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CPMA 1.1 is coming
by DGhost @ [03:43 PM] February 28 2003

arQon has updated the Promode.org with some news regarding the next version of CPMA, 1.1 Major change would be that he removed the pmove feature. No date has been given for the release but it should be soon. Of course, we'll let you know as soon as it's out!

Dominion announced
by DGhost @ [03:58 PM] February 27 2003

Global Gaming is announcing the development of a new game based on the Quake 2 engine, called Dominion. The game will be Open Source software (yeah!) and here's a part of the official announcement:
Today, we are announcing development of a First Person Shooter designed around the Quake 2 engine from ID Software. It is a Massive Multiplayer Online Game boasting a guarantee of the ability to handle at least 200 concurrent clients at product release date with expectations for a much higher limit on clients or even no limit.
Check out the game's website for more informations!

Smoothie News
by cTbone @ [06:09 PM] February 26 2003

The Orange Smoothie Productions site has been updated with news of a soon-to-be-released 1.03 patch for their mod. It covers mainly bug fixes from the previous 1.02 release along with various small additions.

Darkplaces Mod and Engine Update
by cTbone @ [06:01 PM] February 26 2003

LordHavocs Darkplaces mod and engine have been updated with various bug fixes and speed-related improvements:
The new engine release fixes a lot of very annoying bugs in 20021103, and should improve performance all-round (especially in realtime shadowing mode), and can cope with totally insane mods (at least as entity limits go). The mod includes some weapon changes and new rtlights files for various id maps.
Pictures are here and head this way for the downloads.

Pic of the day
by DGhost @ [03:24 PM] February 25 2003

We are currently looking for some original pictures to post as the pic of the day. If you think that you have some pictures, interresting, related to Quake, or any ID engine, feel free to send them to me @ dghost@q3arena.com.

Official comment from WCG
by DGhost @ [02:54 PM] February 24 2003

The WCG has released their reasons why they dropped Quake 3 from their list of competition. You can read it here. ShackES got some interresting comments on the position tough. Also, they got some comments from professional players about the decision of the WCG, if they will play UT2003 or not.

Lego Textures
by cTbone @ [11:15 PM] February 23 2003

BerneyBoys Map Design has released a Lego® texture pack for all you map designers out there. Seeing a Q3A map with blocky textures brings back memories of building rediculous machines out of Legos® back in the day...

Quake 3 Gloom!
by cTbone @ [09:57 AM] February 24 2003

Team Reaction has announced the creation of another installment of the popular Q2 mod Gloom. This time around they will be utilizing the Q3A engine and keeping the gameplay very similar to the current Q2 version. You can check out a recent screenshot here . Personally, Gloom has always been my favorite mod for any quake gaming engine. Team Reaction did a fantastic job with the creation of Gloom for Quake 2 and lets hope they can pull it off again with Quake 3. Stay tuned for news updates and announcements.

One map to rull them all
by DGhost @ [03:29 PM] February 21 2003

A new map, created by BerbeyBoy has been released, supporting not only Quake 3, but 6 games using the Quake 3 engine. LetGo, which is a map inspired by the Lego is available for:
  • Quake 3 Arena
  • Return to castle Wolfenstein
  • Star Wars Jedi Knight II: Outcast
  • Soldier of fortune: Double helix
  • Medal of honor: Allied assault
  • Star trek voyager: Elite force
  • A pack featuring the textures has also been released with that!

    Raven is hiring
    by DGhost @ [10:28 PM] February 20 2003

    Yep that's right, Kenn Hoekstra has updated his .Plan letting us know that Raven Software is hiring for a position of 2D/3D texture and world model artist on? Quake 4! Eh, you better be really good if you wanna apply there, 'cauz if that look crappy I'll be pissed off (and a lot of others players also).

    Tikidomain 2Q3 Map Challenge
    by cTbone @ [02:05 PM] February 20 2003

    Tikidomain is hosting a Q3 map challenge for anyone who's interested in competing. The goal is to produce the best possible map in a time frame of 2-3 months which should be plenty for all those experienced map makers out there. Get all the details, rules, and info here.

    Altered Realm Tray Spy v. 0.80
    by DGhost @ [10:08 PM] February 19 2003

    AR Tray Spy is nifty little software that sits in your system tray and monitor your games servers that are currently running. Supporting almost all Games using the Quake 3 engine and much more, here's a little description from their website:
    AR Tray Spy is a small tool to help you monitor and optionally administer your favorite Game servers. Each server get's it's own spot in the windows System tray where you'll get instant feedback on the number of users on the server, with the ability to immmediately jump into the game with a single mouse click.
    Check out all the features, it's a nice tool!

    InfoApp: a new way to give information
    by DGhost @ [08:07 PM] February 18 2003

    InfoApp is a new way to give a server informations through a webpage, without a plugins! Just copy/paste the code on your webpage and there you go! You can cutomise the color and look of the code to match your webpage. Check out this website for more informations!

    An overview of the Quake 3 CTF league
    by DGhost @ [07:16 PM] February 18 2003

    BOFH from the website ShackES has started a serie of 3 articles on the history of the Quake 3 CTF competition. The first article is here with 2 others articles coming on the way! Thank to PlanetQuake for the information.

    cg_shadow 2 cheat or not?
    by DGhost @ [06:22 PM] February 18 2003

    The marvelous website, GameAdmins pointed me to an excellent article about a new cheat that has been discovered in Rocket Arena 3 recently. The article, being hosted on Cyber Athlete Amateur League is an interview with Craig Stephens, aka CAL|Stephens and other members of CAL. The cheat is not related to RA3 only, but to the engine of Quake 3 itself. Punkbuster has stated that they won't ban right away the cheat, but only if ID told them to do so. A new debate has been opened!

    New Quake 3 movies
    by DGhost @ [03:38 PM] February 18 2003

    Again, PlanetQuake 3 is hosting some new movies of Quake 3:
  • Fear and hesitation part 3, preview
  • Everything Bladeish, a Rocket Arena 3 movie
  • Ingalill[2003] movie
  • All courtesies are from PlanetQuake 3!

    Dimension of the Doomed reviewed at Tikidomain
    by cTbone @ [11:43 AM] February 18 2003

    Dimension of the Doomed, a map by SoKar, has been reviewed over at Tikidomain adding to the plethora of map reviews for both Q2 and Q3. They are also working on a mapping contest so stay tuned for details.

    FuhQuake 0.27
    by Destify @ [09:43 AM] February 18 2003

    The FuhQuake 0.27 installer is now out. Before there was question as to how to install the thing :-) NOT NO MORE! :-D Here is what 0.27 adds from their website:
    The latest episode 1 textures from the QE1 team. This includes updated e1m2 textures.
    Vastly improved dm4 and dm6 textures put together by gnorfy, def and yogic.
    Brand new dm2 textures put together by newtov.
    First time inclusion of special luma textures to render fullbrights on local servers (and remote ones where permitted).
    No more ugly lava/water textures.
    So head on over to FuhQuake.net

    Telejano version 7.0
    by Destify @ [01:11 PM] February 18 2003

    After a while of being in development, Telejano version 7 has been released! Here is a snitbit of what the changes are:
  • programable multimod extensions
  • programable particle effects
  • programable console applets
  • luma textures support
  • locs files
  • say triggers
  • mikmod, playing mods
  • use mdl/md2/md3/bsp/spr as weaponmodel (beta)
  • no overflow errors (beta)
  • builtin map entitys support
  • Better support for Tenebrae maps
  • Better support for Darkplaces mods
  • Enhanced Movetogoal code (Monsters AI)
  • Minor Features
  • New builtin fx models
  • So go get it here

    Interview qwith arQon
    by DGhost @ [09:34 PM] February 17 2003

    ESreality got an interview with arQon, main coder and development leader of the CPMA mod. His view on the Quake 3 scene, violence in games and much more. You can read the interview here.

    Quake 3 OSP Update 1.02
    by Destify @ [10:12 AM] February 17 2003

    Finally! Orange Smoothie Productions has released an update to their Quake 3 OSP mod. Updating it to version 1.02. Only took a year to get out ;-)

    GtkRadiant Update
    by Destify @ [10:02 AM] February 17 2003

    GtkRadiant 1.2.12 has been released! Adds a few tweaks and new version of Q3Map2. For list of changes go here. To download, head over to qeradiant site

    New Tenebrae 2 screenshots
    by cTbone @ [01:00 PM] February 16 2003

    Six new screenshots have been released as a small preview to the up and coming Tenebrae 2. The makers of the original Quake 1 mod have shifted their attention to creating a modification solely for Q3A maps. Take a look at their current progress but try not to drool on the keyboard too much.

    New version of Ultimate Deathmatch for Q1
    by cTbone @ [02:18 AM] February 15 2003

    Version 1.5 of Ultimate Deathmatch is out, just in time for some Valentine's Day fragging. Help pump some new blood into an old school game with this mod:
    Ultimate Deathmatch for quake1. You'll never be bored with deathmatch again! This mod allows you to edit level varibles and items in real time. Edit level items, even pause combat to edit a level! Great fun and more flexibility then you can imagine. Also, some cool items to play with and some all new items. The "UD Companion"(qip quake +) lets you save those deathmatch setups in a saved game file. It's not required to run UD, but the feature is really handy. Latest Version is currently V1.5
    So head on over and check it out.

    No more Quake 3 @ the WCG
    by DGhost @ [12:16 AM] February 14 2003

    Yes, the World Cyber Game organisation has dumped Quake 3 Arena for the competition. Of course, Unreal Tournament 2003 (what is that game?) has taken the place. Finish, no more Quake 3 at the WCG. What can we do? Good old fashioned petition of course! Show your support and your love to Quake 3 by adding your name to the petition!

    New PB version for Quake 3 server
    by DGhost @ [07:11 PM] February 13 2003

    Yesterday, EvenBalance released a new version of Punkbuster on the server side of Quake 3 Arena. The changelog is quite long so you can read it here. The update is available on their webpage or, as usual through the auto update system.

    Version 1.52 of Quake Toolkit
    by cTbone @ [12:15 AM] February 13 2003

    Quake Toolkit has reached version 1.52 with several bug fixes and improvements. The program has many useful features for server admins, players, and editors including a profile manager, a bot creating tool, a server configuration utility, and much more:
    This new version contains all the fixes done in the 1.51b and 1.51c releases and adds a number of new fixes and features. Most notably the support for Return To Castle Wolfenstein has gone up a few notches, thanks to r3tina testing every new build and figuring out how compiling RTCW maps really works in the first place.

    New director for the QuakeCon
    by DGhost @ [11:11 PM] February 12 2003

    John "EvilJohn" Carney, executive director for the QuakeCon has retired. Having (very) successfully run the past QuakeCon, John is having less time for his personnal life, by his own decision he retired from the post. Congratulation to John for all the hard work he put on the QuakeCon. Brian "Tapper" Davis, Director of the Online Gaming League (OGL), member of the carnage cowboy clan and director of operation of the QuakeCon will be filling from now on the shoes of executif director of the QuakeCon. ShackES got an, excellent, interview with him. Here's a small part of it:
    Why do you think Quakecon is one of the most popular LAN events in the entire world?

    Because we have the worlds best sponsors, and we don't have to try and make a buck off anyone. We have an incredible wealth of experience and skill in our staff, and because the staff genuinely loves the event and what it means to the attendees. Quakecon is a pilgramage you make because you don't want to miss the party thrown by the guys that made the whole gamer phenomenon happen, and their old school friends.
    So the biggest, baddest LANparty on this planet is in good hands!

    Western Q3 preview movie
    by cTbone @ [10:47 PM] February 12 2003

    The modders at Western Quake 3 have compiled a beta 2 preview video to satisfy your gaming needs until the new update becomes available. You can get it in their files section. As far as the status of the mod itself is concerned:
    ...the mappers have finished updating their maps to beta 2.0 level meaning the preview version is now mostly completed and will soon be ready to be sent out. And as you know, that's the last test before release, so you can expect it soon.

    New Q3 mod Tempest
    by cTbone @ [12:18 PM] February 12 2003

    A new Q3A mod Tempest has just been released featuring a number of creative modifications for the game we all know and love. The current 1.1 version supports several new game types including Skull Runner, Elimination, Mission, and Double Domination. There is also the addition of new weapons such as the personal transporter and a host of many other new features. Head on over and check out all this mod has to offer.

    The results of the Q3A 24 hours skins challenge
    by DGhost @ [07:09 PM] February 11 2003

    The results of the challenge that happened last week end are out! Check out the pics, they are magnificient. A lots of skins have been created in less than 24 hours. Bmor was chosen for the blue team skin, MoP got the one for the red skin and a special mention for an original skin was given to qubism. Congratulation to everybody who participate, I've seen a lot of good work!

    Return to castle Wolfenstein: Enemy territory is cancelled
    by DGhost @ [03:29 PM] February 11 2003

    The upcoming expansion for Return to castle Wolfenstein: enemy territory has been cancelled. Caryn Law, alias Hellchick, rep from Activision has informed the public with a press release:
    February 11, 2003

    id Software and Activision announced today they are canceling the retail release of Wolfenstein: Enemy Territory. Despite a strong effort from talented developers, the single player portion of the game did not progress as anticipated. Canceling the release was a difficult decision made in the best interest of the Wolfenstein franchise and fans. However, we remain excited about the progress and direction of Enemy Territory multiplayer. Over the next several months the focus of our development will be to complete the multiplayer portion of Enemy Territory and provide it as a free downloadable expansion to Return to Castle Wolfenstein.
    The full press release is still not avalaible on the website of Activision but you can read it on Planet Wolfenstein.

    It's a 54 players tower!
    by DGhost @ [02:55 PM] February 11 2003

    It's been a while since we had a tower of players in Quake 3. The website PlanetQuake3.net got the scoop of a new tower being made in Q3DM19 with officially 54 players. Screenshots and demo as proof!

    Two new Amethyst7 maps
    by cTbone @ [12:26 PM] February 11 2003

    Two new Q3 maps, Head in the Clouds and Sweet Surrender were released yesterday over at Amethyst7. You can check out all the details and pictures at the map page.

    Jedi Knight II: Jedi Outcast has won!
    by DGhost @ [10:34 PM] February 10 2003

    Another game running on the Quake 3 engine has won an award. James Monroe, Lead programmer @ Ravensoftware has updated his .Plan to let us know that Jedi Knight II has been awarded the PC best action game and best graphic (a tie with Dungeon Siege) by the Electric playground.

    Welcome aboard!
    by DGhost @ [04:23 PM] February 10 2003

    Nothing too much in our small world of Quake today, EXCEPT that Q3arena.com has now more help than before! I would like to welcome aboard 2 news poster that will bring you even more news about IDsoftware and Quake! Yes now I can get some vacation! Oh the joy! So let's all say a big welcome to cTbone and Destify!

    New .Plan from Carmak
    by DGhost @ [01:03 AM] February 08 2003

    A music video made with Quake? Yes it is possible. John Carmak is telling us that FountainHead Entertainment (his wife's company) has produced a music video (called In the waiting line) using Quake based tools. You can get all the details in his latest .Plan (at the bottom).

    New version of Q3Map
    by DGhost @ [04:17 PM] February 07 2003

    Ydnar has relased, again, a new version of his tool for mapper, Q3Map 3.2.38. Supporting Win32, Linux and Mac OSX, the lastest version now offer:
    - New lighting code, return of Smoove-B. Intelligently antialises shadow edges when you use the new -samples N switch. Get -extra quality in 1/3 the time
    - New lightmap filtering code. Now using a proper 0.25/0.5/1.0 filter kernel. Also operates on individual lightsources, so per-lightsource filter/kernel settings are now possible
    - New -patchmeta fixes, now does stitching and adaptive subdivision. Thanks Sock!
    - Nonsolid patches will no longer be in the BSP when run with -patchmeta
    - Misc fog fixes, including q3map_noFog support in maps with global _fog support (SOF2/JK2)
    - Now stripping misc_model entities from the BSP
    - Fixed disappearing face bug that's been present since 2.3.36. Thanks Shadowspawn!
    Well, that was the changelog!

    Galactix, a new mod for the classic Quake
    by DGhost @ [06:42 PM] February 06 2003

    Okay, this is a new mod that will be available for classic Quake. Be prepared for something totally new as this mod, Galactix is not your standard deathmatch since this mod is a space shooter! Yep you read me right, like Gradius or Raiden, you will fly a small space ship at the bottom of your screen and shooting up moving targets! Whoa man, I love these kind of games, the only drawback, the mod will not be available before june 2003 (damn!). Thank to PlanetQuake for the information.

    24 hours skin challenge
    by DGhost @ [06:30 PM] February 06 2003

    Polycount is warning all the skinners out there about the Q3A skinning challenge in 24 hours! Bobo_the_seal, who is now working @ Ritual, has announced that next saturday starting at 8:00 am (central time), the SDK of a model will be posted on the forum. People who wish to participate will have 24 hours exactly to create the best skin(s) for the model in question. Read all the details on this challenge on the forum of Polycount here.

    Concrete Void Redux
    by DGhost @ [04:19 PM] February 06 2003

    As always I am a ctf lover. R3tina from the website Engines of creation has released Concrete Void redux. The original map was created for the Geocomp2 but he changed a little bit the map for having a better gameplay and supporting CTF and Team Arena. GG!

    More details about the latest .Plan of John Carmak
    by DGhost @ [01:37 PM] February 06 2003

    To clarify certain points on the latest .Plan from John Carmak, Beyond 3D got a small interview with him. Still very technical, for those of you interrested in the aspect of the Nv30 vs the R300 chipset. You can read it here.

    The server of SoF 2 is moving
    by DGhost @ [11:58 PM] February 05 2003

    Rick Johnson from Ravensoftware has updated his .Plan warning us that the Soldier of Fortune 2 master server is having a new DNS. Resulting, maybe, for some players that they can have problems joining a server. If you want a full explanation, you can read it here.

    Update on Western Quake 3
    by DGhost @ [11:57 PM] February 05 2003

    The team behind Western Quake 3 has given us an update about their mod. The next beta release has been pushed back since they are having some problems with the test servers. Their irc channel has also been moved (irc.quakenet.org #western).

    An interresting interview
    by DGhost @ [01:32 PM] February 04 2003

    The website 3DStation got an interview with Jeffrey Unay, modeller for Quake 4 @ Ravensoftware. Talk mostly about his work (and there is a lot of pictures, you should check it out) and how he went into 3D modelling.

    An update about CPMA 1.0
    by DGhost @ [11:11 PM] February 03 2003

    arQon is giving us an update about the latest release of CPMA 1.0. 2 minor bugs he found out, but nothing to make an emergency. Here's an excerpt of what he said:
    Now that the dust's settled, it looks like roughly 16,000 people DL'd the "full" 1.0 release from our FTP and the 3 main mirrors. That's a LOT, considering that most players only needed the much smaller "upgrade" release (which I don't have stats for). It does rather beg the question "where ARE those people?!" though, because while the number of players and servers has jumped quite noticeably in the last month, those kinds of numbers would put CPMA second only to Camper-Snipe in terms of online player population.
    A mod for professional fragger!

    New map @ the Engines of Creation
    by DGhost @ [11:07 AM] February 03 2003

    R3tina from the Engines of creation is presenting his latest map: (carnage at) State prison 36 wich is a very detailled map. I've just fragged in it and yes, it is very well detailled and the gameplay is excellent. Fraggin in deathmatch in this map or with team deathmatch should be a blast. The map also got (from my point of view) some inspiration from the next Doom 3 also.

    New version of Seismovision
    by DGhost @ [06:25 PM] February 01 2003

    The popular demo players of action games has been updated again! Seismovision has now reached version 2.20, supporting all you favorites games. The list of the changelog is quite big so I recommand you to go to their website to see all the new features/bug fixes!

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