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Paul Jaquays' .plan Update
by mayhemm @ [07:11 PM] May 31 2001

Paul Jaquays has updated his .plan with a comment on the influence of today's media on popular culture (:-/ or something like that.)  Here's the whole update:
Every so often, I bump into something that reminds me of the degree of influence that a book, a movie, or even a game can have on people. Today is one of those days. If you've got the time, check out the gallery of wallpaper art at Spain Quake3Arena.  The collection of Quake 3 Arena inspired art in this on-line gallery simply amazes me. It's not often that something on the web gives me such a feeling of awe and wonder, and yet at the same time humbles me, reminding me that we have some of the greatest (and most talented) fans in the world. To the artists, just ... wow. I'm impressed by your devotion and talent. To Blue, thanks for mentioning this page in your news. To the guys at Spain Quake 3 Arena, Muchos Gracias. That's quite a collection. Thanks for taking the effort to put those pages where we all can see and enjoy them. -Paul
Check out the pics, some of them are pretty good.

UrbanTerror Preview @ Crossfire
by mayhemm @ [06:55 PM] May 31 2001

Crossfire, in anticipation of the imminent release of Beta 2 of UrbanTerror tomorrow, has posted a preview of this much-anticipated teamplay TC  to get all of us nice and juicy for its release.  Here's a lil' cut'n'paste of the preview to get you going:
Just by looking at the main menu, it was obvious that a lot of hard work has been put into this beta. The menu interface is dashed with eyecandy, and really just looks fantastic. The layout is simple to follow, and creating a server or tweaking your graphics is as easy as a.b.c. Saying Urban Terror is a modification is a big understatement, just about everything has been altered. This really is a total conversion that will turn some heads. You can trust me in saying its a BIG improvement on previous UT beta's.
So there ya are; all nice and neat :)  Actually it's a pretty good read, and the screenshots are sweet to look at.  If not for anything else go check 'em out right here.

Version 1.5 of SCTA Out
by mayhemm @ [07:40 PM] May 30 2001

Cinergi sends word that they have released version 1.5 of their Quake3 server-side mod SCTA (SuperConfigurable Team Arena) which adds hundreds of configuration options to Q3 and TA.  Here's a list of what they have changed since the last version:
  • A 'fix' for the *really* annoying TA scoreboard bug (looks like unbalanced teams but they're not)
  • Grappling hook
  • Team scrambling after each map
  • Teamname/Clan voting.
  • Teams can vote to change their teamname (IE Stroggs, Pagans, etc)!
  • Anti-camper
Just in case you don't remember what SCTA actually is, go give them a visit.

Super IP Ready 4 Ur Perusal
by mayhemm @ [07:54 PM] May 29 2001

Just got a heads up from "Cowboy" Ben Allman, from Tribal War, regarding a nifty little script he has written up for all of us who love to play online games and also hang out in IRC using mIRC.  Normally I wouldn't be posting news like this--especially from a Tribes site--but the script seems pretty useful, and it works with Quake3, not to mention both Tribes, Half-Life, and soon, UT.  Here's some more of what you can expect from this program:
  • Reasonably reliable operation
  • Easy-to-use dialog-based controls and options
  • Easy-to-recognize servers with custom game icons
  • All settings stored in one SuperIP.ini file, not hundreds of mIRC global variables
  • Easy integration with other mIRC scripts
  • Auto-update notification (for new versions, updates, etc)
  • Parse & Capture Tribes, Tribes 2, Half-Life, Quake 3 IPs
  • Query Tribes, Tribes 2, Half-Life, Quake 3 servers
  • Caught IP list sortable by time, game, server address, nickname who joined, channel joined from
  • Search caught IPs for matching text
  • All servers get queried right in the main interface as they are selected (fast and easy)
  • Manual entry of new servers
  • Intelligent adding of favorites (no duplicates)
  • Store and retrieve the last used password on a per-server basis
  • Automatic demo recording for games that support it (Only Tribes at the moment)
  • Auto set away on join
  • Comprehensive Instruction / Usage Manual.
It sounds pretty useful to me, especially (as he coins it :) I'm a "chat whore." :-P  Check this bad boy out right here.

New Urban Terror Screens
by awoq @ [11:55 AM] May 28 2001

With anticipation building for a Beta 2 release later this week, the Urban Terror site has 18 more screenshots to tease you with. To find out what all the fuss is about, check out the Urban Terror site for more details.

Need Your Screens!!!!
by awoq @ [11:45 PM] May 26 2001

Not much news today so we can take this chance to pimp our Picture of the Day. We need your screenshots to make it interesting. In the last month we were lucky to get 4 screenshots from people so get with the program and send them in! We don't really care what it is as long as we get them with a caption of what we are seeing. Send your screenshots to potd@www.q3arena.com.

Q3 Shader Editor Update
by awoq @ [07:29 PM] May 25 2001

Version v0.9 of the Q3 Shader Editor has been released today.
Here is a list of the features and fixes added in this new version:
  • Load a BSP to immediately preview and edit your shaders in a map
  • Better wireframe and flat texture renderers for the MD3 mode
  • GUI improvements : gamma support, freeze time, non-stop rotation of MD3s, etc
  • Some small bugfixes

New Coluseum2 .pk3 Ready For Download
by mayhemm @ [07:10 PM] May 25 2001

If there is anyone out there who plays Coluseum2 (and I know there are:-)), the fine folks at NetworkLeague have sent out a hollar that they have posted a new .pk3 for V2 of the Coluseum2 Mod for Quake3.  Apparently, there was a bug in the old version, where a map that had just been played would be loaded instead of the new map.  At any rate, they fixed the bug today and you can get the new .pk3 right here.

And Speaking of UrbanTerror.....
by mayhemm @ [07:09 PM] May 25 2001

If you check out their site, they are promising to release beta2 of their Q3TC ( I know I said mod, but it looks nothing like Q3, everything has changed ) on June 1.  Seems like that will be a very good day indeed.  Yours truly gets a 300 buck payraise and we all get a new UrbanTerror!  Give 'em a visit to see for yourself.

UrbanTerror Review @ Z-Axis
by mayhemm @ [06:55 PM] May 25 2001

Karnatos from Z-Axis sends word that they have posted a review of Silicon Ice Development's ultra realistic, teamplay based Quake3 Mod, UrbanTerror.  Here's a cut'n'paste of the review to get ya goin':
realistic damage:
This encompasses several changes with the health system. Bleeding; if you don't plug the bullet hole you will bleed to death. Locational damage; if you get hit in the legs you limp, or if you are hit in the head you are mortally wounded, if not killed. You might think 'aww that sucks some one can hit me once and I die?' but it does make you duck and cover more often.
It's a pretty interesting article, and it should shed light on whether you want to play this or not.  Read it right here.

WesternQ3 >:-) cont
by mayhemm @ [06:47 PM] May 25 2001

After a month-long update hiatus, Deimos sends word that they have updated their site with new Western Quake3 news for our perusal.  They have made their maps faster, better lookin', have added a new kick@$$ weapon (it seems as if everyone has forgotten good ol' dynamite as a weapon,) and are even almost finished on their own UI.  So... If you like a good Western Shootout and you like Quake3, come check them out right here.

Arena World Update
by mayhemm @ [06:11 PM] May 23 2001

Nils "Thes33k" Bartels shouts out that Arena World has a new bouncing baby AW Server--the first one for their mod.  They have secured sponsorship by www.GCPro.de, so it may be a frustrating place to visit for someone who is in America.  However, anyone in Europe can duke it out on a 12 player slot server with a map cycle through all featured AW maps with mapvote enabled.  Go check 'em out at their site right here, or you can visit the first AW Server at

Q3 Rally SDK to be Released on Friday
by mayhemm @ [06:32 PM] May 22 2001

The Quake3 Rally Site has been updated with the news that an SDK for this mod will be released this Friday. It's a technology test that will allow modelers and mappers test their creations--hehe, and also us to see how kewl the mod is going to look on our 'puters.  Not sure WTF Q3 Rally is?  Here's a cut'n'paste from their FAQ just in case you don't know:
Quake Rally was a mod for the original Quake created by Impact Developments, namely Ryan "Ridah" Feltrin and Rowan "Sumaleth" Crawford. Both hailing from Australia, but never having met, the two of them set out to do what many people thought would be impossible, turn Quake into a fully fledged racing game. Not only did they manage it, but they created one of the best mods Quake ever saw, causing quite a sensation. Of course this one is for Q3 :)--MaYHeMM
Check it out.  Although I don't remember this mod for Quake, the screenshots look pretty sweet and the concept sounds very interesting.  Here's the link.

Linux Q3A Update
by mayhemm @ [06:38 PM] May 22 2001

Linux Games has posted a letter they received from Timothee Besset, the project lead on GtkRadiant who is now in charge of maintaining the Linux version of Quake III Arena (yes, Lokigames doesn't have the contract any longer.) According to his letter,  there will still be a Linux version of the upcoming--and much anticipated--Q3A and Team Arena point release shortly after the release of the Win32 version.  Read about it right here.

DragonKnight Model @ Polycount
by mayhemm @ [05:55 PM] May 22 2001

Polycount has posted a new Q3Model Review and boy does it look nice. The model reviewed is called Dragon Knight, by Michael "Magarnigal" Mellor, who made DragonKnight for q2. This model weighs in at a hefty 29 megs, and boasts over 2000 polys and 3000 frames of animation. According to the reviewer, this model isn't suited for DM play, because of it's large memory footprint, but I'll let you be the judge of that. Check it out right here.

Savage Super Sunday Cup Schedule
by awoq @ [11:09 PM] May 21 2001

The draw for the Savage Super Sunday Cup has been completed.
Here is the schedule posted for Sunday the 27th of May:
Group 1 Playing Sunday 27th May
5:00 pm - Kartell Plays The Suicide Squad, Team MADOX Plays Knights of the round.
5:30 pm - The Suicide Squad Plays Team MADOX, Knights of the round Plays Kartell.
6:00 pm - Kartell Plays Team MADOX, The Suicide Squad Plays Knights of the round.

Group 2 Playing Sunday 27th May
5:00 pm - Mortal Teamwork Plays Heaven Shall Burn, Dominion Plays Loz Kampoz Fragging Force.
5:30 pm - Heaven Shall Burn Plays Loz Kampoz Fragging Force, Mortal Teamwork Plays Dominion.
6:00 pm - Dominion Plays Heaven Shall Burn, Loz Kampoz Fragging Force Plays Mortal Teamwork.

Group 3 Playing Sunday 27th May
6:30 pm - Colonus Barathrum Plays Divide Et Impera, Satanic Battle Angels Plays Inferno.
7:00 pm - Divide Et Impera Plays Inferno, Satanic Battle Plays Colonus Barathrum.
7:30 pm - Inferno Plays Colonus Barathrum, Divide Et Impera Plays Satanic Battle Angels.
Check out the SavageUK site for the whole scoop on who will be playing and when.

ASUS Stops Their Cheatin' Ways
by mayhemm @ [08:41 PM] May 20 2001

Due to all the ruckus caused over their cheatin' see-through drivers,  ASUS, in a letter to Stomped, states it will  disable them. Here's a cut'n'paste from the letter (which instructs on how to disable the drivers):
To respect the preferences of the majority of our customers and users around the world, ASUS will disable see-through capability in all future graphics drivers. Although ASUS did not officially release the see-through feature in the current 11.01, 12.00 and 12.10 drivers, this feature-enhancing codes were enabled by non-ASUS programmers and posted on various unauthorized websites. ASUS recognizes that these features may offer unfair competitive advantages for some users and will take actions to curtail the use of these drivers. All codes related to these features will be removed in all future versions (Version 12.40 and up) to prevent any further tampering that may enable see-through . ASUS will also provide a way for web hosts to detect and disable see-through functionality.
Personally, I think that peeps who use these 'enhanced' drivers won't disable them; if they were honest to begin with, and really believed that fun is not cheating :/, then they wouldn't have installed the hack in the first place.  I hope there is a way to root these peeps out, and then ban them from a server.  If playing in God Mode is fun to them, then they will be happy playing against the bots in Q3 single player.  Anyway, my two cents.  Read the letter right here.

New AeStats Ready for Download
by mayhemm @ [08:19 PM] May 20 2001

Christoph (Aeon) Loewe, of Aeons, sends word that he has released version 4.68 of his swank @$$ stat parser for 3d FPS games.  This program supports games such as Unreal, Quake II, Lithium II, and Rocket Arena II, with support for Half Life and Sin coming soon as well as many mods of these games.  If you run a game server with any of these games and you want something that will help you to publish just who is the bad bad boy on the block on your website, this is the thing for you.  The file weighs in at 1.29 megs so it shouldn't be a big deal to download.  Read more about it right here, or just download that sucker right here.

Wolfenstein Return from VE3d
by mayhemm @ [08:36 AM] May 20 2001

Whew!  All the E-3 hoopla going on left little room in Quakedom for any real quake-related news.  Not to worry--there were a few goings on over there in the form of iDSoftware and Gray Matter wowing the crowds.  It seems like the Return to Castle Wolfenstein articles are starting to come out of the woodwork.  Apache from VoodooExtreme posts a short first impression article  to give you an idea of what we should expect from this revisit of iDSoftware's first person opus.  Here's a cut'n'paste of the article:
The AI was rather impressive, as German solders would take cover while they reloaded, would actually look cover and go after sounds (sort of similar to No One Lives Forever) and overall, the AI worked well in a team.
Some of the terrain was deformable, and you could actually kick down doors, shoot apart things and tear down select walls. Whenever a little destructible icon was shown on the screen, you knew that was something you could shoot apart.
He even throws in a few shots to get you excited--and they do look pretty sweet, based as they are on the Quake3 engine.  It looks like the next year (or maybe two) is going to be an exciting year indeed for FPS fans.  Check out the article right here.

A Well Rounded Impression of Return to ..Wolfenstein
by mayhemm @ [12:25 PM] May 19 2001

Now for a break in Quake-related news--but still id related-- Well Rounded Entertainment has posted an article expressing their impressions of Return to Castle Wolfenstein, based on what they saw of it at this year's E3.  Here's a cut'n'paste:

The action is fast-paced, but if you're looking for the level of violence you would find in, say, Soldier of Fortune, you're not going to find it. Bodies don't fade away once you shoot an enemy, but gibs do.
The Quake III engine is still showing its strengths, as the game looks great. We were a little disappointed, though, in the lack of details on the game. Hopefully, we'll be hearing more from Grey Matter in the weeks and months to come.
Go on down and read it yourself right here.

New Map Review @ Z-Axis
by mayhemm @ [12:17 PM] May 19 2001

Karnatos from Z-Axis checks in today with a new map review; and yes, it looks like he's on a 1v1 tourney kick (which is fine by me:))  Today's map was created by Binaryshi, and it's called Time2Fly.  As Karnatos says, "..... you will get some good air time on this map....as the title suggests."  So what are you waiting for?  Check out the review right here.

Quake 3 Point Release News
by mayhemm @ [12:31 PM] May 19 2001

Here's some long awaited (by some peeps impatiently--cough-CauT-cough.) from Id Software's Robert Duffy. He's updated his .plan with a brief status report on the upcoming point release for Quake III Arena, which was originally set for a release a week or so ago.  Here's a cut'n'paste:

"Early next week". Did I say that ? The point release is coming, we continue to update and tweak things as well as fix some issues. Mod Authors have and have had the source etc and it is in the testing loop at Activision. Soon is the best I can say, but we hope this will address all of the cheats, hacks, adds a multitude of new things request wise, fixes lots of bugs etc. A Linux beta will be available right around the same time too as well as Mac.
So there ya go :-)  I for one have been waiting for this impatiently, as our clan server is still 1.17, and it's the only 117 server to which I go.  So id, hurry it up already! heh

Threewave Compilation Pack 1 Released
by mayhemm @ [06:22 PM] May 18 2001

For those of you who are into Q3CTF--this should be a very good day for you indeed.   The Threewave Compilation Pack #1 has been released to the public. It includes eight capture the flag levels, playable with both straight Q3 and Team Arena.  Here are some of the mirrors.  BTW, it weighs in at around 20 megs, so expect it to take a little bit longer than usual if you're still on a low bandwidth pipe.
Captured.De Mirror
International Quake Squad
File Planet
exthree industries
Clan fs hosted by supheh.com
kalo's mirror
You can check out the threewave CTF site right here. Thanks goes out to Captured.com for providing us with the "heads-up."

WFA Update
by mayhemm @ [06:15 PM] May 18 2001

The Weapons Factory Arena website has been updated with some new screenshots of their latest build-in-progress.  You can check out this cool Q3 Teamplay-based mod, which is billed as the "team fortress" of Quake3, right here.

New ArenaWorld Build Ready for Download
by mayhemm @ [05:58 PM] May 18 2001

Good News for you ArenaWorld fans out there. Nils "Thes33k" Bartels--the man who loves making sites with a thousand windows :/ --has just sent word that he and his cronies over at ArenaWorld have posted build 1025 of their popular Quake3 mod.  Here's a cut'n'paste from their FAQ, just in case you don't know WTF ArenaWorld is:
After many years of fighting in the Arena Eternal the Vadrigar, owners of the Arena Eternal, developed a new style of Deathmatch. It should be faster and more difficult. So they build arenas divided by a line and to speed up the gamespeed the gladiators start with all weapons.
To test these arenas the Vadrigar cloned Visor, the best and famous gladiator of the Arena Eternal. Before his enemies, like Crash, Sarge oder Orbb, will follow him, he has to show that the arena kicks ass. His only problem : He fights versus himself, so he will not have any advantages or disadvantages.
Go ahead and check it out right here (if you don't mind a thousand open windows:))

Sgt. Hulka Interview @Geek Girl's Guide 2 Games
by mayhemm @ [07:11 AM] May 17 2001

Wow, what a nice way to start the day. Geek Girl from (heh) Geek Girl.com has posted an interview with Robert E. Waring (aka Sgt.Hulka) from the bad boys at Team Evolve, the authors of the popular Quake3 mod PainKeep Arena--and actually quite a few other mods and add-ons for other popular games out there. It's a pretty good interview. Here's a little cut'n'paste to get your juices flowing:
:: I think if ID ever got it's head out of it's ass, they would hire Team Evolve to make the next DooM game. What are your thoughts on this?

I had requested doing just that multiple times. Todd H. kept telling me they were keeping that on the backburner in case they decided to do something with it. We also asked about doing a Wolfenstein, but Grey Matter got that one. Too bad because we've consistantly proven we know how to make games people like to play, now if they can pull that off this time, we won't have to make an addon for it. ;)
Read the full interview right here.

New Coliseum2 Release
by awoq @ [02:50 AM] May 17 2001

A new version 2.3 of the Coliseum2 mod has been released. Of the bug fixes in this release, the one that should be of most interest is the reduced bandwidth usage of the runes! Modem users rejoice!

Also the mod has changed sites and is now just one of many mods to be offered under their new name GreenHouseEFX Productions. This new name will also host some new mods coming in the near future and beyond. On their new site, www.planetquake.com/greenhouseEFX, you'll see teaser screenshots of their new original mod coming to you soon in beta. Check it out and see.

Quake 3 Arena 1on1 Map Review @ Z-Axis
by mayhemm @ [05:44 PM] May 15 2001

Hey peeps!  I'm back from vacation and ready to post some news--and what better way to start off than with the hardest workin' man in QuakeFanDom, Karnatos from Z-Axis.  He sends word that he has posted a new review of Filter113's Catch22, a 'fast and furious deathmatching' tourney map for Q3A for all of you 1Vs1-ers like me :-)  Go ahead and read the whole review right here.

NEW DM LEVEL Released by CauTeRiZeR
by CauTeRiZeR @ [03:44 PM] May 14 2001

I released a level for Q3A today. I originally developed this one for Quake 2. It has a pretty fast layout and is primarily designed for fast game play. Screenshots and download can be had here. It will be running on the map rotation on the BFZ server at Q3arena.com. Server IP is You must have the levels before connecting. Auto download is not enabled. The server is in Instagib mode running Beryllium, On version 1.17.


New Map Pack released for Q3TA
by CauTeRiZeR @ [04:14 PM] May 14 2001

Here it is copied out of the id finger Service: "Three months to the day after releasing Team Arena Map Pack 1, we're proud to announce the release of a second map pack for the Quake III Arena game expansion, Quake III: Team Arena. As before, this id-approved map pack contains the work of four mappers from the on-line gaming community. This time, three are conversions of previously released Quake III Arena Capture the Flag maps (Dynatron by Ned Man, Courtyard Conundrum by Casey of Threewave, and Smear Campaign by riscchip). The fourth map (PYRmageddon)is an original map, created for Quake III: Team Arena. These maps have be modified and updated to work with the four Team Arena game types: Capture the Flag, One Flag CTF, Overload, and Harvester. These maps are an exciting addition to the growing number of maps availablb for Quake III: Team Arena and will make a great addition to the map rotation on any server. You can download the TA_mappak2 at id's ftp site. " Team Arena Map Pak 2 File size is 17.35 mg.

Mirrors for Team Arena Map Pack 2
File Planet Mirror
Blues news Mirror
3DGamers.com Mirror
CDROM.com Mirror
3D Downloads Mirror

by awoq @ [11:37 AM] May 14 2001

The Savage UK site has informed us that their signup page for the next season of the Savage Q3RA3 League is now up and you can also sign up for the preseason Cup which will be starting on the 23rd of May and will be played over 2 weeks. The League is expected to start on the 6th of June and will follow the same format as last season. If your clan is interested, sign up soon as spaces are limited. More information can be found on Savage UK site.

Reaction Quake 3 Update
by awoq @ [11:50 AM] May 13 2001

The Reaction Quake 3 team has updated their website again with new screenshots, updates of their work, and even a new trailer showing off some of the stuff they have done. They have now been working on the mod for over 7 months, and they see a beta in the works soon (they are currently on their last internal alpha build). Reaction Quake 3 is a direct port (all physics, weapons, etc are the same) of Action Quake 2 to Quake 3, with the team being comprised of long-standing members of the Action Quake 2 community. For more information, check out their website.

Happy Mothers Day!
by awoq @ [11:43 AM] May 13 2001

The staff at Q3Arena.com would like to wish every mother out there a very Happy Mothers Day. Without you, we probably wouldn't be having so much fun!!!

QuakeCon Registration
by awoq @ [11:49 AM] May 12 2001

Registration for this years QuakeCon 2001 is underway and running smoothly. If you want to sign up for this years $50,000 QUAKE III Arena Championship and or the 1,250-Player LAN-Party, go to the QuakeCon site and fill out the forms now before it is too late!. The event is free to all and will be held Aug. 9-12, at the Mesquite Convention Center in Mesquite, Texas.

New Q3A Invasion
by awoq @ [03:53 AM] May 11 2001

The Invasion team has released Beta 2.27 to the public. The mod has Marines that invade aliens and your mission is to bring back alien eggs. The new version offers new code bringing the mod into compliance with Q3A v1.27, adds new Sniper Rifle for the Marine class, and includes a new level. Check it out at the Invasion site.

QuakeCon Registration Friday
by awoq @ [11:20 AM] May 09 2001

Registration will open this coming Friday, May 11th at 9:00 PM EDT for QuakeCon 2001. This year the event will offer 1250 seats in the Bring-Your-Own-Computer (BYOC) LAN area and 512 seats for the Quake III Arena tournament. QuakeCon 2001 will be held August 9-12, 2001 in the Mesquite Convention Center in Mesquite, TX.

More Urban Terror Goodness
by awoq @ [10:41 AM] May 09 2001

The Urban Terror team has yet another batch of new screenshots for us to to enjoy. The 21 shots are from various parts of their soon to be released beta 2 version. Head on over to the Urban Terror site to check out the screenshots and the progress update they have waiting for you.

New VIA Q3A Map
by awoq @ [03:26 PM] May 08 2001

VIA Hardware has made a new benchmark testing level for Q3A called VIA Arena. The new visually pleasing level is intended to help you benchmark your gaming machine by pushing the processor and video card to their limits. The new level promises to bring even a Athlon 1.33/GF3 system to its knees. Grab it at the VIA Hardware site.

Paul Jaquays on Mod Content
by awoq @ [03:28 PM] May 07 2001

id Software's Paul Jaquays updated his .plan with some words of wisdom on what to choose for content when making your own mod. Here's what he had to say:
   If you're into making game mods (and not just for id games), then you ought to be aware of a the buzzwords "Intellecutal Property" also known as IP and how they may affect you. Ever since Fox forced a Quake mod based on the Aliens movies to shut down (hence the term "foxxing" for shutting down a mod), mod makers have become a bit more aware that the owners of popular culture copyrights and trademarks may not be amused by game conversions of their properties. Instead of saying "Thanks for the support" to these devoted fans of their game, cartoon character, or movie, they move to shut down the mod and demand it no longer be worked upon or distributed. Not a fun thing if you love the subject of the mod and have put countless hours into creating it.

   If you are making mods, or are planning to make a mod based on something out of popular culture (a game, a movie, anime, cartoon characters, etc.), you owe it to yourself to read Caryn "Hellchick" Law's essay on the topic over at 3dActionplanet.

Q3DMHellchick: Your Chocolate In My Peanut Butter

by awoq @ [06:06 PM] May 06 2001

This news item just came in from the Savage UK Q3CTF tournament.


The Suicide Squad were the victors tonight after an extremely exciting match versus New European Order, and are the Savage Q3CTF Division 1, Season 3 Champions!

The scores were SS 4-2 nEo on map Q3CTF2 and SS 2-1 nEo on map Q3WCTF2

Their victory was well deserved and I'm sure everyone will join me in congratulating them. SS have been with Savage since the start, but this is their first division 1 title. I'm sure the celebrations will continue in #academy throughout the night, so pop into their channel to join in!

After one of the closest seasons so far, all eyes will now be on the upcoming Savage Q3CTF Super Sunday Cup. The registration is still up, but will be closing Wednesday at 12 Noon . So if your clan aren't already signed up, I suggest you do so NOW! .

So the overall honours of Season 3 are...

Division 1: The Suicide Squad
Division 2: International Quake Squad
Division 3: Revenge
Division 4: 7 CounterStrikers
Division 5: [303] and Envy
Division 6: Upset Chaps

New UI Enhanced
by awoq @ [01:23 PM] May 05 2001

HypoThermia has just released the latest version 0.99a of his Quake 3 User Interface mod, UI Enhanced. It has single player, LAN party, and server script creation support, and is intended to make all of modes easier and more enjoyable.
Here's a list of some of the new features:
  • Multiple selection of maps and bots (as well as a list mode) to help people work with their large collections.
  • Software fix for single player bot duplication and fraglimit bugs.
  • Fix for frag and time limit reset bugs for scripts.
  • Demo selection now works, and a timedemo option too!
  • The ingame menu is now a dynamic one, and includes a full implementation of all callvote options.
  • Maps that don't have an arena script can now be viewed/added.
  • Play maps with their recommended bot selection, or a random selection of the same size.
  • A large internal re-write that should make porting to TA or Voyager Elite Force much easier.
For all of the particulars and some screenshots of the mod, check out the UI Enhanced for Q3 site.

New Point Release Next Week!
by awoq @ [03:21 PM] May 04 2001

"Early next week" is the target for when id Software will be releasing a new point release according to id Software programer Robert Duffy's .plan today. Here is what he had to say:
 We will be releasing a point release beta early next week. This one has taken some time but it addresses quite a few things. Graeme has been very busy with the network stuff and net traffic is now being compressed at about 4:1, this should make a huge difference for modem players. There should be a substantial FPS boost for most people and there are a bunch of fixes/tweaks in place. This release will also contain an auto update system so you can check for new updates at any time. If you get the beta, the final will be offered via the auto update. This addresses all of the cheats and hacks we know about as well. That is an ongoing battle. This point release will utilize a different protocol as a result of the new network compression.

  At the same time, I will finally get the UI stuff release for mod teams. This will allow mod teams to distribute Team Arena style menus/scripts for Quake 3 only mods without violating the EULA.

 There are some really nice looking mods going on right now, Urban Terror, Q3F, WFA, Annihilation, Navy Seals are all looking really good. Quake The Movie is also looking really really good, the guys at Tritin were kind enough to send us the first 13 or so minutes and it is amazing stuff. Overall the source changes mod teams will need to integrate are quite small.

 Work progresses well on Q3A/TA, Wolf and DOOM.

Classic Quake Arena Linux and Mac Release
by awoq @ [10:57 AM] May 04 2001

The Classic Quake Arena team have released the Linux and Mac version of the 0.99 Beta 3 update we mentioned yesterday. Like the windows version, the new release is now Q3A v1.27 compatible and has all the features and fixes. Head on over to the Classic Quake Arena site and grab it!

New Classic Quake Arena Release
by awoq @ [10:24 PM] May 03 2001

The Classic Quake Arena team has finally released a new version which is compliant with Q3A version Q3A v1.27. The new 18MB v0.99 Beta 3 has a bunch of new features and few fixes added.
Here's what's new:
  • Ported to 1.27 code, fully compatible with Q3A 1.27g/h.
  • New Axe model and skin
  • Rocket Launcher skin changed to blue to match ammo boxes.
  • Footstep sounds removed
  • Airfrag fixed (again!)
  • G_deathmatch made votable
  • Armor type visible on HUD
  • Boomstick/Buckshot fixed in obituaries
  • Biosuit powerup
  • Lavaball entity
  • Jump code tweaked
  • Armor system tweaked
  • New map - cqadm11, "prophecy"
  • Map selection menu fixed (now shows all cqa maps)

In Bed with Xian??
by mayhemm @ [07:22 PM] May 02 2001

Just noticed on NZGames (New Zealand games, that is) that they have posted an interview with Christian 'Xian' Antkow of Id fame on their Dear chiQ interview pageThe Interview is given the title, In Bed with Xian (heh.)  It's a pretty interesting read.  Check it out right here.

Q2 Single Player Review @ Z-Axis
by mayhemm @ [06:55 PM] May 02 2001

Karnatos from Z-Axis hits us on the head once again with another single player review on their site. His map reviewin' guy, MrBunwah, does the dirty deed, but this time it's a Quake2 episode. This is an older episode that came out some time ago, but it's a classic.  Last day on Stroggos, a dual effort by both Michal Rendos and Jan Harcarik--which according to MrBunwah is an 'architectual eye-candy fest'--can be seen right here.

New Q3 Player Model
by mayhemm @ [06:44 PM] May 01 2001

Hmmmm. what to do, what to do?  If you're just getting sick-and-tired of that same old, lame old anarki or sarge model, then Violation Entertainment may just have the right thing to juice you up.  They have just released a screeny of an up-coming Q3 droid model, called Zveeep, for your viewing pleasure.  Go ahead and check it out--and while you're there--check and test out some of their original maps, etc as well.

WFA Interview UP
by mayhemm @ [06:27 PM] May 01 2001

Rscum from Q3Center has just posted an interview with none other than the bad boys behind Weapons Factory Arena.  Within, they talk a little about this fast-paced, class-based, teamplay mod, what makes it so popular, and what their plans are for the future.  Here's a cut'n'paste from the interview:
RS: Were you aware that typically players MOSH before the game starts?

Static: As long as they don't let me hit the floor when I jump into the pit they are welcome to MOSH all they want ;)

Solicitor: it’s a nice feature of many of our maps that there is music in the spawn/ammo rooms. Although sometimes the mapper’s taste in music does hurt my ears.
Pretty good read.  Check it out right here.

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