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Quake 3 Freeze tag beta 5
by DGhost @ [12:31 PM] June 30 2002

I hate posting about a mod I didn't try but there is so many out there. FreezeTag is like playing the "freeze tag" as when you where a kid. Instead of fragging the opponent team, you have to freeze the entire team. Pretty neat uh?

Send me your pic!
by DGhost @ [12:24 PM] June 30 2002

Okay sometime I wish that I would run a very big/popular site of Quake so that way people would send me cool pictures that I could post as the pic of the day. Check out the Picture of the day of PlanetQuake

GameSpy and Nimda?
by DGhost @ [02:14 PM] June 29 2002

I was reading (as usual :P) /. when I found this story on Yahoo! News. Apparently some version of GameSpy Arcarde (1.09) is infected with the Nimda virus:
The installer for GameSpy Arcade 1.09, the main file exchange and gaming software of GameSpy.com, available from sites like CNET Networks Inc.'s Download.com service, was infected with the Nimda virus twice this week, GameSpy Chief Executive Mark Surfas told Reuters.
Crap! I hate it when a virus infecte an installer. It's not just email anymore. Ah well anyway I always got my antivirus at least.

Carmak, Doom III, OpenGL 2.0 and a lot of other stuff
by DGhost @ [02:23 PM] June 29 2002

Again, a new .Plan from Carmak. He apologize about the matrox because he tought their implementation of the hardware displacement was quad based, wich is not. But after that he goes on about some technical details (as usual) of how Doom III should be working. Interesting stuff if you are a programmer who would like to specialise in OpenGL. Wich bring him to this:
I am now committed to supporting an OpenGL 2.0 renderer for Doom through all the spec evolutions. If anything, I have been somewhat remiss in not pushing the issues as hard as I could with all the vendors. Now really is the critical time to start nailing things down, and the decisions may stay with us for ten years.
If you have been following the news about Nvidia lately you may have heard about their new programming language, Cg. (do we need another standard).
I have not done a detailed comparison with Cg. There are a half dozen C-like graphics languages floating around, and honestly, I don't think there is a hell of a lot of usability difference between them at the syntax level. They are all a whole lot better than the current interfaces we are using, so I hope syntax quibbles don't get too religious. It won't be too long before all real work is done in one of these, and developers that stick with the lower level interfaces will be regarded like people that write all-assembly PC applications today. (I get some amusement from the all-assembly crowd, and it can be impressive, but it is certainly not effective)

I do need to get up on a soapbox for a long discourse about why the upcoming high level languages MUST NOT have fixed, queried resource limits if they are going to reach their full potential. I will go into a lot of detail when I get a chance, but drivers must have the right and responsibility to multipass arbitrarily complex inputs to hardware with smaller limits. Get over it.
Pheew that was a technical update. I like that. :)

The CaptureStrike Map pack
by DGhost @ [12:15 PM] June 26 2002

Just foud this on Threewave that a map pack has been released for our popular mod. And on top of that the map pack is also compatible with any CTF mod. Here's a cut 'n paste from the read me file:
These maps have been primarily selected with Capture Strike gameplay in mind. It will probably work with other gametypes like CTF, CCTF or any quake III mod involving capturing the flag, hence the Pak name, CTFsPak1

ctfscp1 - Crosstown Traffic by Ferrao
ctfscp2 - Crossed Paths v.F3 by Daniel "Drunken Boxer" Lanicek
ctfscp3 - Cement, Concrete and Stone by Kommissar
ctfscp4 - White Noise by Publis
ctfscp5 - Overkill Redux - CTF by pF.red
ctfscp6 - Midnight Keep by Geit
Whooa cool one, it looks really nice. Check out Threewave for the mirrors servers.

Carmak and the Parhelia 512
by DGhost @ [05:34 PM] June 25 2002

Well we got a new .Plan from the man itself. And personnaly, for me, it's not good news. Bouhouhouhou :( Of course with usual technical hammer he explain to us why the Parhelia won't be the best card for Doom III. Here's the best part that explain the thing:
The executive summary is that the Parhelia will run Doom, but it is not performance competitive with Nvidia or ATI.
Aaaah well, I don't think that it will still prevent me from getting that card. Surround gaming! that's what I really want! :)

ZPM beta 4.2 is released!
by DGhost @ [11:39 AM] June 25 2002

A new version of the ZPM is out! Here's the whole list of the new features:
-Fixed whole VQ3 mode.
-Fixed the "dead with one rocket" bug ...
-the in-game add bot menu (no red or blue team in UI to choose for RA3 mode)
-Fixed the "team queue adjustement".
-Fixed the "no on left in the game, match ended" bug ...
-bot_minplayers bug, until i find a solution, i've disabled bot_minplayers in multi arena and RA3 mode...
-Fixed the "on the fly mode change" ... no map_restart used anymore ... only callvote restart... it will restart the arena...
-Fixed falling damage, and hurtself : was not working...
-Fixed ready message etc, now readycheck enabled in all gamemode except FFA...
-Modified cVars default values: match_ra3 default was 1, always RA3 mode ... :-(
-Fixed callvote commands that was not working or not supposed to be there ...
-Fixed RA3 respawn code, wasn't random...
-Fixed the /players command when a player use color characters in his name...
-Fixed the timeout command...
That's a lot of new stuff.

Alientrap is looking for an animator
by DGhost @ [11:31 AM] June 25 2002

Okay here's the email I've got from the Alientrap team:
If you can post on your site that Alientrap is looking for a animator and weapons modeler to help with a MMOFPS that would help a lot. The project is called Nexuiz, and will be a hardcore deathmatch game using an extremly advanced quake1 engine. The engine uses a new model format called .ZYM, which has full skeletal animation system. The player models in Nexuiz are between 2500-4000 polygons and are UV mapped, and the skins are 512x512. The game once it is finished will be given away over the net for free. We plan to release a public demo soon as possible. For more info please view our site at: www.Alientrap.com and check out the helpwanted page.
There you go!

Some news from me
by DGhost @ [03:53 PM] June 21 2002

Okay I just got 20 minutes for a break and I tought I should use that to give you some news not about quake but about me. As you can have noticed, you faithful readers, there hasn't been too much news these last days. The reason? Well, I've got some projects going on at my job and it's taking all my free time. I didn't have any week end off since the last 2 weeks and I'm still not finish. The only thing that I have done so far is working and sleeping. Nothing else, believe me. So please I'm asking you to be patient. I should be back on posting at the end of next week. I thank you all for your patience until then.

- DGhost

New Q3Bench
by awoq @ [04:01 PM] June 21 2002

The folks at guru3d.com have released a new version of Q3Bench. The utility will now give you benchmark info with all versions of Quake3 and Return to the Castle of Wolfenstein. Grab your copy of Q3Bench and see how your system is doing!

Quakecon 2002 Posts List
by awoq @ [04:01 PM] June 21 2002

Want to know who is attending Quakecom this year? Quakecon 2002 has posted a list of who is attending this years event. The list is in a searchable data base so you can find out if your friend or foe (as the case may be) will be attending. Part of the list indicates if you will be in the Q3 tournament or part of the BYOC. If the list says no, they have assigned a waiting list number to you. They typically have a LARGE number of no-shows so do not despair if your number is high!

Find out more on the Quakecon 2002 website!

It's the lone Ranger! Oups, no, it's the Game Ranger!
by DGhost @ [10:56 PM] June 16 2002

GameRanger is a game browser (a la Gamespy) for Mac wich support the following version of their (more) popular OS:
GameRanger 3.0 runs best on Mac OS X, but still full support for Mac OS 8.6 to Mac OS 9.2.2.
To see what are the games this baby is supporting you should check this page.

Spiderman TC for Quake 3
by DGhost @ [07:43 PM] June 11 2002

It's not ready yet :( but we get some good news from the team behind the Spiderman TC for the Quake 3 engine. Check out the new renders of the Green Goblin and the Hobgoblin, we can see that it's gonna be a cool model.

Some news from Tribal CTF
by DGhost @ [07:38 PM] June 11 2002

Whooaa actually they're not dead. Tribal CTF had some small problem lately but we get a glimpse that the bot feature is coming along nicely. Check their webpage for the complete story.

New models @ Polycount
by DGhost @ [07:32 PM] June 11 2002

So yet again, Polycount got some new models for you. Speed12 for the mod Quake 3 Rally, Darth Maul for Jedi Knight II and a Centaur for Quake 3. Oh, and check out their model of the week, Darth Vader for Jedi Knight II. Really nice.

Urban terror: US VS Canada
by DGhost @ [10:06 PM] June 09 2002

let's get this straight. I know it has been almost 4 days that we didn't post but believe me, I was really busy. Now let's get down to business;
ClanBank.com is sponsoring and hosting a Canada vs USA Urban Terror 6v6 Tournament. STr8sHoT of Clan zH, the tournament founder, is administering the tournament. These matches will shoutcasted by Oswald of Urban Terror.

Here is a message from STr8sHoT:
Teams will be picked randomly off of a list of people that sign up. It will be random Canadians vs random Americans. Clan members can join individually, but will not play as a clan.

We will do 3 game types CTF, TS, and TDM. Each match will be 1 map 1 game type 2nd map different map, different game type.

Please email me if you are interested or msg me in IRC at the tournament channel on ETG #USvsCA.

You can also visit our forum post on the Urban Terror Forums.

Rules and more info coming soon.

Thanks a lot and i hope to see you all sign up :D

So stop by ClanBank.com (http://www.clanbank.com) for more information and to support your country in this friendly competition.

Doom III, the most awaited game of next year
by DGhost @ [08:41 PM] June 05 2002

With all the converage on Doom III @ e3 last week, no wonder that even the biggest medias are talking about it. Even MSNBC got an article with some comments of John Carmak. As usual if I'm posting about it, then it's worth to read.

A "cadavre exquis"
by DGhost @ [06:45 PM] June 04 2002

I don't know if there is a word for this in english (I hope there is one) but in french we call that a "cadavre exquis" wich is: someone start drawing a pictures, stop after a part has been done and pass the pictures to someone else who must draw another part of the picture. Got that? Well, Pass the map got the same idea but instead of a pictures, it's a Quake 3 map. 4 mappers working on a map for PainKeep Arena, the result may be very creative. You can take a look at the screenshots in the "current project" section.

Medal of Honor Allied Assault™ Level Editor Contest
by DGhost @ [06:46 PM] June 03 2002

EA has launched the level editor contest for Medal of Honor! Check out the official MoH website for the contest rules!

Some news about Urban Terror
by DGhost @ [08:40 PM] June 02 2002

The latest version (v2.4) is still running and version 2.6 is coming along nicely. After that we'll see version 3.0. Check out Urban Terror for the complete update. Also on some other news, one sad and one joyous, Iain has quit the Silicon Ice development team since he doesn't have too much time anymore (life always catch up) and TwentySeven got his first kid (yet again, life always catch up). Good luck to you Iain and congratulation to the new parents!

Call for Cthulhu for Quake 3 need help
by DGhost @ [08:31 PM] June 02 2002

The Cthulhu total conversion (H.P. Lovecraft) for Quake 3 Arena is in serious need of a coder. Since I really wanna try this mod and I can post news here, why not plug them? You can code (and really you do code?), you got a taste for the underworld demon horrors from Lovecraft? Why not help this mod?

RtcW patch for Mac coming soon
by DGhost @ [08:38 PM] June 02 2002

Yet again, I learned from Inside Mac Game that the latest patch of Return to castle Wolfenstein for the Mac should be out pretty soon. Check out their webpage, refresh every 2 minutes to see when it'll be out or just come back here because, of course I'll tell you when it'll be release.

Jedi Knight II: Jedi Outcast preview for Mac
by DGhost @ [08:13 PM] June 02 2002

Inside Mac Game got a nice preview of the upcoming Jedi Knight II: Jedi Outcast for, guess what? Mac of course... :P

Is there any new models?
by DGhost @ [04:24 PM] June 01 2002

Yep. Looking at what polycount has just comments on, it seems that there is, again, new models for Quake 3. Motoko from Ghost in the shell, Cable from the X-universe, Vivi from Final Fantasy IX and Samjai, a kind a samurai/knight

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