Q3Log 1.10

by Awoq @ Mon 07-31-2000 12:52
Q3Log, a log file analyser and config file editor for Q3A able to output statistics in HTML, has released what the author says is the last version 1.10.
Some of the bug fixes in this release are:
- fixed some bugs when drawing graphs
- fixes the color feature
For those of you who are unfamiliar with this program, here is a list of the analyser's features.
- Analyses all Q3A server and client side log files
- Full windows application functionality
- Offers windows output for total player by player data
- Offers HTML and windows output for game by game data
- Full graphing system
- Custom variables to allow analysis of log files from any modification
- Support for custom variables in the graph, logging and HTML units
- Comma separated values output of data
- Saving and loading of high speed Q3Log data files
- Analysis of q3config.cfg files
- Descriptions of what the variables in your q3config.cfg file actually do!
- HTML help system to get you started!
Robert Duffy Interview

by Awoq @ Sun 07-30-2000 12:20
id Software's Robert Duffy is the victim of an interview with Hypothermia. The interview deals who Robert is, how long he has been in the gaming business, how he got his job at id and some of the things he personally likes and dislikes.
Graeme Devine Interview

by Awoq @ Sun 07-30-2000 01:10
The Corporation has part one of a two part Mac World interview with id Software's Graeme Devine. This first part of the interview (as well as the next one) is on the subject of the upcoming mission pack for Q3A.
Alliance 1.1 Released

by Awoq @ Sun 07-30-2000 00:39
Alliance CTF/DM for Q3A Version 1.1 is now available for download at the Alliance website.
The new version sports numerous improvements and bug fixes, and comes in both full and upgrade versions.
Also available is a collection of 3rd party CTF maps called the Combat Map Pack which will they say really suit Alliance and the Alliance/Combat
style specifically with the hopes that the maps will become favorites on the ACTF servers.
Painkeep Arena Screenshots

by Awoq @ Sat 07-29-2000 13:14
Hellhound has a couple of exclusive screenshots of the upcoming PainKeep
Arena mod for Q3A. One shot is of their Egyptian level (an expanded version of the thumbnail on their site) and the other shot is of an underground level showing off a lava tunnel.
CPL replaces ngStats!

by Awoq @ Fri 07-28-2000 19:45
POW v1.2 Release

by Awoq @ Fri 07-28-2000 12:57
Celebrating their one year anniversary, Black Knight Productions has released POW v1.2. This release includes 10 new maps and a fix to one other map in the previous version.
Here's a list of what you will find in their new release.
- powmap10 - Trial of Heirs, by GeleshkA (bug fix)
- powmap18 - Chamberlin, by ScrotcH
- powmap19 - Vertigo Palace, by GeleshkA
- powmap20 - The Bleeding Grounds, by ScrotcH
- powmap21 - Jump, by Neotic
- powmap22 - Animal, by Neotic
- powmap23 - The Dark Towers, by KnightBK & Gel
- powmap24 - One Hit Wonder, by bSf
- powmap25 - Mean Street, by Neotic
- powmap26 - The Dissolution, by Krimson
- powmap27 - Keep It Simple, by GeleshkA
Urban Terror Update

by Awoq @ Thu 07-27-2000 14:34
With just 10 days to go before their beta release, the Urban Terror team has posted some screenshots of yet another new map.
The new screenshots show off a map titled "Ricochet" authored by WetWired from Australia. The team has also
announced the release of all of the Urban Terror maps on August 1st to help relieve the overall download size on their servers when they release the beta. More info can be found on the Urban Terror website.
Top 10 Q3A Mods

by Awoq @ Thu 07-27-2000 12:15
Gamecenter has a list of what they think are the best Q3A mods. The good thing about this list is they give a description of each of the 10 mods and explain why they like them and why they get the ranking. The number one pick may surprise you so go on over to Gamecenter and give their list a look.
Weapons Factory Arena Released

by Awoq @ Thu 07-27-2000 11:59
Weapons Factory Arena 1.0 was released last night. It is available as a 53 MB full installation or a 2 MB patch for the PC Gamer CD version. Also, there are hundreds of servers up and ready for you to try the mod out so go get it!
Gaming on TV?

by Awoq @ Wed 07-26-2000 13:37
BarrysWorld, a European online gaming site, has announced a partnership with NOW (Network of the World), a converged TV and internet service. The deal will see the two broadcast online computer games tournaments live on both TV and the Internet for the first time, beginning in September.
The Quake III Arena European Championship, launched and hosted by BarrysWorld, will be the first computer games tournament to be aired. More info can be found on the Barrysworld site. I just hope it's more fun to watch then Bowling or Golf!
Weapons Factory Arena Announcement

by Awoq @ Wed 07-26-2000 12:51
The Weapons Factory Arena team has announced the public release of their mod tonight and also there is a flaw in the PC Gamer cdrom version.
Anyone with the cdrom version will have to wait until sometime tonight to get a patch to make it work. More information can be found on the Weapons Factory Arena website.
Navy Seals Update

by Awoq @ Tue 07-25-2000 17:44
The Navy Seals website has a screenshot of their new knife skin. The unique thing about it is that it is clean before you use it and then bloody when you stab someone with it. Cool, no? Also posted on the site are a few alpha 3 screenshots for you to look at.
Urban Terror Update

by Awoq @ Tue 07-25-2000 12:23
The Urban Terror mod team have added 9 new screenshots which feature a new map and models. The screens show off some top views of a new map, new hand animations and some of the weapons which will be incorporated in the upcoming beta release of the mod.
Proving Grounds Contest

by Awoq @ Mon 07-24-2000 15:22
The Proving Grounds, a new online competitive ladder site for Half-Life, Quake 3 and Unreal Tournament, is celebrating the launch of their new site with a launch contest.
The contest starts today, is free to all members, and runs for the next month. Here's a list of what you could win.
Grand Prize - Klipsch ProMedia v.2 -400 Speaker System
Second Place - Netgear FS-108 8-Port 10/100Mbps Fast Ethernet Switch
Third Place - Microsoft IntelliMouse Explorer
More info can be found on the Proving Grounds site.
To Apple With Love

by Awoq @ Mon 07-24-2000 11:51
Graeme Devine updated his .plan today with a very upbeat report from MacWorld. He has a good report about the expo from his point of view and also sends word that he is now sending a build of Q3A to Apple today with support for their dual processors.
Here's what he had to say.
Back from MacWorld, and quite the MacWorld is was too. Gotta love the cube!
Walking around the show floor and talking to the various Mac developers and publishers
it's clear that the level of support Apple is providing across the game community is making
a huge and positive difference. I've worked with Apple on and off for 12 years or so (since
7th Guest days, and before that when I was at Virgin), and within the last year have felt their
presence as more and more of a partner in my endeavors to make this platform rock. My
thanks go out to Mike, Heather, Wallace and Geoff for their efforts above and beyond the
call of duty, and I know a lot of other developers are there with me. Apple is really
there for game developers right now.
I'll be adding the SMP support into Q3A and shipping a build off to Apple today. We've
already got that stubbed in there.
The platform is exceptional. In the last 2 years Apple has sold 3.7 million iMacs (not
including G4 and G3 towers). That's one every 18 seconds. Out of that, over 80% of
those machines are on the Internet. When Apple launched iMovie, the digital video editing
software for the iMac, they found that over 45% of those with iMacs capable of using
iMovie were using it. These are incredible figures.
More Rocket Arena Stuff

by Awoq @ Sun 07-23-2000 12:10
The Rocket Arena team has released 14 tracks of music made for Rocket Arena 3. The download is 78 MB and is separate from the release of the mod due today at 6 PDT.
Get on over to the Rocket Arena site and grab that music if you want to enjoy the full effects of the mod.
There is now an interview with Senn, one of the RA3 mappers, and more screenshots over at Kablooie! website.
Also, there is yet another RA3 related interview at the Gamespy site with David Wright, the author of RA3, which might be good reading for you while waiting for the release.
Rocket Arena III Screenshots

by Awoq @ Sat 07-22-2000 19:26
There are now 40 screenshots of Rocket Arena 3 for you to check out on the Rocket Arena website as the team gets ready for tomorrow evenings festivities and release.
The Rocket Arena team also has posted the time for the release which is now slated for tomorrow at 6 pm PDT.
Rocket Arena III Tournament

by Awoq @ Fri 07-21-2000 14:12
Even before the release of Rocket Arena III this coming Sunday, the Xtreme Tournament Gaming League announced today they have opened signups for a
free Quake 3 Rocket Arena Team Prize tournament sponsored by Razer, makers
of the Razer Boomslang™ gaming mouse. This prize tournament
will be using the XTGL’s new tournament ladder system to host an east coast
and west coast ladder season, which will end in an intense east versus west
The competition will begin July 31st, giving teams eight days from the
release of Rocket Arena 3 this Sunday to sharpen their skills. The
competition will last 3 months, ending on October 23rd. Each team will be
allowed up to 12 members on their rosters but the games are usually played 5
on 5.
To signup and more information about the tournament can be found at
Help Wanted @ Q3Arena.com

by Awoq @ Fri 07-21-2000 13:19
Want to be part of a winning team? We are planing a major revamp of our web services and
there are still many staff positions available for dedicated people here at Q3Arena.com.
Here's a list of positions currently open.
- News Updaters
- Community Liaison
- FTP Site Maintainer
- Unofficial FAQ Maintainer
- Coding Section Maintainer
- Skinning/Modeling Section Maintainer
- Mapping Section Maintainer
- NavCenter Assistant Maintainer
More information on these job positions can be found in our help wanted section.
Rocket Arena III Next Sunday

by Awoq @ Thu 07-20-2000 16:14
The Rocket Arena site has announced the release of the the release of Rocket Arena III next Sunday evening.
Here's a little bit of what they have to say about the release on the website.
It is with great pleasure that I bring you the news that Rocket Arena 3 has entered the final stages of private testing and (baring any major issues) will be released this Sunday (7/23).
This initial non-beta release is the culmination of 8 months of work by a team of more than 20 individuals and over 150 beta testers. It includes 8 Multi-Arena maps with 32 arenas to play in, 4 different game types, and a 14 track soundtrack by a number of notable artists including DJ Pill, Sonic Mayhem, and Silent Warrior.
The first release will be available natively for both Win32 and Linux, and will be 50-60mb in size. The full soundtrack will be available as a separate 60-70mb download (highly recommended!).
We'll be holding a Rocket Arena 3 release party with interviews, chat, trivia, and prizes in a special GameSpy Arcade Party Room. Users will need download / run this Party Service file to make the room available in Arcade.
(GameSpy Arcade Beta 3 is required, existing Arcade users should be auto-upgraded to Beta 3, new users can get it from GameSpyArcade.com).
The party will start around 6PM PDT (1AM GMT) this Sunday (7/23). All are invited to attend.
More information can be found on the Rocket Arena website.
New GoingUP

by Awoq @ Wed 07-19-2000 19:14
A new version of the mod browsing tool GoingUP is now available. Build 118 is available in both a patch for previous versions and a full install.
The new version has the following fixes and enhancements in it.
- Fixed latest version detection bug.
- Added a status bar so you know what GoingUP is currently doing.
- The Mod Info screen now has a label which shows when the mod's info or file list
was last updated by us.
- Added new section, Mr. Mod's Previews, Reviews and Interviews. This site will
give you greater insights into the mods available.
GoingUP supports Q3A, Half-Life and Unreal Tournament.
Q3A Dreamcast

by Awoq @ Wed 07-19-2000 12:46
On Blues this morning I noticed, according to Dreamcast.IGN, Q3A for Dreamcast will not be released in time for the launch of
the new SegaNet online gaming service scheduled to open on September 7. Q3A for Dreamcast is now targeting a first week in
October release. As we all know for sure, it will certainly be released "when it's done".
Another Eternal Arena

by Awoq @ Wed 07-19-2000 11:32
Hot on the heals of its 2.2 release a few days ago, the Eternal Arena Q3A mod is now up to version 2.3. This new release addresses many bugs and adds a goodie as well.
Here's the list of changes...
- Cluster Grenades
- bugfix Single Player buttons back at game end
- Motion Tracker temporarily removed to fix bugs
- bugfix for invert mouse problem and Eternal Menu
- bugfix hang on awaiting screenshot
- bugfix unable to start devmaps
Æstats Update

by Awoq @ Tue 07-18-2000 12:56
Æstats has released version 4.6 of their log file analyser for 3D shooters (including Q3A) with stats and ranking output in HTML. Included in this version is
a Daikatana bug fix but the author says with the upcoming 1.1 patch for the Daikatana game, that the stats will be once again messed up and to expect another Æstats version soon afterwards.
EuroLAN 2 Report

by Awoq @ Tue 07-18-2000 13:01
EuroGamer has a complete report on last weekends EuroLAN 2 held at Varndean College in Brighton UK. It looks like fun was had by all.
The report titled "Brighton Bloodbath" covers the antics of the approximately 90 participants of the event
with prizes including AMD Athlons, motherboards, webcams, games, and even a pair of Elsa Revelator 3D glasses.
Paul Jaquays .plan Update

by Awoq @ Mon 07-17-2000 19:08
id Software's Paul Jaquays updated his .plan today with news about the cutoff date for the QuakeCon 2000 Quake III: Arena map_object model
contest. He says it is this coming Saturday, July 22, 2000. All of the info you need to participate can be found here.
Navy Seals Action Screenshots

by Awoq @ Mon 07-17-2000 12:38
New Name Maker Studio

by Awoq @ Mon 07-17-2000 11:42
Name Maker Studio v6.0 Beta is now available. Included in this release is... support for Jumpgate, enhanced UI and
better support for Q3A black characters. On the list of things in the future are... in game preview,
full ASCII character map, full support for Unreal Tournament and support for ICQ.
Mod Interview

by Awoq @ Sun 07-16-2000 12:45
More Navy Seals Screenshots

by Awoq @ Sun 07-16-2000 12:33
12 more Navy Seals - Covert Ops screenshots are up on their site. This set shows off their hideout map which is part of the Operation Rattlesnake Campaign.
For those who don't know, Navy Seals - Covert Ops is intended to be a realistic simulator for military warfare under different conditions and in
different environments using the Quake 3 engine.
New Quake3 Log Analyzer

by Awoq @ Sat 07-15-2000 21:00
The first version of JLogAn, a new Java Quake3 log analyzer has been released.
Here's a list of some of its features.
- Per-player statistics, including frags, deaths, suicides, time played,
Frags Per Minute, and Seconds Per Frag
- Per-weapon statistics: Counts how many times you've fragged someone with
each weapon.
- Kill statistics: Counts how many times each player has killed who.
- Per-game statistics
- Runs on multiple platforms (Win2k, Win98, and Linux tested).
More info can be found on the JLogAn site.
New Colisium2 Installer and Tutorial

by Awoq @ Sat 07-15-2000 19:56
For those of you who had problems installing Coliseum2, the team has just released a new installer for the latest release version 1.8 of their popular Q3A Lithium type mod.
The new self installing executable will create a desktop shortcut and Start Menu items for the mod and documents and will optionally
add a GameSpy 2.2 tab for Coliseum2 as well. Also added to the site today is a tutorial for the rail spiral code. Check both out at the
Coliseum2 site.
Eternal Arena v2.2

by Awoq @ Sat 07-15-2000 12:30
Eternal Arena v2.2 has been released with implemented enhancements from its users. The Q3A mod was made to be a skirmish type single player experience. Here's a list of things you will see in this new version...
- Ability to look around after death, and watch the scene
- Player/Bot Motion Tracker
- Removed the speed dependant on weapon carried (not popular)
- All Eternal options on separate menu now
- Eternal options available from in-game menu
- Ability to properly save favorite servers
New Lee's Mod

by Awoq @ Sat 07-15-2000 11:57
Version 1.01 of Lee's Mod for Quake 2 has been released today. The new version beefs up the teamplay aspects, has a revamped menu and fixes some other bugs.
A complete list of all of the new enhancements to the mod can be found on the Lee's Mod site.
Programers Wanted

by Awoq @ Sat 07-15-2000 02:43
PmRd Software is currently working on a launcher application for many
quake engine games called GET (Game Enhancement Tool). They are in need of programmers that know
the Visual Basics language. More information can be found on the PmRd Software site.
New FragAndFlag:Arena

by Awoq @ Fri 07-14-2000 14:33
FragAndFlag:Arena has a new version on their website bringing this Q3A server utility to version 1.3. The new release is offered as a patch for the previous version and a full install. It now supports the T.E.C. and Corkscrew mods
as well as having some minor fixes and upgrades.
SavageUK Q3CTF League Season 2

by Awoq @ Fri 07-14-2000 14:22
Registration for the SavageUK Q3CTF League Season 2 is now open. Here's the news blurb they sent us...
The signup page for Season 2 of the SavageUK Q3CTF League is now up ..
Please note: ALL clans that were in Season One will need to re-register their
interest to play in Season 2.
Season 2 will start on The 6th of Aug 2000
by which time we will be looking to have the OSP mod on all SavageUK q3ctf
Servers. The full map list is yet to be decided and suggestions should be put
onto the SavageUK Q3ctf forum.
New Æstats

by Awoq @ Fri 07-14-2000 13:23
Since releasing version 4.44 last Monday, Æstats, the multi-game log parser which includes Q3A, has moved on to a newer version 4.45. This new version now supports
Star Trek: Voyager - Elite Force and Counter-Strike version 6.6. You can grab your copy on the Æstats website.
SavageUK Q3CTF Super Sunday Cup

by Awoq @ Thu 07-13-2000 14:59
Registrations for the SavageUK Q3CTF Super Sunday Cup are now open to all Q3CTF Clans. Your clan does not have to be part of their league to play. The Cup will be played over 2 Sundays starting on 07/23/00 and finishing
on 07/30/00. Games will be played between 5pm until 10pm. BST. More information can be found on the SavageUK Q3CTF website.
id Master Server Outage

by Awoq @ Thu 07-13-2000 12:45
Christian Antkow, from id software, made a post at the Shugashack message board with word the Q3A master server will probably be off-line from 11 AM
to 1 PM CDT due to the new office move.
Here is a quote from him.
If all goes according to plan, we will be getting our DS3 turned up at the
new offices today. This means that all of our key servers (including the Q3A
Master) will be down between the times of 11am and approximately 1pm CST. If
you can't connect to our Q3A master server, or if authorization takes a
little bit longer than expected, that's why.
Just a heads up.
New Q3Build

by Awoq @ Thu 07-13-2000 12:31
For the map makers out there, a new version 1.4 of Q3Build, a compiler front end for helping you compile your Quake III Arena maps, has been released. This new release includes support for the new -vlight option in the new q3map.exe which was released with
the latest Q3Radiant v2.01. Also there are some changes to the UI and some Function keys are assigned to different features within the application.
TOA Beta 4 Release

by Awoq @ Thu 07-13-2000 12:19
Tier of Admiration Beta 4 has been released and can be downloaded here.
The Q3A mod replaces the original 6 tiers and adds many new features such as new weapons and maps.
TOA Beta 4 has the following additions and fixes:
- Fixed some bot issues (I hope) Bots now have decided Railgun Colors
- Fixed the Chaingun model.
- Fixed the Chaingun Ammo model.
- Made some changes to the other weapons.
- Added 2 bots.
- Fixed the new skins icons.
- You can now play all the way to the final level.
(2 levels are just temporary though)
- You can't change railgun color in Teamplay or CTF.
(You'll have the color of your team)
QuakeFu Mod Preview

by Awoq @ Thu 07-13-2000 12:00
Quake3Mods.net has written a preview of the new QuakeFu Mod for Q3A. The three page article has many new screenshots and covers many of the mods new features such as being able to see your opponents weapons and how much ammo they are carrying.
The article sheds a lot of light on the mod so sure to check it out in the preview section.
Help Wanted @ Q3Arena.com

by Awoq @ Wed 07-12-2000 12:40
Want to be part of a winning team?
There are many staff positions available for dedicated people here at Q3Arena.com.
Here's a list of positions currently open.
- News Updaters
- Community Liaison
- FTP Site Maintainer
- Unofficial FAQ Maintainer
- Coding Section Maintainer
- Skinning/Modeling Section Maintainer
- Mapping Section Maintainer
- NavCenter Assistant Maintainer
More information on these job positions can be found in our help wanted section.
Coliseum2 1.8 Win32 DLL's

by Awoq @ Wed 07-12-2000 12:15
The Coliseum2 mod team has now posted the Win32 Dll's for last Mondays Coliseum2 1.8 release. As before, these DLL's are unsupported and players use them at their own risk.
They will still need to get all the required pk3 files that they do not already have as the DLL downloads contains no graphics, sounds, shaders, etc.
Rocket Launcher Strategy Guide

by Awoq @ Wed 07-12-2000 01:21
Q3Center has added another strategy guide to there site bringing the total to 12 so far. The new guide titled "Be a Rocket God"
is, as the title implies, a guide on how use the Rocket Launcher with eight easy steps to becoming a true rocket god.
New Weapons Factory Arena

by Awoq @ Wed 07-12-2000 23:18
WFA .30 has now been released! Grab it at their website.
---end update---
A new beta version .30 of the Weapons Factory Arena mod for Q3A will be released sometime today. This release includes the following additions:
- The Nurse makes her debut in .30, armed with a dart gun, plague grenades, and a kit of 8 "drugs"
for enhancing the abilities of her teammates (try them on all your friends!). These power ups are
granted by hitting the alt-fire on the gauntlet to affect teammate abilities from how fast they run to
how much damage they deal. The Nurse promises to bring a whole new dimension to WFA gameplay.
- WFA version .30 includes the most advanced and configurable Heads Up Display (HUD) of any Q3
mod. WFA players are completely in control of what information is displayed and where, from what
abilities they have enabled to the status of their deployed defense systems.
- A UT-style variable zoom scope has been added to the sniper rifle, giving the sniper complete
control over the zoom level of the rifle. This includes a variable that shows the sniper what level of
zoom they are at and a cool new crosshair.
- Plus tons of other new features, tweaks, and fixes.
More information on this mod can be found on the WFA site and word is that 300,000 copies of version 1.0 will be included in the September edition of the PCGamer CD.
New Navy Seals Screenshots

by Awoq @ Tue 07-11-2000 22:24
The Navy Seals - Covert Ops website has 12 new screenshots of their latest map for their up-coming Q3A mod titled "Kharbala". The map is built for 8 to 16 players.
New K-query Release

by Awoq @ Tue 07-11-2000 17:34
K-query version has been released as their last public beta version.
K-query is a program that will return info about supported game servers on the remote host that you specify. Currently the program supports Quake2, Quake 3 arena, Unreal Tournament, Half-life , Half-life TFC and Half-life CounterStrike.
New features since version 2.0 include:
* Notify Me Feature almost fully implemented (with 'number of players' supported !)
* Support for 20 servers with two column headings.
* GS2M support ! (game spy to Mirc script - http://www.planetquake.com/gs2m )
* Ping Checked (K-query will notify you if you ping a server which is over 500ms away).
* TFC support (thx [mk]Messiah).
* Program now remembers form size and position.
* "Jonny" button, makes form height maximum, turns on screen edge snapping, positions form at top of screen.
* Query time '' (null value) checking.
* LAN Broadcast queries can be manual or can use the x.x.x.255 address
* Updated to work with HL
* Connection stats uploaded to the Internet!
* K-query "snaps" to desktop edges.
* Optimised Code (well, it can't be more un-optimised :)
* About page
* Low CPU usage querying.
New Q3 Anargy

by Awoq @ Mon 07-10-2000 19:41
Q3 Anargy 0v99d has been released fixing the "callvote map /nextmap" server killer bug and has made the following changes to the mod.
- added ingame menu to vote for the next map (maps on server are shown)
- added Domination support for Q3DM6 and Q3DM9
- added 'refc timelimit' and 'callvote g_friendlyfire' commands
- added low armor and health warningsounds ( see gameoptions menu )
- about 10% lower playerspeed for more tactical and better online play
- 'experience' changed in 'prestige' - like the good old Panzer General
- several tweaks and bugfixes
Q3 Anargy is a skill-based team-play modification for Quake3. More info can be found on the Anargy homepage.
New Coliseum2

by Awoq @ Mon 07-10-2000 11:22
Coliseum2 1.8 is now available both as a full download and and update to 1.7 with full HTML documentation. Win32 DLLs for the mod will be posted sometime later this week. Coliseum2 is a Q3A mod similar to the
popular Lithium mod with Runes, a Laser Grapple and more.
Robert Duffy Interview

by Awoq @ Sun 07-09-2000 12:36
Hellchick has a 20 question interview with id Software programer and QERadiant creator Robert Duffy about his life, contributions to the gaming community and even some of his experiances playing against the other id team members. The interview is well worth checking out so go see it for yourself!
UI Enhanced for Q3

by Awoq @ Sun 07-09-2000 12:19
The first public beta version of UI Enhanced for Q3 has been released.
UI Enhanced is a replacement of the User Interface for Quake III, and is intended to make
single play and LAN parties more enjoyable and easier to set up with graphically set up map
rotations (random or sequential), random or selected bot opponents with varying individual skill, and the tweaking of
server parameters. Grab the beta and find out more about the new User Interface on their website.
New Models @ Q3Mods.net

by Awoq @ Sat 07-08-2000 01:38
Q3Mods.net have just added 5 new Q3A models to their already substantial collection in their download section. This addition brings the total to
32 models you can choose from to use in the game.
Q3A Anargy

by Awoq @ Fri 07-07-2000 18:03
A new version 0v99c of Anargy, a skill-based teamplay modification for Quake3, has been released. It has some major code improvements which will be needed in the 1.0 version to be released in the future.
Here is a list of what has been added and or changed in this release.
- Referee and match support fully working.
- Good server control.
- Network traffic optimized, no server command overflows anymore.
- Anargy domination support for q3dm8, q3tourney4 and q3dm17.
- Improved scoreboard, team overlay, loading screen.
- You can now 'drophealth' for other players after you bought a medkit.
- A quick guide with important data is now included within the q3a menu.
- Almost all options / bindings can be set using the setup menu.
- 'Role' on team selection so your teammates know what you are up to.
More information about Anargy can be found on the mods homepage.
New Coding Tutorial

by Awoq @ Fri 07-07-2000 12:12
Steed Talks On Stomped

by Awoq @ Thu 07-06-2000 21:14
Mod Help Wanted

by Awoq @ Tue 07-11-2000 01:31
The Wicked Ends Single player Mod needs people to help on the mod and their goal is to make it into a real game.
Interested persons should contact rhinozombiac@hushmail.com for more information. Here is the list of openings:
- Mappers - 3
- Coders - 4
- Modelers - 3
- Artists - 2
- Sound - 3
- Beta Testers - 6
Wicked ends will be a single player/team play fantasy RPG real-time action/adventure
game, based on the end of the world, and the consequences and battles that followed
it. It will include a complete time line of history with many different realms/worlds
to play though, and multiple time lines in time travel back too.
New Ladders at the Proving Grounds

by Awoq @ Thu 07-06-2000 02:05
The Proving Grounds, the site which offers competitive ladders for Half-Life, Quake 3 and Unreal Tournament in Team, 1vs1 and 2vs2 styles, has added 4 more Q3A ladders to the 20 they offered previously. The ladders were requested by their members.
The new ladders added are:
- Quake 3 Alliance Combat CTF
- Quake 3 Team Instagib CTF
- Quake 3 Team Instagib DM
- Quake 3 1vs1 Instagib DM
New Modeling Site

by Awoq @ Wed 07-05-2000 17:56
A new modeling site called LOWRES has just opened up with its goal to help teach beginners how to make models.
There are currently two tutorials up on the site. The first one is titled "How To Use Boolean" and the other is "Using E-S-C (extrude-scale-chamfer)".
Classic Maps Arsenal

by Awoq @ Wed 07-05-2000 13:07
BeQuake.com has announced a section on their site called the Classic Maps Arsenal. This section is filled with old Doom, Quake and Quake 2 maps which have been converted to Quake 3. If your feeling a little nostalgic, head on over to the Classic Maps Arsenal and check it out.
Coliseum2 1.8 News

by Awoq @ Wed 07-05-2000 11:41
The makers of the Coliseum2 have announced that the new version 1.8 of their popular Rune based Q3A mod will be released next Monday, July 10th.
There will be a lot of fixes, features and options added to this version. For those of you who want to run the servers, a copy will
be available next Friday but you must email Manuel Tran to make sure you are on the list. This version will be backward compatible with the previous version as long as the server is not in Pure mode.
More information can be found on the Coliseum2 site.
Mod Help Wanted

by Awoq @ Tue 07-04-2000 15:47
TNT Interactive is looking for help in all departments for their up-coming Q3A mod titled "The Fight For Survival". Persons interested in helping with the mod should get in contact with James Knopp or visit the mod website.
Navy Seals Screenshots

by Awoq @ Tue 07-04-2000 12:17
The Navy Seals: Covert Ops website has 24 screenshots of their up and coming Q3A mod. The screenshots are from their new Operation Rattlesnake Campaign which will be included in the mod. The scheduled release of their first beta has also been announced for July 15.
Happy Independance Day!

by Awoq @ Tue 07-04-2000 10:37
The staff of Q3Arena.com wishes all of our visitors from the United States a safe and happy Independance Day. May your weather be nice and the BBQ grills be hot!
Q3F Beta1e and New Installers Released

by Bomb @ Mon 07-03-2000 12:28
A new version of Quake III: Fortress (Q3F Beta1e) has been released for download. This new release includes q3f_32smooth, an updated q3f_well (which resolves existing FPS issues), 2 new duelling maps plus new features and bug fixes. Please note that this release ZIP file can be installed by Windows, Linux and Mac owners manually.
Quake3 Depot Search Engine

by Bomb @ Mon 07-03-2000 12:23
The Quake3 Depot is now accepting any and all submissions for servers, mods, maps, models, and skins. Developers may submit their work, images and developer profiles for the Quake3 gaming community to enjoy.
However, don't forget our very own NavCenter search engine here at Q3Arena.com!
Riding the Rocket Ressurected

by Bomb @ Mon 07-03-2000 12:19
Riding the Rocket, the popular
trickjump-oriented competition and tutorial site, has been re-launched after being dormant for the last four months. Complete with a new look, Quake III: Arena challenges and a more diverse focus, the site is better than ever.
Z-Axis Quake 2 Single Player Map Review

by Bomb @ Mon 07-03-2000 12:14
Z-Axis' first Quake 2 single player map, The Lost BSP #22 has been reviewed. Their map reviewer, MrBunwah, downloaded this map, stress tested it and cranked out his
impression of the whole thing. Click here to check it out!
Jailbreak Interview

by Bomb @ Sun 07-02-2000 21:13
Rapid from the newly launched gibme.com has posted an interview that he conducted with the Jailbreak team. This interview includes juicy tidbits relating to background info, future ideas, and community information. Check it out by clicking here.
Lee's Mod Version 1.00

by Bomb @ Sat 07-01-2000 15:32
Version 1.00 of Lee's Mod for Quake II has been released today. This release has a huge showcase of changes and improvements (too many to list!), so head on over to the site and check it out! Lee's mod is a Quake II addon that focuses on providing intelligent bots for all types of games including co-op, Deathmatch, and Capture the Flag.
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