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Threewave 1.7 coming!
by DGhost @ [03:22 PM] December 28 2002

Kilderean, of the Threewave team has posted an announce on their forum stating that he started working on the next version (1.7). Of course everybody has already started making their suggestions! ;)

Old school Quake
by DGhost @ [02:58 PM] December 28 2002

here's some tidbits about Quake (the first).

FuhQuake has released a new version of their mod, improving the visual effect, the console and some gameplay fonctions (you can vien some screenshots here).

The Fruitz of dojo, the team who port Quake for Mac OS X, has also ported the Tenebrae mod for the Mac OS X. Nice work guys!

Sleep to dream
by DGhost @ [01:56 PM] December 27 2002

Leakspot got a new map from Amethyst7, called Sleep to dream. A DM map for 3 to 6 players. You can read the review here.

An(other) interview with Todd
by DGhost @ [03:03 PM] December 25 2002

Todd Hollenshead, CEO of IDsoftware has been interviewed @ the computer and video games website. Talking about the new expansion for Return to Castle Wolfenstein and the ports of the game to the console.

Merry Christmas!
by blitz @ [03:07 PM] December 25 2002

And the angel said unto them, Fear not; for, behold, I bring you good tidings of great joy, which shall be to all people. For unto you is born this day in the city of David a Saviour, which is Christ the Lord.

It's my first year!
by DGhost @ [12:58 PM] December 23 2002

Yesterday, the 22, was exactly one year since I've started posting on this webpage. Yes, time fly and your humble servant, DGhost has been here for a full year now. Congratulations to me! Go DGhost, you can do it. Okay, even if I miss some days from time to time, I will continue to give you all the informations for Quake. If you want to help, we are looking for a news poster, this position does not pay (I wish it would :) ). You love the Quake scene? Love gaming? Think you can last longer than 2 months? Send me an email to dghost@q3arena.com with the reasons why you would like this post.

Some new about PadWorld
by DGhost @ [04:28 PM] December 22 2002

ENTE, creator of the PadMan world has sent me an email to let us know that there is some new stuff on his webpage. Mighty Pete has joined the team to create some skybox, Herby will give his skills as a coder and the last new one is MrFloppy who will fill the GFX-artist position (and they are still looking for model animators and skin artists). Check out also the webpage for all the new screenshots on what they are working. Really nice!

New guy @ Raven Software
by DGhost @ [11:08 PM] December 20 2002

Sorry for the lack of updates but I was really sick these last day, I was in bed pretty much of the time. Now I feel better. Raven Software has hired a new member to work on their project Quake 4. Djordje Cakovan is the name. If you would like to read a small introduction of the man, you can get it here. He has been hired as an animator, modeler and got some experience with animation on Tiny Toons, Animaniacs. This seems weird but eh, all the guys who work (or worked) @ ID are weird anyway.

Some news about Laced Neptune
by DGhost @ [03:43 PM] December 17 2002

As he was secretly working on Counter Strike: Condition Zero, Laced Neptune was pretty quiet these last months. Today he gave us an update of what was going on and a confirmation that he still intend to map for Quake 3, but going more to mapping for tournament maps with CPMA. Excellent news!

A new map pack for 3Wave CTF
by DGhost @ [02:52 PM] December 16 2002

I hate that when I'm sick! :( My throat is burning and I have fever. It's days like this that you really appreciate laying in your bed, all day long. Okay you got some news from me, now here's the news with this new map pack. Alliance redux is this new map pack, porting 7 maps from the Aliance mod to be used with the 3Waves CTF modes. The maps are:
  • Blood in Egypt by huGODemon
  • Iron Cage by Mr. White
  • Innuendo by StrongArm
  • Solar Temples II by slinki
  • Schizo-rena by slinki
  • Quickie Too by slinki and huGODemon
  • Mangler's Return by Jaboby
  • Feel the Base by Killer
  • Nice work!

    Take to the sky: Tornado remix
    by DGhost @ [01:16 PM] December 13 2002

    Having made level of the week on Planetquake, Tikidomain and got an excellent rating @ the Leakspot with his latest map: Take to the sky, Amethyst7 just released the tourney version of Take to the sky, Tornado remix. To make it short: this map is a blast! You can download the original version here and the new version for tourney here.

    Update on PunkBuster
    by DGhost @ [11:52 PM] December 12 2002

    The team of Evenbalance look very busy these days. One of the last version of the pb client which has been released re implementing the pb_sleep command didn't go well. They are currently working on fixing that in the next version (wich should be out pretty soon). To get all the informations you should read the news section.

    64 players in CTF?
    by DGhost @ [11:41 PM] December 11 2002

    Oh yeah! It's a massive 64 players frag fest on december the 21st (saturday) and the 28 (saturday again) on the Jolt Quake 3 server. Here, lemme copy you the news directly:
    Are you up for it?

    Just for fun on two saturdays this christmas we'll run a huge 64 player osp ctf server running kineterra1.

    Everyone is welcome, the dates will be Saturday 21st December and the following Saturday 28th December too.

    You will need the OSP mod and also the gigantic kineterra1 map (yes it is worth the download this is gonna be fun so get downloading) :D
    Go check ou the webpage of the Jolt servers for all the files to be able to play. On the other side, if we keep posting about that one, 64 places will not be enough (also note that the Jolt servers are located in the UK, and NOT on the north america continent).

    ID looking for a sound designer
    by DGhost @ [11:37 PM] December 11 2002

    Xian updated his .Plan file today, stating that IDsoftware is looking for a sound designer to work on Doom 3. You can read his .Plan here.

    BFG or not?
    by DGhost @ [10:47 PM] December 10 2002

    And now for something different, the BFG Arena got a new version by the Trisoft team. Making it to version 1.034, this mod is for the BFG lovers in you! Fighting with only a BFG on all kind. This mod is presenting you the BFG on a new light.

    Quake news...
    by DGhost @ [09:32 PM] December 09 2002

    Meaning news for Quake, the original, the first. The latest version of Tenebrae has been released, making it to 1.03 with some new features:
  • Particle/Decal scripting
  • Decals
  • Underwater caustics
  • Fog
  • Compressed texture support
  • Normal map support
  • PNG support for textures
  • Look very nice to me (if you haven't still take a look at the screenshots of this mod, shame on you).

    Next one is a small project of retexturing the Quake E1 set of textures to be used with the Tenebrae and Telejano mod.

    And also, a new TC for Quake has been started, it's called Dude's Adventures using the Tenebrae engine. Whooa, some mods are bringing back the big old guns!

    Quake II Evolved is available (for download)
    by DGhost @ [10:42 PM] December 08 2002

    Earlier this week I posted about a Quake 2 TC and today I learned that a beta is out. Yes you can download Quake II Evolved as a beta (1) version. Here's the list of the features:
    - 32/24 bit Targa and JPEG support
    - Cinematics on map surfaces
    - Quake 3 skies
    - Stencil buffered shadows
    - Anisotropic filtering
    - ATI Truform support for models
    - Optimized renderer for shaders
    - Support for large textures (limited only by hardware)
    - Water caustics
    - New UI (with mouse support)
    - New loading screen
    - New HUD (incomplete)
    - Enhanced console (more friendly typing, colored text, smoother font, etc...)
    - Enhanced file system with ZIP file support (.pk2)
    - DirectInput support for mouse devices
    - International keyboard support
    - Background music support
    Check out the screenshots section to see what it looks like!

    WFA 3.5 is out!
    by DGhost @ [11:00 PM] December 08 2002

    As it was said all week long, Weapon Factory Arena 3.5 has been released yesterday! The list of changes is quite big so I'll give you the link here. At the same time maybe you'll want to read this interview of Pappy-R from PlanetQuake who got an hold on V3n0m. And let's not forget the list of mirrors to download this excellent mod!

    CPMA 99y3
    by DGhost @ [05:38 PM] December 06 2002

    Version 99y3 of CPMA is out! Minor bugs fixed. Only one new features wich enable you to drop the BFG and the BFG ammo. You can download the last version here.

    Are you ready for the next level?
    by DGhost @ [10:55 PM] December 05 2002

    No this is not the old ads from Sega, but rather the title of a Quake 3 trick jumps released on the website of Own-age. It's a heavy download but the title say it all. The next level. Yes, again, more tricky jumps that you think can't exist in Quake 3. Go view it (DiVX format)!

    Quake II Evolved
    by DGhost @ [09:47 PM] December 04 2002

    It seems that there is a lot of mod going on these days about updating the old quakes. Here's another one: Quake II Evolved will add some (as they say it), fancy new graphics and features. Having shaders, enhanced particle system, alpha channel support, water warping and more. Read the about section to get all the stuff!

    D-Day : normandy, the stand alone mod!
    by DGhost @ [09:28 PM] December 03 2002

    After many months, Darwin stayed true to his word and released D-Day : Normandy as a stand alone mod. Meaning that if you want to play this mod, you don't need a quake 2 cd or quake 2 installed. Check out the screenshots of this mod or read all the features here.

    Buying game on ID's website
    by DGhost @ [09:27 PM] December 03 2002

    It is now possible to pay for downloading games on IDsoftware's website. All the old classics are there for a good price. But eh, I already paid for these games a long time ago. But in case you are new to it. They are timeless classic!

    Ultra freeze tag fix
    by DGhost @ [01:01 PM] December 03 2002

    A patch has been released for the last version that was released last saturday fixing a .pk3 on the server side. You can download the fix here (beta3a). Read the post of Haste on his website to get the details!

    Take to the Sky
    by DGhost @ [01:08 PM] December 02 2002

    A new map from Amethyst7 has been reviewed @ The Tiki domain with an excellent rating. Using a set of texture created by Evil_Lair, it's a space DM map intended to be used @ the Geocomp2 but the author didn't manage to finish the map in time. A tourney version is coming also!

    Milkshape 3D 1.6.5
    by DGhost @ [08:14 PM] December 02 2002

    Since we are talking about tools for Quake, here's a new release of Milkshape 3D. You can create and edit models for games such as: Quake (all serie), Half-life, Unreal tournament and much more (milkshape support 27 games for models creations, you can view the list here). The software can be downloaded as a shareware, available for a trial version of 30 days. The new version has a lot of things to offer to modelers.

    GtkRadiant 1.2.11 is out!
    by DGhost @ [10:27 PM] December 01 2002

    Please note that the most popular tools for Quake engin mapping, GtkRadiant has reached version 1.2.11! Including with this, the excellent tool, q3map2 from Ydnar. You can read the changelog here. If you wanna know wich games GtkRadiant is supporting you can view the list here.

    Happy 2 years!
    by DGhost @ [09:47 PM] December 01 2002

    Not really about Quake itself, but they do make some references about it, I would like to congratulate Christian Fundin for his 2 years of running Little gamers. An excellent comic strip for us who love gaming! If you don't know what that is you have 2 years or archives to get through... hahahaha good luck, but it's worth it!

    I want some runes!
    by DGhost @ [09:13 PM] December 01 2002

    You want runes in your Quake 3 games? There is a lot of mods for that. Here's a new one: Matador Quake bring back the classics runes and new ones also! Latest version that has been out is 00014 beta, ready to download.

    Navy seals: covert operations
    by DGhost @ [12:54 PM] December 02 2002

    If you like realistic combat mod, then this one might be for you: Navy seals: covert operations (current release is 1.45 beta) is not new and you may have heard of it. There has been a lot of news for the next release lately and you may want to take a look: screenshots of new gears and weapons, new voice & radio messages, new play mode and much more. If you haven't any clue about that mod and are looking for more informations I suggest you take a look at the About section.

    Matrix Quake
    by DGhost @ [08:44 PM] December 01 2002

    A small mod that look interresting, Matrix Quake is a mod inspired from the movie (or so I think, because there isn't too much informations on their website). The mod is in devellopment but a beta version is available.

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