PM] February 29 2004
tIKi_mAn will now be takin care of Q3Arena.com for keeping up to dates with everything that is going on in the Quake community! Welcome aboard tIKi_mAn!
Good bye and thank for all the fish... err fun

by DGhost @ [04:15 PM] January 29 2004
It is with great regret that I am announcing that this will be my last post on this webpage. After more than 2 years of postings news about our small community of Quake 3 (and anything related to Quake), I must say that my heart is not in it anymore. The Quake 3 community is still alive and I always be a part of it but I find myself having less time for this daily job. Quake 3 Arena is one of the greatest multiplayer games that I've ever found out and I will always be playing it. With Doom 3 and Quake 4 coming, the hype about these games will go much more higher and Quake 3 will always be there but in the shadows of their successor.
The ride has been fun for the last 2 year and even my english improved by doing that. This job gave me the chance to encounter a lot of nice people in the Quake community and I'm very glad for that.
In order to let this page goes on, we are curently looking for someone to be the main news blogger. If you think that you got what it takes to post news about the Quake community (you know how to make a sentence do you?), please send me an email with a quick description of why you would like to that. You can send me an email to dghost@q3arena.com
All the ressources, the links and the forums on the webpage of Q3Arena.com will be available, don't worry about that.
Have fun gang!
Rocket Arena 3 version 1.75 Beta1 is available.

by DGhost @ [02:27 PM] January 23 2004
A beta version for
Rocket Arena 3 version 1.75 is available for download at the moment. You can check the changelog
here for this version and you can submit any bugs found on this forum thread
here. This is a beta version, not an offical one. Thank to
PQ3.net for bringing this up!
The Burial-Ground level design contest

by DGhost @ [12:37 PM] January 22 2004
Burial-Ground website has launched a new
contest for a level design! Lemme copy/paste the goal of the competition:
The goal of the Burial-Grounds level design contest is to promote intriguing themes for the modern day Quake 3 levels. Here at the Burial-Grounds, we appreciate the visual and audio ambiance that a designer can bring to his/her maps, just as much as we enjoy the technical merit and finely tuned gameplay. The Burial-Grounds level design team have always strived to create thickly themed environments where a player can not only experience fun, unique gameplay, but also encourages exploration and discovery.
Your challenge is to create an environment with an engaging theme, thick ambiance and stunning visuals, all without sacrificing gameplay. After all, what good is a great looking map if no one will take the time to play it. So, although the theme and your ability to adhere to it will be the focal point of the overall judging, the levels playability and "fun" will factor in to it's final score.
The deadline for the contest is the 18 of april 2004. Can't wait to see what kind of maps we will get from this contest!
Petition for a Quake 3 Arena - 1.33 PR

by DGhost @ [11:11 AM] January 22 2004
Sea, project leader and main coder on the TC
Reload Network has started a
thread on their developpement forum which is a petition for a new point release for Quake 3 Arena. The features he's requesting are mostly oriented for mod devellopers and a couple of good ideas are proposed. Check out the
thread for the petition.
Urban Terror update and more

by DGhost @ [08:27 PM] January 16 2004
The website of
UrbanTerror.net is back online (with a new design) and the
manual of Urban Terror has also been updated. On top of that, a new version of the mod will be out today, making it to Urban Terror version 3.2. Here's the changelog of the incoming 3.2 version:
New g_gear cvar to limit weapons on servers (pistols only, etc).
Reinstated the Colt M4.
The AK-103 and IMI Negev support the laser sight.
Modifed menu color schemes
New flag models, night vision goggle models and updated the LR300 model.
Updated player skins.
Updated Capture & Hold game play.
Knives are now throwable (again).
Reduced bombsite radius.
Timer fixed
Precinct & Rommel updated
and much more...
Hit the website of
Urban Terror for all the details!
Update : It's out, you can get the TC here.
Protosphere version 5.0

by DGhost @ [02:03 PM] January 16 2004
A new version of a total conversion for Quake 2 is now available, called
Protosphere. Here's a small snip from the concept of this TC:
The Maps are being designed to be as realistic and possible, to enhance the playing environment and enhance the users perspective of where they are playing. The Grappling Hook from, the Quake II CTF DLL is also being modified to fit the use of the game as well. All this and more are what this game aims to deliver.
Check out the screenshots
here or download the TC
PB server update

by DGhost @ [02:17 PM] January 15 2004
New PunkBuster update for the server side of Quake 3 Arena. This update bring a new tool for Quake 3 admin with the
MD5 tool. Check out the webpage of
EvenBalance.com for all the details.
You have been summoned

by DGhost @ [07:31 PM] January 10 2004
Evillair is pretty busy these days, with his recent textures packs now he just released a new map designed for CPMA for 2 to 4 players. Called
The Summoning, the map is trully a good 'ol classic Gothic map. You almost feel at home in there. That remind me of some good Quake 1 map.
Another preview on Doom 3

by DGhost @ [11:37 AM] January 08 2004
A good article on the website of
Computer Gaming Wold give us the latest news on the devellopement of Doom 3 @ IDsoftware. The author got a presentation fo Doom 3 by Tim Willits and there is a lot of good details if you can't wait to get the game. Screenshots of the weapons are there and the article is 3 pages long. You can read the article
A new set of textures from Evillair

by DGhost @ [02:53 PM] January 07 2004
Evillair is at it again, with a new set of textures for his birthday (happy birthday Yves)! This new set of textures (called the
eQ2) is a tribute to Quake 2 and feature 118 textures for Quake 3.
Update on IDsoftware.com

by DGhost @ [01:18 PM] January 07 2004
The website of
IDsoftware just got a small update with the information that Todd Hollenshead and Tim Willits have been granted ownership of IDsoftware. ID is now own by Adrian Carmak, John Carmak, Kevin Cloud, Tim Willits and Todd Hollenshead. Congratulation to you guys!
CPMA 1.2 released

by DGhost @ [01:59 PM] January 05 2004
CPMA version 1.2 final is out! This is only an upgrade package and the full version will come soon. This release introduce a new 1vs1 gameplay, the first CTF maps for CPMA ever, 4 new DM maps and 4 bugs where fixed. hit the website of
Challenge Promode to get all the juicy details!
Q3A Electronics - A reference of thoughts

by DGhost @ [07:33 PM] January 02 2004
What happen when you try to apply the law of electronic physic to Quake 3 itself? Well,
skOre, on the
forum of Quake3World has come up with something rather interresting for mappers out there. He actually took the logic of electronics and apply it with the mapping editor for Quake 3 Arena. The results are pretty impressive and the possibilities for many triggers in a Quake 3 map are rather good. You can get a .pdf version of his essay
here or check the .html version
here. Warning, this is a technical reading for mappers mostly. Or electronicians also!
Threewave 1.7 beta is out

by DGhost @ [01:41 PM] January 02 2004
The beta version of the
Threewave mod version 1.7 is out and you can submit in order to try it. If you want to know more about the beta testing, you can check in the IRC channel of #intrstar on the irc.enterthegame.com network.
Happy new year!

by DGhost @ [04:19 PM] January 01 2004
The staff @ Q3Arena.com would like to wish all of you a happy new year and may your wishes become all true! Happy new year for 2004!
Mescalito for Quake 1 : A new SP map

by DGhost @ [04:35 PM] December 29 2003
A new map for Quake 1 in single player has been released by
Speed on his
website called Mescalito. The map got a lot of monsters, traps and secrets, can't wait to try it out with the
Darkplaces engine!
The eCell texture set is out

by DGhost @ [06:33 PM] December 27 2003
A new set of textures was released for Quake 3 today on the website of Yves
evillair Allaire,
EvilLair.net. This new set of textures, called the eCell, are all based on cell shading technique.. Very beautiful, check out this screenshot of the textures
here. Quick note, in order to use these textures you will need to use the compiler tool of
Merry Christmas!

by awoq @ [06:34 PM] December 27 2003
The staff at Q3Arena.com wish each and everyone
a very merry Christmas and a Happy Holiday Season!
2 years already

by DGhost @ [07:02 PM] December 22 2003
Yep, today is the day that it has been 2 years exactly since I've started posting on this website. Lemme tell ya, time fly for sure! Have fun gang!
GtkRadiant version 1.4

by DGhost @ [06:48 PM] December 22 2003
The Jolt Quake 3 64 players game

by DGhost @ [02:58 PM] December 21 2003
PunkBuster update

by DGhost @ [02:12 PM] December 21 2003
Evenbalance just release a new update for Punkbuster,
no major change only a maintenance release. On the other hand, there seems to be a software that will generate a violation error for Punkbuster, here's what EvenBalance has to say on this:
We have confirmed that new software (Bigpond Toolbar used primarily in Australia) has recently been released which raises pre-existing PunkBuster violation #60045. This violation number has been removed from our system. We encourage PB Admins to give the benefit of the doubt to players and ignore instances of this violation occurring after December 3, 2003.
So there we go!
Threewave 1.7 is coming

by DGhost @ [09:05 PM] December 19 2003
Kilderean, develloper on my favorite mod,
Threewave CTF has now some spare time to code for threewave and he
announced at the end of november that he will fix some small bugs that are still left in Threewave CTF. So far the changelog look like this:
add: offhand grapple (g_offhandgrapple 1 on server, clients use +button5 to use).
add: added matchmode, lockteams and coaching to votes, you need to enable "matchmode" votes by adding 128 to the g_allowVote cvar on the server.
fix: fixed timers when pausing the game and connecting/disconnecting afterwards.
fix: not all players sent to spectator when matchmode is toggled.
fix: removed prediction on shotgun hitting other players shotgun should only draw blood if it actually hits the player.
fix: holding fire button with gauntlet doesn't work any longer after respawn.
fix: powerups cannot be disabled in portal area any longer.
fix: jumppad crashing damage when someone jumps over you.
fix: specred and specblue now set the correct forced team model.
fix: spectators are now allowed in the portal (for punkbuster).
fix: exploit where someone could do follow1 and follow2 in ctfs and arena and not be on a team.
fix: promode (pm) model icons are not loaded in team gametypes (uses correct red/blue icons).
fix: only failed votes are counted for maximum number of votes- chg: teamed spectators will now hear the last player alarm and the teammate death sound- chg: ripped out the anticheating code, gameplay should be smoother.
chg: teamed spectators will now hear the last player alarm and the teammate death sound.
chg: ripped out the anticheating code, gameplay should be smoother.
chg: improved networking of CTFS and ARENA events (no more double restarts).
No word about the release date on the next version of Threewave CTF, but rest assure that I will let you know about that.
New version for XCTF

by DGhost @ [07:27 PM] December 18 2003
A new update was just released for the
New expert Quake 3 CTF mod. Since that they're so many changes, you will need to delete you existing installation of XCTF and install the new one after that. If you never installed this mod, I suggest you to give it a try (if you are a CTF addict, it's a must to try it out). Here's the changelog:
Added some player Effects for 4 levels of health for all players, all game modes.
Made crosshairname show health for enemies ,teammates, and spectators, all game modes.(Now you'll know when to fight, and to run!)
Improved bot grappling a bit more, made them tougher to play against and less predictable while grappling(try a team game, you'll be surprised). They arent perfect, but pretty darn good offhand grappling bots.
Added "lethality" cvar for new instagib style play.
Added "railonly" cvar, which when enabled, will disable freegear, except triple rail. With this there is no gauntlet, but you still have a grapple.
Adjusted the health statusbar to show over 999 health, as playing a few bot only games i saw a few bots able to make health they had over 999.
Increased weapon firing speeds, and weapon switching speeds to smooth weapons out a bit and to not leave a player with a time where they wouldn't be able to fire for to long a period.
Adjusted the grapple to do damage and when colliding with players do damage and pull you around.
Added some new configs to run a few different gametypes.
You can get their download page
Tricky jumps

by DGhost @ [07:10 PM] December 14 2003
Planetquake3.net is hosting a
new video of trick jumping from the clan JatS. A lots of cool jumps and teamtricks. This is not a video of frags so it's only for those of you who like tricky jumps in Quake 3.
A map pack for Urban Terror

by DGhost @ [08:32 PM] December 12 2003
It's that time of the year where map pack are hitting us everywhere! Now we gotta mappack for
Urban Terror itself with words from Oswald, lemme copy/paste you the presentation of what this map pack contain:
Dragonne and QueenBee recently released the first post-Urban Terror 3 map pack which include updated versions of Druglord 1: Airstrip, Druglord 2: Harambique and Proving Grounds (night and day) from Dragonne and Desertville, Fort Dicks and Nuclear Plant from QueenBee. These new and updated levels support the current 3.1 release of Urban Terror. You can download the map pack from the Urban Terror Map Depot or from Urbanbase.DE.
Nice work!
Q3Speech now for windows

by DGhost @ [08:19 PM] December 12 2003
Q3Speech is now available for Windows! Weee, the software was only available for Linux before that but now a version for Win32 has been released. This software will take the text in the console from Quake 3 and play it with a voice on your speaker. Hey that's why it's called
Q3Speech. Thanks to
PQ3.net for the update!
Generation Arena 0.99d is out

by DGhost @ [08:07 PM] December 12 2003
Update on the
Generation Arena mod, bringing it to version 0.99d. The download page is
here. Notice that this is an upgrade only, you must have the previous version installed before getting this one.
Update on Doom3.com

by DGhost @ [10:23 AM] December 11 2003
For those of you who didn't noticed, there was a small update on the official webpage of
Doom3.com last week. Wallpapers has been added, a new trailer is there (well it's an existing trailer with new shots in it) . At the sametime, you may wanna check the
Gamespy special on the 10 years of Doom (yep, that's right, the first Doom game is now 10 years old). The
IDsoftware store has also been updated with new stuff (check out their new Doom t-shirt).
New update for DarkPlaces

by DGhost @ [03:57 PM] December 07 2003
New update to
DarkPlaces for Quake 1 from
LordHavoc. This time fixing some small bugs and also removed the limits on the 20 FPS when in the console. Lemme copy/paste his complete update here:
Added r_wateralpha cvar to the effects options menu.
No longer limits framerate to 20fps while in console because I got so many complaints about this (no REALLY that was not a bug like everyone assumes, that was a feature, just a very misunderstood one), so now it only drops to 20fps when not the active window (it already did this).
Changed hardware gamma handling in glx to no longer turn on/off based on mouse being in the window or not, but simply whether it is the active window.
Fixed 16bit video modes in Linux support. (oww this was broken, I only use 32bit :)
Fixed a bug with console parsing that existed in almost all versions of quake except quakeworld by switching to the qwcl COM_Parse for console parsing (in english: fixed connect commands involving a port, like, thanks very much to Fuh for mentioning this bug.
Removed need for gfx/menuplyr.lmp, some old unused code required it, no idea why that was still there (in english: this has no importance to quake players, only modders making standalone stuff).
Pheew there we go. Hit the webpage of
DarkPlaces in order to download this new update!
New reviews @ ..::LVL

by DGhost @ [03:48 PM] December 04 2003
Happy Birthday to Quake 2 and 3!

by DGhost @ [01:30 PM] December 02 2003
Planetquake.com was kind enough to remind us that yesterday, Quake 2 hit a year and is now 6 years old. Geee time fly so fast sometimes and now today, Quake 3 has reached 4 years! Happy birthday to both games! Am I gonna play Quake 3 even after 6 years? Probably!
Ultimate deathmatch version 1.82

by DGhost @ [01:19 PM] December 02 2003
Small update for
Ultimate Deathmatch, fixing some small bugs. The newest version is now version 1.82 (available as a patch). Check out the webpage of
Ultimate Deathmatch for all the details!
Generation Arena map pack #3

by DGhost @ [03:40 PM] December 01 2003
The Quake 3 mod,
Generation Arena has released a new map pack, (pack #3) last weekend featuring 10 new maps with an update version of Bad places (from the first map pack). The pack is about 50 megs and you can get the download page
New version for Darkplaces

by DGhost @ [03:27 PM] December 01 2003
New update, again, for the modification for Quake of
Darkplaces from
Lord Havoc mostly related to scripts and shader files. New screenshots of e1m1 with realtime lighting mode has been put on the website under the
screenshots section.
An interview with Carmack

by DGhost @ [02:31 PM] November 27 2003
Computer Gaming World got an
interview with John Carmack, programmer on Doom 3 of IDsoftware. The interview cover a lot of topics about Doom 3, the video games in general, his life (tidbits) and what he wants to do in the futur. Here's a small part of the interview:
The Future of Multiplayer:
John Carmack: It's completely questionable whether you need anything more than Quake III technology to do just about anything you need to in a multiplayer game. A lot of the time, serious deathmatches turn off all the special effects and they are still having fun because their big focus is on interaction.
And also a new game based on the engine of Doom 3 has been announced called Abducted.
Update:You may wanna read
this in order to get an update of what is going on with the Doom movie.
CPMA 1.2 beta released!

by DGhost @ [02:31 PM] November 26 2003
So there it is, CPMA 1.2 beta with a new gametype, the Hoonymode. The changes that has been done in this
beta version are rather big. Complete different gameplay for CTF now. Small bug also on the beta version there is a bug with the rocket launcher splash radius in PM1 so if you just want to play PM1, advice is, don't try it then until the next release where this bug will be fixed. PM2 is the default mode now and there is a lot of weapons tweaks. Also, the point that I find very interresting in this new update is this one:
Rocket Jump Scripts are Banned. CPMA is not the first community to start turning on itself over the issue of RJ and FRJ scripts. However in this community, a design team exists to put a stop to these kinds of trends when they start to harm the game. If left unchecked, the debate over whether scripts are “part of the game” or “cheap cheats” will hurt big and help none. We’ve taken steps that will break all known RJ scripts. We are also making it clear that from this point forth, we consider RJ scripts to be in breach of the game rules. At the end of the day, if you don’t have the skill to perform a rocket jump, you shouldn’t get to rocket jump.
What do you think about that? Should rocket jump scripts be removed from the "big" competition or not? Hit the webpage of
CPMA in order to read the changelog because the list is big!
New Chicken team map pack coming up

by DGhost @ [02:55 PM] November 25 2003
Okay I'm very late for this one, but honestly I was not prepared for a new map pack from the
Chicken Team. Playing CTF? Then if you know some of the most popular maps, you might have come across these maps:
Crosstown traffic by
Midnight Keep by
Furious by
Geit or
Bold as Love by
Juliet, these maps are all part of the original CTF map pack, The Chicken Team pack. Do I need to add that I love that pack? Well, there was an update on their webpage last month about some new members being added to the Chicken team since they are working on a new map pack! Weeee I'm so happy. Okay serious thing now:
Sock, new member on the team, is working on a
Q3CTF2 remake and
79Dieselrabbit has also been included in the team and he's working on CTCTF5 (a beta is even coming up) but no more details than that, sorry!
Punkbuster client update

by DGhost @ [01:16 PM] November 25 2003
New update for PunkBuster was released since the last week end, the pb client for Quake 3 Arena is now up to version 1.054 with the following changelog:
improved internal performancenew pb_lan setting defaults to 0; when set to 1, PB will behave as though it has no Internet accessaddressed glitch with INCLUDE type Cvar restrictionsnew pb_webupdate command adds the PBWEB functionality directly into the PB client; PBWEB should no longer be required to manually update PB clients; PunkBuster will automatically issue this command when necessary to auto-update during gameplay before going into distress mode
That's about it!
An interview with a CPMA designer

by DGhost @ [12:42 PM] November 25 2003
The website of
ESreality got a nice
interview with Richard Sandlant, a.k.a
Hoony, designer on the
CPMA mod team. An excellent reading for everybody even if you don't play CPMA, I really recommend you to read this as to get a better understanding on the different level of competition in the Quake 3 community.
Ultimate Deathmatch update

by DGhost @ [02:17 PM] November 23 2003
I received word this week by email from
ShadowWalker that
Ultimate Deathmatch version 1.80 for Quake is available for download and other news also that version 1.90 is coming since a bug has been found. Check all the details on the webpage of
Ultimate Deathmatch.
Modern day gamer 2 released

by DGhost @ [02:04 PM] November 23 2003
Found this video yesterday on
/. where
Simon Bysshe has done a
small documentary on professional gaming, called: "Modern Day Gamer 2". The documentary was done for his film class at the Bournemouth Arts Institute in the UK. The documentary is centered about folllowing a RtCW clan, the
Four Kings while they went to the QuakeCon last summer. Check this
webpage for the video or also download it via BitTorrent
here. The project is to ask whether we will see gaming become a mainstream spectator sport. Total running time is 17 minutes.
Q2 Mapping Challenge results

by DGhost @ [02:24 PM] November 21 2003
The results of the
Tiki Domain Quake II Mapping Challenge is out!
tIKi_mAn has announced the winner and here's the results:
First Place goes to Maric and the map Pile O Rocks with 81 points!Second Place to [4u2]Squirrel and the map Lava Lamp with 80 pointsThird Place to Jester and the map Over Under Done with 79 points!
All the downloads links for the maps are available on the webpage of the
results! So if you are feeling a little bit nostalgic about Quake 2, check out all these awesome maps! Congratulations to all the participants, I'll have a couple of Quake 2 maps to try out this week end!
Darkplaces build 20031119

by DGhost @ [01:35 PM] November 19 2003
New update for the engine of
Darkplaces for Quake 1!
LordHavoc just released it today with the latest build of 20031119 and fixing again some small bugs that he found out. The main bug being corrected for this release is the bullet holes in Scourge of Armagon (and any other mods using oriented sprites like he said).
Real life Quake?

by DGhost @ [11:08 AM] November 18 2003
Okay, this one is pretty original. I mean, it's not a video of a game of Quake 3 but rather a video of peoples walking around with styrofoam in their hands disguised (with computer 3D effects) as weapons for an FPS game. The video is using Quake 3 sound effect.
The project N.O.E.L. has been created by some students from the university of Linköping, Sweden as part of a course, "3D Graphics and Virtual Reality". The video is also featured on
PlanetQuake3.net and you can download it
Seismovision version 2.24

by DGhost @ [06:26 PM] November 17 2003
Yeah! Again a new version of
Seismovision is available, making it to version 2.24 and now supporting demos for Star Wars: Jedi Knight Jedi Academy and Call of Duty with the following changelog:
fixed: Quake 2 demos not playing in play list mode due to overlong alias.
fixed: Rare random deletion of game application after demo play.
added: Return to Castle Wolfenstein: Enemy Territory v1.02 (*.dm_83) demo support.
added: Star Wars: Jedi Knight Jedi Academy (dm_25 and dm_26) demo support.
added: Call of Duty (dm_1) demo support
note: Star Wars: Jedi Knight: Jedi Academy v1.01 AVA update released
note: Return to Castle Wolfenstein: Enemy Territory v1.02 AVA update released
Yaaa! Even better than before, check out the website of
Seismovision for the latest version!
Doom 3 rants

by DGhost @ [12:53 PM] November 12 2003
Last week, the
official website of Doom 3 was put online. There is nothing on the website except an image that say: Doom 3, coming soon. Also some rumors are starting about that Doom 3 will not be released before april 2004 as per
Activision financial report. Mind you I would like to remind you that this is only a rumor and as ID always say it, the game will be out when it will be ready. I will have to shop for a new video card when this game will be out and I can't still make up my mind about it.
A text to speech for Quake 3

by DGhost @ [12:18 PM] November 10 2003
Q3Speech is a small utility that will actually take the text in the console from a Quake 3 game and play it with a voice on your speaker. That's right a text to speech software for Quake 3 Arena! The software is only 12 Kb and from the readme it's says that it's pretty easy to set it up. I didn't try it yet so I can't give you my comments on it. But if you manage to make it work, your comments on this software would be good!
Grindill 2.0

by DGhost @ [12:10 PM] November 11 2003
After winning an award at the CGC (the
Computer Game conference) for his Quake 3 map, the mapper
Quaker-X has finally released his level with a few updates on it. You can also get some sweet screenshots @ the
map-center forum
here. Stop reading this and download the map right
here! Warning, this map is really good (well he didn't win an award for nothing I hope).
Q3F version 2.3 at last

by DGhost @ [10:56 AM] November 10 2003
Remember last summer that
Quake 3 Fortress had a new version for us soon? Well in the better late than never branch, the latest version is finally out!
Quake 3 Fortress version 2.3 (public beta) is here with 6 new maps, 4 maps updated from the first beta, bugs corrected and gameplay adjustements. Available for Win32, Linux and Mac, only the update patch in a .zip format is available at the moment (complete package in .zip and .exe is coming). Not fammiliar with Q3F? Take a look at the
player guide for that!
CPMA 1.2 on the cooker

by DGhost @ [01:20 PM] November 07 2003
Small update from
arQon, the developper of
CPMA about the next release of the mod, which will bring it to version 1.2. A new gametype will be included, the HUD also will have some improvements and the list of the changelog is on the website (sorry too lazy to post it here and it takes too much space). The 1.2 version should be out in early december.
New expert CTF

by DGhost @ [11:35 AM] November 06 2003
New mod in town, this one called the
New expert CTF mod or simply the XCTF version 1.0. A very small file to download but with some nice features included in CTF games. Here's a small part of the features of this new mod:
Small download (total zipped file size is 875 kb!!)Offhand grapple: (very stable at 100 ping, 140 ping a little jumpy, 200+ ping is playable) Anything under 100 ping is phenomenal.Constant ammo regen (the game starts off with 1/2 the ammo and starts regenerating.Constant health regen max 160 (from 120 when you enter the game) and there is no health limit.No armorNo items on the maps
Want a new favor for your CTF games? Give XCTF a try, you might be surprised!
UT map depot online

by DGhost @ [07:19 PM] November 04 2003
The website of
PlanetQuake3.net proudly announced today that they are sponsoring a new website dedicated to hosting and making reviews on maps for Urban Terror only, called the
UT-mapdepot.com. Check out all the custom maps on the website and their reviews if you dig
Urban Terror.
The 10K Halloween Challenge deadline is for midnight tonight!

by DGhost @ [08:59 AM] October 31 2003
10K Halloween challenge from
Bobo the Seal is almost done and contestant have up until midnight today for sending their submission on this contest. You would like to know what people have done so far? Check out this
thread on the polycount forum. The quality of models is absolutly astonishing as I have never seen so many models that look so good in one shot!
The war on cheating

by DGhost @ [08:47 AM] October 31 2003
The website of
GameForceOne got an excellent interview with Tony Ray of
EvenBalance, creator of PunkBuster. If you are interrested a little bit in the history of PB and would like to know how the software is working, you might wanna read this
The Chaotic TDM tournament

by DGhost @ [01:07 PM] October 29 2003
True Combat 1.1

by DGhost @ [02:21 PM] October 28 2003
New patch for the TC
True Combat and this one doesn't fix any programming bugs or doesn't present any new features for the TC but at 63 megs this patch got 7 new maps from the community and will also help to improve the server situation. Included with the patch also is 4 new set of configuration files and take note also to not enable map voting if you are configuring a server of TC. Check out the website of
True Combat for all the details!
Hit da maps @ ..::LVL

by DGhost @ [10:27 AM] October 27 2003
SPD a new SP map for Quake

by DGhost @ [12:18 PM] October 24 2003
Geee.. I've downloaded a new single player map for Quake 1 this week and I didn't even had the time to try it so far... So anyway I'll give you a small presentation of it. The map is made by
Speed and he called the map, SPD which is a small SP map with a tech theme in it. Webpage of
Speed is
Here and you can get a screenshot of the map
First update for Qockey

by DGhost @ [11:40 PM] October 21 2003
Since the release of the new mod last week of
Qockey, devellopement is going well. A small patch making the mod version 1.01 has been released fixing a connection issue that network client had while trying to connect on a Qockey server. Also, for those of you who would like to try a map for the mod, a small
tutorial has been posted with the technical details of creating a map for the mod.
A guide to CPMA

by DGhost @ [10:49 PM] October 20 2003
Ever wanted to play deathmatch in a competitive flavor but never knew where to start?
ESreality is presenting a small
article with a tutorial on how to start playing CPMA. The second section about movement is pretty good.
Maps for Quake 3 Fortress II

by DGhost @ [10:43 PM] October 20 2003
Real time lightning for DarkPlaces

by DGhost @ [01:11 AM] October 19 2003
MERC101/KGB|ROMI'S has finished working on all the SP maps of Quake 1 to bring support of the Real Time Lightning (RTL) system of the
DarkPlaces engine for Quake. You only need to download 4 files (one for each episodes of Quake), place them under the \id1\maps\ directory and you are ready to go. Worth noting is that each file is 7kb only. It contains only the information of the Real time lightning for the maps of the single player episodes of Quake 1. Just finished playing episode 1 and it is trully much better on the Darkplaces engin with the real time lightning effect being added to the maps. Visit the webpage of
MERC101/KGB|ROMI'S and get his files for a blast of Quake 1!
Maya 3D PLE for free!

by DGhost @ [12:42 PM] October 17 2003
Well, this small tidbit may be usefull to mappers and modellers for Quake 3.
Alias, the maker of the Maya 3D editor just made
an announcement that they will now distributed a free version of Maya called
Personnal learning Edition. Here's a copy/paste of the presentation of the new edition:
Maya Personal Learning Edition is a special version of Maya® software, which provides free access to Maya for non-commercial use. It will give 3D graphics and animation students, industry professionals, and those interested in breaking into the world of computer graphics (CG) an opportunity to explore all aspects of the award winning Maya Complete™ software in a non-commercial capacity.
Well, that's a good sign since we do not make any money from any Quake models/maps. It could be used for that.
Qockey beta 1 coming soon!

by DGhost @ [09:11 AM] October 16 2003
After a mix of Quake 3 and footbal it's now the turn of hockey to be integrated in the Quake 3 engine with a new mod called:
Qockey. Forget the frag and shoot the puck in the goal whil skating a the same time. This mod bring someting new, again, to the ever lasting Quake 3 engine. Read the
about section for all the details and check out the
screenshots section to get an idea of what it looks like. The first beta version will be out, tonight the 16 @ 19:00 PST.
New levels @ ..::LVL

by DGhost @ [10:39 AM] October 15 2003
Today is that time of the year that I hit one more year. That's right, it's my birthday today. Yeah! Happy birthday to me! Okay, now that I've made that announcement, let's get on with Quake!
..LVL got some new maps reviews for us:
AEon's desert by AEon
Wysokie napiêcie II by Shadow
Black town by XPax
Totens Gate by Storm{SmF}
AEon's neon light by AEon
Personnaly, I've taken a look at AEon's neon light and the visual is so fun. If you like the kind of design like Tron, you'll enjoy it
Threewave is hiring

by DGhost @ [02:20 PM] October 14 2003
Threewave Software, the team behind my most favorite mod of all time,
Threewave CTF is hiring. They are looking for a game programmer (with experience on C++ and GNU tools), level designer (with textures, 3D models and programming experience also) and a textures artist. You must be willing to be relocated in Vancouver, Canada. Check out the
careers page for al the details.
Promode update

by DGhost @ [02:56 PM] October 13 2003
I should warn you, I've got a new job (again) and this one is really much better than my last one (believe me, my last job was total crap compare to this one). I've got a little bit more free time for myself when working, so that will give me more time to see what's new in our small world of Quake. And first thing first, latest update from the
Promode devellopers of CPMA. Their webpage was down these last days and it just came back online last friday. Of course they gave us an update of what is going on with
CPMA. Work is still going on on CPMA version 1.2 (current version is 1.1) and arQon has also started devellopement on PM2 (for Promode2 or arQmode). Promode 2 is not the next version of CPMA but rather a new branch to test new ideas for CPMA. One of these ideas is... Lemme copy/paste that for you:
I can tell you that one of the most significant ideas being discussed right now is a proposal to limit the "top speed" possible in PM2 (we're not talking about the official version of promode remember - PM2 is specifically designed for testing out new ideas).
The goal is to remove the "supersonic speeds" without affecting the basic CPM gameplay - i.e. the game would remain fast and flowing as it is now but top speeds would effectively be limited (by an amount that is currently undecided).
The motivation for this is that thanks to network / code improvements, computer spec improvements, and player technique improvements, the top player speed in CPM is now extremely fast and the team feels this is at times negatively impacting both how the games are played and the "size" of some of the maps.
Yeah you got that right. PM2 will test any new ideas for CPMA and if these ideas really work they could then be implemented in the official version of
GtkRadiant version 1.3.12

by DGhost @ [01:50 PM] October 13 2003
Latest version of
GtkRadiant was released yesterday and with now added support for Jedi Knight: Jedy Academy. Lots of bugs fixed also but the main difference now is that GtkRadiant is split into 2 files depending on the kind of games you wanna map for: One file for Quake 2/3, RtCW, Enemy Territory and HL/CS and another file for games created by Raven Software (Sof, EK, JD, etc). Linux version is coming soon and even a version for Mac OS X is in the work. Hit the
download page for the latest version!
Quake II evolved version 0.23

by DGhost @ [06:18 PM] October 10 2003
Quake 2 boosted on steroid? Yeah, that's what
Quake II Evolved is! The engine redone with more visual effects, more explosions and more blood, what more do you want? The latest version, 0.23 is featuring:
EVERY VQ2, MP1, MP2 and CTF Effect re-made! - Every effect, from the blood when you kill a monster to the rockets fire trail as it flies past your head is re-made!Official Mission pack 1/2 and CTF support! - Yeah, it wasn't enough that we remade every effect for these games! We even added all the HUD pictures you need! Menus for the mods will follow shortly.Clipped decals - All decals in the game are clipped! (Rocket, BFG-10k and Railgun decals will be added for next release)Enhanced Menu - The classic Q2E menu is back!Improved mod Support - We have tried our best to keep Q2E as compatible as possible with the best mods. Any problems, post them in the forums!Even Better Shader Support - Our Quake III Arena style shaders are back, and this time all the bugs are squashed and there's a few new additions too. (Read the Quake II Evolved Shader manual HERE)Optimised Speed - The latest version, although effects heavy, is STILL nice and fast. Crank up those details baby ;)Plus a LOT more!
Take out your dusty Quake 2 cd, install it, download Quake 2 Evolved and get ready!
New patch for Urban Terror

by DGhost @ [06:48 PM] October 10 2003
New patch for the realistic TC,
Urban Terror, making it to version 3.1. The update is 36 megs and you may wanna hit the
download page to get it. Changelog is:
Offshore and Nimrod textures fixed.
Map issues that have been reported fixed.
TDM and FFA spawn bugs fixed.
FPS drop bug fixed.
Several matchmode issues fixed.
Swapteams and Shuffleteams fixed.
Bomb planting radius fixed.
Bomb no longer plantable in water.
Weapon tweaks. (This is going to be controversial. Many people think they are perfect, but the UMP and PSG were useless and the Negev was too uber)
Modifications/fixes done for GTV.
Excess server resource use issue fixed.
If you want all the details of this patch, you can read the
New movies @ PlanetQuake3.net

by DGhost @ [10:28 PM] October 08 2003
As usual the website of PlanetQuake3.net is hosting some excellent new videos of Quake 3 Arena. Take a look @
WinterHaste 2 a CTF movie (warning, 550 megs for 29 minutes) based on the WinterHaste 2 tournament (which was hosted by
Cached.net). Next one is
TriCkED 2, "The sequel of the CPMA/VQ3 trick movie Tricked". Video of deathmatches on
CPMA and VQ3. 250 megs. Enjoy!
Seisomovision 2.24 beta

by DGhost @ [10:16 PM] October 08 2003
For those of you who like trying beta versions, the popular demo viewers,
Seisomivision has hit version 2.24 beta. Here's the changelog:
fixed: Quake 2 demos not playing in play list mode due to overlong alias. (Thanx to MikeG)
- fixed: Rare random deletion of game application after demo play. (Experimental)
Hit down the beta section of the
Seisomovision's website for all the details!
A photorealistic textures pack from BerneyBoy

by DGhost @ [12:16 PM] October 04 2003
The excellent mapper,
BerneyBoy has released a new pack of
photorealistic textures, more than 2000 .jpg so that you can use the pack in more than Quake 3 but for other engines also. All pictures are high resolution and features bricks, concrete, crate, doors, ground and many many more. At the same time you may wanna check this small
memory card game!
Navy Seals : Covert Operations 1.9

by DGhost @ [11:43 AM] October 04 2003
New version for
Navy Seals : Covert Operation, making it to version 1.9. The mod is available for Windows, Mac and a .zip file for independent OS. Download page is
here and even a BitTorrent link is available. For those of you who like realism FPS, I suggest you give NS a try, very well made!
The 10K Halloween Challenge!

by DGhost @ [11:51 PM] October 06 2003
Bobo_the_seal is sponsoring a small challenge over the
Polycount board for Halloween! Modellers must create a model based on the halloween theme (vampires, werewolf, mummies, etc.), no textures at this point and respect some others points. Check out
this thread for the complete list of rules. Deadline is the 31 of October of course!
Fortress Evolution Alpha

by DGhost @ [03:24 PM] October 01 2003
A new mod has made its debut, called
Fortress Evolution for Quake 3, this mod intend to recreate the feeling of physics of Quake World and present a class based system for gameplay (check out the
About section for all the details on the mod). Even if the mod is alpha, a league has been started for the mod,
Fortress Strike League is already taking registration from clan to start a league of Fortress Evolution. Download page is
A coverage of the RA3 CAL league

by DGhost @ [09:35 PM] September 28 2003
With the devellopement going on, I started playing more
Rocket Arena 3 lately and I've taken an interrest in the RA3 competition scene. I had nothing to do for the research since
Cali Girl sent me an email about a new
article online on her website,
LadyGammers. She got a lot of interview with the players, admins and staff of the RA3 CAL (
Cyberathlete amateur league). I always heard a lot about the RA CAL league and wondered how was their games, guess I better start getting the demos...
True combat update

by DGhost @ [05:08 PM] September 26 2003
Words from Team Terminator, the team behind the
TC True Combat. Work are still going on for the next patch that will make it version 1.1, the list is not so small:
- fix falling damage bugs
- Add clientID numbers to scoreboard
- Don´t let ppl with m76 or r93 take a 2ndary weapon
- Make console background darker or solid
- Binelli and saiga will be switched (primary/secondary)
- decrease the time it takes to unholster/switch to pistols
- fix missions/mapcycling/voting
- fix flashbang bugs
- fix bandage bug
- New improved kick/voting system with integrated 2 minute temp ban
- remove cocking animation when unholstering
- remove muzzle flare from silenced weapons
- A all-new gun
- New (old) maps: Urban Aussault, Warehouse, Industrial, Baugebiet and an all-new map by Waylander
Devellopement is going on well for
True Combat, No date has been given yet for the rlease but it shoud be pretty soon.
Medal of honor: Breakthrough

by DGhost @ [11:27 AM] September 25 2003
The 400 frag FFA challenge from Chaos Conspiracy

by DGhost @ [02:06 PM] September 24 2003
The Chaos Conspiracy clan is launching a
FFA challenge. Instead of re explaining the rules I'll do my lazy and simply copy/paste the rules here:
Well now's your chance to find out if your really the best FFA player. The 400 Frag FFA Challenge is a single elimination competition with 3 rounds of game play which starts with 50 players and reduces to the top 10 players. Round 1 consists of 5 groups of 10 players who play to a frag limit of 200, the top four players from each group are then moved into Round 2 where they play in two groups of 10 and play to a 300 frag limit. At the end of round 2 the top five fraggers from each group in round two will then be pitted against each other and play until the first person reaches 400 frags.
The challenge is running on the latest version of
OSP and the
server for the challenge will be in North America, Chicago.
Team Fortress done extreme, part 2

by DGhost @ [01:08 PM] September 22 2003
Second video,
Team Fortress done extreme 2 is a video of more than 19 minutes showcasing some of the best capture the flag I've ever seen in Classic Quake, using the mod Team Fortress of course. The video is available on 3 different quality format, mirrors are listed
Models, and again, models

by DGhost @ [06:30 PM] September 17 2003
Our favorite website for models,
Polycount is featuring 3 new models for Quake 3! Yaa! Okay I won't give too much critic on these one, I'll let you check them out yourself:
Torque Monkey
Pillsbury Doughboy
Click on the link for the review of Polycount and of course what we all wants, the screenshots!
Seismovision v2.23

by DGhost @ [06:25 PM] September 17 2003
New update for
Seisomovision making it to version 2.23 with the following changelog:
added: Return to Castle Wolfenstein: Enemy Territory (.dm_82) Full Version
fixed: Missing comctl32.ocx with DemoInfo
fixed: Splash screen icons not loading correctly when playing play lists directly.
added: Bulgarian translation (now 9 languages!!!)
At the same times, news are coming out that the beta for version 3 is starting soon. If you are a demo fanatic, this is the software for you!
Another interview from the QuakeCon 2003

by DGhost @ [06:24 PM] September 17 2003
Yep, again,
PlanetQuake got their hands on Tim Willits from ID and manage to get an
interview about Doom 3. Some good questions about the way combat will be done and how the gameplay of the game is interracting with the player. The interview is not technical but gameplay oriented.
All that could have been

by DGhost @ [06:19 PM] September 17 2003
PlanetQuake is presenting us this week the last review for the
level of the week for Quake 1. The last review from
Daz is on the level "All that could have been" from
RPG. You get the most important details from the review and after having played it I must say that I am also impressed by this level. Feeling a little bit nostalgic for a single player game in Quake 1 but wanna try a new map? Then by all means, download this level and play it (I even suggest you using the
DarkPlaces engine to have a more beautifull look)!
Q3Pong Arena is out there to get you

by DGhost @ [01:55 AM] September 13 2003
Q3Pong Arena version 2.0 is now available for
download! Remember the game push the ball? Well do it this time with a shotgun and you just shoot the ball until you push it in the enemy's goal. Easy to say, tough to do. And if you stand in the way of the ball? You'll get fragged for sure. For expert player!
Ultimate Deathmatch for Quake

by DGhost @ [09:55 PM] September 09 2003
Ultimate Deathmatch will give your DM games in Quake a lot of flexibility. Spawing any items that you would like to have in any maps, even featuring some tools for level editings in real time, new weapons, config files to save your variables, Chain reaction effect with explosive boxes and much more (the feature list is quite big). Okay like Quake boosted on transgenetic corn hormones... I think that I get it. You want to experience a new kind of DM games? On Quake? You might wanna try
Ultimate Deathmatch!
Fight 4 the Flag!

by DGhost @ [05:32 PM] September 08 2003
Man there is too much good news these last days and here I am working like a crazy at my new job. Yeah life's tough on me, but what the heck, I can still frag (and capture the flag). As always I am still a CTF player and here's an excellent video that I've found lately on
Fight 4 the Flag is, as you correctly guessed it by the name, a video of CTF from the #ctfpickup.fr and some league from Europe. Lots of nice shot definitively worth the download!
Return to castle Wolfenstein : A new SP map and an interview

by DGhost @ [01:12 AM] September 04 2003
I was kind of updating my news about Return to castle Wolfenstein when I found these 2 interresting tidbits:
A new SP maps pack has been released for RtcW titled:
Mages Skulls (learned it through the
Map-Center website).
Also an
interview with Kevin Cloud from ID about RtcW and ET and the speculation are on fire about RtcW2 running on the Doom 3 engine (on
RTCW online).
Q3Map2 version 2.5.7

by DGhost @ [12:49 AM] September 04 2003
New version of the tool for mapper,
Q3Map2 is now up to version 2.5.7. Featuring:
New: Jedi Academy support via -game ja
New: DDS (DXT1/3/5) texture support for future games
Re-enabled q3map_surfaceModel support, and the 'oriented' flag works as well
Re-enabled (fixed, really) large external lightmap support
Fixed a bug in the model code that would cause a crash if an uninvertable
matrix was created
Fixed a bug in Mathlib m4x4_t code where the tolerance for a singular matrix
was too low and crapping out on small (scaled down) matrices
Fixed bug in divide-by-zero on lightmap efficiency calculation
Added -force switch, allows unsupported BSP formats to (try) to be loaded
You can read the release post
AliasBuster version 3.1.3

by DGhost @ [03:30 PM] November 08 2004
Found this new small utilty for Quake 3 that look very interresting.
AliasBuster (version 3.1.3) will interface with the Quake 3 console to provide the user (you) a comma delimited list of known aliases for any players on a Quake 3 server with PunkBuster enabled.
Roger from
PlanetQuake3.net got an
interview at the same time with the author of the tool,
p[]-DunE. You can download the tool from the author's webpage or
here. Nice tool!
Call of duty demo released

by DGhost @ [01:30 AM] August 30 2003
The latest game using the Quake 3 engine,
Call of duty (from the same team that designed Medal of honor) is now available for download (only the demo version mind you). While checking for the demo, I've found some interresting tidbits about the release of the demo itself by Activision. You can read the news
here. On the other hand if you want to download the demo, you can do it from:
Sorry I only found 2 sites that got the demo so far and their both asking for a registration. If you got other links for downloading the demo, feel free to share them in the comments section of this post!
Rocket Arena 1.7 available for download

by DGhost @ [04:09 PM] August 28 2003
The Ataxia team has released a new update for
Rocket Arena 3, making it to version 1.7 and introducing new features:
Three new maps, plus one updated (ra3map16)
User definable colors for enemies and teammates
Option to have no picmip for certain things
Accuracy award
Improved netcode (removed the "built-in-lag", smoother movement, better hit prediction)
Scoreboard groups people in other arenas by arena.
Team captains and team captain commands
Display current time and timezone
Warmup in compmode
IP bans stored in database, unlimited number of bans
Admin definable callvotes
Log format changed: Timestamps are in "real" time.
Avg team ping and team damage added to scoreboard.
Misc Bug fixes
Download is available
PunkBuster update

by DGhost @ [10:49 PM] August 27 2003
A small update on the PunkBuster has been released, fixing a small bug:
addressed a bug in v1.043 related to win32 multi-threaded DNS resolution.
Quake 3 admins may want to read the whole update on how to install the patch as they may encounter a small problem while trying to update their PB server. Check out the
release news for all the details.
Quake 1 CTF game

by DGhost @ [06:17 PM] August 27 2003
I'm sorry but it seems that I've got a Quake 1 frenzy these days. Get ready to rumble as clan RuM has sent an open invitation for those of you out there that got the blues and would like to play Threewave CTF in classic style. I mean Quake 1 style. That's right, it's gonna be a Threewave CTF bash/fight tonight on 8:00 pm EDT and the server adress is:
ctf.clan-rum.org:26000. You can join the clan before the game on their IRC chan #clan_rum from the irc.enterthegame.com network. Be sure also to get the Threewave mod for Quake 1
here. Thank to
PlanetQuake for the info!
What is wrong with your Quake?

by DGhost @ [07:05 PM] August 26 2003
Okay folks, I've got some really old stuff for you.
TextQuake. Asci text graphix while playing in Quake 1. I've seen 2 screenshots (
here) and the only thing to make it works is to have Quake 1 running on linux. Question : can you recognize from which part of Quake was these screenshots taken? Text graphics in Quake? Like the author said on it's webpage, this is just plain wrong!
Round2 from RocketBear

by DGhost @ [09:34 PM] August 23 2003
Oaned from
RocketBear? Well, he's back again with a new video for us, showing a lot of good shots!
Round2 is what you want to download! Like the previous movie, all shots where taken in
Rocket Arena.
Pictures, more pictures and again some new pictures

by DGhost @ [05:29 PM] August 21 2003
Whoa, the webpage of the
QuakeCon 2003 has now been updated with all the links to the event's coverage and a lot of fan's gallery. Lots of crazy pictures and some that I can only make: No comments on it.
It's raining maps, again

by DGhost @ [05:19 PM] August 20 2003
QuakeCon 2003 pictures

by DGhost @ [07:43 PM] August 19 2003
Want some pictures of the QuakeCon 2003? The
webpage of the event has not been updated with all the links for the pictures yet, but until then I've found the webpage of
Yossman where he put all the pics he got of all past QuakeCon and the latest one. You can find his webpage
On the other side, if you want a point of view on the QuakeCon from the hardware side, be sure to check the webpage of
Tom's hardware where they put some pictures of some crazy cases that was being displayed at the event. They even managed to get an
interview with Todd Hollenshead and Tim Willits!
The QuakeCon 2003 is closed!

by DGhost @ [10:11 PM] August 17 2003
So today was the official last day of the
QuakeCon 2003. I will try to give you the best links I've found so far on the event and if you think that I've missed some, feel free to post the links in the comments section! The
coverage from
GameSpy is excellent and they managed to get
an interview with John Carmak, even if he wasn't giving any speech this year. Here's a small part of it to give you as a taste:
GameSpy: Are you going to retire after DOOM 3?
John Carmack: No. I've got at least one more rendering engine to write. The development of rendering engines is driven by two major factors. One of these is, of course, the question, "When you finish a game, is it time to write a new engine?" The answer is based on what is happening in the hardware space.
A lots of comments on the futur of ID software is done. Good reading! On a completely different matter, I got
a nice wallpaper made from the multiplayer demo of Doom 3 that was @ the QuakeCon this weekend. Thank to Nico for the link!
Next is
HomeLAN who also had the chance to sit down and talk with Tim Willits. Lots of nice info in the
interview, like:
Quake IV is also on the horizon and while Willits is supposed to be the game’s main supervisor from id, he admits, “It’s really Raven Software’s game; I really don’t do that much supervising.” As Quake IV will be a sequel to Quake II, Willits said that the game will have more of a space war theme than the original Quake or Quake III Arena. Willits did say that Quake IV would have vehicles in the game but wouldn’t comment further on that aspect.
Still from
HomeLAN, check out
the QuakeCon 2003 boot babes. You want their impressions on Call of duty? Read on
hereAfter that we got the
results of the
MsQuakeCon 2003 tournament.
And lastly, the
QuakeCon webpage has been updated with the final thanks and farewell until next year:
Sadly, another QuakeCon has come to an end.
I speak for the entire staff when I say that this has truly been a monumental show. Year after year, America's largest gaming event gets bigger and more exciting.
We would like to take a moment to thank our sponsors, our volunteers, and of course id Software. Without any of which, QuakeCon simply would not be possible. This show takes months of planning and literally thousands of man-hours of work to bring to life. Not to mention significant amounts of cash. It is a testament to the strength of our little gaming community that something like this can happen every year. Thanks to all those who donated their time, talent, and money to bring QuakeCon to their fellow gamers.
In the upcoming days and weeks, we will have many pictures to share of all the fun we've had. Indeed, if you attended QuakeCon and have pictures, movies, articles, etc. you would like to share with the rest of the community, send me a link.
And as always, the fun will continue in our Forums throughout the year.
And yes, I promise that I won't make any news as big as this one, until the next QuakeCon.
QuakeCon 2003 tournaments results

by DGhost @ [12:16 PM] August 17 2003
There it is, the results of the official tournaments of the QuakeCon 2003:
Q3CTF results:
First Place: Cloud9 ($10,000 / $2,500 per person)
Second Place: Clan519 ($7,000 / $1,750 per person)
Third Place: Gunzoids ($5,000 / $1,250 per person)
Fourth Place: Against All Authority ($3,000 / $750 per person)
RtCW Results:
First Place: infensus ($20,000 / $3,333 per person)
Second Place: gmpo ($12,000 / $2000 per person)
Third Place: Affliction ($8,000 / $1333 per person)
Fourth Place: Four Kings ($6,000 / $1000 per person)
Q3 1v1 Results:
First Place: ZeRo4 ($20,000)
Second Place: Z4muZ ($12,500)
Third Place: czm ($7,500)
Fourth Place: fox ($5,000)
Be sure to hit the website of
Cached.net to download the demos of the games!
QuakeCon 2003: Day 2

by DGhost @ [12:40 AM] August 16 2003
Mind you, I didn't lost any power with all that problems since yesterday, but my ISP did. So here I am with a day late for the
QuakeCon. Fear not, I've got some good updates for you. First thing:
Roger from
PlanetQuake3.net has posted 2 screenshots of the Doom 3 multiplayers demo. First screenshot
here and the second one is
here. Okay at this point, my heart is going crazy, each time I see some new screenshots of Doom 3 I can't think anything else except that I am impressed! If you also want the comments of
Roger on it, you can get it
Jube from
PlanetQuake is also very busy on her side. The
coverage she's doing is starting well with some
pictures of crazy cases. Complete report also on the
mod developer's rountable, 3 sessions of 2 hours each are on the schedule and
Jube give us a very good report on the first session.
Let's not forget also that
GameSpy is doing a good job on covering the event with their
QuakeCon2003 Coverage. I can't even put all the links and story here gang, there is simply too much. To make a story short, next QuakeCon, 2004, rumors are starting about maybe showing something from Quake 4 (a demo maybe)? We'll see in due time. Want more pictures of the event?
Go on.
What else? Oh yeah, results of the tournament with that?
Cached.net is DA place for that. All results are there and ready to be analysed and dissicted with also demos starting to be available for download. So many to watch this week end, I'll hope that my connection stay put with all these problems on the east coast. Weeeeeeeeeeeeeee. Oh yeah back to the results:
Quake 3 CTF
Quake 3 1vs1
Okay I am getting very tired here, my mind is not even inside my brain anymore. I'll keep you informed during the week end!
PS: I was almost forgetting, if you want to hear from the event live you can connect on the
X-Cast radio for live comments and music from the QuakeCon.
QuakeCon 2003 is tomorrow!

by DGhost @ [09:17 PM] August 13 2003
QuakeCon will begin tomorrow and already a lot of people have arrived on the site (check out the webpage of the
QuakeCon to see some pictures of the setup being done).
Roger from the website
PlanetQuake3.net is already on site and giving us some of his first feedback. He already posted his first
pictures of the setup also. Also a new small tournament of RtCW has been announced and is sponsored by
You play game where you can win a trip to the company's headquarters in tropical Curacao, Netherlands Antilles. What's next? Oh yeah,
Jube from
PlanetQuake is on her way and they will, as usual, make an excellent cover of the QuakeCon. You can get all their coverage on the event
Next is, of course, Todd Hollenshead from ID who is giving us his first impression about the event through is
.Plan update. Lemme copy/paste that for you:
Here it is already time for QuakeCon 2003. While the festivities officially start on Thursday there are quite a few folks already helping with setting up what will be the biggest QuakeCon ever. It looks like the weather is going to give us a break this year and we'll mark the first QuakeCon I can remember where we won't hit 100 degrees.
New for this year will be the location in Downtown Dallas at the Adam's Mark Hotel and Conference Center which gives us tons more room for more cool stuff. And our sponsors are really outdoing themselves to help us make sure that everyone that comes out sees cool new games and gear, has a good time, and probably picks up some free stuff, too.
The BYOC will be the biggest yet, with room for up to 2000 PCs. The reservation list is booked up, but first-come-first-serve starts Thursday afternoon if you didn't get on the list. The keynote is Friday afternoon, and tournament finals, awards ceremony and party are all Saturday night. But the fragging is non-stop Thursday to Sunday 24 hours a day.
And, of course, we will be unveiling DOOM 3 multiplayer for the first time. And everyone will be able to play it, too.
For more information, details, directions, etc. the website is www.quakecon.org. There's no charge to attend, so come on out. I look forward to seeing everyone there this year.
And with all the website out there going at this event, there is too much to cover for me here. For those of you who want to watch the games on GTV, there is a map available to see which servers you can connect to for all the tournaments.
Quake 3 1vs1 GTV networkQuake 3 CTF GTV networkRtCW GTV network
Wheee this is getting rather long. What else? Wanna know the
CTF brackets? or the ones from
A Doom 3 preview

by DGhost @ [09:11 PM] August 12 2003
The website
UnderGround Online got a nice article on the upcoming Doom 3 from IDsoftware. Mind you, the article make the reference to Trent Reznor from Nine Inch Nails doing the music, but like I said in one of my previous post, Trent cancelled that since he's going back in the studio for recording a new album. Nothing too new in the article but a lot of reminder on this serie. You can read it
Graeme Devine has left ID

by DGhost @ [12:42 PM] August 16 2003
A little bit late on this one, Graeme Devine has left ID software to meet up with his former colleague, Paul Jaquays @
Ensemble Studios, creators of Age of empires and Age of mythology. Sandy Petersen (mmmm remember the old RPG game of Call of Cthulhu), former employe of ID is also working there. You can read the news on
Blue's news.
Urban Terror 3 is out!

by DGhost @ [01:28 PM] August 10 2003
The 322 megs file is ready to be downloaded and a lot of mirrors has been posted for handling the bandwith! Check out all the mirrors on the website of
Urban Terror for all the address!
5quid from Charon!

by DGhost @ [10:06 PM] August 09 2003
One of my most favorite mapper has released, again,a
new map for Quake 3 Arena with
CPMA designed in mind.
Charon is introducing us to his latest map called
1 vs 1 in tournament mode, this map is a blast (I've tried
i and it's really nice). The map can also be played in
teamDM 2 vs 2 but is rather more for 1 vs1. Hit the
webpage of Charon :
for all the details!
Activision announcing sponsorship to the QuakeCon

by DGhost @ [05:28 PM] August 07 2003
Activision has confirmed on being yet again, at the
Quakecon this year. Co hosting the Doom 3 multiplayers demo with ID, they will also presented a new game based on the Quake 3 engine : Call of duty. You can read the whole press release of Activision on the webpage of the
It's raining maps

by DGhost @ [11:12 PM] August 06 2003
More info on the MsQuakecon tournament

by DGhost @ [10:22 PM] August 04 2003
Tough to post a news these days without it being related to the QuakeCon 2003. Now the website
Lady Gamers is doing a good coverage on the
MsQuakeCon tournament. You can see all the coverage
QuakeCon 2003 update, again

by DGhost @ [04:55 PM] August 01 2003
.Plan update from Rick Johnson, lead programmer on Quake 4, who has announced the GBA (that's for a gameboy) Doom II challenge.
Hellchick and him has decided to throw a challenge at the
Quakecon for a Doom II deathmatch on a GBA. To be able to participate in the challenge you will need the following:
If you want to take us on, you'll need to bring two things: your own Gameboy Advance, and your own copy of
DOOM II for the GBA. We'll bring link cables to link up.
More information to come for the time frame on this small tournament!
New levels @ ..::lvl

by DGhost @ [10:39 PM] July 31 2003
..::lvl is presenting us new critics for our enjoyment! Take a look at all the new maps:
Citadel Insatiable by Myth - DM
Leaks2 by Speedy - DM
Nice dreams by mIKE - DM
Nectar by Nickster - DM
Sewer by Adrian Kurtin - DM
Spirit Of The Age by 187-J4CK4L - DM
SUCKIT by Gazoline - DM
Teh Quash-Dome by kangajoo - DM
Fulfill are your mapping needs @
Quake Wallpaper

by DGhost @ [11:27 PM] July 30 2003
GTV @ the QuakeCon

by DGhost @ [07:57 PM] July 29 2003
Of course, like past years, we will be able to see the matches/tournaments of the QuakeCon, live through the GTV servers. Speaking of the devil, big update today on their
webpage regarding the QuakeCon. Here's a small part of their udpate:
The Quakecon GTV network will be the largest one yet, with anticipated needs of 7000 spots for Quake 3 (1vs1 and CTF), and 3000 for RtCW. To help find your way around this mammoth network a "map" of all the GTV servers will be released in a week so you can connect directly to a server close to you. You can make watching GTV even easier by testing it out ahead of time. Try connecting to gtv.speakeasy.net (gtv.speakeasy.net:27965 for RtCW), and see the GTV Help if you have any problems.
4 days straight of games to see. I won't be able to watch them all, oh the drama!
QuakeCon 2003 is almost there!

by DGhost @ [11:14 PM] July 28 2003
The biggest event in the Quake community is approching fast and each days bring some attention to this. The Quake 3 CTF seeds were announced earlier tonight through the Shoutcast radio,
X-cast. The
results are now all posted on the official website of the
QuakeCon. After that,
HardOCP and
Ratpadz will give a Ratpad to all the players in the BYOC. Next, there will be a workshop organised by
OverdrivePC where players will get some assistance with their computer on the performance and various advices will be offered for them. For all the information you can still and always check the webpage of the
Need for kill: A quake 3 mod

by DGhost @ [03:57 PM] July 27 2003
It seems that a lot of new mod in 2D only for Quake 3 are the rage these days. Here's a new one from
3d[Power] called Need for kill, a 2D deathmatch based on the engine of Quake 3 and is of course, totally free. Be warned that the current version is 050 right now, so it doesn't seem to be finished yet. For all the information on Need for kill, check out the webpage of
3D [Power].
The Quakecon DM tournament, warning: female only!

by DGhost @ [03:40 PM] July 26 2003
GeekWearZ has announced that they are sponsoring a small competition (non official) of Quake 3 Arena, DM, for girl/female only, during the upcoming
QuakeCon. That's right! An all girls only DM tournament, for all the information, rules and settings about the competition, you can hit the webpage of the
Ms. Quakecon 2003.
How will your life changes when Doom 3 will be released?

by DGhost @ [03:40 PM] July 26 2003
The canadian website,
The Toque has released a humoristic article on how the life of "Greg" will be changed and what he intended to do when Doom 3 will be released! You can read the text
Release date for Urban Terror 3

by DGhost @ [03:01 PM] July 26 2003
After much anticipation,
Oswald is announcing, at last, the release date of
Urban Terror 3. Here's the part of the announcement:
Urban Terror 3 Release Date Announced Posted Friday, July 25, 2003 by Oswald
Silicon Ice Development is one step closer to the release of Urban Terror 3. Today we are proud to announce we have agreed upon a release date of Saturday, August 9. The files for the new release will be made available beginning at 5PM EST (22GMT).
Hit the webpage of
Urban Terror for all the details!
Viralis map pack released!

by DGhost @ [07:48 PM] July 24 2003
After more than 8 months of devellopement, the map pack from the
Burial Grounds,
Viralis is now ready to be downloaded! 60 megs, the map pack is already running on some servers, here's the list:
BG server list. Also,
Pappy-R from
PlanetQuake got a
nice interview with
dmschaos project lead of the map pack. Small note for those of you who know what the art of Feng shui is, the project leader say in the interview that this map pack was inspired from some of the fundamental ideas of the Sheng Fui and tried to put these ideas in the maps. I'm downloading it right, now, can't wait to see these new maps!
Doom 3 @ the Quakecon 2003

by DGhost @ [01:38 PM] July 24 2003
press release inform us that players who attend the Quakecon this year will have the opportunity to test Doom 3 in a deathmatch! Here's a snip from the press release :
QuakeCon attendees will have the chance to play DOOM 3's four-player Deathmatch on a level co-developed by id Software and U.K.-based developer Splash Damage, Ltd. Splash Damage has most recently worked with id Software on Wolfenstein: Enemy Territory, and will be co-developing DOOM 3's multiplayer levels
What a nice and pleasant surprise from ID!
3 Doom 64 maps for Quake 3

by DGhost @ [01:14 PM] July 24 2003
There was some database problem with the last 2 news and to fix that we had to delete the news itself. So here I am back with something else for all of you!
FilePlanet is hosting a new small pack of 3 maps for Quake 3 Arena made by
ReApeR. The 3 maps are a remake of 3 maps from the Doom 64 version. The maps are:
Dark citadel,
Watch your step and
Even simpler. You can download the pack
New version of Q3Map2

by DGhost @ [05:32 PM] July 18 2003
Ydnar has updated one of the most popular tool for mappers, the
Q3Map2 which is now version 2.5.5 test 10. For all the changelog, check out this
thread on the forum of Splash damage.
Nilfheim version 1.0 is out!

by DGhost @ [01:15 PM] July 24 2003
Niflheim version 1.00 is out! After many months of silence, the total conversion of Nilfheim bring a lot of cool features like:
A single and multi player game. (Expert should be able to defeat the Super Lucifer of the single player)A souls capture game type6 maps adapted for the Niflheim game playMusic8 demons class with 10 different and original weapons to use. (Hey, that makes 80 weapons!)A new spawn option, allowing you to come back from the death!Demon bots to fight with, including a nice combat AIThird-person view optionA new installation program for Windows
Ever wanted to feel like a flying demon who could shoot magic spells? Then give this TC a try, very original!
Trick jumping from Cetus

by DGhost @ [04:02 PM] July 16 2003
Planetquake3.net is hosting, again, a
new video. This one from
Cetus feature only trick jump. Pretty impressive for those of you who like to see some good jumps, I recommend it.
Fragapalooza 2003

by DGhost @ [09:38 PM] July 14 2003
The biggest LAN party in Canada,
Fragapalooza will be held in Edmonton, Alberta from july 17 to 20 and will feature tournament of Counter Strike, Warcraft 3 and of course, Quake 3 Rocket Arena 4 vs 4. I won't be there since it's across Canada from where I live :( but I'll let you know about the results for sure. You can get all the rules for the Quake 3 rocket arena tournament
ESWC: Quake 3 results

by DGhost @ [09:26 PM] July 14 2003
Cached.net got all the
results of the final tournament of the
Cooler from Russia won against
Zero4. There is a lot of good matchs you can download from Cached.net.
New map review @ ..::LVL

by DGhost @ [01:59 PM] July 12 2003
Making movies with the Quake 3 engine?

by DGhost @ [05:35 PM] July 10 2003
Was is not one of the purpose of JC to make a tool for making movies with his engine? The idea is taking on. Of course we won't see a movie like Pixar made this year but the idea is taking on. With project like
Machinima, the futur look promising!
Wired got an excellent
article on the subject. Read on for more details!
Quake 3 competition controversy @ the ESWC

by DGhost @ [12:44 PM] July 10 2003
For those of you who where not aware, the
Electronic Sport World Cup is running at the moment in Poitiers, France. With tournaments of Counter Strike, Warcraft 3, Unreal Tournament 2003, there is also a small Quake 3 competition on invitation only. The website
Cached.net got an excellent coverage about the competition. The Quake 3 competition is on the second round but you can already download the matchs on their website. The controversy? I'll copy/paste a small part from the article on
As the final game of the first group stage was being played controversy hit. Fazz had learned that to avoid ending up in the same second stage group, the Russians, LeXeR and Cooller, had decided that either one would lose on purpose. Fazz, remembering what happened last year at WCG where ZeRo4 was knocked out after a plot by the Russians, did not want to see this happen and lied to the Russians that no matter the outcoome they wouldn´t end up in the same group. "Knowing" this, the Russians played to their full potential and won their games. After the game however fazz corrected his lies and thats when all hell broke lose.
For all the details, read on
New game using the Quake 3 engine

by DGhost @ [12:25 AM] July 10 2003
This game just don't want to die. A new company has announced that it's develloping a new game based on the engine of Quake 3 from IDsoftware.
BroadCraft Studios are creating a FPS (you guessed right.. :P) in an alien world with some RPG elements. Screenshots are already available under the
project section. No name has been given to the game so far. Thank to
PlanetQuake for the info!
The Quake Expo

by DGhost @ [01:37 PM] July 08 2003
I realised that I spent a week without updating this webpage and I missed something very important (I had too much work last week).
The Quake Expo is a good idea for Quake (the first, only) to create a virtual event (on the web only) for sharing ideas and tricks for editing Quake. Lemme give you a part of their
What is Qexpo and when will it take place?
Qexpo is to Quake 1 what a meeting like E3 is to game developers. It's a chance for all Quake 1 coders, mappers, skinners and modelers to get together during a limited period of time (6th to 13th of July) to show their skills. Unlike E3, Qexpo is a virtual meeting, that is, the meeting place is a site (http://www.qexpo.com/) and not a "real" place. However, much like E3, Qexpo also offers booths (even if virtual) and many opportunities for Quake 1 fans to get together, during IRC and QuakeWorld parties.
Okay now that the introduction is done, I've browse some pages in the booth sections and I must say I'm really impress! Even if Quake 1 is still old, it's really not dead yet (even more alive since the code is now part of the free domain and with projects like
Telejano and many more). Some original ideas also, like this
2D fighting game or
Quarnage, an RTS game. Bring out your old cd of Quake from that dusty corner and try out something new with some of these mods.
Tools for Quake 3

by DGhost @ [01:15 PM] July 08 2003
Some new update of the already existing tools available for Quake 3. First of all, a new version of
GTK has been released, version 1.3.9 is available for Windows and Linux at the moment. Also,
Ydnar has released a new test version of his popular tool, Q3Map 2.5.5. You can get all the details of the new version in this
AnnihilatioN by own-age and a contest

by DGhost @ [01:37 PM] July 24 2003
Okay, shame on me again, I had a video file lost on my hard drive for the last 2 weeks and I completely forgot about it until today when I was missing some space and found back the video. It was released by the website
Own-age and it's about 15 minutes long. Really well made, the synchronisation of the music is excellent with the frags. You can get all the details on the file
here. Also, take note that the website
Own-age has started a contest of the best Quake 3 frags video. Please refer
here for all the details about the contest itself!
An interview with Sonic Mayhem

by DGhost @ [01:47 PM] July 08 2003
ESreality got an
interview with Sascha Dikiciyan, original member left of Sonic Mayhem, creator of the music of Quake 2 and Quake 3. Some good things to read.
The new WTF-Q3A MapPack is out

by DGhost @ [01:48 PM] July 08 2003
After many weeks of devellopement, the new map pack for Quake 3 Arena,
WTF is ready to be downloaded! 14 maps for CTF, there is 2 flag per team (yes I said 2) and each map are designed for one weapon. If you weren't aware also, this map pack is the second one for the WTF team. Check out their download page for both files
xCTF : hide and seek the flag, ctf style

by DGhost @ [05:32 PM] July 02 2003
A new mod is in town, called
xCTF. The mod seems to be like ctf but with a new twist. Each team got 20 seconds before the start of game to hide the flag somewhere in the map. Each team got to find it. xCTF support also some other mod of gameplay which is: Stopwatch Mode, Instagib, CaptureStrike and Rocket Arena mode. Current version is 1.0.
True combat patch

by DGhost @ [01:14 AM] July 01 2003
As it was announced, the patch for
True Combat is just freshly out. Version 1.0a, changelog:
Added more recoil to Ak47 tac mode.Added more recoil to m4a1.Removed old weapon cmds in UI.Fixed a couple UI problems.Changed music loop in UI.Fixed problem with cheat kick.Removed g_realism cvar.Added g_modms [1] stops global means of death messages.Added g_nametags 0-3 [2] 0 No names, 1 both names, 2 team names only3 just playing around. both, very small range/text and same colors.Changed Lives code. Stopped g_maxlives from affecting CTF RCTF FFA TDM. Only affects LMST and LMS.Moved m_scriptlives out of script into server only cvar.Fixed up swap team code.Spectators stuck in tac fov after using the spacebar to stop following a player that was in tac.Fixed Flashbang during warmup and intermission.Capped maxfps to 225.Made stamina and bombs frame dependant.Added a bit more anti-cheat code.Temporarily disabled pmove_fixed cvar to solve a few server related problems.
Wheeew another lengty update. For downloading the patch you can choose a mirror server
Enter the Warnell - an OSP video

by DGhost @ [01:14 AM] July 01 2003
PlanetQuake3.net is hosting a new Quake 3 OSP movie from
Travis Warnell. I've watched it just finished watching it and I must say that there was some impressive hits in it. For those of you who like the style, you can get all the details on the video
.Plan update from Fred Nilsson and 2 new maps

by DGhost @ [01:13 PM] June 30 2003
Fred Nilsson from IDsoftware has updated is .Plan file and give us 2 new candy for old school quaker like us (okay we are not so old). One map is for Q3A which is
pro-q3tourney7 and the other one is for Team Arena, called
mpteam9 who got some origine from the q3tourney6_ctf map. To get all the details on these maps, you can read Fred's .Plan
The revenge of the octopus

by DGhost @ [12:25 AM] June 27 2003
Nope, that's not the name of some James Bond movie but rather a new map from
LordSquat himself!
Octopus revenge has a lot of new idea in the map. First, the map is available in 5 different theme color. Simply download the first part of the .pk3 file which is the map and then download the second part .pk3 which will represent the color theme of the map (all instructions are given in the readme file). The map is a complete remake of Q3DM17/The longest yard. And the textures, talk about cell shading. The look of the map is like fragging in cartoon land! Very fun. A new map that bring, again, some new originality in Quake 3!
Enemy territory : tutorial for setting a linux server

by DGhost @ [07:19 PM] June 24 2003
2 new models @ Polycount

by DGhost @ [06:19 PM] June 24 2003
Polycount is featuring 2 new models for Quake 3. Say hello to
Wrokdam and
Bobo who got some big hands... Mmmm I wonder what for?
An interview with the Quakecon tournament director

by DGhost @ [01:25 AM] June 24 2003
PlanetQuake3.net got an interview with Red Barchetta, the Quakecon 2003 tournament director. If you are into competition and want to have more details about the incoming competitions during the Quakecon 2003, you can download it
True combat madness

by DGhost @ [01:18 AM] June 22 2003
Okay, I just had a busy week and I'm really tired. Didn't had the time to post lately, my apologies! Summer has begun here in Montreal, and like many people, sometimes it's good to be outside and spend less time on the computer. But that doesn't stop me from checking out what's going on in our small world of Quake. As a follow up of the last release of the TC
True Combat, I've taken some information and condensed it here.
The TC has been featured on the german television, Giga Games.It has been choosen as the mod of the month @ the ModDatabase.There is an interview on Homeland with the TC's project leader, Acrid-.The first ladder of True Combat has been launched on Clanbase.
And lastly, a patch is in the progress and will fixes the most important bugs that has been found since the release.
New build of Quake 3 for Mac OSX

by DGhost @ [03:58 PM] June 23 2003
Graeme Devine has updated his
.plan letting us know that a new build of Quake 3 PR 1.32 has been released for Mac OSX 10.2 and up. This build fix some problem for certain add in audio sound card, add a new ppc QVM compiler and the altivec code to aid MD3 rendering. Talk about upgrade! You can download it from
ID's ftp
New single player map for Quake

by DGhost @ [10:33 AM] June 17 2003
2 new single map for the classic Quake has been reviewed @
Underworld's Fan. Small but very fun, I recommend it with the
Dark Place mod for better graphics! You can read the reviews for both maps
Winners for the Tiki Domain 2Q3 Mappers Challenge

by DGhost @ [08:41 PM] June 16 2003
Tiki_Man has updated is
webpage with the result of his contest, the Mappers Challenge. If you remembered, the rules was to create a map in a specific amount of time (2 to 3 months only). The big winner is...
TymoN with ts_dm5: Full Moon!. Congratulation to him and all the participants who took the time to create a map for Quake 3! For a complete list of all the results, you can check it
True combat 1.0 is out!

by DGhost @ [05:32 PM] June 13 2003
Mirrors servers are out for downloading the
mod (about 80 megs). Here's the
list. For technical support check on the chan #tc.support on the irc server gamesnet.
Seismovision 2.22 is out!

by DGhost @ [01:34 PM] June 11 2003
That's right, the latest version for the most popular FPS demo player is out. Bringin'it to version 2.22. Read on the webpage of
Seismovision for the changelog and the download link!
Urban terror servers browser

by DGhost @ [01:30 PM] June 11 2003
Urban Terror webpage has been updated with a new utility called the
Online Server Directory which is a re introduction. This nice webpage will let you find any Urban Terror servers running out there without any software. I just checked it and I must say that it's well done!
Registration for the Quakecon 2003 is open

by DGhost @ [09:44 PM] June 09 2003
Since 9:00 pm tonight,
registration for the Quakecon 2003 are open! Free of charge, this is one of the biggest FPS LANparty in north america (to be more precise, it's in south of north america). With Nvidia giving away 125 000$ in prizes this year, it will be an excellent LANparty again, I'm sure of it!
Quakecon CTF tournament information

by DGhost @ [01:53 PM] June 08 2003
The webpage of the
Quakecon 2003 has been updated with more information regarding the CTF tournament 4 vs 4. Maps that will be used are:
q3ctf2: Troubled Waters
q3w2: Courtyard Conundrum
q3wcp1: Japanese Castles
q3wcp9: Spider Crossings
q3wcp15: Industrial Revolution
You can read all the rules for the tournament
here. 25 000$ will be given to the 4 winning teams.
True Combat beta 1.0 for friday the 13th

by DGhost @ [02:08 PM] June 06 2003
After many months of devellopement, Team Terminator will released the much anticipated next version of
True Combat in one week exactly. Featuring:
Tactical mode wherein you aim using the iron sights of the actual gun; read: no crosshairs.Two teams, different mission objectives, emphasising realistic team tactics.Scriptable mission objectives in maps.The ability for different weapons to penetrate different objects with varying degrees of success.Realistic sounds for both enviroment and player.The addition of C4 and smoke grenades to your arsenal.New attachment system for weapon upgrades (scopes, silencers, laser sights, etc.).Brand spankin' new models for the weapons and player.A host of new animations for weapon reloads, player movement, etc.Realistic lens flares, glare, and flash blend effects.Voice commands for quick communication with teammates.The choice between 4 different huds, including the old-school flavor from previous builds.
If you are into realism combat, you should definitively check this total conversion.
City night for Medal of honor

by DGhost @ [12:31 PM] June 05 2003
I'm never talking too much about other games running on the ID engines, there is so many to cover and I'm all alone for that. Just found this:
City Night is a total conversion/mod for Medal of honor, designed by the mCT (Medal of honor Conversion Team), reproducing a complete city with subway and drainage system, new weapons and much more. The mod got only one map called Genereal cobra. Take a look at the screenshots, it's worth it!
First one,
second and
Registration date for Quakecon 2003 are announced

by DGhost @ [10:48 PM] June 04 2003
The organisation behind the
Quakecon 2003has officially announced the date for registering to the event and the competition (125,000$ in prize for the Nvidia championship). 4 tournaments are held and take note also of a new competition of Quake 3 CTF! Oh yeah! I wanna see that. Here's the list of the official competition:
The Return to Castle Wolfenstein Team Tournament
64 teams will begin six versus six online qualifying rounds during the week of June 16, with the top 16 teams advancing to the double elimination championship round at QuakeCon 2003, where they will compete for $45,000 in cash, including a $20,000 first prize. Registration for the qualifying rounds will commence at 9 p.m. EST on June 9 and conclude at 12 a.m. (midnight) EST on June 14. Teams can visit http://rtcwqualifiers.quakecon.org to register and www.quakecon.org for official tournament rules and prize money distribution.The QUAKE III Arena 1 vs. 1 Championships
The ultimate test of gaming prowess - the 1 versus 1 battle in the Arena, and the only QUAKE III Arena tournament officially sanctioned by id Software. The battle begins at QuakeCon on Thursday, Aug. 15, with 256 players going toe-to-toe in the ultimate deathmatch experience. The competition will be intense with $45,000 on the line, including a champions prize of $20,000. Registration will begin at 9 p.m. EST on June 9 at www.quakecon.org. Please visit www.quakecon.org for official tournament rules and prize money distribution.The QUAKE III Arena Capture the Flag Championship
A new addition to the line-up of QuakeCon tournaments the 4 versus 4 Capture the Flag Championship is sure to deliver a new level of fast-paced team action. 64 teams will begin 4 versus 4 qualifying rounds on the week of June 16, with the top 16 teams advancing to the double elimination championship round at QuakeCon 2003, where they will compete for $25,000 in cash, including a $10,000 first prize. Registration for the qualifying rounds will commence at 9 p.m. EST on June 9 and conclude at 12:00 a.m. (midnight) EST on June 14. Teams can visit http://ctfqualifiers.quakecon.org to register and www.quakecon.org for official tournament rules and prize money distribution.The Wolfenstein: Enemy Territory Open
It's no longer only the "pros" that have a shot at walking away with some QuakeCon tournament prize money. For the first time ever, QuakeCon will host a big money tournament open to 128 lucky attendees at the event. Each of the 16 eight-person teams will be comprised of randomly selected BYOC attendees at QuakeCon on the afternoon of Thursday, Aug. 15. To qualify for the drawing, players must simply submit their name when registering at the event. Competition will begin following the drawing on Thursday, with teams waging war in id Software's newest offering Wolfenstein: Enemy Territory for $10,000 in cash, including a $4,000 first prize. Please visit www.quakecon.org for official tournament rules and prize money distribution.
Wheew that was rather long, visit the
Quakecon 2003 website for all the details.
New maps for BombQ3 in the work

by DGhost @ [10:32 PM] June 04 2003
The team behind the
BombQ3 mod has posted some new screenshots of 2 new map being designed for the mod. Look rather sweet. The mod is under the beta version right now, you can download it (about 11 megs). Beta version 2 should be out this month as they said.
Punkbuster Log Parser v1.0.16

by DGhost @ [12:51 PM] June 03 2003
I got an email from
Aphextwin who informed me about the
Punkbuster Log Parser. Lemme copy/paste you the description of this nice utility, since
Aphextwin already type the text I'll simply paste it here:
Punkbuster Log Parser v1.0.16
This program scans punkbuster dedicated server logs for game violations, hacks, cheats, ogc, etc. and populates a list of valid violations in an easy to read grid display. The user can select to merge the displayed violations with their pbbans.dat master list, a zipped backup of your original pbbans.dat file is created prior to any merge, or they can generate a html page that can be sent to the guys at www.punksbusted.com for them to add your list to their ever growing master list of cheaters. Note that you will need to resgister with punksbusted but its easy and its free. The advantage of this program is you do not need to manually scan through hundreds if
not thousands of lines of violations to find valid violations, this process is quick and easy and will save you an enormous amount of time. There is a screenshot of the program at http://www.gamerunners.com/images/punklog.jpg
There we are!
CPMA 1.11

by DGhost @ [12:45 PM] June 03 2003
I am terribly sorry to the lack of updates lately, but unfortunately, due to events beyond my control I've lost my Internet connection temporary. It took me a couple of days to find a good ol’ dial up access that is working. My update for the next week will be sporadic. Now on to the subject.
CPMA version 1.1 has been released. Mostly fixing some small annoying bugs with with GTV in some TDM games. Check out the webpage of
Promode for all the details and a link to download CPMA 1.11 and take note that this release is for a server side only.
RA3 looking for new maps

by DGhost @ [04:12 PM] May 30 2003
If you are not already aware, the new team (Ataxia software) working on the devellopement on
Rocket Arena 3 is looking for new maps to be include in the next release of RA3. The rules are posted on their
forum. To summarise it:
No remakes/conversions-to-ra3 of any kind.The map must not have been released before.You must include a compiled, ready-to-run version of the map.You must provide us with the 'source' files for the map so we can have a look.Keep polygon counts/shader counts/etc within reasonable limits.
Thanks to
Tumi's Tomb for the news.
Wolfenstein: Enemy Territory is out!

by DGhost @ [08:27 PM] May 29 2003
New models @ polycount

by DGhost @ [05:53 PM] May 27 2003
Rocket Arena 1.65 is here!

by DGhost @ [05:46 PM] May 27 2003
Not too long after version 1.6 here come version 1.65 fixing some bugs:
Shaft gfx pointed at groundFalling damage soundsSpecinvite messagesPlayer leanEnd-Of-Round window bugsFlood protectionBetter \statsFloor damage bugfixesArena selection menu fixesCrosshairsCompetition mode gives a black screen for spectators not following a player
Talk about being efficient! Hit the
Rocket Arena webpage for download (upgrade or full version available)!
News about Urban Terror

by DGhost @ [03:21 PM] May 27 2003
Oswald has updated the
Urban Terror website with some new regarding the next version of UT. Version 2.7 was supposed to come but the devellopement went along and the next version should be beta 3.0. The update regarding this next version is pretty big so I'll just post a small part of it and if you want to read the rest, well you can hit their
First off, Beta 3.0 will be completely repacked; gone are the seven pak files from your 'q3ut2' directory, replaced by a single, trimmed down pak file. Right now, we only have estimates for the final release, but once it's confirmed we will pass along the total size. Remember by repacking the files, many duplicate files will be removed, including .tga, .jpgs and .bsp files (ever see the size of some of those .bsp files for the maps?). So, while this new pack will be a considerably larger download than an update, it will allow us to clean up much of the mess we have made getting to this point. Now, onto some of the details from the development team.
And go read the rest for all the details because the next version of UT should be a major release!
Tenebrae 2 screenshots

by DGhost @ [06:12 PM] May 24 2003
The Matrix wants you!

by DGhost @ [02:26 PM] May 24 2003
Actually, it's the
mod's team that need some help. Lemme copy/paste you what they want exactly:
Modellers, whether you just model or if you can even animate, we can use your help.2D Artists, if you can skin weapon models, or player models, or if you can make awesome graphics, or map textures, we can use your help.Coders, if you have some experience in coding, we can most likely use your help.Mappers, we can always use some skillful mappers.
So you think your skills are good enough to help for a matix mod? I've been playing the video game enter the matrix lately and I must say it's pretty good, but I would be curious to see if this mod could be even better than the official game itself. Hit the
Matrix Quake 3 project for more information.
Interview with Daler

by DGhost @ [06:22 PM] May 24 2003
The website
Cached.net got an
interview with
Daler who beated
Fatality during the QuakeCon 2002. Again, another interview on the live of professional gamers, good read if you like that.
New addition to the WTF team

by DGhost @ [11:20 PM] May 21 2003
The team behing the
WTF map packs are now working on some new maps and with that 3 new mappers are joining the team,
Q and
79DieselRabbit. And as always, the maps are designed for CTF.
New version of Punkbuster

by DGhost @ [01:17 PM] May 20 2003
New version of PunkBuster was released yesterday from
EvenBalance making it version 1.034 and fix the following bug:
addressed bug that forces players in OK status to spec mode when a new update is released
Machinima festival

by DGhost @ [01:13 PM] May 20 2003
The Machinima festival is
calling for entries (.pdf format)! Think you can make a movie in 3D and it's worth showing it? Why not give Machinima a try? Machinima is to make films with a 3D game engine. An example of that is the music video from Zero 7, "In the waiting line" which was made with the Quake based tools. Hit
Machinima for all the details (and thx to
Planetquake for the info).
Doom 3 video

by DGhost @ [12:59 PM] May 20 2003
If you haven't still see it, a new Doom 3 demo was released last week for the E3. Worth to download, the demo is about 30 megs. You can download it from the ever there
FilePlanet or you can download it from
BitTorrent for the best speed.
..::LVL is at it again

by DGhost @ [12:37 PM] May 19 2003
..::LVL is featuring new reviews again! Again, some reviews on CTF maps. Mmmmm I wonder why?
Trent Reznor no longer making the music for Doom 3

by DGhost @ [01:12 PM] May 16 2003
Bad news! From the website of
The NIN hotline it seems that Trent Reznor, creator of Nine Inch Nails will no longer compose the music for Doom 3. This is a sad day indeed, for me at least, since I always (and still are) a Nine Inch Nails fan! Here's the reason why Trent don't make the music for Doom 3:
Trent Reznor is no longer involved with ID software's Doom3 project. The length of time needed to complete the gaming project has taken longer than expected. Reznor is now working full-time on the next NIN record and word is that recording is going very well. Stay tuned!
To clarify... Trent's music/sound will not be available for release in the retail game or in any further game demos.
Bouhouhouhou /me is crying! Well at least we got confirmation that he's working on a new album, but oh the humanity!
Doom 3 benchmarks

by DGhost @ [08:21 PM] May 15 2003
Well, I completely missed this one, I just found the article on
HardOCP just now! Shame on me. They published an
article that benchmarks some video card of Nvidia against, you know it, ATI. Cards tested are: The GeForceFX 5900 Ultra, 5600 Ultra, Radeon 9800 Pro 256MB, 9600 Pro, and 9500 Pro. All tested on Doom 3! For the hardware amateur.
Update : Also take a look on the story that is running about Nvidia who may had some problem with "optimization" of their drivers. You can find the story on
Ars technica.
Carmak talk @ the E3

by DGhost @ [01:01 PM] May 15 2003
If you remember, I told you that Carmak was going to make a speech at the E3 this year, well here it is, and as always,
GameSpy is there to give us all the juicy details! The
article was written by Fargo himself!
Doom 3 on the Xbox

by DGhost @ [12:57 PM] May 14 2003
It's official, IDsoftware got a deal with Microsoft for porting Doom 3 on the Xbox console. Not too much details on the deal, but I'm pretty sure that Microsoft will have the exclusivity of the game on the Xbox only and no other console could get it. Anyway I'm not going to play that game on a console, it would be sacrilegious! Here's the official press release"
id Software Confirms Doom 3 For Xbox
Tuesday, May 13, 2003, 19:39 GMT
id SoftwareTM and Activision confirmed today that id Software's DOOM 3TM, the most anticipated game of the year, is headed to the Xbox® video game system from Microsoft.
Built on id's revolutionary new 3D graphics engine, DOOM 3 draws players into the most terrifying and riveting 3D gaming experience ever created. id Software and Activision will feature a new trailer of the PC version at the Electronic Entertainment Expo, beginning Wednesday, May 14, in Activision's booth #1224 in the South Hall.
First released in 1993, DOOM is widely recognized as the catalyst for the first-person action genre. Since its inception, the franchise has been one of the industry's best-selling PC series. A release date for DOOM 3 for Xbox is not available.
I'll stick to the pc version on my side!
Another article on Doom 3

by DGhost @ [01:26 AM] May 13 2003
This one was published in the
USA Today. An article meant more for the meanstream reader. But with an excellent view on the subject. You can read it
New reviews @ ..::LVL (sic)

by DGhost @ [12:53 PM] May 12 2003
Update on Urban terror

by DGhost @ [05:44 PM] May 11 2003
Oswald, Project Coordinator for the
Urban Terror mod has given us a small update on their mod on the webpage of
Silicon ice, the team behind the mod. A small project for the mod is going on at the University of Texas (in Arlington) with a small team of programmers that are looking into improving the bots for Urban Terror. No date has been given since it's a project that will be merged with Urban terror in a not-so-certain futur yet, but it should be interesting to see a better support for bots in the mod in question.
Video from the LsN clan

by DGhost @ [05:18 PM] May 11 2003
A spanish clan, called LsN has released a video from their recorded games. A lot of nice shots that you should check out! With techo music (hey I love that stuff). The video is being hosted on
PlanetQuake3.net, here's the
download page.
Wants some info on the Quakcon 2003?

by DGhost @ [05:30 PM] May 08 2003
Well, well, well. I drank my beer too fast and here I am trying to write a news without making too much mistake. This is a tough challenge, but don't worry I'll handle it! The QuakeCon 2003 is coming this summer (hey, you should already know that) and again I won't be there (I feel like crying for that). Anyway until then here's some information for people who will go there. First of all, on the website of
Planetquake3.net they've got
some pictures of the new site where the convention will be held. And next friday, the website
Clanmatch radio will have an interview with
Doc Wilco a staff member of the QuakeCon @ 6:00 pm EST on the Winamp radio. Could be interresting to listen.
3 new levels @ ..::lvl

by DGhost @ [11:54 PM] May 07 2003
..::lvl got 3 new review for us:
Apocalypse by Burnz and MozeAncient Tower Construct by Jan JaneleHang on by dAde
At the same time they are warning us that due to moving from from Germany to Australia, ..::lvl will not be updated for the whole month of june. They also need at the same time some
help from you, for making some reviews of the maps on their waiting list. If you think you can write some good review and you have some spare time, feel free to make one!
Star Trek : Elite Force 2 demo is out

by DGhost @ [12:01 AM] May 07 2003
A new game, again worth mentioning, well actually it's a demo. 'Cauz the game is not ready yet. Can you believe that after more than 3 years that the Quake 3 engine has been released, a new game will use it again? Yep, the demo for
Star Trek : Elite Force 2 is still using it. Ritual seems to have made a good job again and Even,
Bobo_the_seal (who's working for
Ritual) has managed to post a
small message on a forum aobut changing the skins in the demo. And yes, the game look very beautifull. Even after 3 years, the Quake 3 engine still has it! Take note also that the first Elite Force was develloped by
RavenSoftware, so it's not the same gang as before. And the demo is about 118 megs.
A review of Industri

by DGhost @ [11:46 PM] May 05 2003
Industri is the first public maps based on the
Tenebrae engine. Single player game using the eye-blowing engine of Tenebrae! You can read a review of the custom maps
Quake rocks my world

by DGhost @ [06:34 PM] May 04 2003
Well, it was really fun. 4 days straight under the sky, I feel better already. And here I'm back with some news for Quake, the classic! 3 news about 3 mods in one shot!
FuhQuake is a win32 (and linux also) quakeworld client that brings you a lot of gameplay and console improvements (and some new special effects). Latest version that has been released today is 0.28 and here's the features list:
Saving/loading single player game support.Complete skybox support is now available.FPS speedups for GL clients (especially linux GLX).XMMS support for linux clients.New pyro flame and emp effects for teamfortress.
After that we got
Ultimate Deathmatch which is a mod that let you save your Deathmatch setup and any settings in the game and the feature list for this mod is too big for me to paste it here. Check out the webpage of
Ultimate Deathmatch for all the informations regarding this mod.
And for the last one, some news about the
Telejano where version 7.2 has been released lately featuring, again, a lot of new things.
Xtreme Arena for Quake 3

by cTbone @ [08:25 AM] May 02 2003
Xtreme Arena version 1.16 is out. This mod includes a big list of server and client-side modifications including a new command menu system, a mini score board, increased guantlet running speed (by 50%), and more. After you download a copy be sure to check out their
server page for a bunch of places to play.
An interview with Tim Willits on Doom 3

by DGhost @ [09:55 PM] April 30 2003
Gamespot got an
interview with Tim Willits on the current development of Doom 3 @ ID's office. Not too big, but an interesting read nonetheless. You can read the interview here and
2 new screenshots where updated. And for your information, I will be gone until next sunday since I'll go camping, lost in the woods without any electricity. Fun!
Latest part for the "Master of Doom"

by DGhost @ [05:06 PM] April 30 2003
Today is the last part from
GameSpy on their serie called: Masters of Doom. 2 articles again, first one is the
last part of chapter nine of the new book, "Masters of Doom" and an
interview session with John Romero, Sandy Petersen, Jay Wilbur, Mike Wilson and Tom Hall who talk about their days at ID. Again some excellent read, I recommend it!
Reaction Quake 3 version 3.1

by DGhost @ [01:17 PM] April 29 2003
Been a while since I've I've posted some news about some Quake 3 mod.
Reaction Quake 3 which is a kinda follow up from the Quake 2 mod, Action Quake 2 (but it's not developped by the same team, mind you), has released a new version of their mod, bringing it to version 3.1. Here's the changelog:
-In-game server browser now fixed to show RQ3 3.x games, yay!
-Added an error message to the /radio command to let you know if your bind is messed up and you're trying to play a radio sound that does not exist
-Allowed CTB radio sounds to also be played in other team-based modes
-Added a Zoom Sensitivity Lock during fire sequence of ssg to improve aiming
-Added local cvar cg_RQ3_ssgZoomSensLock to enable or disable the feature above (default enable)
-Upgraded the gamesource RQ3 is built on from 1.29h to 1.32b
-Removed most of the unlagged stuff. Only optimized prediction and smooth clients remains.
-With allWeapon/allItems enable it won't toss weapons/items when you die
-Various helmet bugs fixed.
-Successful mapvote now waits for a round to end in TP
The mod is available as an update or full mod download.
"Master of Doom" part II

by DGhost @ [01:16 PM] April 29 2003
Part 2 from the serie "Master of Doom" published on the website
GameSpy has been published today. Second part of Chapter 9 of the book from David Kushner. At the same time, take a look at the
retrospective of all the ID's game from

by DGhost @ [07:11 PM] April 28 2003
Gamespy is hosting a serie of article that will be released this week only, from today to wednesday. The serie? Well lemme explain, David Kushner is a writer/contributor to the Rolling Stone, Wired, The New York Times and Village Voice (what an impressive list) and he just finished writing a book, that will be released in May by
Random House. Called the "Masters of Doom", it will be available on
electronic version (and it's 10 buck less for the price, pay less and save some papers, what a deal). Okay from the title, we can guess that yes it's a book on the story of IDsoftware, from the childhood of Carmak and Romero, to the day that Doom 3 was planified to be done. Gamespy will publish the whole chapter nine fo the book in a 3 part serie, starting today until wednesday. With the
first part today, they also posted an
interview with the author of the book itself, David Kushner. From the interview, I could paste it all here since it's good, but it's 3 pages long, so I've got to choose only a small part:
GameSpy: How did this book come about?
David Kushner: I'm a gamer myself. I've been covering the game industry for a long time, mainly writing for consumer magazines like Spin and Rolling Stone, for more of a mainstream audience. And I just saw an opportunity to do a book about the industry. Carmack and Romero was just a great story waiting to be told. Obviously, it's a story gamers are familiar with and have been following since the early '90s. It gave me a good way to tell the story of how the industry evolved, how the culture evolved, how the technology evolved, but also the story of these two guys.
But on a more general level, what interested me is that this could appeal to someone who doesn't know anything about games. There are so many misconceptions. The country, and society in general, just hasn't come to terms with video games yet. There are misconceptions about who's playing them and the effects of games. It seems like a good time to have a book that takes people into that world.
That was from the interview, part 2 of chapter nine should be out tomorrow with a retrospective on ID by
Fargo himself!
Rocket Arena version 1.6 is out

by DGhost @ [06:01 PM] April 26 2003
Last night, (or afternoon depending where you are),
Rocket Arena 3 version 1.6 was released. After more than 2 years, a small update is refreshing to the mod. Hooray for everybody who worked on it. 2 flavors for downloading, complete setup is 104 megs but the updates is only 25 megs. Choose your destiny
Return to castle Wolfenstein: Enemy Territory test release

by DGhost @ [05:48 PM] April 24 2003
The test version of
Wolfenstein: Enemy Territory has been released last night for the Windows and Linux platform! New features? Ah! This mod doesn't require you to have the full version of Return to castle Wolfenstein! It's a stand alone expansion by itself (but since it's a stand alone, it's not an expansion, it's a game by itself). This multiplayer game is totally free and contain only one map (called the "fuel dump"). If you are new to this Wolfenstein thing, I suggest you take a look a the
player guide or you can also read the
Enemy Territory for dummies (I've foud this link on
Planet Wolfenstein. And if you wanna know the system requirements, check out
this link. So you wanna download it? Lemme give you some mirrors for that:
If you want more mirrors, I suggest you take a look at the official website of Return to Castle Wolfenstein: Enemy Territory. Don't forget, this is only a test version so far, not the final...
Rocket Arena version 1.6 is coming next friday!

by DGhost @ [03:25 PM] April 23 2003
If you remember correctly, not long ago I told you about the update on Rocket Arena 3 (you can refresh your memory
here)? Well, it's
almost here, after more than 2 years, the latest update of one of the most popular mod will be released next friday (the 25 of april),
Rocket Arena 3,, version 1.6. Of course you wanna know what will change?:
Many bug fixes, including SuperPummel, Silent Jumppads and the "Specbug"
Support for pure servers and PunkBuster
Mac support
New console commands: ready, cg_noProjectileTrail, cg_oldtruelightning, cg_crosshairColor, cg_crosshairStats
The stats command has a new look, it shows stats for all the weapons.
Stats overlay
Railgun-look options
New 'OSP' look shaft or the old shaft
Invite a spectator to your team
Ignore chat from specific player.
Chat escape sequences
Three new maps: Mid Night, Stormator Complex, and q2dm1-ish
Ooooh yeah! This is gonna be sweet!
Xtreme Arena 1.15

by DGhost @ [12:42 PM] April 22 2003
Sorry about the lack of updates these days, my time has began, again, to be pretty busy. So I'm late for that but happy easter for those who celebrate it and for the rest I hope you had a good week end. On my side I had a good week end of 3 days straight, it was fun (had to spend some time with my families). Now on with the subject of this webpage, which is Quake!
Xtreme Arena, a mod for Quake 3, has released a new version, 1.15. What is Xtreme Arena? As the author said it, it's a kind of mix between Rocket Arena and Excessive. The list of features is pretty big so instead I'll give you the link to
read it.
First map pack for Weapon Factory

by DGhost @ [01:37 PM] April 18 2003
Can you believe that a map pack for
Weapon Factory has been released? Oh yeah! Featuring 8 new maps for WF version 3.5b, this download is around 41 megs (you can get the mirrors list
here). You can see the screenshots on their
webpage or if you still don't know what is this excellen mod, then you should check it out. For WF lovers!
CPMA 1.1 is here

by DGhost @ [12:23 PM] April 17 2003
I'm a little late on this one.
CPMA version 1.1 is available since last sunday. The new update is a small file but you can also download the new map pack of CPMA along with that (the new map pack is about 24 megs big).
"Prepare to Meet Thy Doom"

by DGhost @ [12:05 PM] April 16 2003
The ever excellent magazine
Wired got an article about the upcoming Doom 3 from IDsoftware. A good view on a normal day at the ID office, a small history of IDsoftware. Also the rumor going on about Microsoft offering a lot of money to ID for having Doom 3 on the Xbox seems to be true. A very good read if you're into ID. you can get the article
UMP 3 is out!

by DGhost @ [12:41 PM] April 15 2003
It's out at last, the
Unofficial map pack 3 has been released! Featuring 7 quality maps from the community from mappers like:
Bailey, On-X, Phooka 79DieselRabbit and Mike. Take a look at the 7 maps with a screenshots
here or simply download the map pack
A new WTF map pack is coming!

by DGhost @ [04:28 PM] April 11 2003
WTF maps are one of the map pack that got the best name. When you start playing one of these maps, you always goes like that: What the f...?. The team behind these maps have updated their website with a new pack that is coming soon. For the moment, to keep us waiting, they have put some screenshots of these new maps on their website!
Reservation for the QuakeCon 2003 are launched

by DGhost @ [11:41 AM] April 09 2003
Okay, if you are not already aware of this, the news has hit the net yesterday, The reservation for the
QuakeCon 2003 are opened! Todd Hollenshead, CEO of IDsoftware gave us the information for this year:
"Whoever said size doesn’t matter has never been to QuakeCon," said Todd Hollenshead, CEO, id Software. "We won’t turn away our fans. Last year we hit our capacity, but we’re increasing the BYOC nearly 50% to 2000 gamers, and we expect more than 4,000 attendees for the four day party."
As for this year, the QuakeCon will be held in a new location, the Adam’s Mark Hotel. Well, are you ready for one of the biggest LANparty and the most important one of FPS?
New engine for Dark Places

by DGhost @ [11:40 AM] April 09 2003
Well well well, again there is a new update on the Quake 1 mod,
Dark Places. And this new version fixes some small bugs that was found lately. If like me, you have been playing in single player mode and updated the mod with a new version, you may have lost your saved game. But fear not as this new update will resolve the problem! Woot! If you haven't already tried this mod, I sincerely recommend it! The lastest version is build: 20030408.
Mini Madness

by cTbone @ [10:55 PM] April 07 2003
Q3F Minigames site has released their first
map pack that includes five maps with custom sounds and music. These maps are designed with several "mini-games" that are played with the 9 classes of Q3F. There's also a server up to try them out:
The people at Railbait.com have been so kind to put up a server, so be sure to download the mappack, and connect to this server at
Quake 3 fortress 2.3 is coming!

by DGhost @ [12:21 PM] April 07 2003
Some news at last about the next version of
Quake 3 Fortress! Remember that they had version 2.3 in planning? Well,
Locki has updated the webpage giving us some info about the next release (version 2.3, which will be dedicated to a fellow Quake 3 player). 10 new maps will be included (if you wanna see some screenshots, just check
here). Others maps will be updated also, some bugs fixed and PunkBuster support. No date has been given yet for the release, but we'll let you know for sure when it'll be out!
Reservation for Doom 3?

by DGhost @ [09:58 AM] April 07 2003
Small thing that I've found out this morning while checking my usual website:
Best Buy is already
taking reservation for buying the Doom 3 game. No date of course has been given on when the game will be actually released. Some companies are fast to take orders! And don't get fooled by the price, it may change (like going higher).
New version of Dark Places

by DGhost @ [02:38 PM] April 04 2003
Again, a new update on the mod for Quake 1,
Dark Places. If you haven't still played that mod, I really recommend it. I've started a new game in Quake 1, in single player with this mod and it's really a blast! The feeling of terror from Quake 1 is even better than before with this mod. The new update of the engine fixes some bugs but also give you new features:
- Color Control Options.
- hardware gamma now works in Linux.
- viewmodelforclient now works (useful for modders).
- Should be able to connect through NAT (such as Linux ipmasq, ADSL routers, etc).
- FrikaC's file access and string handling extension FRIK_FILE has been added.
- More extensions added for some effects that have been around for quite a while.
What are you waiting for? Get your Quake 1 cd out of that dusty pile and download this excellent mod:
Dark Places!
The Burial Grounds map pack 2: update

by DGhost @ [10:51 AM] April 04 2003
Oh yeah! Got an email from
dmschaos telling me that the first
screenshots of the next
Burial Grounds map pack - Viralis, has been released. Check out
The crypt for more information about this map pack!
Star Wars: Jedi Knights 2; Jedi Academy

by DGhost @ [04:51 PM] April 03 2003
Lucast Art just announce in a press release that they will release a new FPS game set in the star wars Universe. In fact, it should be a follow up of Jedi Knights 2 outcast. The game will be called Jedi Academy (for those of you who read this trilogy, you should be familiar with the settings). Ravensoftware will still be developping the game. No word has been given on the engine but I'm pretty sure it'll use the same one as JDK II: Outcast, i.e. The Quake 3 engine. The game should be release in fall 2003. You can read the full press release
Map Object Model Challenge #1 - Light Fixtures

by DGhost @ [01:10 PM] April 02 2003
Map-center is hosting a small challenge for beginner modellers. You are new to modeling and want to learn more? Check out this small challenge:
Map Object Model Challenge #1 - Light Fixtures. The purpose of this challenge is to create a model for Quake 3/Team Arena/RtCW (or any games using the Quake 3 engine). That model must serve as a light fixture, it can be anything from a torch on the wall, to a lamp on a pole or a candlelight hanging from the ceiling. Your imagination is the limit. There is nothing to win as a prize, except, maybe to learn more. The challenge is closing on the 30 of april. Check out this
thread for all the rules and information concerning this challenge.
Pax Imperia

by DGhost @ [04:25 PM] April 01 2003
The much anticipated Quake 2 mission pack,
Pax Imperia has been released! Created by Mark Shan, this mission pack feature a re vamped Quake 2 engine, 8 new maps and more than 2500 ennemies to shoot for! What a blast, can't wait to get back home tonight to play that one. Get your Quake 2 cd out of that dusty pile, open it and install Quake 2, 'cauz tonight it's going to be a total blood bath, back in the good old Quake 2! You will need Quake 2 installed and 2 files to be downloaded, the
engine (called the Knightmare's Engine ) and the
mission pack (choose a mirror). At the same time, you can read the
review of this MP on the website of
Ten - four.
QuArK version 6.3.0

by DGhost @ [01:35 PM] April 01 2003
Okay it's april's fool day, Happy whatever that turn you on. I don't really care about this day personnaly, but hey if you like it, good for you. Now to be on the topic of Quake, The
QuArK (Quake army knife) just released a new patch, bringing the tool to version 6.3.0. What is
QuArK? It's a map editor for many games (Quake serie, lots of games using the ID engines) and much more, you can check out the features section for more info. Also, version 6.4 is coming soon, development is moving on this tool!
Seismovision 2.21 is here.

by DGhost @ [04:48 PM] March 31 2003
OomJan, the author of the excellent demo viewer
Seismovision has just released the newest version, making it to 2.21. Fixing the following bugs:
- fixed: Demos not playing on Counter-Strike Retail
- updated: Seismovision - Update System v1.10
- added: The Update System now states when it cannot reach the server.
- added: Size in megabytes is now displayed in the Update System when selecting downloads.
- fixed: A nasty bug that made the playing if demo impossible on certain systems
- added: Greek (thanx got greepLayer) and Spanish (thanx to [mostoles*arena]memphis) translation of Seismovision, now 8 languages!!!
At the same time, he's already planning version 3.0 and ask for your suggestions about what would you like to have in Seismovision. You can post your comments on the forum
True Combat 1.0 is coming soon!

by DGhost @ [12:03 PM] March 31 2003
True Combat? The mod that aim to be the most realistic combat engine ever? It has been under alpha development for a long time. But now we got some update as the version 1.0 will finally be released soon! With that a video teaser that you can download
here, until the version 1.0 is out.
Pax Imperia for Quake 2

by cTbone @ [11:00 AM] March 29 2003
I just love modifications that can breath new life into older games.
Pax Imperia by Mark Shan looks to be a good filler for that role. It's a complete Quake 2 single play mission that includes 8 maps, over 2500 enemies, new monsters and models, and a new Quake 2 engine (!). The release date is currently set at April 1st.
New Release for Dark Places

by cTbone @ [10:51 AM] March 29 2003
LordHavoc has a new dpmaster release over at the
Dark Place's website. Here's a news clip from the site:
New dpmaster release, major bugfix (no longer locks up after running for a very long time when someone asks for a server list, encountered this on my own dpmaster), thanks Elric!
OGL 2v2 Quake 3 Ladder

by cTbone @ [10:48 AM] March 29 2003
OGL has a new tournament ladder up for Quake 3. Think you can successfully team up with another player and fight it out 2v2 style?
Here's the sign-up page if you're interested.
The bug zone, a starship troopers total conversion

by DGhost @ [04:43 PM] March 28 2003
A new CTF map

by DGhost @ [10:54 AM] March 27 2003
Leakspot got, again some new maps, this one is a CTF! Yeah you know me, when it's CTF, I'm there right away! And on top of that the mapper look to be from the same city as me (or around Montréal). Anyway, I can't wait to get back home tonight so that I can try
Gregypt CTF1. And yes by the name it's an egyptian themed map.
Update on Rocket Arena 3

by DGhost @ [10:19 PM] March 26 2003
Big news people,
Crt, the author of the popular mod
Rocket Arena 3 will pass the flame to a team of programmers. With this,
Crt will let the mod continue to grow and expand and be more updated, since he didn't have the time for it anymore. Here's an introduction for them
The group is actually a Swedish Company (Ataxia Software HB) filled with RA3-players who are passionate about improving the game, led by Patrik 'ElQueffo' Persson. Both because they are long-time RA3 players, and because they are an experienced team, I have high hopes for their success.
They are already working on a new version, which will be more integrated with the point release 1.32. More details on the website of
Rocket Arena 3>.
New Urban Dominion Screenshots

by cTbone @ [08:36 AM] March 25 2003
The massive multiplayer Quake 2 modification,
Urban Dominion, has release some new
screen shots showing the alpha build as well as the default HUD from the game:
We've released more screenshots for Urban Dominion that were taken from today's alpha test staged build, which includes the default preliminary HUD. These screenshots can be found in the "Media" section. In-game models are coming soon...
GtkRadiant: new version, sic

by DGhost @ [07:02 PM] March 24 2003
Again 2 new version for
GtkRadiant is out. First of all, on the stable branch of the software, GtkRadiant 1.2.13 is out fixing some small bugs with SoF 2 and the next cycle of release will be 1.3. On the other hand the team is announcing that the test release for MacOSX is out, version 1.3. MacOSX devellopers who wants to help are more than welcome and you can give your feedback to the
mailing list.
RTS: The ultimate Quake 3 search engine

by DGhost @ [05:51 PM] March 23 2003
So you are a newbie with Quake 3 and you wanna start
mapping/skinning/whatever but you don't even know
where to look for some help?
RTS Q3 search is a webpage that let you search fo any link related
to your Quake 3 editing need. You only need to enter
the word of what you are looking for and the results will
be given to you (it's like magic man). It's like a Google,
but with Quake 3 in mind only.
A music video with Quake 3?

by DGhost @ [01:16 PM] March 22 2003
Sometimes I wonder how can people, with too much free time on their hands, can think of. But it's good since with the internet we can all share our works. Check out this
video (format .wmv, about 4 megs) where some Quake 3 models are reproducing one of the classic video from... No I won't say from who, but here's a tip, video with dancing zombies.
Interview with Briank Hook

by DGhost @ [04:31 PM] March 21 2003
Remember him? He's one of the wizard with John Carmak that programmed Quake 2 and Quake 3 (and also one of the architect of the Glide API used by 3DFX Voodoo video cards). He is now president of
Pyrogon Games which specialise in puzzle games. The website
Curmudgeon gamer got an
interview with him. The interview turn mostly around games design and selling games for linux, wich is rather interresting.
New version of PunkBuster

by DGhost @ [12:42 PM] March 21 2003
EvenBalance let the word out that yesterday a new version of
PunkBuster (client and server) was released (if you played Quake 3 yesterday you should have noticed). Version 1.026 for the client:
new /pb_myguid console command displays the current cdkey and resulting PB GUID new pb_autoexec setting to hold the name of a user-created script that PB will execute after each new server connection; players can create or edit pbcl.cfg with a text editor such as notepad and add a line such as 'pb_autoexec pbgame'; then in the Quake3 'baseq3' folder create a file called pbgame.cfg and enter commands that should be executed automatically after each connection.
And version 1.029 for the server:
improved detection and handling of corrupted security data (pbsv.db file)addressed pb_sv_restart bug that caused unexpected server exit on some linux boxes
Also be aware that EvenBalance has stated that the violation #60080 is not a violation in itself and cause false positive for some players. PB server admins should ignore the violation #60080.
"I ran a Quake house"

by DGhost @ [05:23 PM] March 20 2003
Here's something totally different than usual. The website
The Toque got some articles with Quake as the subject (be warned that these articles are satire). Here's a taste of it:
MY HOME-- One day I was standing amidst the clutter--candy-bar wrappers littered my cola-stained carpet, extension cords and ethernet cables wove through my living room like wild ivy, and my curtains were sewn shut to prevent even the narrowest of sunbeams from entering--when I realized what my home had become: a Quake house.
The neighbours had a right to be suspicious. They had seen the eerie flickering lights glowing within; they had watched the curious-looking young strangers coming and going at all hours of the day and night, carrying peculiar boxes, bags, and backpacks; they had heard the strange artificial sounds echoing from inside--noises they couldn't quite describe. They knew something was drawing them like Sim-ants to a Sim-picnic.
What they didn't realize though, was that I was trafficking not in crack or heroin, but something far worse...multiplayer gaming.
I suggest (if you can read that is):
I ran a Quake houseWhy I lost that DeathmatchQuake player can't distinguish gaming from realityWhy I lost my girlfriend
And more on the website of
The Toque.
The 2Q3 mappers challenge

by DGhost @ [05:47 PM] March 19 2003
Tiki Domain is warning us that next friday the inscription will be closed for the registration of the
2q3 mappers challenge. From the website, here's the rules:
The Challenge, should you choose to accept it, and you should, is this: to create the koolest map possible in two to three months. From reading your text files in maps that have come to the Tikidomain, I can estimate that is plenty of time, and you won't have to slave yourself to your computer.
Only 2 months left to make a map! Are you feeling up to it?
Xtreme Quake 3

by Destify @ [10:44 AM] March 18 2003
Xtreme mod for Quake 3 has been updated to version 1.12. It's only 300k! Worth checking out for that small of a download.
These are some of the new features added:
Clients have the ability to opt out of lag compensation with "cg_delag".
Lag compensation can be adjusted or used only with specific weapons.
Armor now gives added protection from damage
Optional full lag compensation
Server admins can disable any weapon
New tool for Quake 3 admin

by DGhost @ [04:04 PM] March 17 2003
Aphextwin has released a tool for the admins of Quake servers using Punkbuster. This utility scans your punkbuster log, check for any game violations and cheats. Once it has found the information, you can update your pbbans.dat easily by adding the IP of the offender by a simple click to your pbbans.dat. Pretty nice uh? Check out
website or download this tool
UMP 3 is coming!

by DGhost @ [02:51 PM] March 15 2003
The universal map pack project is growing again! Personnaly it's one of the best map pack I've ever got! All maps are CTF only and the quality are excellent! You can find the
UMP1 here and the
UMP2 here.
Phooka the initiator of the map packs posted a message on the forum of
Quake 3 World about sending your maps for submissions on the next UMP3. Maps must be for CTF mode, support threewave also and a benefit would also be supporting bot (but it's not a major feature). You can read
Phooka's message
GtkRadiant 1.3.6

by DGhost @ [11:45 PM] March 13 2003
Small update for the Win32 OSes, bringing
GtkRadiant to version 1.3.6. The support for Half life has been improved and fix other small bugs, nothing too much major.
Demos too big?

by DGhost @ [02:26 PM] March 12 2003
Here come the
Quake 3 Server Demo Center or simply Q3SDC (btw, the webpage of the creator is in russian I think, you can get an english version
here). This nifty little program take your Quake 3 demo, compress it and give you the POV of any players in the game. Finish having to see only the POV of the players your following (this feature is already include in many mods for Quake 3, except the plain vanilla Quake 3). The compression feature is really nice also as it said that it can compress a 6 megs demo to 800 Kb. You can download Q3SDC
here. Drawback? This software works only with Quake 3 version 1.32
and for the Win32 platforme.
The TBLM map pack

by DGhost @ [02:18 PM] March 11 2003
Juggernaut from the
Blue Machine just finished 4 maps designed with CTFS in mind and CTF. Whoa! That's for me, 3wave here I come... BTW, I strongly suggest you try
Threewave CTF. So if you want some pics of the map, check
here or download this 4 maps pack
GtkRadiant 1.3

by DGhost @ [02:12 PM] March 11 2003
New update for
GtkRadiant, bringing it to version 1.3, available so far only on the Win32 OS. Also first release supporting Half Life. On another topic, they are still working hard on the OSX version and they,
"desperately need OSX developers". That's it!
OSP 1.03a

by DGhost @ [02:07 AM] March 09 2003
The latest release of
OSP for Quake 3 just came out! The update is a server side only and here's the changelog:
- Fix: "Godmode" exploit
- Fix: droppable HIs in modes besides Vanilla FT
- Fix: reset server_freezetag to 0 for custom modes (prior to exec'ing)
- Change: server_freezetag is now a serverinfo cvar
So if you plan on running a server, go grab it, else you don't need it.
It's a new tower record

by DGhost @ [02:01 AM] March 09 2003
A new record has been set for a tower of players in Quake 3, making it 59 players (Polish), you can download the demo file from
PlanetQuake3.net here.
Western Quake 3 Soon!

by cTbone @ [12:02 PM] March 07 2003
Today is the day, according to
Western Quake 3, that the new Beta 2 update will be released. So far, it looks as if everything is in order admist the discovery of a last second bug that was promptly fixed. Here's an exerpt from their main page:
Well friends, the countdown is going into its end phase now. Only a few more hours to go. Many mirrors have the files already on their servers and some gameservers are already running Beta 2.0. So as you can see, everything is working just fine by now.
Hopefully everything will launch successfully and we can all try out Beta 2 later on today!
What's going on with UT?

by DGhost @ [11:53 PM] March 06 2003
It's for
Urban Terror, not the "other" game. Well, 2.6a is on the net since a couple of weeks now, the changes where huge (mostly for the weapons), of course, with that came all the "comments" from the community. The team behind UT is, again, busy with the next release, 2.7, where we should see a new mode in a kinda bomb/defuse gameplay. Not to forget, new maps also. I could go on with all the new features that they're gonna include, but instead I'll let you read the whole thing on their
Is QuakeWorld dying?

by DGhost @ [01:25 PM] March 06 2003
Challenge-TV got some interesting
comments about QuakeWorld. Is it dying or not? After more than 7 years that players are hooked on it, the competition scene seems to be slowing down. Personnally, I'm really impress to see where QuakeWorld has gone, after more than 7 years!
Quake 3 CTF history - part 2

by DGhost @ [10:59 PM] March 05 2003
Second part on
ShackES about the history of the Quake 3 CTF competition scene.
First article was the year 2000 and now with
part 2, we get a glimpse on 2001. Only a last article to be done!
New texture pack for Quake 3

by DGhost @ [04:25 PM] March 04 2003
Speedy just released a new pack of textures designed with Quake 3 in mind. Check out a preview of the textures
here. At the same time, I would recommend checking out the skybox he created, it's magnificient!. Hit
Speedy's webpage for all the goodies!
News about Medal of honor

by DGhost @ [01:31 PM] March 04 2003
Homelanfed got some nice previews of Medal of honor: Rising sun, which is a first part of 2 of a game for the console (PS2, xbox and gamecube), set in the pacific. The games will also include multiplayer, where the screen can be separated in 4, but no online multiplayer tough. At the same time, they got some informations about the next mission pack for MoH PC, that should be released this summer. An external developer will make this expansion, no name about that studio or the expansion title has been said. But they did said that the next mission pack would be centered around the african and italian campaign of WWII. And a new multiplayer gameplay mode will be introduced. You can read it all
Western Quake News

by cTbone @ [03:37 PM] March 03 2003
The guys over at
Western Quake 3 have released the
manual for their upcoming mod update. They have also announced a specific launch date of March 7th at 9PM CET:
And now, after quite some time (I cant even count it anymore) of development and endless weeks of beta testing we are finally ready to communicate an official release date for a hopefully bug-free Beta 2.0 version of Western Quake³. This one will be Friday, March 7th at 9pm CET (GMT +1). Wed be glad to meet you at the pre-release party taking place one hour before the release in our IRC channel irc.quakenet.org #westernq3. See you there!
Watch out it's a bomb!

by DGhost @ [12:35 PM] March 03 2003
A new total conversion for Quake 3 is under development wich is called
Bomb Q3. The game fall in the cute categorie and looks to be amazing with a new genre of game "a la" bomberman. The team is currently looking for more help with an additional mapper and someone who can work on the sound fx. Screenshots from their first alpha version is also available on their
Interview with Paul Jaquays Part II & Part III

by Destify @ [04:28 PM] March 02 2003
Part II and Part III of the interview with Paul Jaquays of Ensemble Studios but most remembered from ID Software by
Part II talks about his origins at ID Software mostly while
Part III talks about level designing and some good pieces of advice. Free advice from a top designer! GO read it!
Dark Places Quake Engine Update

by Destify @ [04:12 PM] March 02 2003
LordHavoc's Dark Places Quake engine modification has been updated! It addresses a few bugs and adds some tweaks! So head on over
here and download it. Thanks to PlanetQuake for that tidbit!
Suicidal Quake Mod Update

by Destify @ [04:11 PM] March 02 2003
Suicidal Quake Mod has been updated to version 1.5.9 by DeathMedic3rd. Small patch fixing a small bug and improving monster AI. The link seems to be broken right now :-( So let's hope he is just updating his site ;-)
OSP 1.03 is here!

by DGhost @ [02:35 PM] March 02 2003
Yes it's there,
OSP version 1.03, fixing some small bugs from the lastest version. Check out the readme.txt for all the changes/fixes that have been implemented. You can download it
CPMA 1.1 is coming

by DGhost @ [03:43 PM] February 28 2003
arQon has updated the
Promode.org with some news regarding the next version of CPMA, 1.1 Major change would be that he removed the pmove feature. No date has been given for the release but it should be soon. Of course, we'll let you know as soon as it's out!
Dominion announced

by DGhost @ [03:58 PM] February 27 2003
Global Gaming is announcing the development of a new game based on the Quake 2 engine, called
Dominion. The game will be Open Source software (yeah!) and here's a part of the official announcement:
Today, we are announcing development of a First Person Shooter designed around the Quake 2 engine from ID Software. It is a Massive Multiplayer Online Game boasting a guarantee of the ability to handle at least 200 concurrent clients at product release date with expectations for a much higher limit on clients or even no limit.
Check out the game's
website for more informations!
Smoothie News

by cTbone @ [06:09 PM] February 26 2003
Orange Smoothie Productions site has been updated with news of a soon-to-be-released 1.03 patch for their mod. It covers mainly bug fixes from the previous 1.02 release along with various small additions.
Darkplaces Mod and Engine Update

by cTbone @ [06:01 PM] February 26 2003
Darkplaces mod and engine have been updated with various bug fixes and speed-related improvements:
The new engine release fixes a lot of very annoying bugs in 20021103, and should improve performance all-round (especially in realtime shadowing mode), and can cope with totally insane mods (at least as entity limits go). The mod includes some weapon changes and new rtlights files for various id maps.
Pictures are
here and
head this way for the downloads.
Pic of the day

by DGhost @ [03:24 PM] February 25 2003
We are currently looking for some original pictures to post as the pic of the day. If you think that you have some pictures, interresting, related to Quake, or any ID engine, feel free to send them to me @
Official comment from WCG

by DGhost @ [02:54 PM] February 24 2003
WCG has released their reasons why they dropped Quake 3 from their list of competition. You can read it
ShackES got some interresting
comments on the position tough. Also, they got some
comments from professional players about the decision of the WCG, if they will play UT2003 or not.
Lego Textures

by cTbone @ [11:15 PM] February 23 2003
BerneyBoys Map Design has released a
Lego® texture pack for all you map designers out there. Seeing a Q3A map with blocky textures brings back memories of building rediculous machines out of Legos® back in the day...
Quake 3 Gloom!

by cTbone @ [09:57 AM] February 24 2003
Team Reaction has
announced the creation of another installment of the popular Q2 mod
Gloom. This time around they will be utilizing the Q3A engine and keeping the gameplay very similar to the current Q2 version. You can check out a recent
screenshot here . Personally, Gloom has always been my favorite mod for any quake gaming engine. Team Reaction did a fantastic job with the creation of Gloom for Quake 2 and lets hope they can pull it off again with Quake 3. Stay tuned for news updates and announcements.
One map to rull them all

by DGhost @ [03:29 PM] February 21 2003
A new map, created by
BerbeyBoy has been released, supporting not only Quake 3, but 6 games using the Quake 3 engine.
LetGo, which is a map inspired by the Lego is available for:
Quake 3 ArenaReturn to castle WolfensteinStar Wars Jedi Knight II: OutcastSoldier of fortune: Double helixMedal of honor: Allied assaultStar trek voyager: Elite force
A pack featuring the textures has also been released with that!
Raven is hiring

by DGhost @ [10:28 PM] February 20 2003
Yep that's right, Kenn Hoekstra has updated his
.Plan letting us know that
Raven Software is hiring for a position of 2D/3D texture and world model artist on? Quake 4! Eh, you better be really good if you wanna apply there, 'cauz if that look crappy I'll be pissed off (and a lot of others players also).
Tikidomain 2Q3 Map Challenge

by cTbone @ [02:05 PM] February 20 2003
Tikidomain is hosting a
Q3 map challenge for anyone who's interested in competing. The goal is to produce the best possible map in a time frame of 2-3 months which should be plenty for all those experienced map makers out there. Get all the details, rules, and info
Altered Realm Tray Spy v. 0.80

by DGhost @ [10:08 PM] February 19 2003
AR Tray Spy is nifty little software that sits in your system tray and monitor your games servers that are currently running. Supporting almost all Games using the Quake 3 engine and much more, here's a little description from their
AR Tray Spy is a small tool to help you monitor and optionally administer your favorite Game servers. Each server get's it's own spot in the windows System tray where you'll get instant feedback on the number of users on the server, with the ability to immmediately jump into the game with a single mouse click.
Check out all the features, it's a nice tool!
InfoApp: a new way to give information

by DGhost @ [08:07 PM] February 18 2003
InfoApp is a new way to give a server informations through a webpage,
without a plugins! Just copy/paste the code on your webpage and there you go! You can cutomise the color and look of the code to match your webpage. Check out this
website for more informations!
An overview of the Quake 3 CTF league

by DGhost @ [07:16 PM] February 18 2003
BOFH from the website
ShackES has started a serie of 3 articles on the history of the Quake 3 CTF competition. The first article is
here with 2 others articles coming on the way! Thank to
PlanetQuake for the information.
cg_shadow 2 cheat or not?

by DGhost @ [06:22 PM] February 18 2003
The marvelous website,
GameAdmins pointed me to an excellent article about a new cheat that has been discovered in Rocket Arena 3 recently. The
article, being hosted on
Cyber Athlete Amateur League is an interview with Craig Stephens, aka
CAL|Stephens and other members of CAL. The cheat is not related to RA3 only, but to the engine of Quake 3 itself. Punkbuster has stated that they won't ban right away the cheat, but only if ID told them to do so. A new debate has been opened!
New Quake 3 movies

by DGhost @ [03:38 PM] February 18 2003
Dimension of the Doomed reviewed at Tikidomain

by cTbone @ [11:43 AM] February 18 2003
Dimension of the Doomed, a map by SoKar, has been reviewed over at
Tikidomain adding to the plethora of map reviews for both Q2 and Q3. They are also working on a mapping contest so stay tuned for details.
FuhQuake 0.27

by Destify @ [09:43 AM] February 18 2003
FuhQuake 0.27 installer is now out. Before there was question as to how to install the thing :-) NOT NO MORE! :-D Here is what 0.27 adds from their website:
The latest episode 1 textures from the QE1 team. This includes updated e1m2 textures.
Vastly improved dm4 and dm6 textures put together by gnorfy, def and yogic.
Brand new dm2 textures put together by newtov.
First time inclusion of special luma textures to render fullbrights on local servers (and remote ones where permitted).
No more ugly lava/water textures.
So head on over to
Telejano version 7.0

by Destify @ [01:11 PM] February 18 2003
After a while of being in development,
Telejano version 7 has been released!
Here is a snitbit of what the changes are:
programable multimod extensions
programable particle effects
programable console applets
luma textures support
locs files
say triggers
mikmod, playing mods
use mdl/md2/md3/bsp/spr as weaponmodel (beta)
no overflow errors (beta)
builtin map entitys support
Better support for Tenebrae maps
Better support for Darkplaces mods
Enhanced Movetogoal code (Monsters AI)Minor Features New builtin fx models
So go get it
Interview qwith arQon

by DGhost @ [09:34 PM] February 17 2003
ESreality got an interview with
arQon, main coder and development leader of the
CPMA mod. His view on the Quake 3 scene, violence in games and much more. You can read the interview
Quake 3 OSP Update 1.02

by Destify @ [10:12 AM] February 17 2003
Orange Smoothie Productions has released an update to their Quake 3 OSP mod. Updating it to version 1.02. Only took a year to get out ;-)
GtkRadiant Update

by Destify @ [10:02 AM] February 17 2003
GtkRadiant 1.2.12 has been released! Adds a few tweaks and new version of Q3Map2. For list of changes go
here. To download, head over to
qeradiant site
New Tenebrae 2 screenshots

by cTbone @ [01:00 PM] February 16 2003
Six new screenshots have been released as a small preview to the up and coming Tenebrae 2. The makers of the original Quake 1 mod have shifted their attention to creating a modification solely for Q3A maps.
Take a look at their current progress but try not to drool on the keyboard too much.
New version of Ultimate Deathmatch for Q1

by cTbone @ [02:18 AM] February 15 2003
Version 1.5 of Ultimate Deathmatch is out, just in time for some Valentine's Day fragging. Help pump some new blood into an old school game with this mod:
Ultimate Deathmatch for quake1. You'll never be bored with deathmatch again! This mod allows you to edit level varibles and items in real time. Edit level items, even pause combat to edit a level! Great fun and more flexibility then you can imagine. Also, some cool items to play with and some all new items. The "UD Companion"(qip quake +) lets you save those deathmatch setups in a saved game file. It's not required to run UD, but the feature is really handy. Latest Version is currently V1.5
head on over and check it out.
No more Quake 3 @ the WCG

by DGhost @ [12:16 AM] February 14 2003
Yes, the
World Cyber Game organisation has dumped Quake 3 Arena for the competition. Of course, Unreal Tournament 2003 (what is that game?) has taken the place. Finish, no more Quake 3 at the WCG. What can we do? Good old fashioned
petition of course! Show your support and your love to Quake 3 by adding your name to the
New PB version for Quake 3 server

by DGhost @ [07:11 PM] February 13 2003
EvenBalance released a new version of Punkbuster on the server side of Quake 3 Arena. The changelog is quite long so you can read it
here. The update is available on their webpage or, as usual through the auto update system.
Version 1.52 of Quake Toolkit

by cTbone @ [12:15 AM] February 13 2003
Quake Toolkit has reached version 1.52 with several bug fixes and improvements. The program has many useful features for server admins, players, and editors including a profile manager, a bot creating tool, a server configuration utility, and much more:
This new version contains all the fixes done in the 1.51b and 1.51c releases and adds a number of new fixes and features. Most notably the support for Return To Castle Wolfenstein has gone up a few notches, thanks to r3tina testing every new build and figuring out how compiling RTCW maps really works in the first place.
New director for the QuakeCon

by DGhost @ [11:11 PM] February 12 2003
John "EvilJohn" Carney, executive director for the
QuakeCon has retired. Having (very) successfully run the past
QuakeCon, John is having less time for his personnal life, by his own decision he retired from the post. Congratulation to John for all the hard work he put on the
QuakeCon. Brian "Tapper" Davis, Director of the
Online Gaming League (OGL), member of the carnage cowboy clan and director of operation of the QuakeCon will be filling from now on the shoes of executif director of the
ShackES got an,
interview with him. Here's a small part of it:
Why do you think Quakecon is one of the most popular LAN events in the entire world?
Because we have the worlds best sponsors, and we don't have to try and make a buck off anyone. We have an incredible wealth of experience and skill in our staff, and because the staff genuinely loves the event and what it means to the attendees. Quakecon is a pilgramage you make because you don't want to miss the party thrown by the guys that made the whole gamer phenomenon happen, and their old school friends.
So the biggest, baddest LANparty on this planet is in good hands!
Western Q3 preview movie

by cTbone @ [10:47 PM] February 12 2003
The modders at
Western Quake 3 have compiled a beta 2 preview video to satisfy your gaming needs until the new update becomes available. You can get it in their
files section. As far as the status of the mod itself is concerned:
...the mappers have finished updating their maps to beta 2.0 level meaning the preview version is now mostly completed and will soon be ready to be sent out. And as you know, that's the last test before release, so you can expect it soon.
New Q3 mod Tempest

by cTbone @ [12:18 PM] February 12 2003
A new Q3A mod
Tempest has just been released featuring a number of creative modifications for the game we all know and love. The current 1.1 version supports several new game types including Skull Runner, Elimination, Mission, and Double Domination. There is also the addition of new weapons such as the personal transporter and a host of many other new features.
Head on over and check out all this mod has to offer.
The results of the Q3A 24 hours skins challenge

by DGhost @ [07:09 PM] February 11 2003
results of the challenge that happened last week end are out! Check out the pics, they are magnificient. A lots of skins have been created in less than 24 hours.
Bmor was chosen for the blue team skin,
MoP got the one for the red skin and a special mention for an original skin was given to
qubism. Congratulation to everybody who participate, I've seen a lot of good work!
Return to castle Wolfenstein: Enemy territory is cancelled

by DGhost @ [03:29 PM] February 11 2003
The upcoming expansion for Return to castle Wolfenstein: enemy territory has been cancelled. Caryn Law, alias
Hellchick, rep from
Activision has informed the public with a press release:
February 11, 2003
id Software and Activision announced today they are canceling the retail release of Wolfenstein: Enemy Territory. Despite a strong effort from talented developers, the single player portion of the game did not progress as anticipated. Canceling the release was a difficult decision made in the best interest of the Wolfenstein franchise and fans. However, we remain excited about the progress and direction of Enemy Territory multiplayer. Over the next several months the focus of our development will be to complete the multiplayer portion of Enemy Territory and provide it as a free downloadable expansion to Return to Castle Wolfenstein.
The full press release is still not avalaible on the website of Activision but you can read it on
Planet Wolfenstein.
It's a 54 players tower!

by DGhost @ [02:55 PM] February 11 2003
It's been a while since we had a tower of players in Quake 3. The website
PlanetQuake3.net got the scoop of a new tower being made in Q3DM19 with officially 54 players.
Screenshots and
demo as proof!
Two new Amethyst7 maps

by cTbone @ [12:26 PM] February 11 2003
Jedi Knight II: Jedi Outcast has won!

by DGhost @ [10:34 PM] February 10 2003
Another game running on the Quake 3 engine has won an award. James Monroe, Lead programmer @ Ravensoftware has updated his
.Plan to let us know that Jedi Knight II has been awarded the PC best action game and best graphic (a tie with Dungeon Siege) by the
Electric playground.
Welcome aboard!

by DGhost @ [04:23 PM] February 10 2003
Nothing too much in our small world of Quake today, EXCEPT that Q3arena.com has now more help than before! I would like to welcome aboard 2 news poster that will bring you even more news about IDsoftware and Quake! Yes now I can get some vacation! Oh the joy! So let's all say a big welcome to
cTbone and
New .Plan from Carmak

by DGhost @ [01:03 AM] February 08 2003
A music video made with Quake? Yes it is possible. John Carmak is telling us that FountainHead Entertainment (his wife's company) has produced a
music video (called In the waiting line) using Quake based tools. You can get all the details in his latest
.Plan (at the bottom).
New version of Q3Map

by DGhost @ [04:17 PM] February 07 2003
Ydnar has relased, again, a new version of his tool for mapper,
Q3Map 3.2.38. Supporting Win32, Linux and Mac OSX, the lastest version now offer:
- New lighting code, return of Smoove-B. Intelligently antialises shadow edges when you use the new
-samples N switch. Get -extra quality in 1/3 the time
- New lightmap filtering code. Now using a proper 0.25/0.5/1.0 filter kernel. Also operates on individual lightsources, so per-lightsource filter/kernel settings are now possible
- New -patchmeta fixes, now does stitching and adaptive subdivision. Thanks Sock!
- Nonsolid patches will no longer be in the BSP when run with -patchmeta
- Misc fog fixes, including q3map_noFog support in maps with global _fog support (SOF2/JK2)
- Now stripping misc_model entities from the BSP
- Fixed disappearing face bug that's been present since 2.3.36. Thanks Shadowspawn!
Well, that was the changelog!
Galactix, a new mod for the classic Quake

by DGhost @ [06:42 PM] February 06 2003
Okay, this is a new mod that will be available for classic Quake. Be prepared for something totally new as this mod,
Galactix is not your standard deathmatch since this mod is a space shooter! Yep you read me right, like Gradius or Raiden, you will fly a small space ship at the bottom of your screen and shooting up moving targets! Whoa man, I love these kind of games, the only drawback, the mod will not be available before june 2003 (damn!). Thank to
PlanetQuake for the information.
24 hours skin challenge

by DGhost @ [06:30 PM] February 06 2003
Polycount is warning all the skinners out there about the
Q3A skinning challenge in 24 hours!
Bobo_the_seal, who is now working @ Ritual, has announced that next saturday starting at 8:00 am (central time), the SDK of a model will be posted on the forum. People who wish to participate will have 24 hours exactly to create the best skin(s) for the model in question. Read all the details on this challenge on the forum of Polycount
Concrete Void Redux

by DGhost @ [04:19 PM] February 06 2003
As always I am a ctf lover.
R3tina from the website
Engines of creation has released
Concrete Void redux. The original map was created for the Geocomp2 but he changed a little bit the map for having a better gameplay and supporting CTF and Team Arena. GG!
More details about the latest .Plan of John Carmak

by DGhost @ [01:37 PM] February 06 2003
To clarify certain points on the latest
.Plan from John Carmak,
Beyond 3D got a small interview with him. Still very technical, for those of you interrested in the aspect of the Nv30 vs the R300 chipset. You can read it
The server of SoF 2 is moving

by DGhost @ [11:58 PM] February 05 2003
Rick Johnson from Ravensoftware has updated his
.Plan warning us that the Soldier of Fortune 2 master server is having a new DNS. Resulting, maybe, for some players that they can have problems joining a server. If you want a full explanation, you can read it
Update on Western Quake 3

by DGhost @ [11:57 PM] February 05 2003
The team behind
Western Quake 3 has given us an update about their mod. The next beta release has been pushed back since they are having some problems with the test servers. Their irc channel has also been moved (irc.quakenet.org #western).
An interresting interview

by DGhost @ [01:32 PM] February 04 2003
The website
3DStation got an
interview with Jeffrey Unay, modeller for Quake 4 @ Ravensoftware. Talk mostly about his work (and there is a lot of pictures, you should check it out) and how he went into 3D modelling.
An update about CPMA 1.0

by DGhost @ [11:11 PM] February 03 2003
arQon is giving us an update about the latest release of
CPMA 1.0. 2 minor bugs he found out, but nothing to make an emergency. Here's an excerpt of what he said:
Now that the dust's settled, it looks like roughly 16,000 people DL'd the "full" 1.0 release from our FTP and the 3 main mirrors. That's a LOT, considering that most players only needed the much smaller "upgrade" release (which I don't have stats for). It does rather beg the question "where ARE those people?!" though, because while the number of players and servers has jumped quite noticeably in the last month, those kinds of numbers would put CPMA second only to Camper-Snipe in terms of online player population.
A mod for professional fragger!
New map @ the Engines of Creation

by DGhost @ [11:07 AM] February 03 2003
R3tina from the
Engines of creation is presenting his latest map:
(carnage at) State prison 36 wich is a very detailled map. I've just fragged in it and yes, it is very well detailled and the gameplay is excellent. Fraggin in deathmatch in this map or with team deathmatch should be a blast. The map also got (from my point of view) some inspiration from the next Doom 3 also.
New version of Seismovision

by DGhost @ [06:25 PM] February 01 2003
The popular demo players of action games has been updated again!
Seismovision has now reached version 2.20, supporting all you favorites games. The list of the changelog is quite big so I recommand you to go to their
website to see all the new features/bug fixes!
New version of MapProp

by DGhost @ [10:16 PM] January 30 2003
MapProp, the little utility that you preview your .map files in the propertie window has been updated. The latest version now support thumbnail and some other small features.
.Plan update from John Carmak

by DGhost @ [10:44 PM] January 29 2003
Yep! As usual, when a new 3D video card is out (in prototype), John Carmak grace us with his toughts about the chipset NV30 (in the right corner of the ring: NVIDIA) and the R300 (and in the left corner: ATI). Yes it is a technical update and it is long.
You can read it here.
New version of Punkbuster (server)

by DGhost @ [01:12 PM] January 29 2003
EvenBalance has released last night a
new version of PunkBuster server for Quake 3 Arena. Bringing it to version 1.020 this new update will make the following changes:
Addresses a server crash bug that arose in some cases when players were kicked by PBThe pb_power command issued by players now displays player guids similar to how pb_plist worksNow 'guards' IP addresses that are suspicious and kicks players using the guarded IP Addresses if their PB attempts immediate update downloads upon joiningIP addresses are automatically added to the new IP Guard list when a player's PB fails to update after three consecutive triesPB Admins can also manually add IP Addresses and/or netmasks to the new IP Guard list with the new pb_sv_ipguard command; example: pb_sv_ipguard 192.168.1NOTE: Currently, the IP Guard list is not saved to disk, it is cleared each time the PB Server is restartedPB Admins can now permanently ban players connecting with specific IP Addresses and/or
netmasks from their PB Servers with the pb_sv_banmask command; example: pb_sv_banmask 192.168.1
Also, various hacks were addressed that cause players to stay in UPDT status on PB servers.
New textures for Quake 1

by DGhost @ [11:00 PM] January 28 2003
New maps @ Leakspot

by DGhost @ [10:32 PM] January 27 2003
Doom on your cell?

by DGhost @ [02:51 PM] January 26 2003
EDoom for the SonyEricsson P800 is out! You will need to get your hands on the doom1.wad and doom3.wad tough to make it work. You can view a screenshot
here and
Tools for mappers

by DGhost @ [11:48 AM] January 25 2003
Okay it was pretty quiet these last day in our small world of Quake.
The engines of creation has released a new version of Quake ToolKit making it version 1.51. Here's the list of changes:
Added new q3map2 switches and removed old non-functional onesAdded the option to save/load compile setup presets/configsAdded a file info box to compiler windowAdded the option to add custom bot names to arena filesFixed -area and -point entry fieldsAll compile switches show a function description at the bottom of the window on mouse-overMap Compiler GUI's interface reworked
Next one is, again, a new version of
Q3Map (new version is 2.3.37) from
Ydnar. Latest changes?:
Building from GtkRadiant CVS trunk
Added new brush bevel code by MrElusive to fix lingering aas problems (sweet!)
Added -snap N arg to BSP phase for axial bevel plane snapping to reduce
clipped model plane count (note: will muck with above, use with care)
Patches in terrain entities should now have proper vertex alpha set
Fixed bug in fur code where fur was being limited to 2 layers (thanks pazur)
Reduced vertexlight search area to a reasonable size to keep vertex lighting times down
Well it seems that the tools for mapping are being develloped without a break!
More videos of Quake?

by DGhost @ [02:36 PM] January 22 2003
Just found this one! The
HTGK website got a nice list of Quake movies. If you are a fan of those, you can find a lot of movies
.Plan update from Rick Johnson

by DGhost @ [03:04 PM] January 20 2003
Okay, sorry I'm a little bit late on this one. The latest
.Plan update from Rick Johnson (lead programmer of Quake 4 @ Ravensoftware) is informing us that a private forum for mod maker has been created. Anyway here's the whole deal:
Based on feedback we received at the mod maker round table sessions at QuakeCon, we created a private forum for mod makers. This forum is a place for all mod makers of all engines / games (not just Raven games) to come and discuss any issues associated with mod making, such as programming, scripting, mapping, modeling, textures, sounds, etc. This forum is only open to people actively involved in making content. If you wish to join, create an account on our forums and then email me with your account name and I’ll give you access. There is also a small website associated with this whole endeavor. Again, this is for all people making mods for all games/engines.
There we are!
Urban terror version 2.6a

by DGhost @ [12:39 AM] January 18 2003
A small patch for
urban terror has been released. a new level is included, called
ut_sanctuary but mostly this patch bring a lot of changes to the weapons. For a complete review of all the changes you can read the readme.txt
here. The patch is an upgrade only, you still need the full version of UT installed before applying the patch.
True combat update

by DGhost @ [02:29 PM] January 17 2003
It's been a while since we had news from the
True Combat team about their mod. They won an award for the best mod of 2002 from the
ModDatabase. They are working on the next release and give us some screenshots with that.
MapProp for mappers

by DGhost @ [02:23 PM] January 17 2003
A nice little tool for mappers out there,
MapProp let view your .map in the properties windows as a shell extension for the windows file explorer. Easy to install.
Weapon factory arena 3.5b

by DGhost @ [12:03 AM] January 16 2003
It's out! The latest version of
Weapon Factory Arena has been released! Making it to version 3.5b, this patch is about 20 megs and fix some issues with version 3.5. The patch required the full version 3.5 to be installed. The lists of changes is quite big so you should check out their
A new version of Q3Map is out!

by DGhost @ [12:50 PM] January 15 2003
Ydnar has just released a new version of his popular tool,
Q3Map version 2.3.35. The software is available for Win32, Linux and Mac OSX. Here's the latest change:
PicoModel now inverts ASE T coordinate
BSP to ASE converter now inverts T coordinate
Disabling 2.3.34 triangle optimization code until I find out why it crashes
Fixed Conscript-q3map2 to use stack_size ld flags directly on Darwin/OS X
Added Conscript-q3map2 to q3map2.dsp for easier Win32 edit, *nix target
At the same time, for your information, a version of GtkRadiant will soon be available on Mac OSX. You can read the news on the website of
Opening of the spring 2003 clanbase cup season

by DGhost @ [06:25 PM] January 14 2003
Clanbase has started the subscription for their new season (spring 2003). The mods for Quake 3 are:
Deathmatch Cup
Capture The Flag Cup
RocketArena3 Cup
Urban Terror Cup
CaptureStrike Cup
FreezeTag Cup
Also Return to castle wolfenstein, Medal of honor and much more games are on the list. You have until Wednesday 22nd January to subscribe.
It's a RA3 video

by DGhost @ [12:16 PM] January 13 2003
RocketBear was kind enough to send me an email about a video (.avi format) that he made while fragging in Rocket Arena 3. The download is pretty heavy (300 megs) but it's worth it with more than 15 minutes of frags. And with the music of Propellerheads with that what more can I ask? You can download the file
here or
here. GG RocketBear!
New models @ polycount

by DGhost @ [11:08 PM] January 12 2003
A preview of Enemy territory

by DGhost @ [02:09 PM] January 11 2003
Gamespy got a
preview of the upcoming expansion pack for return to castle Wolfenstein: Enemy territory. An overview of the single and multi player side of the game is given.
Code red: battle for earth

by DGhost @ [06:34 PM] January 08 2003
A new TC using Quake 2 has been released.
Code red: battle for earth is a stand alone total conversion (meaning you don't need to install Quake 2 to play this mod). I've just played it and it's funny. The models are not the best but if you like blasting aliens like the ones in "mars attack" (the movie from Tim Burton) then you'll probably like this one. Featuring 20 levels, deathmatchs, news weapons (well everything is new in this TC) and much more. Stop by their
website to download it and check all the
informations and
Q3tools scripts

by DGhost @ [02:44 PM] January 07 2003
If you are a script freak of mIRC and you love Quake 3 at the same time maybe you should check out this tool:
Q3tools script is a bundle of scripts for mIRC that let you analyzes your OSP stats. You can get a lot of informations like your accuracy, give your cfg's informations to other users and much more.
New maps @ Leakspot

by DGhost @ [02:35 PM] January 07 2003
D-Day : normandy, the inland campaign

by DGhost @ [04:29 PM] January 06 2003
D-Day : Normandy (an excellent mod for Quake 2 btw) has just released their inland campaign including 7 new maps. You will also need a small patch with that. You can view some screenshots of the new maps
You want some new maps?

by DGhost @ [02:04 PM] January 02 2003
It's a levels review fest @ the
TIki domain where they have released their
map pack of 2002. Including 9 maps from the community who got some good votes.
On the other hand,
..::LvL has celebrated their third birthday and got a bunch of Quake 3 maps reviewed for your pleasure.
Next one is
Innersanctum, a Quake 3 deatmatch map that has been released from
Sock, over at
Simland has released a map called
SAFE wich is not quite in itself a map for fraggin but rather something to explore and "feel" the level. The source map file has also been released for mapper to get a view how the level has been made.
And for the final,
LeakSpot also got a lot of new reviews of new maps (some even under beta), so if you wanna try something totally new, pass by
CPMA 1.0 tomorrow!

by DGhost @ [02:01 PM] January 02 2003
Okay, new year, new resolution, new whatever. I was on party pretty much these last days and it was quiet in our world of Quake. But now things are moving again so to start off,
arQon from the
CPMA has announced that CPMA 1.0 will be released january 3 with the CPMA pack #4. The list of all the changes is pretty big so I'll let you go by yourself just like a big kid, to read it on the
CPMA website!
Happy New Year!!!

by awoq @ [01:42 AM] January 01 2003
The staff at Q3Arena.com wishes everyone a very happy and prosperous new year and hope you will make it home safely from your celebrations.
As this holiday season closes, Q3Arena.com will continue to keep you up to date with all the latest happenings in the Quake community.
Threewave 1.7 coming!

by DGhost @ [03:22 PM] December 28 2002
Kilderean, of the
Threewave team has posted an
announce on their forum stating that he started working on the next version (1.7). Of course everybody has already started making their suggestions! ;)
Old school Quake

by DGhost @ [02:58 PM] December 28 2002
here's some tidbits about Quake (the first).
FuhQuake has released a new version of their mod, improving the visual effect, the console and some gameplay fonctions (you can vien some screenshots
Fruitz of dojo, the team who port Quake for Mac OS X, has also ported the Tenebrae mod for the Mac OS X. Nice work guys!
Sleep to dream

by DGhost @ [01:56 PM] December 27 2002
An(other) interview with Todd

by DGhost @ [03:03 PM] December 25 2002
Todd Hollenshead, CEO of IDsoftware has been interviewed @ the
computer and video games website. Talking about the new expansion for Return to Castle Wolfenstein and the ports of the game to the console.
Merry Christmas!

by blitz @ [03:07 PM] December 25 2002
And the angel said unto them, Fear not; for, behold, I bring you good tidings of great joy, which shall be to all people.
For unto you is born this day in the city of David a Saviour, which is Christ the Lord.
It's my first year!

by DGhost @ [12:58 PM] December 23 2002
Yesterday, the 22, was exactly one year since I've started posting on this webpage. Yes, time fly and your humble servant, DGhost has been here for a full year now. Congratulations to me! Go DGhost, you can do it. Okay, even if I miss some days from time to time, I will continue to give you all the informations for Quake. If you want to help, we are looking for a news poster, this position does not pay (I wish it would :) ). You love the Quake scene? Love gaming? Think you can last longer than 2 months? Send me an email to dghost@q3arena.com with the reasons why you would like this post.
Some new about PadWorld

by DGhost @ [04:28 PM] December 22 2002
ENTE, creator of the
PadMan world has sent me an email to let us know that there is some new stuff on his webpage.
Mighty Pete has joined the team to create some skybox,
Herby will give his skills as a coder and the last new one is
MrFloppy who will fill the GFX-artist position (and they are still looking for model animators and skin artists). Check out also the webpage for all the new screenshots on what they are working. Really nice!
New guy @ Raven Software

by DGhost @ [11:08 PM] December 20 2002
Sorry for the lack of updates but I was really sick these last day, I was in bed pretty much of the time. Now I feel better. Raven Software has hired a new member to work on their project Quake 4. Djordje Cakovan is the name. If you would like to read a small introduction of the man, you can get it
here. He has been hired as an animator, modeler and got some experience with animation on Tiny Toons, Animaniacs. This seems weird but eh, all the guys who work (or worked) @ ID are weird anyway.
Some news about Laced Neptune

by DGhost @ [03:43 PM] December 17 2002
As he was secretly working on Counter Strike: Condition Zero,
Laced Neptune was pretty quiet these last months. Today he gave us an update of what was going on and a confirmation that he still intend to map for Quake 3, but going more to mapping for tournament maps with CPMA. Excellent news!
A new map pack for 3Wave CTF

by DGhost @ [02:52 PM] December 16 2002
I hate that when I'm sick! :( My throat is burning and I have fever. It's days like this that you really appreciate laying in your bed, all day long. Okay you got some news from me, now here's the news with this new map pack.
Alliance redux is this new map pack, porting 7 maps from the
Aliance mod to be used with the 3Waves CTF modes. The maps are:
Blood in Egypt by huGODemon
Iron Cage by Mr. White
Innuendo by StrongArm
Solar Temples II by slinki
Schizo-rena by slinki
Quickie Too by slinki and huGODemon
Mangler's Return by Jaboby
Feel the Base by Killer
Nice work!
Take to the sky: Tornado remix

by DGhost @ [01:16 PM] December 13 2002
Having made level of the week on
Tikidomain and got an excellent rating @ the
Leakspot with his latest map: Take to the sky,
Amethyst7 just released the tourney version of Take to the sky, Tornado remix. To make it short: this map is a blast! You can download the original version
here and the new version for tourney
Update on PunkBuster

by DGhost @ [11:52 PM] December 12 2002
The team of
Evenbalance look very busy these days. One of the last version of the pb client which has been released re implementing the
pb_sleep command didn't go well. They are currently working on fixing that in the next version (wich should be out pretty soon). To get all the informations you should read the
news section.
64 players in CTF?

by DGhost @ [11:41 PM] December 11 2002
Oh yeah! It's a massive 64 players frag fest on december the 21st (saturday) and the 28 (saturday again) on the
Jolt Quake 3 server. Here, lemme copy you the news directly:
Are you up for it?
Just for fun on two saturdays this christmas we'll run a huge 64 player osp ctf server running kineterra1.
Everyone is welcome, the dates will be Saturday 21st December and the following Saturday 28th December too.
You will need the OSP mod and also the gigantic kineterra1 map (yes it is worth the download this is gonna be fun so get downloading) :D
Go check ou the
webpage of the Jolt servers for all the files to be able to play. On the other side, if we keep posting about that one, 64 places will not be enough (also note that the Jolt servers are located in the UK, and NOT on the north america continent).
ID looking for a sound designer

by DGhost @ [11:37 PM] December 11 2002
Xian updated his .Plan file today, stating that IDsoftware is looking for a sound designer to work on Doom 3. You can read his .Plan
BFG or not?

by DGhost @ [10:47 PM] December 10 2002
And now for something different, the
BFG Arena got a new version by the Trisoft team. Making it to version 1.034, this mod is for the BFG lovers in you! Fighting with only a BFG on all kind. This mod is presenting you the BFG on a new light.
Quake news...

by DGhost @ [09:32 PM] December 09 2002
Meaning news for Quake, the original, the first. The latest version of
Tenebrae has been released, making it to 1.03 with some new features:
Particle/Decal scripting
Underwater caustics
Compressed texture support
Normal map support
PNG support for textures
Look very nice to me (if you haven't still take a look at the
screenshots of this mod, shame on you).
Next one is a small
project of retexturing the Quake E1 set of textures to be used with the
Tenebrae and
Telejano mod.
And also, a new TC for Quake has been started, it's called
Dude's Adventures using the Tenebrae engine. Whooa, some mods are bringing back the big old guns!
Quake II Evolved is available (for download)

by DGhost @ [10:42 PM] December 08 2002
Earlier this week I posted about a Quake 2 TC and today I learned that a beta is out. Yes you can download
Quake II Evolved as a beta (1) version. Here's the list of the features:
- 32/24 bit Targa and JPEG support
- Cinematics on map surfaces
- Quake 3 skies
- Stencil buffered shadows
- Anisotropic filtering
- ATI Truform support for models
- Optimized renderer for shaders
- Support for large textures (limited only by hardware)
- Water caustics
- New UI (with mouse support)
- New loading screen
- New HUD (incomplete)
- Enhanced console (more friendly typing, colored text, smoother font, etc...)
- Enhanced file system with ZIP file support (.pk2)
- DirectInput support for mouse devices
- International keyboard support
- Background music support
Check out the
screenshots section to see what it looks like!
WFA 3.5 is out!

by DGhost @ [11:00 PM] December 08 2002
As it was said all week long,
Weapon Factory Arena 3.5 has been released yesterday! The list of changes is quite big so I'll give you the link
here. At the same time maybe you'll want to read this
interview of Pappy-R from
PlanetQuake who got an hold on
V3n0m. And let's not forget the list of mirrors to
download this excellent mod!
CPMA 99y3

by DGhost @ [05:38 PM] December 06 2002
Version 99y3 of
CPMA is out! Minor bugs fixed. Only one new features wich enable you to drop the BFG and the BFG ammo. You can download the last version
Are you ready for the next level?

by DGhost @ [10:55 PM] December 05 2002
No this is not the old ads from Sega, but rather the title of a Quake 3 trick jumps released on the website of
Own-age. It's a heavy download but the title say it all. The next level. Yes, again, more tricky jumps that you think can't exist in Quake 3. Go
view it (DiVX format)!
Quake II Evolved

by DGhost @ [09:47 PM] December 04 2002
It seems that there is a lot of mod going on these days about updating the old quakes. Here's another one:
Quake II Evolved will add some (as they say it),
fancy new graphics and features. Having shaders, enhanced particle system, alpha channel support, water warping and more. Read the
about section to get all the stuff!
D-Day : normandy, the stand alone mod!

by DGhost @ [09:28 PM] December 03 2002
many months,
Darwin stayed true to his word and released
D-Day : Normandy as a stand alone mod. Meaning that if you want to play this mod, you don't need a quake 2 cd or quake 2 installed. Check out the
screenshots of this mod or read all the features
Buying game on ID's website

by DGhost @ [09:27 PM] December 03 2002
It is now possible to pay for downloading games on
IDsoftware's website. All the old classics are there for a good price. But eh, I already paid for these games a long time ago. But in case you are new to it. They are timeless classic!
Ultra freeze tag fix

by DGhost @ [01:01 PM] December 03 2002
A patch has been released for the last version that was released
last saturday fixing a .pk3 on the server side. You can download the fix
here (beta3a). Read the post of
Haste on his
website to get the details!
Take to the Sky

by DGhost @ [01:08 PM] December 02 2002
A new map from
Amethyst7 has been reviewed @
The Tiki domain with an excellent rating. Using a set of texture created by
Evil_Lair, it's a space DM map intended to be used @ the Geocomp2 but the author didn't manage to finish the map in time. A tourney version is coming also!
Milkshape 3D 1.6.5

by DGhost @ [08:14 PM] December 02 2002
Since we are talking about tools for Quake, here's a new release of
Milkshape 3D. You can create and edit models for games such as: Quake (all serie), Half-life, Unreal tournament and much more (milkshape support 27 games for models creations, you can view the list
here). The software can be downloaded as a shareware, available for a trial version of 30 days. The new version has a lot of things to offer to modelers.
GtkRadiant 1.2.11 is out!

by DGhost @ [10:27 PM] December 01 2002
Please note that the most popular tools for Quake engin mapping,
GtkRadiant has reached version 1.2.11! Including with this, the excellent tool, q3map2 from
Ydnar. You can read the changelog
here. If you wanna know wich games GtkRadiant is supporting you can view the list
Happy 2 years!

by DGhost @ [09:47 PM] December 01 2002
Not really about Quake itself, but they do make some references about it, I would like to congratulate Christian Fundin for his 2 years of running
Little gamers. An excellent comic strip for us who love gaming! If you don't know what that is you have 2 years or archives to get through... hahahaha good luck, but it's worth it!
I want some runes!

by DGhost @ [09:13 PM] December 01 2002
You want runes in your Quake 3 games? There is a lot of mods for that. Here's a new one:
Matador Quake bring back the classics runes and new ones also! Latest version that has been out is 00014 beta, ready to
Navy seals: covert operations

by DGhost @ [12:54 PM] December 02 2002
If you like realistic combat mod, then this one might be for you:
Navy seals: covert operations (current release is 1.45 beta) is not new and you may have heard of it. There has been a lot of news for the next release lately and you may want to take a look: screenshots of new gears and
weapons, new voice & radio messages, new play mode and much more. If you haven't any clue about that mod and are looking for more informations I suggest you take a look at the
About section.
Matrix Quake

by DGhost @ [08:44 PM] December 01 2002
A small mod that look interresting,
Matrix Quake is a mod inspired from the movie (or so I think, because there isn't too much informations on their website). The mod is in devellopment but a beta version is available.
Ultra Freeze Tag 1.1 beta 3

by DGhost @ [11:32 AM] November 30 2002
Haste, creator of the Alternate fire mod, has released a new version of his mod,
Ultra Freeze Tag. Fixing a lot of bugs that the previous release had, the new version will also work for Mac OS X users.
Some news about Fortress

by DGhost @ [12:22 PM] November 28 2002
Planet Quake 3 Fortress website has some news for us lately concerning the next version of the mod. The team is working on a 2.3 release (and it will be dedicated to a
Quake 3 Fortress player,
Zapped Again).
On a different note, I've just watched yesterday a
really nice video of Quake 1 Team Fortress. It's not everyday you have the chance to see a video like this. You can download it
here (the file is 186 megs). There is a lot of nice move, a must see!
Did you said mapping?

by DGhost @ [11:47 PM] November 27 2002
Well I'll give you some quickies on mapping: I just read on
The Quake 3 house that the models Re-creation was released almost one year ago. If you don't know that pack and want some new models for your maps you can download it
Next is something new at the
The leak spot (a map database reviews) wich is called
Q3Map2 Toolz. A really nice tool that help when you are mapping. I won't list all the features of the software but it's worth checking!
Anyway just check out the author's website:
HrOQuake III. There is a lot of tools to help mappers.
And to finish, just saw this one on
..::LVL, there is new
community map pack (1) made by the CMP team. It should be a must to be downloaded in your baseq3 directory! ;)
DK2 Mistress @ Polycount

by DGhost @ [01:46 PM] November 27 2002
Polycount is featuring a great new model. From Dungeon Keeper 2, The
Mistress is here! Now I got to re download
Horny again to make the perfect bot couple! Mouhahahaha
The next version...

by DGhost @ [08:49 PM] November 26 2002
Weapon Factory Arena team has given us an update for their next version wich will be released on December 7th. Version 3.5 is coming and until then the team has decided to give a wallpaper each day until the relase of the 3.5 version.
A new map from Charon!

by DGhost @ [04:36 PM] November 24 2002
Punkbuster client: new version

by DGhost @ [06:03 PM] November 22 2002
PunkBuster client version 1.005 is out and the servers are already pushing the new version. But it seems that there is some issues with the Linux and Mac version. Fear not as there is a manual download available on their web page right
here. Featuring also the new GUID, this release is describe as a transition release.
Updated FAQ @ QERadiant

by DGhost @ [11:59 PM] November 21 2002
Note that
QERadiant (the popular tool for mapping on the Quake 3 engin) has updated their FAQ and they are also working on a new release (version 1.2.11).
New linux PR (1.32b)

by DGhost @ [02:26 PM] November 21 2002
Robert Duffy just released a
.Plan informing us that a new Quake 3 PR has been released (for linux only) making it 1.32b. I won't list all the changes/fixes because there is a lot of them (just go read the
.Plan you lazy). You can download the PR on
IDsoftware's ftp but for some reason it won't respond on my connection.
Quake 3 Arena is 3!

by DGhost @ [01:22 PM] November 21 2002
3 years ago Christian Antkow aka Xian of
IDsoftware released a
.Plan that sent a tremendous shockwave through the Quake community:
Nov.21.1999 @ 11:17pm
Gold!!!! ph34r!!!!!!!!
Quake 3 Arena went gold! Yes, the best multiplayer FPS in the universe is 3 years old today and still kicking! 3 years is very old for a game and I am impress how much this game is still popular. Express your love by fragging someone today! Thank to
Planetquake for the reminder.
We all love jump tricks!

by DGhost @ [11:18 PM] November 20 2002
Yeah we do! Well if you like watching some nice tricky jumps in Quake 3 then this will be for you. And if you also like space ctf (ctf4) then you'll love this piece! AscendWand from his website,
CTF4.com has released last week a video (using the XviD codec) showing a lots of trick jumps! The video is 7 minutes and weight 430 megs. Pretty heavy but really worth it!
Quake 3 Battlebots: update

by DGhost @ [01:13 PM] November 20 2002
F4nt0m45 from
Planetquake sent me an email yesterday to give us an update on their mod:
Battlebots. They have some new screenshots of their color smoke trails, projectiles and bullet sparks. Adding also the classic runes of regen, resist, damage, vampire and ammoregen (that bring me back so many memories)! And to finish this, the
Battlebots team is looking for some beta testers!
The evil unleashed: more informations

by DGhost @ [05:57 PM] November 22 2002
After posting the news about the
The evil unleashed I got an email from Lankamp, lead programmer of the team giving me more information about the project:
The Evil Unleashed is not a Quake 2 Total Conversion. It's an entire new game. The engine has Quake 2 as a base, but has expanded far above that. It has even far better quality than Quake III: Arena.
Our website has moved to http://teu.quakepit.com, so if you could change that, I would appreciate that. BTW, you can read an interview with our team on www.3dnewz.com where we set out some exiciting new details on the game's engine.
The engine will be more tweaked the couple of weeks, and we are hoping to get near 65% of Doom III quality.
An interview with Fatal1ty

by DGhost @ [03:18 PM] November 19 2002
I just finished reading this
interview with Fatal1ty and it's really good.
PlanetQuake3.net got some good stuff with that. Go read it!
Marvel power battle: introduction

by DGhost @ [02:22 PM] November 19 2002
A new mod just arrived in town and this one look very promising.
Marvel power battle, featuring characters from the Marvel Universe (heroes and vilains) will let you play characters with classes and different abilities. Supporting single player, co-op and deathmatch also. The team is also looking for help. Nothing to download yet.
The platform

by DGhost @ [02:15 PM] November 19 2002
StormShadow just released a new tourney map, called The platform (featuring platforms instead of jump pads). You can download the map
Generation 99c is coming

by DGhost @ [07:27 PM] November 18 2002
Generation is a mod for Quake 3 featuring characters (and weapons!) from Doom, Quake 1, Quake 2 and of course Quake 3. The team,
Wirehead is informing us that the next version (99c) is coming and will feature:
- Full custom model/skin support based on player class
- headmodel support across all classes
- improved dynamic lighting code
- some minor bug fixes
- A weapon balancing fix with Slipgate class
- Tweak Slipgate grenade launcher
- Strogg, Earth, and Doom physics enhancements
Mmmm I'll give it a try for sure.
UMP 2 is out!

by DGhost @ [02:49 PM] November 17 2002
Fans of CTF rejoice as there is a new Universal Map Pack out! (
UMP2). Featuring 6 quality maps from the community:
WangButter: Attack of the Giant Space Dildoes
Mike: Volkskammer
Eraser: McKinley's Vengeance
On-X: The Bad Ball
MopAn: Polaris
Haste: Pharaoh's Gate
You can download it
CPMA 99y2 released!

by DGhost @ [04:29 PM] November 16 2002
Descripting it as a must have upgrade, the new build fixes some bugs and is more compatible with PR 1.32. Get your
CPMA today!
Punkbuster client: new update

by DGhost @ [01:31 AM] November 16 2002
As many of you have already noticed, the punkbuster master server is
pushing the new version for PB. At the same time they let us know that PB server version 0.988 will be out soon (with a new guid system). Of course, old version won't be compatible with the new one. But hey, with an auto-update we don't have to worry about that.. :)
The evil unleashed

by DGhost @ [10:39 PM] November 14 2002
Alright, a new Quake 2 total conversion called
The evil unleashed has just started off! Introduction:
The Evil Unleashed is a First Person Shooter (FPS) that uses a heavily modified Quake2 engine called the QFusion engine (Check out QFusion) to offer a stand alone game based on Quake3 technology like: Texture Shaders, Skeletal Animation, and Curved Surfaces.
You can view the first screenshots
here. The project is also Open source and they will try to push the engine to new limits. Another TC to put on my list for waiting. There is so many!
CPMA 1.0 coming soon!

by DGhost @ [02:00 AM] November 13 2002
ArQon is letting us know that
CPMA version 1.0 should be out in the middle of december (this year :P). At the same time, 0.99y is out and it means also that CPMA is
feature-frozen. Nothing will be added to the code until version 1.0.
New models@ Polycount

by DGhost @ [11:36 PM] November 12 2002
Yaaa, I always love new models! With Unreal 2003 out, there is a lot of models for this game but I am impress that there is even new models for Quake 3 that can match the ones from Unreal. Move along Unreal lover, this is a Quake page and yes my opinion is biased! Alright check out
Binky for Quake 3 (and yes, even Unreal 2003). Next one is so fun, check out
Boneyard a nice Zombie cowboy with a cartonn look. Beautifull work! All models @
What is Elemental fusion?

by DGhost @ [09:51 PM] November 12 2002
I always love to give you some bits of my life sometimes. So for a follow up about my computer, I have resintalled windows 3 times to find the problems. Yeah, it's working! Alright enough with that stuff. I always like to present you a new mod. And this one believe me falls in the weird type.
Elemental fusion propose team play on a new flavor (of the month?). One team versus the other one. And the two teams being characters from Dragon Ball Z versus Squaresoft's characters. Yep that's the deal! And as the mod progress they should release some new kind of gametype like: Hold The Copyright, Duel, Story and of course, more.
CPMA 99x9b is out!

by DGhost @ [04:00 PM] November 11 2002
Okay, again sorry folk for the lack of update this week end but my computer is dead! :( It's under reparation at the moment. Alright to get down to business,
Promode has released a new version of their mod this week end, making it 99x9b and solving only some trivials bugs with the mod. Enjoy!
Urban Terror 2.6

by blaze @ [04:48 AM] November 10 2002
Version 2.6 of
Urban Terror has been released. The crew behind this terrific mod has also put out map packs to go along with this new release.
Get ready for a new version of Weapons factory

by DGhost @ [11:21 PM] November 07 2002
The team of
Weapons factory arena is giving us the date of their next release:
Weapons Factory Arena will be unleashed on December 7, 2002 at 6:00pm EST. The update, dubbed version 3.5, will include full support of Q3MAP2, the level compiler by ydnar (http://www.shaderlab.com) that vastly increases performance as well as adds a plethora of new features to the level designers arsenal, giving them more freedom and allowing them to improve the aesthetics of their levels ten-fold.
Read on for more informations of Weapons factory arena on their
Update @ the Iceterminal

by DGhost @ [07:31 PM] November 06 2002
Iceterminal is letting us know that they have 3 new maps reviewed for our pleasures (mmm I wonder wich kind of pleasures).
A smal rush by Munyul Verminard,
A Pretend Girlfriend, a remake of a tourney map for Quake 2 and
Tri-Clonus first try of a new mapper. Stop by the
Iceterminal for a complete review of the maps.
Doom on your phone

by DGhost @ [01:53 PM] November 06 2002
I'm always trying to find something original for you, readers, to enjoy. Well today is my lucky day! I found this on
/., Doom (the original, of course) on a cell phone! Yes now you can frag while you are away from your computer. The game is intended for the Nokia 7650 model only. It's free but the game is the shareware with only the first episode. If someone has a try on it, please post your comments, I would like to have some feedback on it! Check out the webpage of
Wildpalm for the game!
Only mortal version 2.0b4

by DGhost @ [12:19 AM] November 06 2002
Behold as there is a game servers browser for the Mac!
Only mortal, supporting Quake 3, RtCW, JK2 and more, the latest version run on Mac OS 10.2 and fixes some bugs.
Doom 3 alpha leaked

by DGhost @ [01:53 PM] November 04 2002
As many of you probably already know, we learned this week end that a Doom 3 alpha (the version presented @ the E3) was leaked on the net. Of course it's warez, nothing official. Anyway this is an alpha and of course IDsoftware got the latest version but this give us a
bunch of new pictures to enjoy! Official words from mister Carmak on
"No, this was not leaked on purpose.
Yes, we are upset about it, and it will have some impact on how we deal with some companies in the future, but nothing drastic is going to change in terms of what support is going to be available.
Making any judgements from a snapshot intended for a non-interactive demo is ill advised."
John Carmack
That's a good advice! I can wait a few month for a
good product, I don't mind!
The World cyber game has ended!

by DGhost @ [12:20 PM] November 04 2002
Yep! That's right! Yesterday was the final of the
WCG. You can view the results
here. To give you a summary here's the winners in the Quake 3 competition:
Gold: c58_uNkind (Russia) [$20,000]Silver: Akiles (Spain) [$10,000]Bronze: reebHimself aka Socrates (U.S.A.) [$5,000]
Congratulations to all the winners and players!
New mac PR 1.32

by DGhost @ [12:17 PM] November 04 2002
Like I said last saturday, there was some problems with the 1.32 PR for the Mac (as Graeme informed us). Yesterday a new PR was released to fix this. Here's the .Plan (you can read it also on
Mac Point Release 1.32
Has been uploaded to id's ftp site. This version comes with an installer, and places an installer for Punkbuster, the anti-cheating software, as a package in the Quake 3 Arena directory.
Fixed since the initial 1.32 test:Punkbuster support (installer included)F13 key brings down console for international keyboardsNSEvent event timing added for keyboard/mouse eventsOptional IN_ cvar for mouse scaling to avoid Mac OS X buglarger default zone/hunk memory for modsvm compiler provides full jump/branch support for all modssupport for 11khz sound (non-default) for speedkeyboard repeat rate left untouched on exitGameranger launch supportNumpad support added / French numpad support added
Have fun fraggin' with the new PR!
Urban terror 2.6 this week end?

by DGhost @ [12:04 PM] November 04 2002
Hope you had a good week end gang!
Urban terror.net is informing us that the much anticipated new version of Urban terror will be available next saturday. Here's the scoop:
Silicon Ice Development will be releasing Beta 2.6 on Saturday November 9, 2002. Files and map packs will be available for download from worldwide FTP sites beginning at 3:00pm EST/12:00pm PST (20 GMT). We will be offering both a full download, approximately 225MBs and an upgrade, approximately 60MBs for those already running Beta 2.5.
On another matter,
Geekwearz will start selling the Urban terror stuff on november 15.
Seismovision version 2.11 beta

by DGhost @ [06:06 PM] November 02 2002
If you are like me and like to watch recorded games of Quake 3 then you'l like this utility (if you are not already using it).
Seismovision let you view recorded demo of Quake 3, JDK2, RtCW, Start Trek Voyager and a lot of other games! You simply double click the file and
Seismovision will start the demo and read the correct version so that it'll change the settings correctly. A new version has been released last thursday but be warned that it's a beta version, at your own risk.
Quake 3 PR 1.32: Mac version

by DGhost @ [04:25 PM] November 02 2002
Yesterday Graeme Devine announced that a new complete build of the PR 1.32 was ready to be downloaded for Mac on their
FTP site. But beware as of
today it seems that there is a small problem with that file. A new version will be up asap as he said. Punkbuster supported!
Battlebots is out!

by DGhost @ [04:18 PM] November 02 2002
Again, sorry for the lack of updates these days I had some things on my mind. Now let's get down to business. A couple of weeks ago,
f4nt0m45 announced us that the Quake 3
battlebots mod would be delayed and should be released around halloween. Well, there it is! Still don't know what
battlebot is? Then I suggest that you read the
about section on their website. If you want to improve your fraggin skills but are lacking some humans opponents then you should check out
An(other) interview with Oswald

by DGhost @ [11:02 PM] October 30 2002
Q3 Center got an itnerview with
Oswald from the
Urban Terror team. If you are new to this mod or just want to learn more about where the mod is coming and going. You can read the article
A new TC is coming in town!

by DGhost @ [10:54 PM] October 30 2002
Alright people! A new total conversion has been announced wich is called
Dark Ages. The team is currently looking for:
Texture artists
Graphics artists
Sound engineers
Voice talent
Modellers (static and animated)
To give a small introduction (as it's written on their website):
Dark Ages is a team mod based on medieval warfare in Europe. Players will be able to choose from classes including Foot Soldiers, Knights, Archers, and Catapults!
That look original!
The world cyber games have started!

by DGhost @ [11:20 AM] October 28 2002
Yes today is the ouverture of the
World cyber game in Korea! With competition of Age of empires 2, FIFA World cup, Half-life: counter-Strike, Starcraft, Unreal Tournament and of course: Quake 3. You can see all the results of each groups by clicking on the left menu on the desired game. And since we are here, you can get some news about the event on:
There is already some matchs that started, you can see their progress
Matrix Quake 3: a total conversion

by DGhost @ [11:08 AM] October 28 2002
Yep! Another
TC, this time, centered around the matrix world! No it's not finish yet, so yes there is nothing to download for the moment... The author has just released some new screenshots of his subway map. You can see the pictures
here. Nothing on the features section also but I hope it'll come soon!
OSP? What?

by DGhost @ [12:23 AM] October 28 2002
Orange smoothie productions has some news for us with their upcoming version of OSP for Soldier of fortune 2, Return to castle wolfenstein and of course, Quake 3 arena:
Of course Q3 OSP will get all of this plus a much needed dusting off for 1.32 support + issues found over the last 8 or so months. I'll get to this once OSP Wolf is out the door.
And also, if you make a donation of more than 20 $ then you get an OSP t-shirt! Check out the website of
OSP for all the details.
An interview with Matr0x

by DGhost @ [12:11 AM] October 28 2002
This is not the latest stuff but it's still interesting, there is an interview with Matr0x at the
Challenge Promode Arena who is one of the best Promode player out there. He's representing Poland @ the World Cyber Game by the way.
A new version of Rocket Arena?

by DGhost @ [01:00 PM] October 25 2002
Fans of RA3 rejoice! After 2 years, it seems that
Crt will release a new version of
Rocket Arena supporting the latest point release of Quake (1.32). Here's the news:
The updated Quake 3 source has finally been released, and I am planning on making at least one more release for RA3. Since the major complaint in previous versions has been related to cheating, the new release will probably be QVM only, so that it can be compatible with Punk Buster in 1.32. This means no chat or MP3 playing, and the standard Q3 server browser.
If there are any other major bugs in RA3 that you think need to be addressed, feel free to e-mail me and I'll see what can be done.
And it's friday so don't forget to Quake this week end! :)
1.32 SDK is ready for download!

by DGhost @ [11:53 PM] October 24 2002
Robert Duffy announce today in his last
.Plan that the Quake 3 and Quake 3 Team Arena sdk's are available to download on their FTP site under the quake3/source directory. You can get it
Acid arena 1.0 is out!

by DGhost @ [11:51 PM] October 24 2002
Acid arena 1.0 has been released at the beginning of the month and I didn't notice! Featuring 19 originals levels and 43 characters, you won't believe your eyes when you'll see these blowing visual effects on your screen! You wanna get an idea? Check out the
screenshots section.
Update: I've just finished downloading it and just to warn you the isntallation is a little bit different than most of the mods, follow the instruction carefully in the ACID-ARENA-Turbo.txt file and you'll do allright.
The WCG players

by DGhost @ [09:12 PM] October 23 2002
So the finals are coming soon! But who's playing and for wich country?
Shack E.S. got the profiles for your enjoyement! You can get all the details
Urban terror news

by DGhost @ [11:16 PM] October 22 2002
For those of you out there that are into
Urban Terror note that GeekwearZ will sell Urban Terror stuff soon! You can read the news
here. After that the biggest Urban Terror tournament is coming!
EverLAN with a Urban Terror 2vs2 CTF. And beta 2.6 is coming.
Appartment hunting

by DGhost @ [10:03 AM] October 21 2002
Some guys had too much free time on their hands but that's good because we can enjoy
appartment hunting wich is a small animation made with the Quake engine. Check it out, really funny, Quicktime required!
New maps @ the Leakspot

by DGhost @ [09:49 AM] October 21 2002
Leakspot is a map database where you can find reviews about the maps. Always good to have something else! Latest map to have been reviewwed is: Strongholds remembered, Lurkin' grounds, Q3Hexdm2, Ice and if you are a CTF fan check out Frozen colors!
Quakecon 2003?

by DGhost @ [01:49 AM] October 20 2002
Like me you didn't went to the Quakecon this year? Well you can reserve your place right away for the next one! You can bid on ebay for the VIP package with travel for your place! The bid is ending in 14 hours and right now the amount is 1550.00$ but I'm pretty sure that in the last hours the price will go zoom! Oh and IDsoftware will give the money to charity. You can see the bid
WCG USA - final match for download

by DGhost @ [11:56 PM] October 17 2002
The team sportscast network got all the finals of Quake 3 of the WCG for download! With the shoutcast synchronized on top of that? Anything else with that? Download it
Source code of Unlagged!

by DGhost @ [11:41 PM] October 17 2002
Haste, creator of the Unlagged, Alternate fire and Ultra freeze tag mod has just released the source code of his Unlagged mod! And with a new version bringing it to 2.01. Check out his
webpage for the list of all the fix and features!
PlanetQuake is one year older!

by DGhost @ [12:51 PM] October 15 2002
One of the biggest website of Quake has celebrated their birthday yesterday!
PlanetQuake is 6 years old now! Congratulations to the team for their excellent work!
Quake v1.0.9 for Mac OS X

by DGhost @ [12:45 PM] October 15 2002
Fruitz of Dojo has just released a new version of their patch of Quake 1 for Mac OS X:
Rewritten event handler. Solves performance problems that some users were experiencing.
Rewritten audio CD driver. Solves issue with audio CD playback that some users were experiencing.
Added support for MP3 and MP4 playback (see startup dialog).
Added support for other displays than the main display to the software renderer versions.
Added "fade all displays" option to the software renderer versions.
Mouse look is now enabled by default.
Redesigned startup dialog.
Check out their download page to get the file!
The X3 maps are here!

by DGhost @ [01:18 PM] October 13 2002
X3 maps pack has been released today! Including 8 new CTF maps for Vanilla CTF, Threewave and Aliance CTF you really want to download this one!
An interview with the winner of the WCG USA

by DGhost @ [12:05 AM] October 13 2002
Last week end was the USA WCG and the final winner,
Socrate is going to Korea for the final!
ES Reality got an
interview with the man himself!
The last map pack from Quint?

by DGhost @ [03:29 AM] October 12 2002
Quint has released a
map pack earlier this week and from what I have heard it should be his last one for Quake 3 Arena as he is moving to new technology/engine/platform/whatever the term you prefer. As always, an excellent mapper! You can read a review @ the
ice terminal.
PR 1.32 for Mac is out!

by DGhost @ [09:20 PM] October 10 2002
Okay, Graeme Devine just gave us a new
.Plan update to let us know that the Point Release for Mac is out but as a beta only. He ask the players to test it and let him know about any bugs.
Mac Point Release 1.32
Just so I'm telling the truth, there is a TEST version of Mac OS X 1.32 up on our ftp (or it will be in a bit, isdn slowness). If anyone who is willing to test this in the next 24 hours can, and let me know how it goes I'd appreciate it. Let me know about performance, issues, crashes, etc. asap (while I sleep, been up for 36 hours now) and we'll get this final tomorrow. If you can, I'd really appreciate it if you can compare performance to previous Q3A installs on your computer. Add that dual monitor and drag the window between them, use two mice, drink coffee and use the rail gun at the same time.
This is a complete update, all pak files are included, so this drags right over your main Q3A install. You'll need OS X 10.1 or later to run it. It addresses keyboard, mouse, OpenGL issues for OS X, and adds support for Gameranger (as well as all the other updates and fixes listed in the readme).
Please email me directly with issues
Thank you for your patience.
Tribal CTF updates

by DGhost @ [12:33 AM] October 09 2002
At last! I can't tell you how much I love this mod each time I talk about it. Okay well let start with the bad news. The main coder
MIT doesn't have too much free time to work on the mod anymore so he's leaving (that's the problem with free mod, we can't blame people for that :P). Also
Appendix, lead artist is leaving and both positions will need to be replaced. At the same time they're looking for a modeller to work/finish on the weapons. Next part is some screenshots of a new map,
Sentinel V, an old map that never make it to the last version is being revamped. And bot support are still on the list of things to be done (or almost done). Check out the 3 teams CTF mod in town:
Tribal CTF.
An interview with Tim Willits

by DGhost @ [11:51 PM] October 08 2002
Yadayadayada. A new interview @
The Gaming invasion where they got their hand on Tim Willits, Lead designer for Doom 3 (like I needed to introduce him, yeah /sarcastic). Talk about the engine of Doom 3, nothing new if you follow the subject carefully. Questions about some features the the game will and won't have. My favorites one from the
So you still haven’t decided on the model of the BFG?
No, I didn’t even think about it until yesterday, but we will definatly have the BFG.
Hehehe the BFG is a classic and they almost forgot it! But eh! I figure that there is more things to think about than fantazing about a BFG.
1.32 for Mac

by DGhost @ [11:45 PM] October 08 2002
Okay so we got the Linux and Windows version yesterday but it seems that ID had some few bug for the Mac version and preferred to wait and make sure everything is working for the Mac. So right now we are looking for a release tomorrow! Read on the full
.Plan of Graeme Devine, the Mac lover @ ID!
New point release 1.32 is out!

by DGhost @ [10:52 PM] October 07 2002
Drum roll please, here's the lastest Point Release for Quake 3 Arena. In next december the game will be 3 years old. Not bad for an old timer eh? With that come the list of fixes. Read it on
here, on
Webdog. Robbert Duffy give us quite a list. And at last you can download it from a lot of mirrors:
FilePlanet - Windows
FilePlanet - Linux
IDsoftware FTP - Windows
IDsoftware FTP - Linux
Ahhh it's a beautiful monday night! Mac version is coming soon, you can get all the details in the
.Plan of Robbert Duffy!
A review of Unreal Tournament 2003

by DGhost @ [12:39 AM] October 07 2002
Yes you read me right. Unreal Tournament 2003. A review by comparing it to Quake 3. Doom 3 and Quake 4 are a long way from here so while we wait let's either read the review on
Captain Kirk's webpage, his personnal point of view on the game. You can read the article
here. He's got some good points! And yet Unreal is still not like Quake.
World cyber game - USA first results

by DGhost @ [11:37 PM] October 05 2002
Okay today was the beginning of the
World Cyber Game USA. The winners will have a place to the grand final in Korea (in October).
Cached.net got already the results of the first round. Gee I wonder why I recognize some names... :) Yes fatal1ty, Daler and ZeRo4 are still winning! And the match of Daler VS ZeRo4 is already available to
A bunch of news about Medal of honor

by DGhost @ [08:38 PM] October 04 2002
Well it was a busy week for me. Didn't get the time to update enough but I'll do my best tonight.
Medal of Honor: Frontline (the PS2 version, not the PC one) is coming to the Gamecube and Xbox
The Spearhead expansion box is out, you can see the box here (thx to Planet Medal of honor for the tip)
The expansion will include some new game types, new weapons, new skins, and of course new maps.
Oh and if you wanna see some preview (video) of SPearhead then you'll want to check
Tenebrae is still kickin'

by DGhost @ [04:28 PM] October 02 2002
mod is really doing great! A new version (1.02) is out, with also and updated .exe for radeon 9700. And they are already working on a new version. Just check out this
screenshot and don't drop your jaw. Yes this is Quake 1.
Gameadmin back online

by DGhost @ [06:23 PM] October 01 2002
After losing the webpage,
Gameadmins is back! But alas some informations are missing. A new interface has been designed and the forums are still alive! Let's hope we didn't lose too much informations.
Quake for Mac OS X

by DGhost @ [12:36 PM] October 01 2002
The fruitz of dojo has release their latest patch of Quake v1.0.8 (the first one) for Mac OS X. Here's the list:
Added support for FSAA (10.1 or later for NVidia boards, 10.2 or later for ATI Radeon boards).
ATI Radeon users may change FSAA settings on the fly (see "video options" dialog).
Added texture RAM check. An error message is thrown out if out of texture memory.
Added support for multitexturing under MacOS X v10.2 or later (see "video options" dialog).
Added option to switch between normal and overbright gamma (see "video options" dialog, OpenGL only).
Added option to show the OpenGL startup dialog only when pressing the Option key.
Added textfield for command-line parameters to the startup dialog.
Added startup dialog for command-line parameters to the software renderer versions.
Added support for AppleScript.
Added the command-line tool "vispatch".
New help.
F12 key will no longer eject medias if you bind a command to it.
Fixed network compatibility with the Windows versions of Quake and GLQuake.
Fixed an issue with the console for display-ratios other than 4:3 at GLQuakeWorld.
Many minor changes.
For the nostalgic!
Happy birthday to Threewave CTF!

by DGhost @ [09:32 PM] September 30 2002
I am so late for this one and so ashamed of myself to not have let you remember on the right date. Last saturday, the 28 of septembre was the 6th Anniversary of
Threewave CTF. Yeah for Threewave!!!
Return to Castle Cubenstein!

by DGhost @ [09:28 PM] September 30 2002
Meaning that next november, Return to Castle Wolfenstein will be release for the Gamecube. Checkout the release plan in november
here. What a surprise!
A doom movie maybe?

by DGhost @ [03:22 PM] September 28 2002
Yep that's right! According to
Yahoo! news, Warner Bros pictures are in final negotiations for the rights to distribute the movie. The movie would be produced by the John Wells Prods studio (Lorenzo di Bonaventura was working there if you know that name). Get more details on the
article here. Thank to
Planetquake for the info!
Get ready for Battlebots

by DGhost @ [12:28 AM] September 27 2002
new version is coming the 4th of october, you will be able to create your own logo for the flags and you can changes the game color while playing. Check out the screenshot to see what I'm talking about!
Kquery 3.0 beta

by DGhost @ [10:27 PM] September 25 2002
Kquery 3.0 beta has been released today. If you are looking for an alternative to gamespy and all seeing eye, you can check out this one. Nice interface, I'm trying it right now.
Gameadmins.com is down

by DGhost @ [02:19 AM] September 25 2002
I was trying to load the webpage of commander keen (it's hosted under
gameadmins) this week end to check some binding for Quake 3 and the web page never loaded. I discovered quickly that
gameadmins was down. The forum is back but from what I've been reading it seems that the website is completely
gone! Yikes! Anybody got a complete backup of the webpage lost somewhere on his hardisk? From the last week by any chance? if so contact
Dekard (I hope that his email adress is still working).
New levels?

by DGhost @ [12:12 AM] September 23 2002
Update on Threewave

by DGhost @ [12:13 PM] September 21 2002
Alright! A lot of new stuff on the
Threewave website! The interface has been changed (more choice, more informations), they release a new FULL installer for the 1.6 version (you don't need to patch anymore) and there is also some links to the biggest 3wave leagues out there. Now I'm going back to play 3wave capture strike again. It's like a drug that you are addicted!
Professional fragging!

by DGhost @ [01:17 PM] September 20 2002
Just found this link on
Planetquake: The Globe and Mail from Canada got an
article about Fatal1ty (as they make a comparison to some of the greatest players in the sport field, no comments). But also where is professional gaming is going. I can't wait for the day when my local tv station would play some Quake 3 tournaments on their channel!
Tenebrae for Quake

by DGhost @ [01:13 PM] September 20 2002
Remember when I
talked about
tenebrae about a month ago? Well the mod is moving pretty fast. The webpage has been revamped, a Mac OS X port is in beta stage (you can
download it). Be warned that it's intended for a Gforce chipset (wich I don't have and I can't try this mod). And of course you need the original Quake installed. But take a look at the
screenshots, if you have played Quake a lot you'll be impress!
An interview with Jim Hughes

by DGhost @ [10:07 PM] September 18 2002
Planetquake got a good
interview with Jim Hughes, level designer @ raven for Quake 4 (did I said Quake 4 :P). Nothing about Quake 4 is covered of course (it's always a secret) but they talk about getting in the gaming industries and how you can get a job while working on a mod. Good stuff to read if you are into it.
Battlebots for Quake 3 Arena

by DGhost @ [11:19 PM] September 17 2002
Centered around the combat,
Battlebots ask for your skills. Offering also some fun features are the possibilities to tweak your weapons, Play DM or CTF and greater control over the air movements. Current version is beta 0.6 and we should see the next version around halloween.
Alien culture : a Quake 3 Total conversion

by DGhost @ [06:39 PM] September 16 2002
Yep! You read me right. A new TC, single player, is underway for Quake 3. Called
Alien culture this one look very interesting. Check out the story section on their website for an idea of the settings. There is also drawings for many models of the game. Nothing to download for the moments but we are waiting! :)
CPMA 99x8 coming soon

by DGhost @ [10:58 PM] September 15 2002
As arQon said on the
Promode website, the development for the version 99x8 is finished and no new features will be added so that he can release it pretty soon. Let's wait for it shall we? :P Okay okay it's been a really slow week end. But with the new features of Image on Image I can't wait to see that.
Syndicate arena : released

by DGhost @ [11:59 PM] September 12 2002
Okay I'm late for this one. Totally, late. But eh it's not so bad since I've catch it. As I type this right now I've started the download of the
Syndicate Arena TC for Quake 3. It has been released since end of June and I didn,t notice it (wait I remember what I was doing around that date, I was working like hell). Anyway to get back on the story, the team relased an alpha version because, if you remember, one of the last news we heard from them was an announce that they were looking for a main coder. Well they still are looking for one and decided to release the alpha version as a way to find someone who would be willing to continue the code. Get it? So I'm gonna try it right away but I'm not expecting too much since it's an alpha version. /me cross his fingers.
OPC promo 5 submissions

by DGhost @ [09:15 PM] September 11 2002
Okay so if you have never seen the
OPC Promo videos, here's your chance to take a look at the
videos (at the bottom of the page). For the rest of you that who knows what I'm talking about you'll be pleased to learn that the
submission rules for the fifth video has been released. If you think you are up to it, why not give it a try?
Quake 3 and adventure

by DGhost @ [12:27 PM] September 11 2002
Okay sorry for the lack of updates but it's a busy week for me. I wish there was more hours in a day sometimes. So I just found this on
/.: Gregory D. George reproduce the Adventure game from the Atari 2600 as a Quake 3 map. But even better than that is that he's making a mod about that game. To get a taste/preview I suggest that you download his map right
here. Check out
Atari Times to get more informations about the Adventure mod!
Some videos about Q3F

by DGhost @ [08:26 PM] September 09 2002
Have you ever wonder how did
Quake 3 fortress looked? For those of you who wanna take a look on how it's looks I suggest you take a look in this
ftp site where you can find 7 small videos of the games (avi and wmv format). Nice!
Woopy! No I mean quicky!

by DGhost @ [12:37 PM] September 08 2002
Okay I'm getting late on the news, let's try to fix that:
- A new version of QuakeIT is online (version 5.01). It's a Quake 3 game launcher
- Ultra Freeze Tag version 1.01 is available.
- Nathan sent me this link: A Quake 3 keychain on ebay. Yeah I already ordered one (thx for the link Nathan!)
- A new version of gLuv is already out. A couple of bugs is already fixed.
Alright! That's being taken care of! Now lemme go back to sleep. I drank too much last night.
A bunch of Team Arena maps

by DGhost @ [02:23 AM] September 08 2002
Promode 99x8

by DGhost @ [03:27 PM] September 06 2002
The next version of
Promode has been delayed a bit and we can get some glimpse of what will be included in the next version:
x8 also supports PiP MVD. That's "Picture-in-Picture" display for DM games. A small window showing the "other" player's view simultaneously with the main view. Complete with their own HUD showing everything you'd expect: health, armour, weaponlist, current weapon and ammo, etc. It's just absurdly cool. :)
Whooaa I mean it's really like a picture in a picture (just like when you have 2 signals going to your tv). I wanna see that! No release date has been given yet on the next version. Stay tune, I'll let you know when it'll be released! Thx to
PlanetQuake for the info.
What do you want?

by DGhost @ [03:03 PM] September 05 2002
Okay this post is not related to Quake but to this webpage. As some of you, faithful readers, who's got nothing else better to do than wasting your time on reading my posts, have noticed, I'm all alone to do this job (and no I'm not paid for it :P). Sometimes it can be hard to know what the readers want exactly. Yes I'm talking about you, who are reading this at the moment. I would like to get some comments on this webpage. About the news being posted here. What do you want for the news? Is there anything that you would like to see more (but that is still related to the subject of this page: Quake). Do you think that the contents s**k? That you don't have too much news about: put_any_mod_here. What do you want? Leave me your comments on the comments section by clicking on the comments link (is that enough comments in one sentence?)
A new batch @ Polycount

by DGhost @ [03:02 PM] September 05 2002
Whoa just yesterday I let you know that there was some new models @
Polycount and we got a new batch today, again, with:
- Q4Hybrid from the brothers Grim (always good work)
- Ryla a cute girl (in my taste :) )
- Dragongirl a mix of dragon and a small girl, fun!
- Gargoyle from the same author as the Dragongirl, very nice also!
That's it for the moment!
EasyGen version 1.42

by DGhost @ [10:22 AM] September 04 2002
A terrain generator for mappers,
EasyGen has been upgraded to version 1.42 If you are into mapping with big open space, I recommend that you take a look at
New models @ Polycount

by DGhost @ [10:19 AM] September 04 2002
2 new models, worth mentioning, @
Polycount. First one is
Dita, a girl in leather and second it's:
Legoman! A real quality model but pretty heavy on the polygons with 7000. Really well made.
New version of UltraFreeze Tag

by DGhost @ [11:59 AM] September 02 2002
Well as the author,
Haste say it, it's an interim version for testing until the new version wich should be release at the end of next week. Some bugs fixed and new features and some news with that, that a new version of Unlagged is coming. Check out
Haste Alternate Fire's webpage for all the details.
Reaction Quake 3 v2.2

by DGhost @ [02:06 PM] August 31 2002
The excellent mod
Reaction Quake 3 got a new child today with version 2.2 An excellent follow up of Action Quake 2, Reaction Quake 3 got everything you need if you were a fan of the original mod!
Tribal CTF update

by DGhost @ [01:37 PM] August 30 2002
one of the
best, mind blowing, eye candy mod (my personnal opinion of course :P) out there has been given us some news at the beginning of the month (omg, I'm really getting late for posting some news). Well there is nothing new since the last update. But if some people got the news that ViperEye was dead in a car accident, well that wasn't true. It was his EX girlfriend who post that message. Hahahaha. Well, ViperEye, you're better without her, that's for sure! :)
MoH:AA dedicated linux server

by DGhost @ [12:23 PM] August 30 2002
Okay I'm a week late on this one but I don't follow everything on medal of honor. You know I'm all alone to run the news on this site (hint, hint :P) You can download the 1.5 megs file from
MoH-central (beware it's a german website). So you will be able to run a dedicated linux server of MoH:AA. Thx to
GameAdmins for the tip!
Quake 3 master server down for 30 minutes

by DGhost @ [03:07 PM] August 29 2002
Okay take a deep breath... relax and... DON'T PANIC! :) Got a new .Plan update from Graeme:
The Quake 3 Master Server will be going down for an upgrade today at NOON CST. I don't expect the upgrade process to take longer than 30 minutes.
That's it!
Monitoring a Quake 3 game on a webpage, without a plug in

by DGhost @ [12:52 PM] August 28 2002
gluV let you monitor a Quake 3 game in a browser. Compare to
Q3Plug you don't need to install a plug in your web browser (only drawback is that you can't join the game from the webpage). Here's a list of features of gluV:
- Customizeable to each web page's look(uses Cascading Style Sheets)
- Displays all information a Q3 server query will return in an easily readable web page.
- Shows the levelshot of the current map being played.
- Works for normal Q3 servers, and OSP servers(more to come).
- Parses fun names and OSP fun names and displays both foreground AND
background colors!
- Highlights the current row the mouse is over, for easy reading.
- Shows team divisions, team scores, and # of players on each team in OSP
This thing work on the server side with a php script running to give you the result. Hence why you don't need to install a plug in on the client side. For Windows and Linux only.
An interview with a mod creator

by DGhost @ [11:00 PM] August 27 2002
This must be one of the most interresting interview I've read with a mod creator in these last months. Lemme go back. I got an email a couple of days ago from Airamis from
The Blue Machine (sorry for the delay Airamis, I almost forgot your email). He's done an interview with Batmite, creator of
Superheroes Arena for Quake 3. True to himself, Batmite has done this mod for the fun of it. Speaking of that mod. What is that? Well I didn't try it yet (yeah I know, shame on me) but I'll give it a shot. Here's a part of the info:
This modification involves the player being a superhero and possessing powers that superheroes have, giving players many different ways to frag fellow players. There are about 70 powers and 7 classes to choose from.
Check out the mod's webpage
here or read the interview with Batmite
here. Oh I was almost forgetting, the mod is available for Windows, Linux and Mac in a .zip format.
Doom 3 and Linux

by DGhost @ [09:54 AM] August 27 2002
I tought that this one should be worth mentioning.
Crusader from
Linuxgame.com has done an
interview with Timothee Besset aka TTimo during the Quakecon. Timothee is in charge of maintaining the ports of Quake 3, RtCW and GTKRadiant on the Linux platform. Here's a snip:
Given that DOOM III was the talk of the convention, I was wondering if its availability on Linux would be more of a killer app (despite it not being an exclusive game) than previous id titles. Besset noted that, looking back, id has always been basically the only company that's always been there for Linux, pushing for better hardware support and willing to maintain multi-platform code. He hopes that DOOM III would help convince other companies that similar ventures are worth it in the long run, as the porting process itself helps Quality Assurance teams track down general bugs that only become readily apparent on another OS, and having solid code is in the best interests of all parties involved.
Read on if you dig Linux!
Some interviews

by DGhost @ [10:56 PM] August 27 2002
After 2 marvelous week of vacation, I'm back to work. Ish. Anyway I'm back to my old routine and I have to post something for all of you. 2 interviews that I took the time to read! First one is an
interview with Tim Willits, lead designer at IDsoftware. Of course the interview is all around Doom 3. You can read it on
PlanetQuake3.net. Next one! Quakecon 2k of course. The coverage that the
FiringSquad has done is one of the best I've read in the lot. An interview also with... Tim Willits again! If you want some juicy details on Doom 3 then read it!
You think you're good enough?

by DGhost @ [01:15 PM] August 25 2002
Well take a shot at
Defrag and we'll see if you're good or not. A new version has been released yesterday, bringing it to version 1.7. You still don't know what is Defrag? Lemme give you the intro:
The DeFRaG is a SOLO mod for Q3A based on your movement ability and not on your skill against bots or human players.
Therefore you can practice and perfect your-self on every imaginable and possible Q3A trick. In fact, as you should know, the more mobility you have, the more victories you can hope.
Try this one! It's really tough playing against your own skills... :)
Tenebrae for Quake

by DGhost @ [09:32 PM] August 24 2002
Tenebrae for Quake (the first) is a modification (hence the name, a mod :P)
"of the quake source that adds stencil shadows and per pixel lights to quake". Check out the
screenshots to see the enhancement on the graphic. Magnificient!
WFA will kick your...

by DGhost @ [09:29 PM] August 24 2002
Whoa this one look really good. Of all the mods, I'm always impressed with
Weapon Factory Arena. The hard work they put into it really show off. But of course the mod is worth it. Almost a new game in it's genre. No it's not a new release (not yet) but some news about it. As I can read on the lastest update on their
webpage they are really excited with this one. I'll let you read it and see the progress.
PunkBuster name registry is on!

by DGhost @ [02:55 PM] August 22 2002
From their
The PunkBuster Name Registry is a premium hosting service offered by Even Balance, Inc. to players, clans and other groups who wish to have their online playing identity verified during gameplay on PunkBuster Enabled game servers.
For individual players who wish to register their full playing name, the hosting fee is US $1 per month. For clans, guilds and other groups, the hosting fee is US $2 per month. For administrative reasons, fees are collected on an annual basis. All major credit cards are accepted via a secure web payment form and since we use PayPal as our payment network, other forms of payment and currency translation are also handled accordingly.
Ok, the fee is really not high, but I don't really like the idea that you can subscribe to a system to prove that you are a "non-cheater" player. I mean, come on, if this system exist, it's because people got fed up of all the lamer cheater out there. That's the part that I never understand also about cheating. What fun is there to own everybody when you need some kind of aim bot? You don't have any talent. Go get a life.
True combat update

by DGhost @ [12:00 AM] August 22 2002
The excellent mod
True Combat got some small update on their webpage to make us wait for the next release. Check out the
new smoke grenade effect, the
new menu. You can download the actual version (0.45 build 12) for windows and, as they say, a version for all OS. They just don't tell you wich OS, MacOS (classic), Linux (*nix). I don't know and I don't feel like downloading 100 megs at the moments (yeah I know I'm lazy :P).
.Plan from Todd

by DGhost @ [11:24 PM] August 20 2002
Yeah that one was released yesterday, didn't have the time to post it, sorry (what are you complaining at? You think that you're my mother? :P). So here's the deal:
Wow! QuakeCon 2002 was awesome. Thanks to all of the sponsors, volunteers, tourney players and everyone else for coming out and making it the biggest and best QuakeCon ever. Special congratulations to Lexer and Doctors for winning the Quake III and RTCW
tournaments, respectively. Both tournaments were amazing and had a lot of extra personality with all of the international players.
TSN did just an absolutely incredible job with all of the broadcasting. I was really impressed by all of those guys and especially the job Warwich did on the RTCW tourney.
Thanks to ATI for sponsoring the tournaments and providing the 9700 cards for the tourney machines and the DOOM III Theater.
Big thanks also go out to VIA for the final party with the band (Edgewater) and comedy show.
I must say also that the band was excellent. Thanks Matt and gang for a spectacular show. If you saw them at QuakeCon and want more info, you can check them out on the web at www.edgewaterband.com They also play a lot of local shows in Dallas, so be sure and watch for their live appearances in the Dallas club music scene. I'm sure that Edgewater is going to be getting more and more national attention.
Finally, there are going to be a ton of pics and stories up on www.quakecon.org. Hopefully, none of them will be too embarassing ;-)
And with that, all I can say is that we hope to see everyone and more again next year!
Well that was a big party. Hopefully I'll be there next year!
Want some reviews?

by DGhost @ [11:19 PM] August 20 2002
For Quake and Quake 2, here come
Mr Bunwah website where you can find some helpfull
opinion on some level for single player. So if you got a boring night coming, why not install Quake (or Quake 2) and give these level a shot? And the reviews are well done :)
Quakecon 2002 is closed!

by DGhost @ [12:04 AM] August 22 2002
So the big week end is finished! Want some pictures? Here we go:
- Tom's Hardware review
- Cached.net gallery
- Inside Mac Game gallery
- Miss Quakecon 2002 by Gaming Horizon
- IceTerminal's album
And also on the webpage of
Quakecon you can also get the feeling of Nok:
Well, I know a lot more happened today, but it's 3:30 in the morning and my memory is failing. Teardown happens tomorrow so I'm not positive I will be able to get in another update. But if not, I just want to say that this has truly been the biggest and best QuakeCon ever. I know I speak for the entire staff when I say that it has been an absolute pleasure to run this event, and we look forward to doing it again next year!
I hope it was like this for everybody.
Doom 3: more news

by DGhost @ [01:07 AM] August 18 2002
Gamespy's cover on Doom 3 is an excellent read if you wanna know more about the engine running behind that most awaited game.
Read on for all the details! And at the same time if you like pictures, check their
gallery section.
Quakecon 2002 tournament update

by DGhost @ [11:51 PM] August 17 2002
So after reading John Carmak's keynote we can get some info on the tournament where the final are finished. Fatal1ty has won against Zero4 (on pro-q3dm6) but lose in the demi final against *69|Daler (checkout the match result in an interview with fatal1ty
here). it's on
XSreality. But the most interresting link is this one:
All match demo on Cached.net
(I'm trying to download the match of Fatal1ty against Zero4 :P). So for the final match it's M19*LeXeR (finalist from the winner ladder) against *69|Daler (finalist from the second ladder). And the winner is:
12-10 for Lexer on pro-q3dm6! Congratulation LeXer! Read the full story on
Carmak's keynote

by DGhost @ [10:26 PM] August 17 2002
Of course all the site are talking about it and I just finished reading it. Check out
Gamespy for the full cover!
Quakecon 2002 update

by DGhost @ [05:41 PM] August 16 2002
So if you are following the
Quakecon you can see some pictures at
HomeLan. Also for a good coverage of today you should check the
Gamespy coverage with some
shavedhead. Via also got some
pictures and if you are into the tournaments the stats are
here. And John's keynote speech just finished.
It's Quakecon Time!

by DGhost @ [03:09 PM] August 15 2002
So it's the
Quakcon 2002 as of today 9:00. No I'm not there (and yes I know I s*ck). So far the best coverage that you can get will be with
Gamespy/Planetquake since they've got a team on site (check out the Doom III section, they've got 2 new
screenshot). To truly get a feeling of the place i recommend that you check this
video that show you the setup (it's a wmv format). Made by the official videographer, DaFragsta. Let the frags beggin!
CaliGirl is looking for you!

by DGhost @ [06:16 PM] August 13 2002
I just found this small note on
Girlz Clan and I tought that I could pass it on here. Maybe there is some female gamer reading my post.
CaliGirl is looking for some old school female Quake player. This is in a specific range of player. Anyway, here's a part of the
Quake Women Search
For the past few two weeks I have been trying to contact about 200 old Quake female gamers to have them featured in a 'where are they now' type of thing. CaliGirl.net would have a flash back article on any of the Female Gamers that used to play Quake 1 and Quake 2. I am strictly focusing on those two games at the moment because they aren't played liked they used to be when they were hot. I have this huge list of gals I can not in any way, shape or form hunt down. I have checked google.com, yahoo.com and there is no listing of them. Now all I need all of you to do is find them for me.
In hope that this will help you Cali!
The Wizardry of ID

by DGhost @ [05:49 PM] August 13 2002
Just found this on
ieee Spectrum online got a nice article titled:
The Wizardy of ID. Some history about ID and a couple of new things that I learnt from the origin of the .bsp (binary space partition). Mostly technical, but eh, you got a brain right?
Pharaoh's Gate: a new CTF map

by DGhost @ [12:34 PM] August 13 2002
I got a new email yesterday from
Haste, author of Alternate Fire, Ultra Freeze Tag and Unlagged. He just released a new CTF map that was sitting on his HD since the last 6 months. It's called
Pharaoh's Gate. I just played in it with a couple of bots and my personnal opinion, the gameplay is very good. The map also remind me about Otherland from Tad William that I finished reading a couple of weeks ago (if you love science fiction with a weird setting I recommend that saga). The map got a nice egyptian theme with a teleport in the middle (a la stargate). At the same time you could check the
author's entry at the
geocomp2, his map receive some excellent rating!

by DGhost @ [01:20 AM] August 13 2002
Quake2max is a Quake 2 mod. That's a start eh? Well, take a look at this
screenshot. Notice anything different? Quake2max (and not mac :P) is kinda "boost" your graphic of Quake 2. But beware as this part in the
read_me.txt say:
This is meant for higher end systems and might bottleneck fairly quickly if
you have a slow cpu, little ram, or an older video card.
For some reason the mod won't load on my deck. Ah crap, must mean that I've got to upgrade my old 4 megs video card. :P
New .Plan update from Todd

by DGhost @ [01:13 AM] August 13 2002
Here's the lastest
.Plan from Todd himself. Here's a small part of it:
QuakeCon 2002 is almost upon us! They've actually already begun setting up
in what we affectionately call "The QuakeCon Hotel" (aka Mesquite Hampton Inn).
This year's event promises to be the best one yet. With help from ATI, we've got
$100,000 up for grabs in the Wolf and Quake III tournaments, VIA is throwing all
manner of parties and is hosting a Q3 Trick Jump competition (really looking forward
to that one myself), and there will be tons of new Activision games on display,
including all of the new RTCW games and Enemy Territory.
Read the rest for all the details. Looks like that the Quakecon this year will be a blast!
Interview with Todd

by DGhost @ [12:01 PM] August 11 2002
I am officialy on vacation for the next 2 week! Yeah! So after the de-stressing process since friday I am now, beginning, to feel on vacation. Okay I didn't post anything since friday but I'll fix that. I'll update the page a lot during the next 2 week and I'll try to do some cover for QuakeCon (but I won't be there :P).
Anyway now let's get back to Quake.
Ferrago got a nice
interview with Todd Hollenshead of
ID Software. Along with that lemme copy/paste you a small part:
Ferrago: What are aims with Doom III with regard to the first-person genre as a whole?
TH: Quite simply, we want Doom III to be the scariest game ever.
Another teaser if you ask me. The more I discover about this game, the more I am certain that it will be the best game from ID (maybe?).
Who's Quint?

by DGhost @ [11:35 PM] August 08 2002
Quint, creator of the
magnificient map
QBeast for the
GeoComp2 challenge released a new map this week called;
War of Angels. His own comment about the map:
Warning! This is not a serious map. It has been thought just for
funny multiplayer lans or online games... something like a "Disney World" map, so don't expect competitive gamepaly here, but just loughs untill it hurts.
I just fragged some bots in it and I must say that's it's true on certain point. Fun gameplay but nothing for official competition and some original ideas. You should check all his maps, it's worth the download. And we even have a
screenshot of his
current project. I just love map that show some imagination from the author!
What's new with Medal of Honor

by DGhost @ [01:55 PM] August 09 2002
Okay as you may have noticed there isn't too much news here on anything except Quake. Normaly we are 2 working on this page but all of them tough 2-3 months and quit after that. Except me... :P I wonder sometime why I do that. But I disgress. I'm installing MoH on my deck tonight (tomorrow afternoon I will be on vacation for 2 weeks, so I'm getting ready i.e. installing a lot of games!) and getting the latest patch and cheking the latest news on
Planet Medal of Honor. I heard that there was suppose to be released an expansion pack for MoH and look what I found, a tadadam, press release from EA:
REDWOOD CITY, Calif. - August 8, 2002 - Help the Allies win victory in freedom's finest hour and to liberate occupied Europe from Nazi Germany in Medal of Honor Allied Assault Expansion Pack*. EA reveals details of the new expansion pack for Medal of Honor Allied Assault, the highly acclaimed first-person shooter that puts the player in the boots of WWII combat soldier during the invasion of fortress Europe. The game is currently under development by EALA and is scheduled for release this fall under the EA GAMES(tm) brand.
*Working Title.
The expansion pack will allow owners of Medal of Honor Allied Assault to assume the role of Sergeant Jack Barnes and continue their fight from behind enemy lines in Normandy on D-Day to the Battle of the Bulge to the Fall of Berlin and the defeat of the thousand year Reich. More over, the game will include nine new single-player levels and over 12 new multi-player levels. Players will also have the opportunity to play as British, American, German and Soviet troops in an enhanced multi-player mode. Additionally, players will have the ability to choose from a vast arsenal of authentic Soviet and British weapons.
Staying true to the legacy that started with the original Medal of Honor(tm), the production team at EALA sought counsel from numerous outside sources to make certain the game is as historically authentic and realistic as possible. Hollywood veteran Capt. Dale Dye, who served as military consultant on the original Medal of Honor, Medal of Honor Underground(tm) and Medal of Honor Allied Assault, again worked with the Medal of Honor Allied Assault Expansion Pack team to insure the authenticity of the game.
About Electronic Arts Electronic Arts (Nasdaq: ERTS), headquartered in Redwood City, California, is the world's leading interactive entertainment software company. Founded in 1982, Electronic Arts posted revenues of more than $1.7 billion for fiscal 2002. The company develops, publishes and distributes software worldwide for the Internet, personal computers and video game systems. Electronic Arts markets its products under four brand names: EA SPORTSTM, EA GAMESTM, EA SPORTS BIG(tm) and EA.COMSM. More information about EA's products and full text of press releases can be found on the Internet at http://www.info.ea.com.
Electronic Arts, EA SPORTS, EA SPORTS BIG, EA GAMES, Medal of Honor Underground and Medal of Honor Allied Assault are trademarks or registered trademarks of Electronic Arts Inc. in the U.S. and/or other countries. Medal of Honor is a trademark or registered trademark of Electronic Arts Inc. in the U.S. and/or other countries for computer and video game software. EA.COM is a service mark of EA.com Inc. All rights reserved. All other trademarks are the property of their respective owners.
So we got the official confirmation but at the same time I found this other
press release (it's a word document, no I won't paste it because it takes too much space :P). I don't know for you, but for me after reading this one, I would really like to see what kind of games these guys are going to do.
Acid Arena: a mod for Quake 3

by DGhost @ [01:40 PM] August 08 2002
I gave a shot at this
mod 2 weeks ago and f**k this thing is insane! Everything in this mod is like a.... a what? a trip on acid maybe? This mod is pack with 23 models, 13 levels and we got some
screenshots and a new version is coming with more maps and models (current version is 1.0). Acid Arena is looking for a coder in order to make some rabbits walk in the Acid Arena maps (as the author said on his website, this is a serious announce). Check out
Acid Arena for some new fun and visual mish mash!
D-Day: Normandy

by DGhost @ [02:37 PM] August 07 2002
You know that
mod? I never played it but I heard a lot of good about it. First thing, it's a Quake 2 mod, second thing it's a WWII mod. And by the title you get an idea of wich part of WWII (if you know your history of WWII that is). A couple of days ago, a new version has been released (version 4.1). Linux support on top of that (quality work!) and you can even get the source code. If you think that Quake 2 is too old but you still love WWII shooters, I recommend you
D-Day: Normandy!
New models @ Polycount

by DGhost @ [11:53 AM] August 06 2002
Polycount got new models for our pleasure. Check out
Starscream, a classic from the Transformer. The model got a pretty good rating. After that we got
Largo and
Ping from the
Megatokyo comic strip. And for the final a weird flying machine by the name of
Some news about Padmod

by DGhost @ [10:40 PM] August 03 2002
Padman is this small funy cartoon character that has been created by Ente. Creator also of a few good map (actually I consider that you have to try at least one of his map. Very original). So here's the deal that I got by email:
we are back with a new site and with really much new stuff....;)
On the PadMod Site ( http://padworld.exp-network.de/ ) you will find many
new infos and screenshots now.
New Maps, New Weapons, a new Playermodel and and and...all Screenshots are
updated on this site, hope you will like it..;)
Oh, by the way, we needed new member for our Project, a skin artis, an
animator and a 2D artist for all the weapon Effects and the Hud Stuff..;)
Have a nice Weekend, ENTE
So check out the website for all the new stuff!
Urban Terror update

by DGhost @ [11:05 AM] August 03 2002
Urban Terror v2.6 was supposed to be released around the
QuakeCon but with the new patch announced by
IDsoftware this change everything since the mod need to be compatible with the new patch (if you're into programation you know what I'm talking about :P). Also the team doesn't have all the ressource to do a major release during Quakecon so they're checking their options. Anyway check out
Urban Terror for all the details.
QuakeCon 2002 tournament

by DGhost @ [10:07 PM] August 02 2002
There's a lot of tournament at the QuakeCon this year. In the lot, I've found this one that I think should be worth mentioning:
So you think you're a real QuakeCon fan?
Come down a little early to the Mesquite Convention Hall parking lot on Thursday, Aug. 15 between 11 a.m. and 3 p.m. and strut your stuff with your Quake-ified self and car! Deck out your body and your ride with paint, tattoos, stickers, masks, wigs, and costumes - anything that is QuakeCon 2002! Don't hold back - prepare to surprise and amaze.
There'll be a free BBQ lunch for all and prizes for the winner and
runner-up in two categories: car decorating and body art. All contestants and their tricked-out "QuakeCon-mobiles" must arrive by 10 a.m. on Thursday at the Hampton Inn parking lot, to line up their vehicles for judging.
QuakeCon is fast approaching! All participants must email RSVPs to James Espinoza at james@bohle.com by Tuesday, Aug. 6 to sign up for the contest and reserve a spot; entrants must specify which contest they will join.
Have a blast decorating!
Ooooooh the humanity why must I miss this? Hey if there's someone who's reading this and who's gonna be there, do me a favor take
a lot of pictures and send it to me. You'll have my eternal gratitude! ;)
Doom 3 demo @ Quakecon

by DGhost @ [09:45 PM] August 02 2002
Yep, of course we had to expect that. Something to tease us. To make us beg for more.
IDsoftware. Here's the deal:
id Software™ to Conduct First Fan Demonstration of Game at Ultimate LAN Party
id Software and Activision’s DOOM III theater, which unleashed its fury at E3 2002, last May in Los Angeles, will endure a 1,000 mile journey to arrive in Mesquite, the home of id Software, in time for QuakeCon 2002. The theater will showcase a demonstration of DOOM III, a mind-searing mixture of cutting-edge graphics, design and revolutionary 5.1 sound design.
Members of the id Software team will also host a special session, offering a guided tour of the DOOM III world and talking about the game’s development. The preview at QuakeCon 2002 is a terrifying journey through over 12 minutes of gamplay running completely in-engine. This exclusive opportunity for gamers is only available to registered attendees of QuakeCon 2002. Each attendee will receive an admission ticket for the preview upon registering at the event.
For all the information about the QuakeCon and the tournaments there is only on place:
Official announcement from EvenBalance

by DGhost @ [09:33 PM] August 02 2002
Following up on the .Plan of Graeme this week,
EvenBalance has posted the
official annoucement of the intergation of PunkBuster in the next Point release of Quake 3. I think we should see the new PR before the QuakeCon since it's suppose to fix a cheat. Speaking of the QuakeCon... I don't even wanna think about it. I was suppose to go but I lost my lift. Yeah ok, I'll shut up, anyway shit happens. Of course I'll try to do some coverage but from my chair in front of my computer it's not like the same thing as to be there
Fuchikoma, a new model for Quake 3

by DGhost @ [09:15 PM] August 02 2002
Well... I am a fan of ghost in the shell (the books actually) and I have no shame of saying that. If you can grasp the meaning of the story in one shot then you spent 1 hour per page. Anyway this is a page of Quake stuff. Where was I again? Ah yeah!
Fuchikoma is the latest model released on
Polycount. My personnal comments: really nice! Also with that, there is
Thug from.. Kingpin. Wich is.... an export of the original model (if I remember correctly, Kinpin was running on the engine of Quake 2?).
Bystander: a Quake 3 mod

by DGhost @ [07:31 PM] August 01 2002
Okay, a couple of days ago I post a news about the
mod database. Now I've got a new email about the
bystander mod that the
mod database just gave an award for creativity. It really look nice but to give an award to a mod who is only completed at
30%? Well I sure hope it's good if it already won an award when it's not finish. Hey maybe Lord of the rings part 3 will win an oscar at the next gala? :)
Update: okay actually I just check the screenshots... and well... okay this mod really look beautiful. But we'll have to wait to see if the gameplay is gonna be good!
Graeme on Mac

by DGhost @ [04:46 PM] July 31 2002
Graeme Devine just gave us a new .Plan update:
We will be releasing the Macintosh Quake 3 client hand in hand with the Win32 / Linux clients. We'll also require Mac OS X 10.1 or later for this release.
DOOM is up and running under 10.2, which as an OS is really quite cool (speed is much better than 10.1, although resizing a browser window is still painful).
Damn him! Taunting us like that!
Smile! it's for a picture

by DGhost @ [12:11 PM] July 31 2002
Shacknews and the
Phobos Lab got 2 new screenshots of high quality from Doom 3. Eye candy. /me is drooling.
Interview with Nunuk

by DGhost @ [12:48 PM] July 30 2002
Nunuk has done a small
interview with
Kooliez talk about his inspiration, how he works and his ideas behind the Geocomp2. Speaking about the geocomp. Here's the
link to download all the maps of the contest. Wich I'm gonna try all!
A new Quake 3 patch is coming!

by DGhost @ [02:03 PM] July 29 2002
Just got an interesting new .Plan from Duffy:
Just a quick note on future releases for Quake 3 Arena. We will be releasing a new point release in the relatively near future which includes a handful of fixes and updates and also includes full Punk Buster integration to combat cheating. No firm date on when this will be out but it should not be too far off.
Yeah!!!! I just love patches!
Space that!

by DGhost @ [01:19 PM] July 27 2002
I just love new ctf map! And this one look to be really interesting. Attack Of The Giant Space Dildoes by
WangButter got a good concept with 2 space tower style. But with a lot of players. Nice one, if you are into ctf style, that is. Thx
The mod database is open

by DGhost @ [10:05 PM] July 26 2002
Sorry no update since the last 2 days. Me very very busy :( Lemme copy/paste this:
The mod database (http://www.moddb.com/) has just launched. This site is the first fully dynamic mod directory covering all games (of course Quake!) which allows mod authors to add their mod, share news, request help wanted and much more. The aim is that one day the mod database will list every game and every modification in a detailed manner. Visitors are then able to share their invaluable comments, opinions, rate mods, scope out mods recommended by fellow members and even utilize an extremely precise mod search engine to find the exact mod they are after, hopefully taking the heartache and annoyance out of finding a mod which suits, due to the abundant amount of mods of all games and genre scattered across the web! So far the vast majority of mods listed are built on the Halflife Engine and if you were able to share some news of this new website dedicated to the huge Quake modification community your site plays host to, this shall hopefully change! Thanks for your conside!
ration and if you require any further information, please do not hesitate in asking.
I gotta check this, where's my free time?
Niflheim: souls feast

by DGhost @ [07:55 PM] July 23 2002
Another mod, didn't try it yet, is
Niflheim: souls feast. Well, it's a total conversion wich is a sequel of the Nilfheim 2D shooter shooter developed by MISTIC Software (now known as DTI Software). All right, I'll download it since it look very original. :)
Alientrap: the team behind Nexuiz

by DGhost @ [07:15 PM] July 22 2002
Yeah I can almost read your mind.
Another mod? What's this one about? Quake 1. Yep you read me right. Put back your eye in your socket please. Okay lemme copy/paste the introduction of the mod:
Nexuiz is a online deathmatch game that is being developed by a team of talented designers and programmers. The Nexuiz Public demo will be released december 2002 over the edgenetwork. The game is based off of the quake1 source code released by Id software, but it has been changed to compete with future games.
Features of Nexuiz Public Demo:
Over 500 32 bit TGA Textures - 3 Player Models to chose from - New model format called .ZYM with skeletal system - 3 new DM maps to frag in - 9 new weapons - and many more
Features of Nexuiz Engine:
New Model format - Larger map size - Colored lighting - Optional lit particles - HalfLife map support - External texture support - dynamic light speedup - particle effects - Interpolated model animations - Transparent particles - 32bit color sprites supported - Quake2 model support - Directional model lighting - Vertex array based model rendering - 64 player support - And many more
To give you an idea of their new models system you can see a small avi
here. If you wanna join also the team,
Alientrap you can fill out the form
here (in 5 copies).
Reaction Quake 3 v2.1

by DGhost @ [06:06 PM] July 20 2002
Yeah it's here!!! Check their
webpage for the mirrors list and also later tonight we should get a Windows installer version (only a .zip file at this moment).
ZPM Quake 3 beta 4.4 is out!

by DGhost @ [02:15 PM] July 20 2002
Another email but this time from
Calv the main coder of
ZPM (btw, ZPM stand for Zero Ping Mode). So the new version 4.4 beta is there and as I read on the webpage it looks like he fixed a couple of nasty bugs.
Ultra Freeze Tag 1.0

by DGhost @ [02:11 PM] July 20 2002
Yes you read me right.
Haste just sent me an email to say that the version 1.0 of
Ultra Freeze Tag is ready for download!
- Comprehensive statistics (stats, statsteam, topshots, bottomshots; press TAB after typing "/stats" to get a list of the stats it can print out for you)
- Bug fixes
This guy is working for sure... :)
New models @ Polycount

by DGhost @ [11:55 PM] July 19 2002
Reaction Quake 2.1 for saturday

by DGhost @ [11:36 PM] July 18 2002
So if you didn't get the
news already, I will post that the new update has been delayed for saturday. And with that it will be the return of the "famous" capture the briefcase. For more details about this mod (action quake 2 anybody?) you can check their
.Plan from Kenn Hoekstra

by DGhost @ [11:08 PM] July 17 2002
.Plan update from Kenn Hoekstra of
Raven Software inform us about a small issue with the latest update available for Jedi Knight II and also that Raven is hiring. Anyway go read it yourself! :)
Ultra Freeze Tag beta 6

by DGhost @ [06:23 PM] July 16 2002
A little bit more than 2 week and here we already got a new update on that
mod. Here's all the changes in this new version:
perfect backward reconciliation (Unlagged is as good as a client-side hit test now, barring prediction error)
CPMA/OSP-ish correction for Quake's built-in 50ms lag for everyone, every weapon (just play like you're pinging 50 less)
adjusted mass of corpsicle according to weapon (shotgun is now useful in moving corpsicles around again)
reworked voting (if you're running a server and using votelimit, set "vote_*" variables instead)
corpsicles are easier to move over small map features (lips and cracks) and easier to blast up stairs
"players left / players total" counters above team score
cg_trueLightning work like in CPMA/OSP (fixed, in other words) when not lag compensated
referees may become "invisible" while spectating to catch cheaters
adjustable llama penalty (g_llamaPenalty)
rudimentary per-weapon statistics (no damage, but shots, hits, accuracy percentage); use /stats command
And yes for the first time I will try this mod (I'm downloading it as I type this).
The mod Squad

by DGhost @ [10:38 PM] July 14 2002
An interesting story, but nothing new to our culture, is a good
article from
Popular Science about the history of mod. Most strangest part of the article that I wasn't aware of, is this one:
Six years after they distributed Team Fortress, a hit modification of the computer game Quake, for free on the Web, the duo is preparing a long-awaited—very long-awaited—sequel, Team Fortress 2: Brotherhood of Arms. The difference between then and now: The sequel will be sold.
Well okay I must confess that I wasn't following that one. So if you wanna have some small reading about mods, you are served! On another good news is that Blaze is back to help me a little bit with the page itself! Whoaaa it will feel almost like vacation!
Prydon Gate Demo

by blaze @ [02:57 PM] July 14 2002
Prydon Gate, a top-down fantasy RPG Quake mod, has a new demo out to give you a taste of what the mod is like. Apparently, the team is looking for mapping help, so give them a shout if you have any mapping skills. If not, enjoy the demo!
QuakeCon News

by blaze @ [02:52 PM] July 14 2002
A note for participants of the Q3 and RTCW tournaments has been posted on the
QuakeCon 2002 website. Players must bring their own headphones with a six foot long cord to use on the tournament machines. More sponsors have also been listed on the site. Such a huge event would not be possible without them.
Clan Register

by blaze @ [02:52 PM] July 14 2002
ClanRegister is a free service that allows you to setup roster information for your clan. You can set it up to accept applications, or even show retired players. Get registered today!
Maya MD3 Export Source

by DGhost @ [10:48 AM] July 14 2002
Sometimes I wonder what kind of people is reading this page. So in case that there is someone who's into 3D (even Maya) and Quake 3 at the same time, here's a small tool for ya: Stone Lance from the
Quake Rally team, has released the source code of a utility that let you export your work from Maya to an md3 format;
Ok, this has been on the ftp for about a month now but i have been too lazy to post about it. I have released the source code for the Maya MD3 exporter. You can grab it from the downloads page. You will need the Maya devkit inorder to compile the plugin.
I was originally planning on also releasing the Maya exporter base code I have as well as the MAP exporter source at the same time as the MD3 exporter source. I have been adding many features to the base code lately for another project so I have decided to wait with that release until I have finished all the additions to the code.
I don't know but this can be usefull, that is, if you are using Maya! :)
True Combat

by DGhost @ [05:06 PM] July 13 2002
Maybe you never heard of
True Combat so let me give you the guidelines:
two teams, different weapons, but all about team | realism | tactics
bullet penetration (kill the enemy through walls, doors, tin, wood)
realistic modeling of weapon and bullet behaviour including mass dependent penetration, rics and sparks
most realistics sounds ever heard in mod, including environment depending sound attenuation
20 real world weapons including Ak47, G36, MP5k, Mac10, Saiga12k and many more, including night vision scopes
voice commands for communication
superb maps (see for yourself!)
realistic lens flares, glares and flash blend effects
Here's a
screenshot of the sniper mode and another
one in game. If you wanna download the package for all OSs (but I don't know wich OS he means by that) you can click
here and after that the latest update (again, for all OSs)
New version of Weapon Factory coming!

by DGhost @ [04:47 PM] July 13 2002
Yeah you read me right! The team of
Weapon Factory Arena is still working hard to bring us a new version (3.5). and with the new features coming I think that it will be more interesting than ever:
Shadowspawn has been working day in and day out with Static and Acrid to bring more tools and options to our mappers, and so far the results are absolutely astonishing. D-Man, Raven0us, Shadowspawn, and Aries are all pounding away at the new tools and toys we're working on, which includes some very impressive effects, like bumpmapping, sky portals, custom particles and surface parmameters. We've got some real amazing stuff on the horizon... Mappers will be able to do pretty much whatever they want, the possibilities for this technology is endless. WFA v3.5 will be one of the few mods fully supporting ydnar's Q3MAP2, and a lot of what we're doing right now is ahead of the industry -- we're extremely excited about all of this and hope to show off some of our work at QuakeCon this year.
I can't wait to see that!
How to manage a mod

by DGhost @ [12:19 PM] July 13 2002
MoH:AA linux binaries

by DGhost @ [01:15 PM] July 08 2002
I just got an interesting email from
Dekard about Medal of Honor: Allied Assault for Linux (if you remember, a couple of months ago, EA decided that there would be no Linux version). Instead or re-typing lemme copy/paste his email:
Just wanted to drop everyone a note we are working with the currently
testing the closed beta binaries for the linux Dedicated server for
Servers are up with one more on the way. Here's the latest from Ryan's
Finally, new stuff: Medal of Honor. EA has contracted me to produce a
linux dedicated server, and I have. Right now, it's in closed beta, and
servers should be popping up on GameAdmins and The Cyberspace Matrix
later tonight. We'll open this up to a public beta a little later on. In
the meantime, if you want to keep track of what's going on, you can
subscribe to the mailing list by sending a blank email to
mohaa-subscribe@icculus.org, where we'll be discussing bugs and stuff,
or check out the bug database at https://bugzilla.icculus.org/ (bug
reports from gamers as well as admins are very welcome, by the way!)
Otherwise, feel free to pound on the servers when they come up later
Update: The Cyberspace Matrix servers are up:
Connect to either:
(That's, for the DNS-impared). In the server browser,
look for the host that says "LINUX SERVER: The Cyberspace Matrix"
Ours is currently located at and another is being donated to the cause by
Clanservers.net. These should also be DNS'd too soon. As with the above
naming conventions ours are named "LINUX SERVER" as well. Just hop on in
and help us do some testing!
Talk about good work! Thx Dekard! :)
Q3server kit v2.2

by DGhost @ [08:50 PM] July 07 2002
After more than 2 years we have now an update to the Q3server kit wich is a java based Q3A admin tool. On the webpage of
Legowhore, on the
download page. The new version offer:
new color scheme
realtime chat panel with color text
start panel allows you to start the q3 dedicated server
raw messages console panel
feedback form
support for both Q3Demo and the full release
various small bug fixes
runs faster and better :)
At the same time you may wanna check his
contest. Interresting! ;)
LMCTF rise from the ashes

by DGhost @ [09:12 PM] July 03 2002
If you ever have played Quake 2 CTF, there is probably a
small chance that you played also
LMCTF. Loki's minions must have been one of the most popular of all the CTF's mod. Heck, even I (it's always a question about me, me, me!) enjoyed that mod a lot. Anyway where was I? Ah yeah. Well the website got a new facelift since as the webmaster (Mr. White ---> reservoir dogs?) says: there is a small resurgence about the mod (actually he didn't say it like that). So for old school time, I'll download the mod and frag my way to the top (my heart goes pitter pat at this point... :P).
Help Wanted

by awoq @ [02:30 AM] July 03 2002
Help is needed for our news staff. We need someone that is willing to post gaming news right here on Q3Arena.com.
If you have a nose for news and are willing to give up some of your time, shoot an email to me stating what experience you might have, what
you think you could contribute to our news site and when you would be available. Send your application to :
This news job is on a volunteer basis, all applicants will be considered.
Need Those PICS!

by awoq @ [02:28 AM] July 03 2002
We are in need of more pictures of the day! All pictures we post come from our readers. If you have taken some cool screenshots
of you playing any Quake engine game, please send us your pics! Submit them to
Threewave 1.6 is out!

by DGhost @ [02:18 PM] July 01 2002
One of the most prolific mod on the scene has released a new version yet again.
Threewave 1.6 is here with, as usual, new features and new bugs fixed. Check the
ChangeLog or simply
download it!
Quake 3 Freeze tag beta 5

by DGhost @ [12:31 PM] June 30 2002
I hate posting about a mod I didn't try but there is so many out there.
FreezeTag is like playing the "freeze tag" as when you where a kid. Instead of fragging the opponent team, you have to freeze the entire team. Pretty neat uh?
Send me your pic!

by DGhost @ [12:24 PM] June 30 2002
Okay sometime I wish that I would run a very big/popular site of Quake so that way people would send me cool pictures that I could post as the pic of the day. Check out the
Picture of the day of
GameSpy and Nimda?

by DGhost @ [02:14 PM] June 29 2002
I was reading (as usual :P)
/. when I found this
story on
Yahoo! News. Apparently some version of GameSpy Arcarde (1.09) is infected with the Nimda virus:
The installer for GameSpy Arcade 1.09, the main file exchange and gaming software of GameSpy.com, available from sites like CNET Networks Inc.'s Download.com service, was infected with the Nimda virus twice this week, GameSpy Chief Executive Mark Surfas told Reuters.
Crap! I hate it when a virus infecte an installer. It's not just email anymore. Ah well anyway I always got my antivirus at least.
Carmak, Doom III, OpenGL 2.0 and a lot of other stuff

by DGhost @ [02:23 PM] June 29 2002
Again, a new
.Plan from Carmak. He apologize about the matrox because he tought their implementation of the hardware displacement was quad based, wich is not. But after that he goes on about some technical details (as usual) of how Doom III should be working. Interesting stuff if you are a programmer who would like to specialise in OpenGL. Wich bring him to this:
I am now committed to supporting an OpenGL 2.0 renderer for Doom through all
the spec evolutions. If anything, I have been somewhat remiss in not pushing
the issues as hard as I could with all the vendors. Now really is the
critical time to start nailing things down, and the decisions may stay with
us for ten years.
If you have been following the news about Nvidia lately you may have heard about their new
programming language, Cg. (do we need another
I have not done a detailed comparison with Cg. There are a half dozen C-like
graphics languages floating around, and honestly, I don't think there is a
hell of a lot of usability difference between them at the syntax level. They
are all a whole lot better than the current interfaces we are using, so I hope
syntax quibbles don't get too religious. It won't be too long before all real
work is done in one of these, and developers that stick with the lower level
interfaces will be regarded like people that write all-assembly PC
applications today. (I get some amusement from the all-assembly crowd, and it
can be impressive, but it is certainly not effective)
I do need to get up on a soapbox for a long discourse about why the upcoming
high level languages MUST NOT have fixed, queried resource limits if they are
going to reach their full potential. I will go into a lot of detail when I
get a chance, but drivers must have the right and responsibility to multipass
arbitrarily complex inputs to hardware with smaller limits. Get over it.
Pheew that was a technical update. I like that. :)
The CaptureStrike Map pack

by DGhost @ [12:15 PM] June 26 2002
Just foud this on
Threewave that a map pack has been released for our popular mod. And on top of that the map pack is also compatible with any CTF mod. Here's a cut 'n paste from the read me file:
These maps have been primarily selected with Capture Strike gameplay in mind. It will probably work with other gametypes like CTF, CCTF or any quake III mod involving capturing the flag, hence the Pak name, CTFsPak1
ctfscp1 - Crosstown Traffic by Ferrao
ctfscp2 - Crossed Paths v.F3 by Daniel "Drunken Boxer" Lanicek
ctfscp3 - Cement, Concrete and Stone by Kommissar
ctfscp4 - White Noise by Publis
ctfscp5 - Overkill Redux - CTF by pF.red
ctfscp6 - Midnight Keep by Geit
Whooa cool one, it looks really nice. Check out
Threewave for the mirrors servers.
Carmak and the Parhelia 512

by DGhost @ [05:34 PM] June 25 2002
Well we got a new
.Plan from the man itself. And personnaly, for me, it's not good news. Bouhouhouhou :( Of course with usual technical hammer he explain to us why the Parhelia won't be the best card for Doom III. Here's the best part that explain the thing:
The executive summary is that the Parhelia will run Doom, but it is not
performance competitive with Nvidia or ATI.
Aaaah well, I don't think that it will still prevent me from getting that card. Surround gaming! that's what I really want! :)
ZPM beta 4.2 is released!

by DGhost @ [11:39 AM] June 25 2002
A new version of the
ZPM is out! Here's the whole list of the new features:
-Fixed whole VQ3 mode.
-Fixed the "dead with one rocket" bug ...
-the in-game add bot menu (no red or blue team in UI to choose for RA3 mode)
-Fixed the "team queue adjustement".
-Fixed the "no on left in the game, match ended" bug ...
-bot_minplayers bug, until i find a solution, i've disabled bot_minplayers in
multi arena and RA3 mode...
-Fixed the "on the fly mode change" ... no map_restart used anymore ... only
callvote restart... it will restart the arena...
-Fixed falling damage, and hurtself : was not working...
-Fixed ready message etc, now readycheck enabled in all gamemode except FFA...
-Modified cVars default values:
match_ra3 default was 1, always RA3 mode ... :-(
-Fixed callvote commands that was not working or not supposed to be there ...
-Fixed RA3 respawn code, wasn't random...
-Fixed the /players command when a player use color characters in his name...
-Fixed the timeout command...
That's a lot of new stuff.
Alientrap is looking for an animator

by DGhost @ [11:31 AM] June 25 2002
Okay here's the email I've got from the
Alientrap team:
If you can post on your site that Alientrap is looking for a animator and
weapons modeler to help
with a MMOFPS that would help a lot.
The project is called Nexuiz, and will be a hardcore deathmatch game using an
extremly advanced quake1 engine. The engine uses a new model format called
.ZYM, which has full skeletal animation system. The player models in Nexuiz
between 2500-4000 polygons and are UV mapped, and the skins are 512x512. The
game once it is finished will be given away over the net for free. We plan to
a public demo soon as possible. For more info please view our site at:
www.Alientrap.com and check out the helpwanted page.
There you go!
Some news from me

by DGhost @ [03:53 PM] June 21 2002
Okay I just got 20 minutes for a break and I tought I should use that to give you some news not about quake but about me. As you can have noticed, you faithful readers, there hasn't been too much news these last days. The reason? Well, I've got some projects going on at my job and it's taking all my free time. I didn't have any week end off since the last 2 weeks and I'm still not finish. The only thing that I have done so far is working and sleeping. Nothing else, believe me. So please I'm asking you to be patient. I should be back on posting at the end of next week. I thank you all for your patience until then.
- DGhost
New Q3Bench

by awoq @ [04:01 PM] June 21 2002
The folks at
guru3d.com have released a new version of
Q3Bench. The utility will now
give you benchmark info with all versions of Quake3 and Return to the Castle of Wolfenstein.
Grab your copy of
Q3Bench and see how your system is doing!
Quakecon 2002 Posts List

by awoq @ [04:01 PM] June 21 2002
Want to know who is attending Quakecom this year?
Quakecon 2002 has posted a list of
who is attending this years event. The list is in a searchable data base so you can find
out if your friend or foe (as the case may be) will be attending. Part of the list indicates if you will
be in the Q3 tournament or part of the BYOC. If the list says no, they have assigned a waiting list number to you. They typically have
a LARGE number of no-shows so do not despair if your number is high!
Find out more on the
Quakecon 2002 website!
It's the lone Ranger! Oups, no, it's the Game Ranger!

by DGhost @ [10:56 PM] June 16 2002
GameRanger is a game browser (a la Gamespy) for Mac wich support the following version of their (more) popular OS:
GameRanger 3.0 runs best on Mac OS X, but still full support for Mac OS 8.6 to Mac OS 9.2.2.
To see what are the games this baby is supporting you should check this
Spiderman TC for Quake 3

by DGhost @ [07:43 PM] June 11 2002
It's not ready yet :( but we get some good news from the team behind the
Spiderman TC for the Quake 3 engine. Check out the new renders of the
Green Goblin and the
Hobgoblin, we can see that it's gonna be a cool model.
Some news from Tribal CTF

by DGhost @ [07:38 PM] June 11 2002
Whooaa actually they're not dead.
Tribal CTF had some small problem lately but we get a glimpse that the bot feature is coming along nicely. Check their
webpage for the complete story.
New models @ Polycount

by DGhost @ [07:32 PM] June 11 2002
Urban terror: US VS Canada

by DGhost @ [10:06 PM] June 09 2002
let's get this straight. I know it has been almost 4 days that we didn't post but believe me, I was
really busy. Now let's get down to business;
ClanBank.com is sponsoring and hosting a Canada vs USA Urban Terror 6v6 Tournament. STr8sHoT of Clan zH, the tournament founder, is administering the tournament. These matches will shoutcasted by Oswald of Urban Terror.
Here is a message from STr8sHoT:
Teams will be picked randomly off of a list of people that sign up. It will be random Canadians vs random Americans. Clan members can join individually, but will not play as a clan.
We will do 3 game types CTF, TS, and TDM. Each match will be 1 map 1 game type 2nd map different map, different game type.
Please email me if you are interested or msg me in IRC at the tournament channel on ETG #USvsCA.
You can also visit our forum post on the Urban Terror Forums.
Rules and more info coming soon.
Thanks a lot and i hope to see you all sign up :D
So stop by ClanBank.com (http://www.clanbank.com) for more information and to support your country in this friendly competition.
Doom III, the most awaited game of next year

by DGhost @ [08:41 PM] June 05 2002
With all the converage on Doom III @ e3 last week, no wonder that even the biggest medias are talking about it. Even
MSNBC got an
article with some comments of John Carmak. As usual if I'm posting about it, then it's worth to read.
A "cadavre exquis"

by DGhost @ [06:45 PM] June 04 2002
I don't know if there is a word for this in english (I hope there is one) but in french we call that a "cadavre exquis" wich is: someone start drawing a pictures, stop after a part has been done and pass the pictures to someone else who must draw another part of the picture. Got that? Well,
Pass the map got the same idea but instead of a pictures, it's a Quake 3 map. 4 mappers working on a map for
PainKeep Arena, the result may be very creative. You can take a look at the screenshots in the "current project" section.
Medal of Honor Allied Assault™ Level Editor Contest

by DGhost @ [06:46 PM] June 03 2002
Some news about Urban Terror

by DGhost @ [08:40 PM] June 02 2002
The latest version (v2.4) is still running and version 2.6 is coming along nicely. After that we'll see version 3.0. Check out
Urban Terror for the complete update. Also on some other news, one sad and one joyous, Iain has quit the
Silicon Ice development team since he doesn't have too much time anymore (life always catch up) and TwentySeven got his first kid (yet again, life always catch up). Good luck to you Iain and congratulation to the new parents!
Call for Cthulhu for Quake 3 need help

by DGhost @ [08:31 PM] June 02 2002
Cthulhu total conversion (H.P. Lovecraft) for Quake 3 Arena is in serious need of a coder. Since I really wanna try this mod and I can post news here, why not plug them? You can code (and really you do code?), you got a taste for the underworld demon horrors from Lovecraft? Why not help this mod?
RtcW patch for Mac coming soon

by DGhost @ [08:38 PM] June 02 2002
Yet again, I learned from
Inside Mac Game that the
latest patch of Return to castle Wolfenstein for the Mac should be out pretty soon. Check out their webpage, refresh every 2 minutes to see when it'll be out or just come back here because, of course I'll tell you when it'll be release.
Jedi Knight II: Jedi Outcast preview for Mac

by DGhost @ [08:13 PM] June 02 2002
Inside Mac Game got a nice
preview of the upcoming Jedi Knight II: Jedi Outcast for, guess what? Mac of course... :P
Is there any new models?

by DGhost @ [04:24 PM] June 01 2002
Yep. Looking at what
polycount has just comments on, it seems that there is, again, new models for Quake 3.
Motoko from Ghost in the shell,
Cable from the X-universe,
Vivi from Final Fantasy IX and
Samjai, a kind a samurai/knight
Quake and Quake II update for MacOS X

by DGhost @ [01:58 PM] May 31 2002
Well the guys @
Fruitz of Dojo got 2 new updates for Quake (v1.0.7) and Quake II (v1.0.5) on MacOs X. Check their download page for the updates.
Issues With SOF 2 Multiplayer

by EZD @ [08:37 PM] May 30 2002
Bryan Dube from Raven has updated his .plan to talk about some issues with SOF II Multiplayer.
So, whats happening in the world of Sof2 multiplayer you ask? Well, hopefully this
will answer that question. First we would like to address some of the bigger known
issues that Raven is actively trying to resolve. These are by no means the only issues
we are looking at, but instead the larger issues. When a patch is released a full
list of changes made will be released along with it as well as updated mod source.
Check out his entire .plan
Write a Walkthrough and Win a Game!

by EZD @ [08:33 PM] May 30 2002
Raven Software's SOF II Site is looking for someone to write a detailed walkthrough for SOF II and other games from Raven.
We're looking for a Soldier of Fortune II walkthrough to publish on RavenGames... write one and get a free game of your choice!
here for details.
GTKRadiant 1.2.9

by DGhost @ [10:46 AM] May 29 2002
Whoooa so much news about our small world of Quake. So now we got the newest version of
GTKRadiant. They added support for Star Trek Voyager: Elite Force and fixed a couple of small bugs. You can read the changelog
here. The next version will support the following games:
- Soldier Of Fortune II: Double Helix went gold recently, we should have support for it soon.
- We are getting a lot of requests from mappers about Medal Of Honor Allied Assault. We are still looking for a developer to be in charge of MoH support. The other thing is that MoH will require some internal changes in GtkRadiant, which will be in our next main version 1.3.
- Half-Life / Counter Strike support is coming along nicely, mostly thanks to Hydra's efforts. We expect to have a beta of GtkRadiant 1.3 with HL support soon.
This tool is getting better at each release.
It's Graeme and Tim's turn!

by DGhost @ [06:11 PM] May 28 2002
So to close up the coverage of Doom III,
Gamespy got the latest interview with the guys of
IDsoftware with Graeme Devine (Mac lover) and Tim Willits (lead designer, yadayada). As always, nice stuff to know how the development of the game is going on. You can read the interview
Threewave 1.6 coming up next

by DGhost @ [10:13 PM] May 27 2002
And yet again, some news from
Threewave that a new pach is coming (fixing a couple of bugs from the last patch). Head on to their webpage for the full story, wich is not so full.
Interview with Antkow and Nilsson

by DGhost @ [10:11 PM] May 27 2002
In the mood, yet again, for the Doom III coverage @ the
GameSpy now got an interview with Fred Nilsson and Christian Antkow. You can read the stuff
here. Tomorrow it's Graeme Devine and Tim Willits turn to get under the axe.
SOF II Single Player Cheats

by EZD @ [11:17 AM] May 26 2002
After playing the SOF II multiplayer for a while, I decided to gun a few people down in the single player. It's nice when you kill someone you can remove individual body parts while they lay on the floor. To make this easier, I used cheat codes (I love to just open up with the M60). The cheats are basically the same as Q3, for the entire list and how to work the console click
SOF II Runner

by EZD @ [10:41 AM] May 26 2002
The SOF Demo Runner has been upgraded to work on both versions of SOF II. Aphextwin from
Custom Installations released the full version Friday.
SOF2 Runner, the server setup utility for Soldier of Fortune II - Double Helix, is currently at version beta .7 this version adds support for the new retail full version.
As always I am open to feedback, requests, observations, bugs! etc.
Get the latest version
Interview with JC

by DGhost @ [12:14 PM] May 24 2002
Yet again... as
GameSpy do the follow up of Doom III @ the
E3, they pinned down our crazy coder John Carmak from
IDsoftware (hey who doesn't know that JC work @ ID? :P) for an
interview. Do I need to add that it's really good?
SOF II SDK Released

by EZD @ [07:56 AM] May 24 2002
The Software Development Kit for SOF II has been released.
Rick Johnson from Raven had this to say in his .plan:
As promised, you can now get the SoF2 MP SDK Here!
We'll have a forum set up shortly for support, once I get the new server configured.
The SDK includes game code, editors (radiant, fx, modeling, etc), tools (bsp, modeling, etc), documentation
on various file formats, and some samples (skin files, map, etc). The SDK is mainly MP specific, though
there are some things which apply to the SP that are included.
It's also available from
Soldier Of Fortune Land.
Jedi Outcast Map Pack

by EZD @ [07:57 AM] May 24 2002
Jedi Outcast Maps has released a bunch of maps from several authors. There are 8 in all, check them out
Soldier Of Forture II Dedicated Linux Servers

by EZD @ [07:10 AM] May 23 2002
Planet Soldier reports that the dedicated linux server binaries have been released. I have just got my SOF 2 from EBworld, and have yet to play the thing! Just too busy! Anyway, here's the scoop from Planet....
I'm holding my copy of SoF2 in my hands right now, but I'm holding off playing for a moment to let you all know that the Linux Dedicated Client File (~700k .zip format) has been released. It was sent to us with the note that it "is released as 'not having had that much testing', so please be advised." At any rate, click here to get it from FilePlanet.
The latest word from Jim Drews, the SoF2 Linux Programmer, is that the Linux Dedicated Client may exhibit some problems when attempting to run RMG maps on the server. They are working to resolve the problem, and we here at PlanetSoldier will keep you posted with any further developments.
Doom III (again)

by DGhost @ [06:55 PM] May 22 2002
Whoooa with the
Gamespy's coverage of Doom III @
E3 there is a
ton of new stuff. Here's some
screenshots of the movie/presentation and also the movie itself (WARNING: 2 hours of waiting), after that there is an
interview with JC at
Gamers. Anything else?
First look of Doom III

by DGhost @ [12:55 PM] May 22 2002
For a follow-up of the
coverage of Doom III @ the
E3 from
GameSpy, today we got a glimpse of the game itself and the story behind it (there was a story in Doom?). Like science fiction writer Matthew Costello who wrote the game's story and dialogue (he worked on the 7th Guest and the 11th Hour games). It seems that ID is really focus on develloping a strong story
and an atmosphere/feeling of fear. Anyway stop reading me and go read the
Doom III @ E3

by DGhost @ [01:02 PM] May 22 2002
GameSpy is doing an excellent
cover of Doom III at the
E3 (hehe that's cute to say... say it 10 times, faster each time). Some question with Marty Stratton from ID and a couple of pictures... The more interresting stuff will be tomorrow where they'll feature a 7-minute movie on the history of DOOM. Here's a little preview with Marty:
GameSpy: From the looks of things, it looks like you guys are planning something pretty big for E3 -- can you tell us a little about it?
MS: We couldn't be more excited about the show this year. It is our first public showing of the game (not just a technology demonstration), and we've planned the most impressive game demonstration I've ever seen -- and I've been at every single E3. I'll save the details for later. =)
Whoaaaa I wanna see that!
New Æstats - Æon's Stats v5.30

by awoq @ [10:40 AM] May 20 2002
A new version of
Æstats - Æon's Stats has been released bringing it up to v5.30.
AEstats is a log file analyser for 3D shooters (including Q3Arena) with stats/ranking output in HTML. Revisions in this release include:
- Added return to castle wolfenstein support with 20 weapon and 20 suicide obituaries.
- Added jedi knight ii support with 30 weapon and 12 suicide obituaries.
- Updated support for strike force (ut mod) with 4 new weapon (widowmaker, steyr aug, m203, hkg36) and 1 new suicide obituary.
- Updated support for tactical ops (ut mod, retail) with 5 new weapon (9f2pistol, berg509, gl23, m4a1,uzi) obituaries.
- fixed a really bad crash bug, that would sometimes happen when aestats tried to generate html output pages.
- Fixed colored names for all q3a-engine games, specifically rtcw and jk2. the color escape characters are properly removed from the output pages.
- New cygwin1.dll included, this should fix some problems with winxp and nt.
- Æstats now supports 50 games/mods... wheee :).
- Started getting team stats in, new pages are calculated, but they are way from final! but i am keeping them in to do more testing etc.
- Future releases will not only include binaries for win32 and linux, but now also for mac os x.
You can check find out all the details of this parser and get the download at the
Æstats website.
Eternal Arena 5.8.1 Released

by EZD @ [02:46 AM] May 20 2002
Well, things have finally quieted down at work (even though I'm posting this at 2:30 am!), so I'm back in business...
Eternal Arena 5.8 and then 5.8.1 was released last week. The latest version has a bunch of goodies and fixes including:
- added Cloak gametype
- added MultiFlag gamemode
- added cg_gore cvar (bigger explosions, x2 blood, x2 gibs)
- added extra menu for additional gametype callvotes
- added Survival frags drop health
- removed health in Survival
- fixed some gametype callvotes not fitting onto dynamic menu
- fixed g_starthealth not initialising
- fixed team orders menu not showing for CTF Instagib
- fixed internal server browser sorting
Download the latest version
What's new @ Polycount

by DGhost @ [12:26 AM] May 18 2002
It's been a while since we got any new Quake 3 models from them. So here's the new stuff on our favorite
models place.
Churchill is one of the latest model who got a really good rating (9/10).
The Brothers Grim are working on a nice looking model that you can see a screenshot
here. It looks like a lot of people are skinning
on it. A pretty cool looking model also that is available is
Zorak from the TV show "Space Ghost: Coast to Coast". A magnificient
VF-1J from the TV show Robotech/Macross. And lastly, someone who maybe had too much time available on his hands, a
Hooligan(7/10). Okay that's it I'm dead, my bed is calling me.
It's there to get you (the 1.5 patch)

by DGhost @ [11:15 PM] May 16 2002
Threewave 1.5 is out! Featuring 8 new maps, 3 additional gametypes and other changes... You can check their mirrors page
Quake 3 Fortress Quickies

by DGhost @ [10:34 PM] May 15 2002
The dark conjunction: source code

by DGhost @ [12:42 PM] May 14 2002
Like I said a while ago,
The Dark Conjunction has released their source code to the net. Check their
download page for all the available mirrors.
Parhelia announced

by DGhost @ [09:28 AM] May 14 2002
Well, if you are, like me, into matrox video card, you may have heard about their newest product that has just been
announced. The Parhelia has generated a lot of wild rumors but at last it's here and you can see all the
specs @
The hardware zone. Now I wonder how Doom III will look with this new baby. Ho! Btw, the new card is not dual head anymore. It's triple head and yes, you can Quake with 3 monitors on it @ about 300 fps. Yes, I said 3 hundreds FPS.
SOF2 is GOLD!!

by EZD @ [05:05 PM] May 13 2002
Raven reports that SOF II has gone gold and will be released on May 21st. (I've pre-ordered it!!)
That's right! SOF2 has gone GOLD and should be found in stores next week. Seems that Activision has kept their schedule to release by May 21st as mentioned by EBGames.com (where I suggest you shop, personally).
Also, remember to keep an eye on SOFFiles.com for the SDK release. It wasn mentioned by Raven that the SDK would be released at the same time as the game... so get those download engines ready.
New Punkbuster Released

by EZD @ [05:01 PM] May 13 2002
A new version of the anti-cheating software
Punkbuster was released yesterday...
PunkBuster has been updated to a new version and placed on the master servers for auto update. Linux Admins who are experiencing a "non responsive" PunkBuster with the current version can download the new v0.987 Linux PB Server binary from here.
Threewave CTF next thursday

by DGhost @ [02:19 PM] May 12 2002
It's coming to get you alive! Mouhahahaha. Well not really but be ready for
Threewave version 1.5 will be there next thursday. Fire up your modem, get ready to race for the download, this new baby will feature 8 new maps. Another reason for me to quit my girlfriend and spend all the rest of my life on this mod!
Quake game loader v1.3

by DGhost @ [02:11 PM] May 12 2002
Whoooa 2 days in a row without any update... That's pretty long and sorry about it. It's really a busy week end for me and I've got 20 minutes to post something... So
Quake game loader is a nifty utility to start/load a game of the old classic Quake. It seems also that in a near/far future it will support Quake 2/3 and Half life. Could be really usefull. But for the moment it stick for Quake only.
Threewave update

by DGhost @ [12:53 PM] May 09 2002
Dekard is giving us some news about our beloved CTF mod,
Threewave. Instead of re-typing everything let me use one of the most usefull feature of a computer wich is called copy and paste.
I whipped up a cheesy little avi of the new marioesque "coin mini game" that is being added as one of the minigames in the new Episode voting portal. You can download the 4.2 meg bundle of joy right here. With the alternate Episode voting portal you will now be able to vote for 'sets' of maps or 'episodes' which you will play those maps with the gametype and episode that was voted on, then return to the portal for further voting. It's excellent stuff, 1.5 is looking to be the best release yet. More Threewave quality maps coming with this release as well!!
Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaah I love that mod!
Work in progress of Kiltron

by DGhost @ [12:47 PM] May 10 2002
Kiltron from the
Mean Arena is working on a new map (his second one, the first one was called
Deviant) as a promotion for the new album of
PitchShifter, PSI. The
map will, of course, feature a song from the album. As usual, when the map will be available, I'll let you know.
UMP patch

by DGhost @ [12:17 AM] May 09 2002
As I was saying yesterday... The
UMP patch is here. Fixing a couple of shaders problems. You can download the small 2kbs patch
Quake 1 map pack

by DGhost @ [11:39 PM] May 08 2002
It seems that it's the days for some map pack... But for this one you ain't on drugs for sure, you read me right, it's for Quake 1. Good ol' trusty Quake. This map pack was created for the
Classic 3D games map pack competition. This contest from
CocoT has brought us a map pack with some wacky ideas for Quake 1. You can download the pack
here. But first make sure that you find your old cd of Quake and reinstall it. Maybe I'll do that this week end.
Quake 3 movie, Star Wars style

by DGhost @ [11:21 PM] May 07 2002
A couple of days ago I received an email from
Snizh-Fize about a new Quake 3 OSP Clan movie. Pretty good player as I saw. The introduction must be in german since I didn't understand anything but I think that fragging is a universal language. Anyway some funny hello to Mortal Kombat and Star Wars. You can download that 72 megs avi
UMP patch

by DGhost @ [11:26 PM] May 07 2002
Not so long ago I posted a news about the
UMP. There is some problems with shaders so they
will release a patch to fix the problem. Of course I'll tell you when it'll be out.
Star Wars Jedi Knight II: Jedi Outcast Patch

by EZD @ [02:11 PM] May 07 2002
There is a new JKII patch out from
LucasArts. Here's a list of the fixes:
* Corrects an issue where players were unable to cycle to detonator packs and trip mines on the “explosives” key unless they also had Thermal Detonators.
* Corrects an issue that prevented launching a multiplayer game on AMD(TM) dual processor machines.
* Corrected an exploit to prevent players from using illegal models in the game.
* Corrected an exploit that allowed players to have force powers outside of what the server rules allow.
* Added a keyboard icon that appears over the player's head when the player is chatting or configuring force powers.
* Backflip now requires that you double tap the jump button.
* Lightsaber usage in multiplayer has been modified to work similarly to the way it works in single player levels. This will enable better saber battles up close with your opponent.
* Lightsabers will do less damage at the very start and very end of a swing. This should prevent kills from just touching an opponent with the tip of your lightsaber.
* Other players will not see the glow from a player using force absorb until they are attacked.
* Force Heal and Force Drain have been adjusted to require more force energy to use them.
* Corrected an issue that prevent lightsaber locking from occurring in duels even if it was enabled by the server.
* Correct various Duel mode issues, including:
* Reconfiguring force powers will not place your player at bottom of queue.
* If one player leaves during a match when dueling with more than 1 kill limit, the next person in line will not enter the match with the score of the person who left the match.
* Changing skins will no longer produce a loss score on HUD that includes fraglimit.
Single Player:
* Corrected an issue that would cause the third AT-ST on Artus_Topside to disappear that prevented Jan from landing.
* Corrected an issue that caused enemies not to be alerted by the body of a comrade in their field of vision.
* Corrected an issue where enemies did not try to avoid thermal detonators that were thrown at them.
* Corrected an issue that would cause the player to be unable to attack for about thirty seconds if they were force pushed out of a saberlock.
Get more
information, or download the patch
Bid for power 1.2

by DGhost @ [11:18 PM] May 06 2002
It's here gang!
Version 1.2 has been released! Be sure to check their download page to get the file!
Geocomp2 maps, where?

by DGhost @ [12:47 AM] May 06 2002
Mommy! I wanna download some maps from the
Geocomp2, but where? Fear not! (I wonder sometime where I get my stupid lines to post news :P). Anyway here's a pretty good link for that. So here's the list of all the
links to download all the maps. Easy uh? What do you think about all these maps? Wich one is your favorite? Why? What's the best one to frag? Gimme all your comments in this
Bid for power 1.2 tomorrow

by DGhost @ [12:44 AM] May 06 2002
Yep! That's right folks!
Bid for power, the popular mod of the DragonBall Z universe, version 1.2 is coming for tomorrow. Here's a list of some fixes for this version:
More crunchy bugfixes than 10 bowls of 1.1.
6 new nutricious attacks.
1 new map, and 2 new improved versions of maps.
Complete rebalance of everything.
More news tomorrow of course! :)
RtCW for mac, FAQ and review

by DGhost @ [01:58 AM] May 05 2002
Okay, pretty slow today. So on one side ,
Aspyr Studio got a nice
FAQ of the game (for mac, of course) and also there is a
review of the game @
Inside Mac Games. Also in the
FAQ you can learn that the patch 1.31 is coming along.
GtkRadiant 1.2.7 Update Released

by EZD @ [06:13 PM] May 03 2002
GtkRadiant version 1.2.7 was released today. The release is for for bug fixes, no new game support.
- The mod editing configuration has been fixed and improved.
- The File menu has a handy shortcut to bring you to the website and check if a new version is available.
You can pick up the new version
They also have some comments about future game support:
We got a lot of requests lately for various games support. Here's the status:
Jedi Knight II: We are working on JKII support. There has been a lot of requests for JKII, and we hope to have a JKII game pack in the upcoming 1.2 releases
Soldier Of Fortune II: Is not even released yet! But obviously we will have support for it too.
Medal Of Honor: We don't get as many requests for MoH support. We don't have plans to put some developer resources into MoH at this point, but we will happily help some new developers who would want to get involved.
Half-Life: Is still under way. The first release of GtkRadiant with HL support will be a beta of the 1.3 series.
Quake II and Quake: Would be in the 1.3 releases too. We are lacking developers for this too.
Just .plan Crazy!

by EZD @ [06:12 PM] May 03 2002
Well, there are a bunch of updated
.plans today, mostly from the Raven Software crew.
Bryan Dube's first post is a big one. He talks about the SOF 2 Test issues and bug fixes:
Well, this is my first plan update so why not make it a big one. Since the Sof2 test was
release and we have recieved a few hundred emails with suggestions and comments for
improvements. The following is a list of what has been fixed, changed, and or updated
since the test build was made available. Note, this does not mean we are releasing a
patch for the test, instead its simply an update to let everyone know what we have been up to.
- run animations revamped to help eliminate foot sliding
- new lean animations added
- fixed bug that prevented you from seeing yourself type a chat message
- server option to disable specifc votes
- now says who killed you above scoreboard after dying
- added affirmative and negative radio messages
- thermal and nightvision goggles are now visible on players
- flags and briefcase show up as icons now in radar
- added "knife" keyword to "weaptoggle" command
- "weaptoggle" command now accepts a single parameter (ie, weaptoggle primary)
- sort columns on server browser fixed
- password protected column added to the server browser
- server browser screen enlarged to allow more info to be displayed
- flashbang cheat fixed
- grenade timer reduced from 5 seconds to 3 seconds
- flame grenade effect now more accurately represents the damage area
- can no longer easily stand on another players head
and much much more....
Check out his entire plan
Scott McNutt says a few words about the test and askes for more valuable comments:
I would like to Thank everyone who has downloaded the Soldier of Fortune demo and a Thank You for posting your opinions on the SoF messageboards. We are trying out best to read through them. Comments are welcomed, but ones that simply say 'SoF sucks' do not help us when we are trying to figure why you thought it sucked. Please be more descriptive and we will try and address the issues. We have worked long and hard trying to make SoF a fun game for all and really want to hear why you did not like in more then 2 words.
You can take a look at the
.plan summary
Doom III

by DGhost @ [01:08 PM] May 03 2002
Whoooa big news gang! :P An
article on
Yahoo is informing us that
IDsoftware and
Activision are partners for the next Doom. Okay we all already know these thing since Activision has been distributing IDsoftware titles for the last years. But, more interresting is that we should see something about Doom III at the
E3. Weeeeeeee!!!
Geocomp2 winners

by DGhost @ [01:07 PM] May 03 2002
Yeah! At last we got the results of the
Geocomp2. And the winners are, drum roll please...
best over all map: bengal with minima
best brushwork: rebel assault with mythology
best atmosphere: bengal with minima
best gameplay: bengal with minima
Congratulations also to all the participant mappers. You all did an impressive work. But I think the final winner in this one is us, the players, who can enjoy fragging in your maps! Did I said a map pack?
Update: you may also wanna check the
DTeam's webpage where they got a review of all the 31 entries of the contest!
Q3F2 Review From 3D Action Planet

by EZD @ [09:30 PM] May 01 2002
3DActionPlanet has posted a review of the newest version of
Q3 Fortress.
Just when you though it was safe to keep playing Q3F, the Q3F team has given us Q3F2, the greatest invention since cardboard.
The team has done a great job with this second version, and deserve a little time off and a pat on the back for their hard work. Take their talent coupled with exceptional coding, good mapping and modeling, a dash of love and shrooms and voila! Quake 3 Fortress 2, available for free download and can be yours to enjoy for hours on end. I know I will.
Take a look at the entire review
here, or head over to the Q3F
files page to download the patch.
More Wolfenstein Scrips From Chiffriermaschinen

by EZD @ [09:11 PM] May 01 2002
Chiffriermaschinen Site has posted some more
scripts for running and tweaking Wolf. There are 26 total with 8 brand new ones!
- Crosshair Toggle
- Darkangel Communications
- Demo Recording
- Enigma Communications
- JPEG Screenshot
- Play Sound
- Team Selection
- Tippy Toes
Take a look and download the scripts
SOF 2 Double Helix Movies From Gamespot

by EZD @ [07:22 PM] May 01 2002
Gamespot has posted six new SOF 2 Double Helix movies for your viewing pleasure. There are 12 in all, with different views of the upcoming SOF sequel.
Some of the titles include:
- The machine gun mounted on the back of a jeep is the perfect weapon to cover your escape.
- Unfortunately the hotel is heavily defended.
- A squad of soldiers hides on a hill to ambush the enemy.
Check them all out
The Burial Ground map pack

by DGhost @ [10:48 PM] April 30 2002
Speaking of
map pack, here is an another one that a lot of people were waiting for.
The Burial Ground Map Pack, intented mostly for deathmatch for about 6 to 10 players. Customs textures, new soundtrack, cool logos, yadayadayada... A
TON of new features in the pack.
UMP1 has been released

by DGhost @ [10:35 PM] April 30 2002
Unofficial Map Pack I was talking about a while ago has been released. Featuring maps for Quake 3 CTF,
Threewave CTF and Team Arena CTF. And of course saying that this pack has been created by some
good mappers is useless since we all already know that. Also note that if you want to submit your map for the UMP2, now is the time.
Rant & Rave @ Planetquake

by DGhost @ [10:23 PM] April 30 2002
SOF2:Demo Runner beta.3

by EZD @ [03:38 PM] April 30 2002
Aphextwin has released SOF2:Demo Runner beta version 3.
SOF2:Demo Runner, the server setup utility for Soldier of Fortune II - Double Helix MP TEST, is currently at version beta .3 this version fixes a few typos and adds the ability to execute additional configurations.
As always I am open to feedback, requests, observations etc.
Get the full install
here, or head over to the main
Runner page for other server utilities.
Dear Helga...

by DGhost @ [01:25 PM] April 30 2002
Old interview with Kevin Cloud

by DGhost @ [12:31 PM] April 29 2002
Okay, actually that
interview is pretty old (16 december 2001). I found it on the website of
DTeam where they will also post the scores of the
GeoComp2 challenge. Anyway to go back about the interview, Kevin talk a little bit about Doom3 and the feeling of the game. Easy read.
D-Day: Normandy v4.0

by DGhost @ [12:14 PM] April 29 2002
D-Day: Normandy is a Quake 2 mod based on the WWII (as you can guess with a title like that). So if you're into WWII FPS you might wanna give this one a shot since it got excellent praises. The mod got a full graphical installer wich make it even easier to install and also, one cool feature that is coming (in a near futur) with this one is a stand-alone executable (you won't need the Quake 2 cd).
Programming tutorials for RtCW

by DGhost @ [03:38 PM] April 29 2002
Lord RhiNo is the one who made these nice tutorials to
help for programmation. A lot of tutorials for Return to Castle Wolfenstein and even some for Quake 3. There is a lot of ressource available on his webpage to help you program with these games.
Update: The Geocomp 2

by DGhost @ [12:55 AM] April 28 2002
Ah saturday night. Quiet one...
Oh yeah the
Geocomp 2. What's going on with that? Well,
Nunuk is still gathering all the reviews and scores and one juge left because of his schedule. But we should get the result this week. More news to come! :)
Jedi Knight II Tops PC Game Sales Charts In US, UK, And Germany

by EZD @ [05:56 PM] April 27 2002
LucasArts released a
press release Friday announcing that Jedi Knight II was the best selling PC game for the month of March in the US, UK, and Germany. Here's a piece of the release:
SAN RAFAEL, Calif. -- April 26, 2002 -- Star Wars Jedi Knight II: Jedi Outcast, from LucasArts Entertainment Company LLC, was the best-selling premium priced PC game in dollars for the month of March, according to NPD Intelect. The first-person action game has remained a top-selling title in North America since its launch on March 28, 2002.
here for the full story.
What Do Wives Think Of SOF?

by EZD @ [05:58 PM] April 27 2002
I think this is a pretty funny interview. If I was among the married folk I'd venture to say I wouldn't play FPS as much as I do now (3 - 4 hours a day). Anyway,
Buzby from
DrunkGamers took sime time out to interview his wife about the SOF 2 MP Test. It's a pretty funny interview, I had to laugh at this part:
Buzby: Okay. Anything else?
Jane: People say "Get me some backup!" and "Clear!" all the time. And you complain that shooting someone in the head doesn't kill them --
Buzby: Okay that's enough.
Jane: -- you say that you can "shoot a guy fifty f-ing times then he turns around and kills me with one shot."
Buzby: Okay.
Jane: I don't think you are very good at this game. Whenever I come in here, you are always watching other people play.
Check out the entire interview
IDsoftware website new facelift

by DGhost @ [03:19 PM] April 27 2002
Would you believe that after sooooooooo many years, the
IDsoftware website got a new design? About time! :)
Nightmare Orchards

by DGhost @ [06:55 PM] April 25 2002
Okay when I'm at the point of posting something about Quake 2 it must be for at least one of the following reason:
1- The thing must be really good
2- There is nothing worth posting
So that one is about the 2 reasons... :) It's a quiet day in our small quaking world so I was browsing through my bookmark when I found back a
good ol' site about reviews of Quake 2 maps.
Nightmare Orchards got an excellent review (10/10). This single players map look really nice. So if you're still into old school and single player, then you may wanna try this one!
RtCW for Mac are beginning to be ship today!

by DGhost @ [10:24 AM] April 24 2002
Return to Castle Wolfenstein for the Mac platform is coming! According to this
article from
Inside Mac games, the people who have made their pre-order will receive it soon. Here's a part of the deal:
If you're a MacGames CD subscriber and have pre-ordered your copy, expect the game to arrive within the next few days.
6 days in advance. Not bad... :)
New patch for Quake 3 Fortress 2

by DGhost @ [10:09 AM] April 24 2002
The team behind
Quake 3 Fortress just released a patch bringing their mod to version 2.1. This patch (704 kb) should be installed on the client and server side. Go to the
mirror page to download it.
SoF2 MPTest Server Setup Utility

by EZD @ [10:28 PM] April 23 2002
JediKnight II tools

by DGhost @ [12:42 PM] April 23 2002
So the tools where released yesterday by Raven. Here's the list of the tools:
JK2Radiant - the map editor.
MD3View - model viewer for .md3 format models
ModView - model viewer for .glm (Ghoul2) format model
ShaderEd2 - the shader editor/viewer
sof2map - the map compiler, you will not be using this directly, JK2Radiant
uses this.
You can download the tools from these servers:
JediKnight II files
3D Download
At the same time, you may wanna check the
JediKnight II editing ressources page for some help along the way!
Today's .plan Updates

by EZD @ [07:32 PM] April 22 2002
A few updated .plans worthy of a look...
Rick Johnson from Raven has some usefull
cvars for the SOF II MP Test.
We've put together a quick summary of useful cvars / commands for server operators
and clients. This document includes information on how to change movement speed, changing weapon availability,
and various other items.
Kenn Hoekstra also from Raven talks about new tools and level editors for Jedi Outcast.
Monday, April 22nd, 2002 - The tools and level editor
for Jedi Outcast have been released to the public. The
4MB download includes:
JK2Radiant - The map editor.
MD3View - Model viewer for .md3 format models
ModView - Model viewer for .glm (Ghoul2) format
model ShaderEd2 - The shader editor/viewer
sof2map - The map compiler, you will not be using this directly, JK2Radiant uses this.
You can download it from any of these sites:
- FilePlanet
- ShackNews
- 3DDownloads
- JediKnightii.net
Q3Offline version released

by EZD @ [08:49 AM] April 22 2002
Since the Q3 engine is just the best thing ever, there are a ton of admin and client side tools available.
Q3Offline is just another in a long list of tools for tweaking these games. The newest version has a few fixes and support for SOF 2:
Added support for the Soldier of Fortune II - Double Helix MultiPlayer Test. Run Q3Offline, and click on the New toolbar button to select SoF2. The Advanced tab also has options for disabling pickups and setting the team limit. All the other SoF2 options can be set through the usual Q3Offline controls. There are no bots in this SoF2 MP Test.
Added dismemberment options to Jedi Knight II Advanced options. Go to the Q3Offline Advanced page and tick Dismemberment Server and Dismemberment Client. Set Dismemberment Server to 100 and enable Dismemberment Client. Happy slashing!
Fixed importing default bots in Jedi Knight II. This was broken because Jedi keeps its bots.txt file in the botfiles directory (in assets0.pk3) and not the scripts directory.
MOHAA map rotation is still broken in the 1.11 patch when using the vstr command, despite what I thought before. This means we've got to stick to the sv_maplist cvar to set up map rotations. To get Q3Offline to use the sv_maplist cvar, make sure you've got the following in your Templates\MOHAA.q3t file:
Q3Offline no longer writes to your games main .cfg file. It used to do this to make sure the sv_maxclients cvar was set correctly (without it you could get "Server is full" messages if the number of bots + players exceeded the maximum number of clients). Recent testing shows it is now sufficient to put this cvar into the Q3Offline.cfg. Somewhere in the multitude of patches to Q3A etc, it is probable that something was fixed so that the game correctly obeys sv_maxclients when it is in Q3Offline.cfg
You can pick up the file
here or head over to their
download page for other versions as well.
Trick Jumping by OPCPromo

by DGhost @ [12:55 AM] April 22 2002
OPCPromo got their fourth video of Quake III trick jumping done! You can download the
file here or you may also want to download all their video, wich you can find
QTracker Version 3.22 released

by EZD @ [08:34 PM] April 21 2002
A new version of
Qtracker is now available. They have fixed a few bugs and added support for Soldier of Forture II.
Ah yes, I thought I'd put out a release while the releasing was good... This version adds support for the just-released Soldier of Fortune II demo (now that's a lot of releases). There are also a few enhancements too.
- Added support for Soldier of Fortune II: Double Helix.
- Server-side: Added all known Soldier of Fortune II masters to the Qtracker Masters.
- Fixed 1 byte memory over-run at startup. This may have caused Qtracker to crash, or other general mayhem.
- Now loads all descriptions for Multi-Shots, rather than just using the first shots description. This will allow for different descriptions for maps-within-maps. Descriptions will be properly changed when the Multi-Shots cycle.
- PlayerWatch now auto-refreshes the servers your friends are playing on regardless of if you have the server in a folder. This will prevent players from dropping off your PlayerWatch list in the event you don't have auto-refreshing enabled, or the server they're on isn't in one of your folders.
Get the latest version
Wolf Runner 1.0 Release Candidate released

by EZD @ [06:57 PM] April 21 2002
If your looking to run a RTCW server, then
Wolfrunner 1.0 is for you.
After many weeks of beta testing we are now ready to launch the rc1 release of Wolf Runner. For those of you that are not familiar with Wolf Runner it is a program designed to help configure and launch a Return to Castle Wolfenstein server. Wolf Runner has many options to allow the Admin to fine tune and tweak their server just the way they want.
You can head over to the
Wolfrunner site or download the file
MAC Wolfenstein Update

by EZD @ [11:00 PM] April 20 2002
There's a firm date for the delivery of RTCW for the MAC platform. Looks like it should be hitting the stores on the 29th of April.
Mac fans who've waiting eagerly for Return to Castle Wolfenstein need wait no more: the game has already shipped and should be hitting store shelves around April 29. For support issues for the Mac version of RtCW, email support@aspyr.com-email or call (512) 708-8100. To order a copy directly, visit the Aspyr web site..
The post that meant nothing, part II

by DGhost @ [08:15 PM] April 20 2002
Well, last saturday I post a, totally useless post. I just love tradition! So here's an another one: LAWL!
Do you think that I can go lower than this? We'll see next week :P
A new map from Hal9000

by DGhost @ [06:01 PM] April 20 2002
Boy do we get serve these days for maps?
Hal9000 just released a new map (called Palindrome) For Quake 3 CTF and all the gametype for Team Arena. I'm
downloading it as I type this. Check this
screenshot at the same time, it looks really nice.
So EZD as I understand waking up this morning was pretty surprising? ;) For me it wasn't an earthquake that woke me up but (again) a good ol' headache because I drank too much last night with my friends. But ooooh yes the summer is comming here in Montréal at last!
Earthshaking news and SOF II progress.

by EZD @ [02:08 PM] April 20 2002
Well, sort of. Woke up to a 5.1 earthquake here in the Northeast part of the US. Scared me right out of bed! I feel for you folks who live in the southern part of California, don’t know how you do it.
Anyway, I downloaded and installed the SOF II MP test yesterday. Didn’t play much, I’ll have to try to get a better feel of the game today. Clem Samson-Samuel from
Raven Software has updated his
.plan to discuss how the test is going.
As most of you already know, the SOF2 MP test was released yesterday. So far the response has been very positive and it is nice to see people are enjoying the hard work that has been put into it. As mentioned before, SOF2 wasn't originally designed to include MP, and now we have several different game types, 4 of which can be played on with the MP Test.
He has much more to say, so check out the entire text
Update on the TEC mod

by DGhost @ [02:55 AM] April 20 2002
A couple of weeks ago, I posted a news about this
mod (can you remember, you faithful reader? :P). Okay so I'll give you (again) a small introduction.
TEC is about the TECH power up from Quake 2 with a loth of candies (wich was really fun). They decide to update their mod (since their last version was only running on PR 1.17). So their update wich will support the latest PR will be release around may 1.
Chiffriermaschinen {The Enigma Machine} Site Launched

by EZD @ [02:03 PM] April 19 2002
There is a new addition to the PlanetWolf family called
Chiffriermaschinen {The Enigma Machine}. The site has a load of tips, tweaks, scripts, and configs. There is a description on the
debriefing page, here's an excerpt:
The purpose of Chiffriermaschinen {The Enigma Machine} is to provide Return To Castle Wolfenstein players a place to learn how to use binds, scripts & configs as well as download custom scripts & configs submitted by other RTCW players just like you.
I've been writing custom gaming scripts since the glory days of QUAKE. I DO NOT consider myself an 'expert' on scripting for RTCW, but I'm definitely an enthusiast ; )
I've written several tutorials and provided you with several downloads to help get you started writing your own scripts ASAP! Visitor contributions are not only welcome but encouraged!
That guy with the small square mustache speaks when you enter the site. I don't speak German, so I have no clue what he's saying!
GeForce4 Review

by blaze @ [02:04 PM] April 19 2002
This usually doesn't get posted, but there are several of you out there that are thinking about upgrading before The Next Doom©. I figured
GamePC's review of the
nVidia's GeForce4 Ti4200 64MB would come in handy. There are several Q3A benchmarks for you to check out in there as well.
Soldier of Fortune II: Double Helix Multiplayer Test (MP Test)

by EZD @ [08:04 PM] April 19 2002
Well, I'm currently waiting on a long line to pick up the
SoF 2 MP test. I'm sure it's worth the wait. There are a bunch of mirrors running with the file, so it could be worse.
Blue's News has a
list of mirrors, or you can head over to
FilePlanet to get the file.
Also for your reading pleasure,
Gamespy has a
SoF II MP Test Interview with Raven Software's Rick Johnson and Kenn Hoekstra about the MP test.
Here's a list of the specs:
Size: 50MB
Gamemodes: Infiltration, Deathmatch, Team-Deathmatch and Elimination
ca. 17 weapons
MP map: »The Shop Under Siege«Hopefully I'll get the file before I fall asleep!
Update on Syndicate: Arena

by DGhost @ [12:49 AM] April 19 2002
Pheew, a lot of things are going on today in our small world of Quake 3. The
Syndicate Arena TC gave us an update of what is going on with them. First of all, their main coder,
Banshee, had a crash on his motorbike. He's doing well, but he can't code since he's under medication. So... they are looking for someone to help them finish the TC since 90% of the code is done. Wich brings me to the following point, in about 3 weeks, we're gonna see the TC release! YEAH! But let's put a warning on this one. It's not official yet.
RtCW for Mac is gold!

by DGhost @ [11:34 AM] April 18 2002
As of the 15 of April,
Return to Castle Wolfenstein for Mac is gold! Here's the whole PR from
Westlake Interactive:
It's been a long time coming, but the wait is finally over. Return To Castle Wolfenstein, the phenomenal first-person shooter, has finally gone Gold Master for the Macintosh and is off to duplication. Originally developed by id software and Gray Matter Studios, RtCW features amazing 3D environments and heart-stopping gameplay. Aspyr Media and Westlake Interactive are both very pleased to bring this great game to our favorite computing platform. Return To Castle Wolfenstein is available for pre-order at now Aspyr.com, and should be hitting store shelves very soon.
You can also go to
Inside Mac games for
more information about the requirements of the game. So here's an another reason for me to buy a Dual G4! ;)
It's Gumby @ Polycount

by DGhost @ [11:20 AM] April 18 2002
A new model is available @
Polycount, wich is one of our favorite character that we all love/hate him:
Gumby! He doesn't get a really good score (6/10) but it should be cute to see him being gibbed! (and here I was talking about quality news :P).
The sky is the limit

by DGhost @ [08:55 AM] April 18 2002
Yeah that title doesn't fit too much for this post but I always like to post meaningless title... :) Anyway lastly I was becoming crazy with all these small flurry critters that where chasing me to sell me their useless water balloons filled with ketchup.
So we/I post an ad that we where looking for someone. If you read the 2 post just below this one you'll see that EZD has been added to our crazy team (me and him, not too much :P). EZD is also a news posters on
Gameadmins, an excellent website about running FPS servers. Our goal? Of course taking over the world is somewhere on our list but not our priority. To bring you, you the readers, good/quality news about what is going on with Quake 3 (Quake 2 and 1 also) and games using the engines of our
magnificient favorite FPS.
On behalf of the entire team of
Q3Arena I would like to welcome EZD aboard. As usual we are here to give you the best informations of what we all like, Quake 3. I hope that you'll enjoy the hard (non-paying) dedicated work we put into this page. If you got any comments about the page, you can drop us an email, we like
constructive critics.
Happy fraggin'! :)
Jedi Knight II: Jedi Outcast tweak guide

by EZD @ [02:06 AM] April 18 2002
In my travels this evening, I ran across this
tweak guide for Jedi Outcast, the latest sequel in Lucasarts Dark Forces game series.
3DSpotlight has come up with this nifty
guide which has several sections including:
- Troubleshooting
- Config Files
- Graphics Options
- In-Game Graphics Settings
- Advanced Graphics Settings
- Audio Settings
- Controls
Check out the complete guide
Allow me to introduce myself!

by EZD @ [02:08 AM] April 18 2002
I’m EZD (AKA Mike). I’ll be giving the great staff here at Q3arena a hand with news postings so they can be freed up for more important things (playing new games? finding Bin Laden?). Anyway, drop me an email if you have some news or comments.
Professional gaming, is it possible?

by DGhost @ [03:49 PM] April 17 2002
Cached.net got a good
article written by
Tapper, the president of
Online Gaming League. The
article is his personnal point of view about why professional gaming has not lift off has most of us tought it would. Great lecture, I learned a couple of things that I didn't knew or thought about.
An overview of the mods history

by DGhost @ [02:53 PM] April 16 2002
Salon is running an
excellent story about the history of the mods. Starting with the new Steam plan from Valve Software, the story bend to the start of the modding of video games. Of course by reading this, you will quickly realise that
IDSoftware is in the middle of this story all along.
I like the part about Worldcraft created by an amateur that was used to developped one big commercial game (half life) or the people who didn't like too much the tools available from ID and went to try this
new game called Unreal. Stop reading me and go read the
Honey, do you have some maps?

by DGhost @ [12:16 PM] April 16 2002
So it's been a while since I post a news about some cool maps. Reason? 'Cauz my gaming deck was dead. FEAR NOT! For now it is fixed! (damn XP :P). Anyway I got a couple of maps I want to download since the last days. Of course they're all for CTF :).
First of all there is the
Unofficial Map Pack wich contains some good maps for CTF, 3wave CTF and Team Arena CTF (there is even the Vast and Furious from
ButterB. That one is really worth to download.
After that, a new map called
The Longest Vortext that you can find on the
GNC map depot.
The Longest Vortext is a kind of Q3DM17 for Team arena supporting the following game type: ctf, oneflag, harvester and overload. You can also download, in a separate file the .aas for the bots.
The last one worth speaking of is one of the latest map from
Kit Carson wich is
Age of Tenebra, again CTF, for Quake 3, 3 wave CTF and Team Arena. So many maps to try and so many world to visit.
Show us what you've got!

by DGhost @ [01:04 PM] April 15 2002
We are currently looking for a news poster for our
marvelous site,
Q3Arena. Of course we cover first of all, Quake 3 but also, games using the Quake 3 engine. I would like someone to be dedicated to post news about games using the Quake 3 engine rather than Quake 3 since I'm already covering this one. If you like FPS game, and mostly you're into MoH, RtCW, JD II, SoF 2, etc, you are craving for fame and women (or sheeps, if that turns you on) and have some time to spare to post news about these games, then you would like to drop me an
Basic HTML knowledge is required (believe me,
very basic), doesn't make too much errors when typing in english (hey, my primary language is french :P). So just send me an
email with the reason why you would like to post news (sheeps?) and a fake post to show me what you've got. This work is on a volunteer basis.
Commander Keen's new design

by DGhost @ [04:36 PM] April 15 2002
SoF II multiplayer test available next thursday

by DGhost @ [02:08 PM] April 14 2002
Get ready to download next thursday (april, 18) as
Gamespy with Raven will
officially release the multiplayer demo of Soldier of Fortune II: Double Helix. Read the full story
RtCW source code

by DGhost @ [12:50 PM] April 13 2002
Yeeeeeha! It's here gang, the source code for Return to Castle Wolfenstein. Go
download it!
The post that meant nothing

by DGhost @ [12:29 PM] April 13 2002
Well I just woke up with a terrible headache, too much beer yesterday night I guess, and here I am trying to post a news... Oh crap, I can't seem to read, I'll post something worth later.
C ya.
Q3F 2.0 Mac fix

by DGhost @ [12:58 PM] April 12 2002
It seems that there is a small problem with
Quake 3 Fortress 2 running on a mac. Fortunatly,
IDSoftware come to the rescue with a
patch to fix the issue. For more informations about this problem you can check this
Do you have what it takes to be a news poster?

by DGhost @ [12:21 PM] April 11 2002
We are currently looking for a news poster for our
marvelous site,
Q3Arena. Of course we cover first of all, Quake 3 but also, games using the Quake 3 engine. I would like someone to be dedicated to post news about games using the Quake 3 engine rather than Quake 3 since I'm already covering this one. If you like FPS game, and mostly you're into MoH, RtCW, JD II, SoF 2, etc, you are craving for fame and women (or sheeps, if that turns you on) and have some time to spare to post news about these games, then you would like to drop me an
Basic HTML knowledge is required (believe me,
very basic), doesn't make too much errors when typing in english (hey, my primary language is french :P). So just send me an
email with the reason why you would like to post news (sheeps?) and a fake post to show me what you've got. This work is on a volunteer basis.
Soldier of Fortune 2 preview

by DGhost @ [08:25 PM] April 10 2002
Want Better Pictures of the Day?

by awoq @ [09:18 AM] April 10 2002
We are in need of more pictures of the day! All pictures we post come from our readers. If you have taken some cool screenshots
of you playing any Quake engine game, please send us your pics! Submit them to
Hardware for gamers

by DGhost @ [12:45 PM] April 09 2002
Tuplay got a
review of the Nostromo n50 from
Belkin. You could be interrested in this 'lil baby for your fraggin pleasure. I bought one more than a month ago and now the only thing I can say about it is: how could I frag without this anymore? It's not meant to replace the mouse but the keyboard. Give it a try and you'll see why this thing got some excellent review.
Jedi Knight II strategy

by DGhost @ [12:30 PM] April 09 2002
I didn't play it yet 'cauz my gaming deck at home is down (burned cpu :( ) and I can't wait to try that one (wich is running on the magnificient Quake 3 engine).
Jedi Knight II.net post their
strategy/walkthrough on their page. Or you might check their page for anything related to this game!
What's going on with Charon?

by DGhost @ [03:53 PM] April 08 2002
Well, one of my most favorite mapper just give us some news. He was one of the latest to submit his entry for the
Geocomp2 challenge of Nunuk and Sock. You've got to see the
screenshots, like he said it's more experimental than anything else. And also he got a job @ Ritual Entertainment as a level designer. Congratulation to you. Of course having that job full time cut back on the time available for personnal mapping but he's not gonna stop it neither (I hope so 'cauz I' m gonna break his legs if he stops, just kidding... mmmm maybe not). Check out his
webpage for more informations.
Threewave server update

by DGhost @ [12:57 PM] April 08 2002
Okay, I'm late for this news but it actually got some cool info that I like. The
Threewave server was down during the week end because of hardware upgrade. But at the same time
Casey from
Threewave was telling us the following:
As mentioned a couple of news posts ago, the Threewave game server is taking the weekend off for some much needed hardware upgrades. quake.threewave.com, also known as "Blacktongue - The official Threewave server". This is Blacktongue's 5th change of hardware in over 5 years. Blacktongue is the oldest CTF server on earth, and has managed Linux uptimes in excess of 300 days at a time, interrupted only by hardware/software upgrades. Blacktongue is located near sunny Vancouver, Canada. Hopefully we'll have it back online by Monday.
I always like to know these kind of information since I run a couple of servers myself. So their server has been running for 5 years on Linux and it's up of an average of 300 days per year. Not bad... :) Just a shame that I don't use this server since it's too far away from my deck. Oh well, that doesn't stop me from playing
QuakeIT version 4.01

by DGhost @ [12:42 PM] April 08 2002
QuakeIT is a Quake 3 launcher, scannning your baseq3 folder for all your custom maps. Supporting also a couple of mods, it got an internet database of bots and you can import custom .cfg files. Check their
Quake 3 Fortress 2 is out!

by DGhost @ [07:42 PM] April 07 2002
Sorry for the lack of update yesterday, I was coming back from Toronto and I ate a sandwich at the airport that made me sick. Anyway, like I said friday,
Q3F 2.0 has been released yesterday. So go
download it!
RtCW 1.31 for Linux and Win *cough* *cough* dows/crap

by DGhost @ [03:08 PM] April 05 2002
Yep! A new patch has just been released for Return to Castle Wolfenstein. You might wanna get it from these 2 mirrors:
- Blue's News
- PlanetWolfenstein
In 2 flavor, Linux and Windows. Also note that there is a lite version of the patch wich doesn't have the PunkBuster support.
Medal of Honor: Allied assault coming to a Mac near you

by DGhost @ [02:04 PM] April 05 2002
Yep that's right gang! One of my favorite WWII FPS is coming to Mac soon (Yeah!!!!!). Lemme copy/paste you the news from
West Lake Interactive.
Medal of Honor: Allied Assault is Beta! Westlake has begun beta testing MOH:AA, and is looking forward to getting the software all polished up and ready to ship out to gamers. We're planning a very thorough testing period to squash all the bugs we can. The game is playing very well, and Mac gamers should be happy to know we're well ahead of our original schedule, so a ship date before the original August target looks very probable.
I always love a company who respect their customers no matter which platform they are using!
Kenn Hoekstra's interviews

by DGhost @ [01:50 PM] April 05 2002
That's interviews with an S because I've got 2 for you. If you're wondering who's this guy then his title at Raven his: Software's Project Administrator. And he's working on Soldier of Fortune II: Double Helix. The first
interview may be found on
EliteD and the
second one @
The Lone Gamers.
Some quickies

by DGhost @ [01:39 PM] April 05 2002
Okay so here's a bunch of small news:
3D ActionPlanet got a preview of the upcoming Quake 3 Fortress 2 wich will be release tomorrow the 6.
The team behind the TC The Dark Conjunction will soon release their source code to the community since they've stopped working on it because they got jobs after releasing the TC. You might wanna check their webpage to know right away when it will be release.
You might had problem resolving the DNS of Bid for Power but now everything is back to normal (you can also resolve their true dns with this link: Bid For Power.
That's about it for the moment!
The Doom Encyclopedia

by DGhost @ [12:48 PM] April 04 2002
site is dedicated to Doom (I think you can figure that out just with the title :P). There is even a french version of the page, wouhou! So if you are looking for some information about this old time classic or even FPS games in general, searching for some kind of wallpapers, music and utilities (more files are coming) then go visit the
Doom Encyclopedia!
Quake 3 Radio version 1.2

by DGhost @ [12:38 PM] April 04 2002
I got an email this morning about a new version of
Quake 3 Radio. Instead of explaining it to you what it does exactly lemme copy/paste a text from the manual of
Quake 3 Radio.
Communication is very important for teamplay gametypes like Team DM and CTF. Most players don't have time to read text messages in the heat of the fight. Quake III Radio adds support for radio messages to Quake III Arena, messages played through the speakers of any multimedia computer. These radio messages can be user-defined by configuration files, so your own personalised messages can be added. The radio messages are stored as pre-recorded wave files, Quake III Radio is not a real time communications system (mainly because they use too much bandwidth).
Now that we got more knowledge let's go
download this thing!
Christian Antkow new .Plan update

by DGhost @ [01:29 PM] April 03 2002
So here's the whole deal from Christian Antkow a.k.a. Xian:
Wolfenstein Multiplayer Stuff
I am currently testing the new Dedicated Only Server, (Win32) that should hopefully be released in the near future, on my MP_BASE and MP_DESTRUCTION Servers.
This will be a relatively small 27mb download for people who wish to run Wolf Servers without having to copy the entire game directory onto a server machine.
Furthermore, I'm working with Tony Ray of Even Balance (Punkbuster) to implement server administration tools via a web browser. Right now, it only allows kicking and banning of users remotely, but if it takes off, server admins should be able to change any settings on their servers via a webpage. I'm currently testing the new Punkbuster stuff on both my Base and Destruction servers. If it ends up working well, it will more than likely make it's way into a future release of Punkbuster!
We would *GREATLY* appreciate it if people could bang on the servers for the next day or so to see if any bugs crop up. If it's stable for the next 24 hours or so, I'll go ahead and update my Beach, Ice and Trench Toast Servers.
The two servers currently being tested with the new stuff are at; - Xian's MP_DESTRUCTION Server - Xian's MP_BASE Server
Stats and Forums for my servers are available at;
If anyone encounters any problems with both those servers, please email me at xian@idsoftware.com with any issues.
Latest version of Q3Offline

by DGhost @ [12:07 PM] April 03 2002
There is a new version of this usefull front-end and server admin tool for Quake III Arena powered games. The new version ( of
Q3Offline has support for the following games:
- Jedi Knight II: Jedi Outcast
- Quake III Arena
- Quake III Team Arena
- Star Trek Voyager Elite Force
- Return to Castle Wolfenstein
- Medal of Honor Allied Assault
So that's it!
Geocomp2 maps

by DGhost @ [02:59 PM] April 02 2002
page is up gang! You can see all the maps of the contestants. I only got one thing to say: Wooow! It's really beautiful and original!
Go see all the maps! Okay is it possible to have a map pack of all the contestant? When can we download all the maps?
Reaction Quake 3 version 2.0 is coming

by DGhost @ [08:48 AM] April 02 2002
For those of you who doesn't know,
Reaction Quake 3 is a port of the popular mod Action Quake 2. The original team of the mod moved to Half life and Unreal (no comments) after that and never did a version for Quake 3. So a team started their own project to re-create the gameplay of Action Quake 2 and called it
"Reaction Quake 3. Anyway this is all old stuff. I'm posting a news about this because a new version is coming soon (beta 2.0). Current version is 1.10 Hit their
webpage for a complete update of what's going on with them!
Nunuk's geometry challenge is close!

by DGhost @ [01:04 AM] April 02 2002
So the final date to send all your maps to
Nunuk for his
Geometry challenge has been hit. A level screenshots section will be created so that we can all see these weird architectures. We'll probably see some cool/weirdo stuff... I'll keep you updated on this as soon the page is up.
Update: at the same time here's what Nunuk has to say about the map being submitted:
"For now, the least I can say is that I'm damn impressed by the overall level and quality of these works. in a way, it looks like some sort of "dream come true" for me. I certainly hope it will have been as fun for you building these geocomp levels, than it is for me looking and playing in them."
Polycount hit 4

by DGhost @ [01:00 AM] April 02 2002
When you had the blues for a new models they where there, when you where looking for something refreshing they where there also.
Polycount has reach 4 years. Happy birthday for the best site on FPS models! My personnal opinion of course, but I think that a lot of you will agree with me... ;) Congratulations Polycount!
Spiderman Total Conversion for Q3A

by DGhost @ [10:44 PM] March 31 2002
Okay first of all happy easter to all of you. I've been with my family all day so that's why the late update of today. Now let's get down to business. Well the Spiderman movie is coming... We all know that don't we? So of course there is a team for work on a TC with the engine of Quake 3. Head over to their
webpage for more informations about the TC and some cool screenshots. I must say that it look really fun for a TC.
McKinley revival @ Deja-review

by DGhost @ [03:07 PM] March 30 2002
Aaaaah McKinley Revival. This map bring me back so many memories from Quake 2 CTF (at this point I'm looking vaguely at the sky with tears in my eyes). So, head over to
Deja-Review for a small
review of this remake for Quake 3 Arena that I'm downloading as I type this! Or also, at the same time, you could check this
other version of McKinley Revival.
Show us your Quakin' love!

by DGhost @ [12:28 PM] March 30 2002
Well, okay I want (again :P) some cool pictures that we will know right away just by looking at it that you love Quake. The pictures can be related to anything as long as we can see that you love Quake. And I'll post it as the pic of the day. You can send it to
me and please, your pictures, if they are in 640X480 in a compress format, it will help me a lot.
Re-launch of Baneforge

by DGhost @ [12:30 PM] March 30 2002
Baneforge is re-launching for their second birthday and to celebrate the occasion they've got a lot of cool goodies! Some nice new skins for the Klesk model (check this
one). Also there is some new
wallpapers. Be sure to check to drop them a visit for their nice skins.
New version of Defrag

by DGhost @ [12:29 PM] March 30 2002
From their
The DeFRaG is a SOLO mod for Q3A based on your movement ability and not on your skill against bots or human players.
Therefore you can practice and perfect your-self on every imaginable and possible Q3A trick. In fact, as you should know, the more mobility you have, the more victories you can hope.
I have played a little bit that mod around PR 1.17, it was realy fun and tough. Now a new version is out for the latest point release. You should give it a try!
New interview @ the Mushroom

by DGhost @ [02:35 PM] March 28 2002
For an update of the serie of their interview
Where are they now?, Kevin Weiser from the
The Mushroom has added a new
article with Scott Dalton the creator of the Quake 1 mod: Zerstorer: Testament of the Destroyer. Really worth a read!
Are you a Quake 3 newbie?

by DGhost @ [10:38 AM] March 27 2002
So after more than 2 years that the big Q3 is out, are there any newbie out there, new to the game who would like to know the difference between the Quake 3 weapons? Well, I found this
Quake 3 weapons manual on
Q3Center. It can be nice sometime also to relearn/remember what's the dis/advantages of all the weapons.
Sidrial update

by DGhost @ [10:34 AM] March 27 2002
Just to let you know gang that there is now a patch for the TC Sidrial. Some bugs fixed and now there is bot support. I just wish that this TC would be bigger since it took me like 20 minutes to finish it. Head over to
FountainHead Entertainment for the update or download the TC if you didn't try it yet 'cauz it's worth it!
Another Threewave CCTF Cup

by DGhost @ [10:28 AM] March 27 2002
SavageUK there is another tournament for
Threewave Classic CTF. Here's the whole PR:
Sign ups are open for the Threewave cctf cup
You can sign your clan up here.
To see a list of clans already signed up go here.
The cup will commence with Group stages starting on Tues 16th April.More info to follow once I know how many clans will be taking part.
There ya go!
Medal of Honor: Frontline

by DGhost @ [12:51 PM] March 26 2002
Nope it's not an expansion pack for the PC :( It's the PS2 version of Medal of Honor. Frontline which takes place between the third and fourth missions of the original game is scheduled to be released the 6 of June 2002. Check out the screenshots on
Planet Medal of Honor or also on
Game-Revolution for more informations.
More maps @ Deja-Review

by DGhost @ [12:48 PM] March 26 2002
Okay I didn't try the
map yet but you've got to, at least, take a look at this one.
Devlar's Purgatory is a DM map inspired by the hallway from Quake 1. You know the place where you would choose the episode you would want to do? Yep that's the one! It could be fun fraggin' Quake 3 style in this place. The second map, still @
Deja-review is the
last map from Quake 1 first episode. This map didn't get a good praise since there is some errors in it.
CBDTPA, Doom 3, SoF2 and Threewave CTF

by DGhost @ [09:18 AM] March 26 2002
article on
UKGamer about the The Consumer Broadband and Digital Television Promotion Act (wich may affect you! the gamer), The violence level of Soldier of Fortune II, the joke about Doom 3 being released on the Xbox first and a look into the next release of
Threewave CTF. Pheeew lot of things for one
Kronic's movie of Weapons Factory Arena

by DGhost @ [09:49 PM] March 24 2002
You've got to see this guy playing
Weapons Factory Arena. Quite a big file (64 megs), the DiVX codec is also included in the zipped file. Pretty tough to follow with the way he use his grapple but it's really nice. You can download the file
Classic CTF season 2 @ CAL

by DGhost @ [06:14 PM] March 24 2002
CyberAthlete Amateur League has opened the registration for clans for the second seaon of
Threewaves Classic CTF. Note that the registration process is open for 2 weeks. They need about 20 clans. If this requirement is not met, the season will be cancelled. At the same time, congratulation to the winners of season one
#1 Red Dragons
#2 Spice Ass
#3 Xeno
#4 c80smotntuanm
The lurking fear

by DGhost @ [10:35 AM] March 23 2002
So you're tired of the same old single player maps in Return to Castle Worksenstein? Fear not for here come
The lurking fear. This site made by
Privateer and
Vondur is dedicated to bring you new single player maps only. So far there is only 3 maps that has been released but more are coming along and at the end they'll make some nice pak also for compilation. Good luck guys! Give them a
Interview with a Scumbag

by mayhemm @ [05:49 PM] March 21 2002
This is pretty interesting.... Although this is technically not
Q3 or Q3-engined game based news, I think it's always good to know what is going
on inside the mind of those peeps who are trying to ruin online games for all of
us. A good interview with an online cheater at
BangOut: I think we've addressed everything but the most important
issue- why are you doing this? You do know it's really annoying and ruins the
game for everyone else, right?
[NCC]Elf_Crusader: As I said above, I've played a lot of games, and
cheating was never such a problem for me until I started playing this game a
lot online. Cheating has always been there and always will be- coders are
clever, hackers are twice so. I didn't call myself the elf crusader because I
want people to use the Elfbot, but because I want to see it gone. I want to
play good multiplayer games like this to be cheat free and I want people to
give a **** that's it's so easy to do what I did in so little time.
the rest right
Sum JKII Goodies

by mayhemm @ [05:39 PM] March 21 2002
Just saw this on
Gamespydaily.com.. If you wanna check out some more models and other
eye candy before JKII arrives in your local store (heh, if you wanna get the
game legally u lil' thief!! ;)) then check out their
They've put out some
A New Seismovision Demo Player

by mayhemm @ [05:49 PM] March 20 2002
Guess what folks!!
v2.01 is ready for grabbin' right now if ya want it. This kewl@$$ demo
player (which yours truly uses himself) will work with most of today's popular
FPS games like Quake 3 Arena, Half-Life, Unreal Tournament and Return to Castle
Wolfenstein, and others. Here's some of what has been changed for this version:
- changed: Mod selection combo now list all directories
in which a mod could be by searching for *.pk3 files and when no mod is
selected, the checkbox ‘Load this mod every time when watching a demo’ gets
- changed: AVA support system now supports Return to
Castle Wolfenstein correctly by combining AVA Type 1 and Type 2
- added: Then Update-System now tells you when there
are no updates available and quits
- added: Added a select all button to Seismovision
Wizard to select all games instantly
- added: Return to Castle Wolfenstein (*.dm_58) demo
- change: The Wizard now does not display the mod page
anymore when no mod is found
- change: Half-Life timescale (demo playback speed) is
no longer clamped when typing, when saving the timescale gets corrected if not
within scale
- fix: Some Translation related faults fixed
- fix: Fixed Quake 2 cleanup system that was not
working at all
Read more about it at their
site, or
grab it right
New Maps @WFD

by mayhemm @ [05:41 PM] March 20 2002
Team Evolve Back Online

by mayhemm @ [05:38 PM] March 20 2002
Anyone who was p1$$ED off that
TeamEvolve's website
was down for, (errrr since December!!!) will be happy to know that they have a
new dedicated connection and are still working on their acclaimed Q3Mod PainKeep
Arena. Seems that they are wrapping up work on 3.0, and will probably
leave it at that. Who knows, I'm sure they'll do a kick@$$ job with
whatever they tackle. Read all about it right
New LvL Map Reviews

by mayhemm @ [06:03 PM] March 18 2002
Those busy guys at
..::LvL have popped out 8 new maps for our viewing (errr, reviewing?)
pleasure. Here's the list:
- ChiropteraTA by Alcatraz / Nunuk / Sock (Team Arena 2-6)
- ChiropteraDM by Alcatraz / Nunuk / Sock (DM/Tourney 2-6)
- Berserker by polo (DM/Team 4-8)
- Invalid Transmission by Jax_Gator (DM/Tourney 2-4)
- One Down by Gear (Space CTF 4-6)
- Invade The Space by Lotbot (DM/Tourney 2-3)
- Subd25 by Slater (DM 3-6)
- Hall of Valhalla-Meat Yard by dONKEY (DM 3-5)
Stop by
and look, grab, or whatever :-).
Gladiator Model for Q3

by mayhemm @ [05:54 PM] March 18 2002
Interesting.... According to
Q3Center, you can grab one
of the Q4 models (Gladiator) now and play it on Q3 right now. All you have
to do is download it right
here, or you can check it's screeny out
A New Q3Rally

by mayhemm @ [05:50 PM] March 18 2002
Anyone playing that kewl@$$ Q3TC,
Quake3Rally, which replaces Sarge with various
hotrods and fast and deadly cars, will be happy to hear that the guys behind it
have released version 1.1. If you don't know what it is, here's a
Quake III Rally is a mod for Quake III Arena that turns
it into a fully fledged racing game, with racing modes, deathmatch modes,
capture the flag, demolition derby and more.
Hehe, short but sweet. Grab it, check it out, or just look at
the screenies right
Wolf3D for the GBA

by mayhemm @ [05:44 PM] March 18 2002
Seems like the little gaming systems are starting to get their share of
pretty good games, albeit 11(?) years late.
UK developer BAM! Entertainment has
announced that it has acquired the rights to bring iDSoftware's
classic--and first--FPS -
Wolfenstein 3D - to the Game Boy Advance. I got that from
Gamespydaily's daily (errrr)
shout. You can check out their screenies right
New version of Threewave CTF soon!

by DGhost @ [01:33 PM] March 18 2002
Yep, that's right folks! A new version is coming soon. Here's some changes in the next release and check the whole
- AutoRadio
- Episode Portal
- Lithium DM mode (runes + grapple)
- Team Balancing
- Colored rockets, plasma, lightning
- Improved match mode items
Way to go
New version of GTKRadiant

by DGhost @ [10:26 PM] March 17 2002
Yet again some bugs are being crushed down by the mighty hammer of programmation logic. Don't ask me what it is "cauz I'm not crazy enough to be a programmer. So we've got a new version! 1.2.6 actually. Update only, you'll need the 1.2 installed first. Here's the list of all the
Download the update!
Final version of The Vast and Furious

by DGhost @ [12:47 AM] March 17 2002
The final version of one of my most favorite custom map for CTF is out! If you're into q3ctf4 you'll definitively like this one. Created by
ButterB, this map is an intense-action-kick ass map.
Download it now!
RtCW 1.3 for Linux

by DGhost @ [01:36 AM] March 17 2002
Sorry for the delay, it has been a busy day. Through a new
.Plan update, Robert Duffy advised us this morning that the latest version of RtCW for Linux is available. You can go
grab it on the
FTP server of
IDsoftware. Oh and before I forget, this update has also been released for the win32 platform.
Now It's Gold

by mayhemm @ [06:08 PM] March 15 2002
Well, well, well... Now we can say with
AuTHOritY that JKII, that game which has been salivated over for many months is
finally GOLD! Now, thought it comes straight from the horses mouth.
Take a
MOHAA for Macs

by mayhemm @ [05:28 PM] March 14 2002
Mac Games has word that Westlake Interactive will be porting 2015's WW2
shooter, Medal of Honor: Allied Assault, to the Mac. WoooOOOOO MACS!!
Now if they can only port to linux, we'd all be happy :P Thanks goes out
Telefragged for the
Navy Seals: Covert Ops Bug Fixes

by mayhemm @ [05:25 PM] March 14 2002
The guys behind
Navy Seals: Covert Operations has been released some bug fixes for their
recently released TC. HEH, I thought it was gonna be a weekly screenshot
:P. They've also put out a bot pack to and a new map pack for you to enjoy.
Go give 'em a
JK2 Trailer

by mayhemm @ [05:20 PM] March 14 2002
Speaking of JK2 (heh, doesn't news usually come in splurts??),
has released a brand new 19.7 MB movie of JK2. You can
watch the movie
here or (bleh!)
UPDATE--Uhhhhh. I just saw the trailer.
Hmmmm, now I gotta beg someone for some money :) D@mn
that looks sw33T!
JK2 Gold Redux :-/

by mayhemm @ [05:08 PM] March 14 2002
Alright... So we were wrong, hehe, but I know that many other newsie sites
were wrong as well. According to
LucasArts has dismissed
the rumor of JKII going gold. It's supposed to go gold this week..... :-/
Read the story
here, or just go visit the
New patch for RtCW tomorrow!

by DGhost @ [11:40 AM] March 14 2002
I found this on the
The Ctrl-Alt-Del, a new patch for Return to Castle Wolfenstein (v 1.3) will be release tomorrow. Here's the list of what will be included in this nice update:
- Auto-updater for multiplayer
- PunkBuster support
- A new multiplayer map
- A mod menu
You can read the full announcement
StormTrooper Q3 Model

by mayhemm @ [05:10 PM] March 14 2002
Just saw this at Quake3Stuff and it looks pretty cool.
Raven Software (who
really doesn't need any intro) has just released a Q3 stormtrooper model.
You can grab it
DGhost: I would suggest also that you take a look at this
screenshot, the model is really good!
Here's a better download link ;-D
EA Dumps 2015?

by mayhemm @ [05:29 PM] March 13 2002
Hmmm. I don't know about you guys but I thought that MOHAA (Medal of
Honor: Allied Assault) was one of the best games released last year, and 2015
one of the best developers. Seems, according to a post on
Captured.com that EA has
2015 and will be
developing and writing patches for the MOH PC games themselves.
The Dark Conjunction on the Way Out

by mayhemm @ [05:19 PM] March 13 2002
Heh, I didn't even know this was getting released, as it happened in
February when I was, errr, lost to the world. You may remember us talking
about a Q3TC called
Dark Conjunction in one of our
posts nearing beta. Well, it did, and now it's gone. I just saw
on Gamespydaily today, that the team behind Dark Conjunction has been offered a
commercial opportunity and can't do the TC AND their new project at the same
time. Oh well. I guess I can't blame them. Here's their
site if you still
wanna check out the mod.
Interview with Jon Olick

by DGhost @ [02:33 AM] March 13 2002
For those of you who are wondering who the hell this guy is, well he's one of he programmer of the 2015 team, the one that made medal of Honor: Allied assault. Here is a snip from the
Skidrowpunk: There’s a level that’s included with the game but isn’t used (mission 4 level 0) can you give us the story behind that?
Jon: An entire mission was actually cut. It was one of the levels in that mission that we just didn't have the heart to throw it away. During the final push towards release, we didn't have time to polish it as much as the rest of the levels in the game so it ended up being cut.
Skidrowpunk: In addition to the "secret" mission, we noticed there's a Purple Heart medal hidden in one of the game files. Is there any way to actually win the medal?
Jon: Yes, but I'm not going to give away how to get it that easily. Nice try.
read it @
Planet Medal of Honor.
Final release of Alliance

by DGhost @ [11:55 AM] March 11 2002
Yep, Just got words from the
team itself. The final release is available for
download. Here's the list of the bugs fixed:
- Added support for 2 new game modes; Rail n' Rune and LMCTF
- Fixed g_allianceFree(weapon) bugs to make Rail n' Rune possible
- Fixed uneven heath in bases on actf19
- Fixed spawnpoints stuck in the wall on actf24
- Fixed grapple sounds on actf17 and actf24
So there ya go! That brings it to version 3.3
Navy seals: Covert operations

by DGhost @ [10:05 PM] March 10 2002
So there is a new version of this mod. Go check their
website. There is also a patch (v 1.0b) fixing some small bugs and also the hunkmegs memory error. Check their download
Interview with Paul

by DGhost @ [03:33 PM] March 09 2002
So after the annoucment that Paul is leaving, chiQ from
has done an interview with the man! Really worth it go
read it!
Paul Jaquays is leaving IDSoftware

by DGhost @ [08:22 PM] March 08 2002
That's right folks! Big news, Paul Jacquays leaves
IDsoftware to pursue other challenge in development and design. Here is the whole
A Time for Every Purpose
"For everything there is a season, and a time for every matter under heaven" ...a time to plant, and a time to pluck up what is planted;"
Ecclesiastes 3:1-2
I'll drop the bombshell here and get it over with. For me, this is a time to "pluck up what is planted."
Yesterday, March 7th marked the 5th anniversary of my joining id Software. So the timing of this message is somewhat ironic in nature. After much consideration and soul searching, I've decided to part ways with id. Today, March 8th, is my last day as an id Software employee.
After five years of making first person shooters like Quake2, Quake III Arena, and Quake III: Team Arena, I've come to the realization that my heart just isn't in it any more. For this reason, I've decided to make a slight shift in career direction and seek other design and development challenges. I have accepted a position with Ensemble Studios (the creators of the Age of Empires series and Age of Mythology) here in Dallas, and will be taking up my new duties with them in short order. I'm excited about the new job and I understand that the entire team there is excited to have me come on board.
I want to thank everyone who has made my id experience an interesting ride, including the guys here at id, Ms. Donna, and especially the friends I've made in the on-line mapping, modeling, and texturing communities.
Anyone who needs to contact me directly should still be able to do so through my id email address for a while yet. Or you can check for me up on the MapCenter forums.
Well, it has been fun, honest, but the time has come to power down this system, pack up a few remaining personal items, shake some hands, say my farewells, and head on out the door. Catch you all later.
March 7, 1997 V March 8, 2002.
P.S. And don't worry about Doom, the guys who have been doing all the really cool stuff for the game are still busting their chops hard as ever on it.
From the community and from me also Paul, I wish you good luck. You have done an outstanding job @ ID and we'll miss you. I hope the best for everything you'll do.
Jedi Outcast: JK2 Gold??

by mayhemm @ [06:46 PM] March 08 2002
According to
Raven Software's highly anticipated (is that an understatement?) Jedi Knight 2:
Jedi Outcast might just be going gold tomorrow. The game is due at the end of
the month/early April. Thanks goes out to
Shacknews for the shout.
Navy Seals: Covert Ops Tomorrow??!!

by mayhemm @ [06:44 PM] March 08 2002
Well I'll be d@mned! It seems that the endless wait and weekly dose of
screenshots is finally coming to an end!
Q3Center has shouted that
the guys behind
Covert Ops (errrrr. Navy Seals Q3 Covert Ops) will release their Q3 Total
Conversion tomorrow (and they aren't saying "beta" either.) Watch for more
news...or just check their
Fred Nilsson Interview@Planetquake3.net

by mayhemm @ [06:34 PM] March 08 2002
Just saw this on
Gamespydaily.com and it may be interesting..
Artist/Animator Fred Nilsson recently sat down (rhetorically speaking of course
:P) with
and answered some questions in an interview. The questions cover topics such as
Fred's current projects, life before iD and life with iD. Here's an
obligatory cut'n'paste:
What is the coolest thing about working at id Software?
Fred: Besides it being my dream job? I'd have to say the people..
Everyone here is really nice, and mega talented.. We all get along well, it's
just overall a real fun place to work.. The things that get produced here are
just mind boggling at times..
You can read the whole interview
iD's Wolf Messageboard

by mayhemm @ [06:22 PM] March 08 2002
Christian Antkow has updated his .plan file today with some news for you guys
who frequent
Wolfenstein server (that's gameserver2.idsoftware.com (, [id]
Xian's MP_BEACH Server.) They have added a messageboard so that you can
yell and abuse each other :P You can visit it right
A New All Seeing Eye

by mayhemm @ [06:54 PM] March 07 2002
A new version of the server browser alternative to
Seeing Eye, has been released. It now supports Half-Life
Steam servers, C&C Renegade, Star Trek: Bridge Commander and
Shadow Force Razor Unit. Of course there are bug fixes and
bells 'n' whistles. Grab it
Robert Duffy Interview@Doom3.cz

by mayhemm @ [06:46 PM] March 07 2002
Doom3.cz have
have an interview with
Software's Robert Duffy. Here's a
What is your favourite mod? What mod is by you the best
in graphics, code and gameplay?
Robert Duffy: There are a lot of really good mods,
Q3F, Urban Terror, Rocket Arena, they all over different
things but as far as what I personally have had the most
fun with, it would probably be Urban Terror.
Heh, good thing it's in English. Read the rest of the interview right
MOHAA Top Selling Game

by mayhemm @ [06:56 PM] March 07 2002
According to
NPD Techworld,
MOHAA is the top seller of PC Games once again for this week. I know it's
a meaningless blurb, but NPD Techworld tracks the sales of everything from
hardware, durables, to video games. It's pretty cool seeing games based on
the Q3 engine still being successful 3 years after it was released. Thanks
goes to
Gamespot for the
CPL Exhibition Tourney

by blaze @ [01:15 PM] March 07 2002
Cyberathlete Professional League (CPL) has announced that they will be hosting an exhibition tournament at E3 featuring the Nostromo n50 SpeedPad. All 5 contestants will be required to use it as they compete against each other. Here's a snippet:
The Nostromo Exhibition Tournament will feature five of the top professional gamers in the United States competing in Quake III for several prizes including Alienware top-of-the-line computers. The tournament will require the use of the Nostromo n50 SpeedPad (a combination keyboard and game pad) and the Nostromo n30 Game Mouse or the Belkin Optical Mouse.
The CPL is immediately commencing its selection process of the five pro-gamers, that in addition to free travel, accommodations and E3 passes will also earn an opportunity to win a number of merchandise prizes, courtesy of Belkin. The CPL is only considering top-ranking gamers that have participated at CPL tournaments, have maintained high standards of professionalism and have experience with the media.
Cary 'Succubus' Szeto
Dan 'Rix' Hammans
Under Consideration:
Mark 'Wombat' Larsen
John 'Zero4' Hill
Jay 's0crates' Sylka
Sum New Goodies @..::LvL

by mayhemm @ [05:57 PM] March 06 2002
Speaking of new maps. The guys
..::LvL have
posted six new maps. Here's the list:
CruelTrick by h0peless - Space DM (3-6 players)
Acquiescence by Europa - DM (4-6 players)
The Fire Temple by arshishb - DM (4-8 players)
roquefort by Zippie - Space DM (3-4 players)
Empty Voice of Despair by ButterB - DM/Tourney (2-4 players)
Cachetic Machinations by Shallow[BAP] - DM/Tourney (2-5 players)
check it
JK2 Chat Log @Gamesdomain

by mayhemm @ [05:47 PM] March 06 2002
GamesDomain posted
log of their recent IRC chat with Raven Software's Kenn Hoekstra and
everybody else involved in the making of JKII. Read it right
Under the Hammer

by mayhemm @ [05:34 PM] March 06 2002
Whew. It's nice to know, the more sick and sick we get of dat same ol'
dm17, that there are alternatives to that favorite of peeps who love to
spawn-kill. In this case we have a new map called
Under the Hammer
coded by
It looks like a nice map, good for rails and high population servers. Go
ahead and visit them, check out some screenies or just grab it right
There's Sum Common Sense Out There

by mayhemm @ [05:24 PM] March 06 2002
It's good to know that some peeps out there have an ounce of common sense....
I just saw over on
that the judge who was handling the lawsuit against many game companies
brought on by the parents of slain Columbine High School students, has
thankfully dismissed the lawsuit. You can read the news story right
ButterB and his Crap Stack

by mayhemm @ [05:17 PM] March 05 2002
ButterB from the, errr,
Crap Stack :P
has sent us a shout that he would like as many peeps as possible to check out
the final beta of a map he's been working on called
Vast and Furious.
Go ahead and give him your feedback--and check out his other maps right at
Win a Gamecube and Copy of SOF2!

by mayhemm @ [05:12 PM] March 05 2002
Jon Zuk's....you don't know who that is??!! That's a'ight, neither did I
until I read his .plan update =). Jon Zuk just happens to be the project
lead for
Raven Software's
up-coming (and dr00l bringing) Q3A-engined sequel to Soldier of Fortune, SOF2.
It seems that they are sponsoring a skinning contest. Ordinarily, I
wouldn't post something like that, but the 1rst prize is a Gamecube and signed
copy of SOF2, 2nd prize a Gameboy Advance and copy of SOF2. Go ahead and
find out what it's about, or try your luck right
Annihilation Beta2 Screenies

by mayhemm @ [04:54 PM] March 05 2002
Hello all! Well, I'm back (if you've noticed that I left :P) and happy
to be among the world of the living. To celebrate :-/ Here's my
first news post in a month.
Gamespydaily has
shouted that the b@d boys behind the
Q3 mod has graced us all with some eye-candy/teaser pics from the beta
version (beta2.0 if you wanna know) of their WW2 styled, realism team-based mod.
Check 'em out
here--they look nice, heh, but you're gonna have to turn your gamma up as
far as I can see!
Todd Hollenshead .Plan update

by DGhost @ [04:24 PM] March 04 2002
Well, seems that RtCW won a prize. Here's the snip from
Congratulations to our RTCW partners Gray Matter and Nerve on the Academy of Interactive Arts and Sciences awards for Best Online Game and Computer Action/Adventure Game of the Year for Return to Castle Wolfenstein!
Mapping Quake 3 map for Mac?

by DGhost @ [10:58 PM] March 03 2002
Hahahaha love the way this title sound. Say that 10 times faster each time. So this
site is intented to be a kind of ressource for anybody mapping map for Quake 3 on his Mac (sorry, must be the alcool). Is there a lot of mappers of there who use a Mac? I'm curious about that.
Fax me your soul!

by DGhost @ [12:58 AM] March 03 2002
Eeeer, well I was thinking about a cool title to bring your attention and that's what came to my mind. Yeah I know it's lame. Anyway to give you some news about the desktop we have seen lastly. So last thursday we had a cool Mac OS X from
Wowbagger, friday it was
Xiphoid's desktop and saturday it was
Red Dwarf's turn. Keep sending
me your desktop!
Quake 3 Rally is out!

by DGhost @ [11:50 PM] March 02 2002
So after some months (years, decades, centuries?),
Quake III Rally is out. Bring out the cars guys, I think we're gonna see some tires burning this weekend.
Quakecon FAQ

by DGhost @ [01:36 PM] March 01 2002
There is now a nice
FAQ on the webpage of
QuakeCon. Really worth a shot if you plan to go there. Some interesting things to note, the hotel his already full.
Interview with Scancode of Threewave

by DGhost @ [06:38 PM] February 28 2002
It's a slow, quiet day. Only thing that I've found so far worth reading is this
interview on
Cached with
Scancode, premier mapper of
Threewave CTF. No technical stuff for you mappers, but if you like his map, you can get a view of the man itself.
We want your desktop!

by DGhost @ [01:03 PM] February 27 2002
Well, I want a screenshot of your desktop with at least a Quake icons/logo somewhere. Show the world your cool desktop/wallpaper! Just send it to
me! If you correspond to these points, I'll post your pictures as the Pic of the day. Please make sure that your pictures is no more than 200 KB.
New version of Bid For Power soon?

by DGhost @ [01:02 PM] February 27 2002
There is a small update for
Bid For Power website. First, they're gonna change the hosting (they'll go to planetquake) and second they give the list of the new features/changes in the next version (1.2). You can read the full
.Plan here.
Update: Tribal CTF

by DGhost @ [04:55 PM] February 26 2002
So what's going on with one of my most favorite
mod? Well they're still working hard on it. To give you an update of what's going on, we should see bot support in the next version (yeah!), also the space map is going well, Bobo the seal is working on the elemental skins (with Bobo, it's not skins anymore, it's art) and a couple of update on the
webpage itself.
.Plan update from Paul Jaquays

by DGhost @ [06:49 PM] February 26 2002
Well it's not really Quake related but it's coming form the house of
IdSoftware. Here's the whole
This is the second time I've encountered someone auctioning off a piece of my original illustation art on Ebay. The piece being offered is a small, multi-media piece done for the TSR collectible card game "Blood Wars" based on the roleplaying world PlaneScape. From looking at the scan, I'll vouch for the authenticity of the piece. That's my work, part of series of similar illos done for one of the first expansion packs for the game. I know I sold that piece at some point. Since the fellow was good about supporting a working artist, I'll be good about drawing some attention to his sale.
Note, this is not my auction and I have no involvement in the proceeds from it.
"Cynical Wizard" -- Jaquays Original Art for Sale on Ebay
There you go! You've got some attention here.
Weekly Tech Update

by blaze @ [11:45 AM] February 25 2002
FvF interview

by blaze @ [12:37 PM] February 25 2002
The Mushroom has updated their
Where are they now? with yet another interview. This time it is with Richard "Hap" Cheung of Future vs. Fantasy, one of the very first class based mods for Quake. You can check out the interview
Syndicate Arena preview

by blaze @ [12:36 PM] February 25 2002
Jolt.co.uk has previewed the forthcoming
Syndicate Arena mod for Q3A. They've even thrown in an interview for taste.. here's a snippet:
Da-Fly: You mentioned the vehicles. In the past, mod teams have had difficulty in creating movable vehicles in the Quake 3 engine. How are you getting on with building usable egg-cars (which could carry up to about 20 people in the original Syndicate if I remember rightly heheh)?
Democritus: Yeah, well Quake3Rally did it, we can try it too. Oh and we'll limit it to 4 passengers :)
dnb^Dave: Yes it might be difficult to code, and yes 4 passengers since the rest were generally civilians. Saying that, I couldn’t get to sleep some nights ago, as I was thinking of whether or not 4 players per team maximum is a good idea or not.
The interview can be found
here along with the preview.
Some goodies @ the Bane Forge

by DGhost @ [07:13 PM] February 24 2002