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.Plan update from Fred Nilsson and 2 new maps
by DGhost @ [01:13 PM] June 30 2003

Fred Nilsson from IDsoftware has updated is .Plan file and give us 2 new candy for old school quaker like us (okay we are not so old). One map is for Q3A which is pro-q3tourney7 and the other one is for Team Arena, called mpteam9 who got some origine from the q3tourney6_ctf map. To get all the details on these maps, you can read Fred's .Plan here.

The revenge of the octopus
by DGhost @ [12:25 AM] June 27 2003

Nope, that's not the name of some James Bond movie but rather a new map from LordSquat himself! Octopus revenge has a lot of new idea in the map. First, the map is available in 5 different theme color. Simply download the first part of the .pk3 file which is the map and then download the second part .pk3 which will represent the color theme of the map (all instructions are given in the readme file). The map is a complete remake of Q3DM17/The longest yard. And the textures, talk about cell shading. The look of the map is like fragging in cartoon land! Very fun. A new map that bring, again, some new originality in Quake 3!

Enemy territory : tutorial for setting a linux server
by DGhost @ [07:19 PM] June 24 2003

For those of you who got the Enemy territory fever, I just found a link on GameAdmins about setting up a dedicated server running on Linux.

2 new models @ Polycount
by DGhost @ [06:19 PM] June 24 2003

Polycount is featuring 2 new models for Quake 3. Say hello to Wrokdam and Bobo who got some big hands... Mmmm I wonder what for?

An interview with the Quakecon tournament director
by DGhost @ [01:25 AM] June 24 2003

PlanetQuake3.net got an interview with Red Barchetta, the Quakecon 2003 tournament director. If you are into competition and want to have more details about the incoming competitions during the Quakecon 2003, you can download it here.

True combat madness
by DGhost @ [01:18 AM] June 22 2003

Okay, I just had a busy week and I'm really tired. Didn't had the time to post lately, my apologies! Summer has begun here in Montreal, and like many people, sometimes it's good to be outside and spend less time on the computer. But that doesn't stop me from checking out what's going on in our small world of Quake. As a follow up of the last release of the TC True Combat, I've taken some information and condensed it here.
  • The TC has been featured on the german television, Giga Games.
  • It has been choosen as the mod of the month @ the ModDatabase.
  • There is an interview on Homeland with the TC's project leader, Acrid-.
  • The first ladder of True Combat has been launched on Clanbase.
  • And lastly, a patch is in the progress and will fixes the most important bugs that has been found since the release.

    New build of Quake 3 for Mac OSX
    by DGhost @ [03:58 PM] June 23 2003

    Graeme Devine has updated his .plan letting us know that a new build of Quake 3 PR 1.32 has been released for Mac OSX 10.2 and up. This build fix some problem for certain add in audio sound card, add a new ppc QVM compiler and the altivec code to aid MD3 rendering. Talk about upgrade! You can download it from ID's ftp

    New single player map for Quake
    by DGhost @ [10:33 AM] June 17 2003

    2 new single map for the classic Quake has been reviewed @ Underworld's Fan. Small but very fun, I recommend it with the Dark Place mod for better graphics! You can read the reviews for both maps here

    Winners for the Tiki Domain 2Q3 Mappers Challenge
    by DGhost @ [08:41 PM] June 16 2003

    Tiki_Man has updated is webpage with the result of his contest, the Mappers Challenge. If you remembered, the rules was to create a map in a specific amount of time (2 to 3 months only). The big winner is... TymoN with ts_dm5: Full Moon!. Congratulation to him and all the participants who took the time to create a map for Quake 3! For a complete list of all the results, you can check it here.

    True combat 1.0 is out!
    by DGhost @ [05:32 PM] June 13 2003

    Mirrors servers are out for downloading the mod (about 80 megs). Here's the list. For technical support check on the chan #tc.support on the irc server gamesnet.

    Seismovision 2.22 is out!
    by DGhost @ [01:34 PM] June 11 2003

    That's right, the latest version for the most popular FPS demo player is out. Bringin'it to version 2.22. Read on the webpage of Seismovision for the changelog and the download link!

    Urban terror servers browser
    by DGhost @ [01:30 PM] June 11 2003

    The Urban Terror webpage has been updated with a new utility called the Online Server Directory which is a re introduction. This nice webpage will let you find any Urban Terror servers running out there without any software. I just checked it and I must say that it's well done!

    Registration for the Quakecon 2003 is open
    by DGhost @ [09:44 PM] June 09 2003

    Since 9:00 pm tonight, registration for the Quakecon 2003 are open! Free of charge, this is one of the biggest FPS LANparty in north america (to be more precise, it's in south of north america). With Nvidia giving away 125 000$ in prizes this year, it will be an excellent LANparty again, I'm sure of it!

    Quakecon CTF tournament information
    by DGhost @ [01:53 PM] June 08 2003

    The webpage of the Quakecon 2003 has been updated with more information regarding the CTF tournament 4 vs 4. Maps that will be used are:
    q3ctf2: Troubled Waters
    q3w2: Courtyard Conundrum
    q3wcp1: Japanese Castles
    q3wcp9: Spider Crossings
    q3wcp15: Industrial Revolution
    You can read all the rules for the tournament here. 25 000$ will be given to the 4 winning teams.

    True Combat beta 1.0 for friday the 13th
    by DGhost @ [02:08 PM] June 06 2003

    After many months of devellopement, Team Terminator will released the much anticipated next version of True Combat in one week exactly. Featuring:
  • Tactical mode wherein you aim using the iron sights of the actual gun; read: no crosshairs.
  • Two teams, different mission objectives, emphasising realistic team tactics.
  • Scriptable mission objectives in maps.
  • The ability for different weapons to penetrate different objects with varying degrees of success.
  • Realistic sounds for both enviroment and player.
  • The addition of C4 and smoke grenades to your arsenal.
  • New attachment system for weapon upgrades (scopes, silencers, laser sights, etc.).
  • Brand spankin' new models for the weapons and player.
  • A host of new animations for weapon reloads, player movement, etc.
  • Realistic lens flares, glare, and flash blend effects.
  • Voice commands for quick communication with teammates.
  • The choice between 4 different huds, including the old-school flavor from previous builds.
  • If you are into realism combat, you should definitively check this total conversion.

    City night for Medal of honor
    by DGhost @ [12:31 PM] June 05 2003

    I'm never talking too much about other games running on the ID engines, there is so many to cover and I'm all alone for that. Just found this: City Night is a total conversion/mod for Medal of honor, designed by the mCT (Medal of honor Conversion Team), reproducing a complete city with subway and drainage system, new weapons and much more. The mod got only one map called Genereal cobra. Take a look at the screenshots, it's worth it! First one, second and third.

    Registration date for Quakecon 2003 are announced
    by DGhost @ [10:48 PM] June 04 2003

    The organisation behind the Quakecon 2003has officially announced the date for registering to the event and the competition (125,000$ in prize for the Nvidia championship). 4 tournaments are held and take note also of a new competition of Quake 3 CTF! Oh yeah! I wanna see that. Here's the list of the official competition:
  • The Return to Castle Wolfenstein Team Tournament
    64 teams will begin six versus six online qualifying rounds during the week of June 16, with the top 16 teams advancing to the double elimination championship round at QuakeCon 2003, where they will compete for $45,000 in cash, including a $20,000 first prize. Registration for the qualifying rounds will commence at 9 p.m. EST on June 9 and conclude at 12 a.m. (midnight) EST on June 14. Teams can visit http://rtcwqualifiers.quakecon.org to register and www.quakecon.org for official tournament rules and prize money distribution.
  • The QUAKE III Arena 1 vs. 1 Championships
    The ultimate test of gaming prowess - the 1 versus 1 battle in the Arena, and the only QUAKE III Arena tournament officially sanctioned by id Software. The battle begins at QuakeCon on Thursday, Aug. 15, with 256 players going toe-to-toe in the ultimate deathmatch experience. The competition will be intense with $45,000 on the line, including a champions prize of $20,000. Registration will begin at 9 p.m. EST on June 9 at www.quakecon.org. Please visit www.quakecon.org for official tournament rules and prize money distribution.
  • The QUAKE III Arena Capture the Flag Championship
    A new addition to the line-up of QuakeCon tournaments the 4 versus 4 Capture the Flag Championship is sure to deliver a new level of fast-paced team action. 64 teams will begin 4 versus 4 qualifying rounds on the week of June 16, with the top 16 teams advancing to the double elimination championship round at QuakeCon 2003, where they will compete for $25,000 in cash, including a $10,000 first prize. Registration for the qualifying rounds will commence at 9 p.m. EST on June 9 and conclude at 12:00 a.m. (midnight) EST on June 14. Teams can visit http://ctfqualifiers.quakecon.org to register and www.quakecon.org for official tournament rules and prize money distribution.
  • The Wolfenstein: Enemy Territory Open
    It's no longer only the "pros" that have a shot at walking away with some QuakeCon tournament prize money. For the first time ever, QuakeCon will host a big money tournament open to 128 lucky attendees at the event. Each of the 16 eight-person teams will be comprised of randomly selected BYOC attendees at QuakeCon on the afternoon of Thursday, Aug. 15. To qualify for the drawing, players must simply submit their name when registering at the event. Competition will begin following the drawing on Thursday, with teams waging war in id Software's newest offering Wolfenstein: Enemy Territory for $10,000 in cash, including a $4,000 first prize. Please visit www.quakecon.org for official tournament rules and prize money distribution.
  • Wheew that was rather long, visit the Quakecon 2003 website for all the details.

    New maps for BombQ3 in the work
    by DGhost @ [10:32 PM] June 04 2003

    The team behind the BombQ3 mod has posted some new screenshots of 2 new map being designed for the mod. Look rather sweet. The mod is under the beta version right now, you can download it (about 11 megs). Beta version 2 should be out this month as they said.

    Punkbuster Log Parser v1.0.16
    by DGhost @ [12:51 PM] June 03 2003

    I got an email from Aphextwin who informed me about the Punkbuster Log Parser. Lemme copy/paste you the description of this nice utility, since Aphextwin already type the text I'll simply paste it here:
    Punkbuster Log Parser v1.0.16

    This program scans punkbuster dedicated server logs for game violations, hacks, cheats, ogc, etc. and populates a list of valid violations in an easy to read grid display. The user can select to merge the displayed violations with their pbbans.dat master list, a zipped backup of your original pbbans.dat file is created prior to any merge, or they can generate a html page that can be sent to the guys at www.punksbusted.com for them to add your list to their ever growing master list of cheaters. Note that you will need to resgister with punksbusted but its easy and its free. The advantage of this program is you do not need to manually scan through hundreds if not thousands of lines of violations to find valid violations, this process is quick and easy and will save you an enormous amount of time. There is a screenshot of the program at http://www.gamerunners.com/images/punklog.jpg
    There we are!

    CPMA 1.11
    by DGhost @ [12:45 PM] June 03 2003

    I am terribly sorry to the lack of updates lately, but unfortunately, due to events beyond my control I've lost my Internet connection temporary. It took me a couple of days to find a good ol’ dial up access that is working. My update for the next week will be sporadic. Now on to the subject. CPMA version 1.1 has been released. Mostly fixing some small annoying bugs with with GTV in some TDM games. Check out the webpage of Promode for all the details and a link to download CPMA 1.11 and take note that this release is for a server side only.

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