New levels @ ..::lvl

by DGhost @ [10:39 PM] July 31 2003
..::lvl is presenting us new critics for our enjoyment! Take a look at all the new maps: Citadel Insatiable by Myth - DM Leaks2 by Speedy - DM Nice dreams by mIKE - DM Nectar by Nickster - DM
Sewer by Adrian Kurtin - DM
Spirit Of The Age by 187-J4CK4L - DM
SUCKIT by Gazoline - DM
Teh Quash-Dome by kangajoo - DM Fulfill are your mapping needs @ ..::lvl.
Quake Wallpaper

by DGhost @ [11:27 PM] July 30 2003
GTV @ the QuakeCon

by DGhost @ [07:57 PM] July 29 2003
Of course, like past years, we will be able to see the matches/tournaments of the QuakeCon, live through the GTV servers. Speaking of the devil, big update today on their webpage regarding the QuakeCon. Here's a small part of their udpate: The Quakecon GTV network will be the largest one yet, with anticipated needs of 7000 spots for Quake 3 (1vs1 and CTF), and 3000 for RtCW. To help find your way around this mammoth network a "map" of all the GTV servers will be released in a week so you can connect directly to a server close to you. You can make watching GTV even easier by testing it out ahead of time. Try connecting to gtv.speakeasy.net (gtv.speakeasy.net:27965 for RtCW), and see the GTV Help if you have any problems. 4 days straight of games to see. I won't be able to watch them all, oh the drama!
QuakeCon 2003 is almost there!

by DGhost @ [11:14 PM] July 28 2003
The biggest event in the Quake community is approching fast and each days bring some attention to this. The Quake 3 CTF seeds were announced earlier tonight through the Shoutcast radio, X-cast. The results are now all posted on the official website of the QuakeCon. After that, HardOCP and Ratpadz will give a Ratpad to all the players in the BYOC. Next, there will be a workshop organised by OverdrivePC where players will get some assistance with their computer on the performance and various advices will be offered for them. For all the information you can still and always check the webpage of the Quakecon.
Need for kill: A quake 3 mod

by DGhost @ [03:57 PM] July 27 2003
It seems that a lot of new mod in 2D only for Quake 3 are the rage these days. Here's a new one from 3d[Power] called Need for kill, a 2D deathmatch based on the engine of Quake 3 and is of course, totally free. Be warned that the current version is 050 right now, so it doesn't seem to be finished yet. For all the information on Need for kill, check out the webpage of 3D [Power].
The Quakecon DM tournament, warning: female only!

by DGhost @ [03:40 PM] July 26 2003
GeekWearZ has announced that they are sponsoring a small competition (non official) of Quake 3 Arena, DM, for girl/female only, during the upcoming QuakeCon. That's right! An all girls only DM tournament, for all the information, rules and settings about the competition, you can hit the webpage of the Ms. Quakecon 2003.
How will your life changes when Doom 3 will be released?

by DGhost @ [03:40 PM] July 26 2003
The canadian website, The Toque has released a humoristic article on how the life of "Greg" will be changed and what he intended to do when Doom 3 will be released! You can read the text here.
Release date for Urban Terror 3

by DGhost @ [03:01 PM] July 26 2003
After much anticipation, Oswald is announcing, at last, the release date of Urban Terror 3. Here's the part of the announcement: Urban Terror 3 Release Date Announced Posted Friday, July 25, 2003 by Oswald
Silicon Ice Development is one step closer to the release of Urban Terror 3. Today we are proud to announce we have agreed upon a release date of Saturday, August 9. The files for the new release will be made available beginning at 5PM EST (22GMT). Hit the webpage of Urban Terror for all the details!
Viralis map pack released!

by DGhost @ [07:48 PM] July 24 2003
After more than 8 months of devellopement, the map pack from the Burial Grounds, Viralis is now ready to be downloaded! 60 megs, the map pack is already running on some servers, here's the list: BG server list. Also, Pappy-R from PlanetQuake got a nice interview with dmschaos project lead of the map pack. Small note for those of you who know what the art of Feng shui is, the project leader say in the interview that this map pack was inspired from some of the fundamental ideas of the Sheng Fui and tried to put these ideas in the maps. I'm downloading it right, now, can't wait to see these new maps!
Doom 3 @ the Quakecon 2003

by DGhost @ [01:38 PM] July 24 2003
A press release inform us that players who attend the Quakecon this year will have the opportunity to test Doom 3 in a deathmatch! Here's a snip from the press release : QuakeCon attendees will have the chance to play DOOM 3's four-player Deathmatch on a level co-developed by id Software and U.K.-based developer Splash Damage, Ltd. Splash Damage has most recently worked with id Software on Wolfenstein: Enemy Territory, and will be co-developing DOOM 3's multiplayer levels What a nice and pleasant surprise from ID!
3 Doom 64 maps for Quake 3

by DGhost @ [01:14 PM] July 24 2003
There was some database problem with the last 2 news and to fix that we had to delete the news itself. So here I am back with something else for all of you! FilePlanet is hosting a new small pack of 3 maps for Quake 3 Arena made by ReApeR. The 3 maps are a remake of 3 maps from the Doom 64 version. The maps are: Dark citadel, Watch your step and Even simpler. You can download the pack here.
New version of Q3Map2

by DGhost @ [05:32 PM] July 18 2003
Agan, Ydnar has updated one of the most popular tool for mappers, the Q3Map2 which is now version 2.5.5 test 10. For all the changelog, check out this thread on the forum of Splash damage.
Nilfheim version 1.0 is out!

by DGhost @ [01:15 PM] July 24 2003
Niflheim version 1.00 is out! After many months of silence, the total conversion of Nilfheim bring a lot of cool features like: A single and multi player game. (Expert should be able to defeat the Super Lucifer of the single player)A souls capture game type6 maps adapted for the Niflheim game playMusic8 demons class with 10 different and original weapons to use. (Hey, that makes 80 weapons!)A new spawn option, allowing you to come back from the death!Demon bots to fight with, including a nice combat AIThird-person view optionA new installation program for Windows Ever wanted to feel like a flying demon who could shoot magic spells? Then give this TC a try, very original!
Trick jumping from Cetus

by DGhost @ [04:02 PM] July 16 2003
Planetquake3.net is hosting, again, a new video. This one from Cetus feature only trick jump. Pretty impressive for those of you who like to see some good jumps, I recommend it.
Fragapalooza 2003

by DGhost @ [09:38 PM] July 14 2003
The biggest LAN party in Canada, Fragapalooza will be held in Edmonton, Alberta from july 17 to 20 and will feature tournament of Counter Strike, Warcraft 3 and of course, Quake 3 Rocket Arena 4 vs 4. I won't be there since it's across Canada from where I live :( but I'll let you know about the results for sure. You can get all the rules for the Quake 3 rocket arena tournament here.
ESWC: Quake 3 results

by DGhost @ [09:26 PM] July 14 2003
Cached.net got all the results of the final tournament of the ESWC. Cooler from Russia won against Zero4. There is a lot of good matchs you can download from Cached.net.
New map review @ ..::LVL

by DGhost @ [01:59 PM] July 12 2003
Making movies with the Quake 3 engine?

by DGhost @ [05:35 PM] July 10 2003
Was is not one of the purpose of JC to make a tool for making movies with his engine? The idea is taking on. Of course we won't see a movie like Pixar made this year but the idea is taking on. With project like Machinima, the futur look promising! Wired got an excellent article on the subject. Read on for more details!
Quake 3 competition controversy @ the ESWC

by DGhost @ [12:44 PM] July 10 2003
For those of you who where not aware, the Electronic Sport World Cup is running at the moment in Poitiers, France. With tournaments of Counter Strike, Warcraft 3, Unreal Tournament 2003, there is also a small Quake 3 competition on invitation only. The website Cached.net got an excellent coverage about the competition. The Quake 3 competition is on the second round but you can already download the matchs on their website. The controversy? I'll copy/paste a small part from the article on Cached: As the final game of the first group stage was being played controversy hit. Fazz had learned that to avoid ending up in the same second stage group, the Russians, LeXeR and Cooller, had decided that either one would lose on purpose. Fazz, remembering what happened last year at WCG where ZeRo4 was knocked out after a plot by the Russians, did not want to see this happen and lied to the Russians that no matter the outcoome they wouldn´t end up in the same group. "Knowing" this, the Russians played to their full potential and won their games. After the game however fazz corrected his lies and thats when all hell broke lose. For all the details, read on Cached.net.
New game using the Quake 3 engine

by DGhost @ [12:25 AM] July 10 2003
This game just don't want to die. A new company has announced that it's develloping a new game based on the engine of Quake 3 from IDsoftware. BroadCraft Studios are creating a FPS (you guessed right.. :P) in an alien world with some RPG elements. Screenshots are already available under the project section. No name has been given to the game so far. Thank to PlanetQuake for the info!
The Quake Expo

by DGhost @ [01:37 PM] July 08 2003
I realised that I spent a week without updating this webpage and I missed something very important (I had too much work last week). The Quake Expo is a good idea for Quake (the first, only) to create a virtual event (on the web only) for sharing ideas and tricks for editing Quake. Lemme give you a part of their FAQ: What is Qexpo and when will it take place?
Qexpo is to Quake 1 what a meeting like E3 is to game developers. It's a chance for all Quake 1 coders, mappers, skinners and modelers to get together during a limited period of time (6th to 13th of July) to show their skills. Unlike E3, Qexpo is a virtual meeting, that is, the meeting place is a site (http://www.qexpo.com/) and not a "real" place. However, much like E3, Qexpo also offers booths (even if virtual) and many opportunities for Quake 1 fans to get together, during IRC and QuakeWorld parties. Okay now that the introduction is done, I've browse some pages in the booth sections and I must say I'm really impress! Even if Quake 1 is still old, it's really not dead yet (even more alive since the code is now part of the free domain and with projects like Tenebrae, Darkplaces, Telejano and many more). Some original ideas also, like this 2D fighting game or Quarnage, an RTS game. Bring out your old cd of Quake from that dusty corner and try out something new with some of these mods.
Tools for Quake 3

by DGhost @ [01:15 PM] July 08 2003
Some new update of the already existing tools available for Quake 3. First of all, a new version of GTK has been released, version 1.3.9 is available for Windows and Linux at the moment. Also, Ydnar has released a new test version of his popular tool, Q3Map 2.5.5. You can get all the details of the new version in this thread.
AnnihilatioN by own-age and a contest

by DGhost @ [01:37 PM] July 24 2003
Okay, shame on me again, I had a video file lost on my hard drive for the last 2 weeks and I completely forgot about it until today when I was missing some space and found back the video. It was released by the website Own-age and it's about 15 minutes long. Really well made, the synchronisation of the music is excellent with the frags. You can get all the details on the file here. Also, take note that the website Own-age has started a contest of the best Quake 3 frags video. Please refer here for all the details about the contest itself!
An interview with Sonic Mayhem

by DGhost @ [01:47 PM] July 08 2003
ESreality got an interview with Sascha Dikiciyan, original member left of Sonic Mayhem, creator of the music of Quake 2 and Quake 3. Some good things to read.
The new WTF-Q3A MapPack is out

by DGhost @ [01:48 PM] July 08 2003
After many weeks of devellopement, the new map pack for Quake 3 Arena, WTF is ready to be downloaded! 14 maps for CTF, there is 2 flag per team (yes I said 2) and each map are designed for one weapon. If you weren't aware also, this map pack is the second one for the WTF team. Check out their download page for both files here.
xCTF : hide and seek the flag, ctf style

by DGhost @ [05:32 PM] July 02 2003
A new mod is in town, called xCTF. The mod seems to be like ctf but with a new twist. Each team got 20 seconds before the start of game to hide the flag somewhere in the map. Each team got to find it. xCTF support also some other mod of gameplay which is: Stopwatch Mode, Instagib, CaptureStrike and Rocket Arena mode. Current version is 1.0.
True combat patch

by DGhost @ [01:14 AM] July 01 2003
As it was announced, the patch for True Combat is just freshly out. Version 1.0a, changelog: Added more recoil to Ak47 tac mode.Added more recoil to m4a1.Removed old weapon cmds in UI.Fixed a couple UI problems.Changed music loop in UI.Fixed problem with cheat kick.Removed g_realism cvar.Added g_modms [1] stops global means of death messages.Added g_nametags 0-3 [2] 0 No names, 1 both names, 2 team names only3 just playing around. both, very small range/text and same colors.Changed Lives code. Stopped g_maxlives from affecting CTF RCTF FFA TDM. Only affects LMST and LMS.Moved m_scriptlives out of script into server only cvar.Fixed up swap team code.Spectators stuck in tac fov after using the spacebar to stop following a player that was in tac.Fixed Flashbang during warmup and intermission.Capped maxfps to 225.Made stamina and bombs frame dependant.Added a bit more anti-cheat code.Temporarily disabled pmove_fixed cvar to solve a few server related problems. Wheeew another lengty update. For downloading the patch you can choose a mirror server here.
Enter the Warnell - an OSP video

by DGhost @ [01:14 AM] July 01 2003
PlanetQuake3.net is hosting a new Quake 3 OSP movie from Travis Warnell. I've watched it just finished watching it and I must say that there was some impressive hits in it. For those of you who like the style, you can get all the details on the video here.
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