Tribal CTF update

by DGhost @ [07:49 PM] January 31 2002
It's been a while since we heard from them and today they add a new post on their webpage. So what's going on with them? Well they're looking for a skilled skinner to help them 'cauz they've got too much job. They're also working on a new map. Also all the tribes models are finished, they're waiting to be skinned. And since Bobo the Seal has finished his models for Q3F, he's turning back his attention on Tribal CTF. Way to go guys!!!!
Disruptor's Gonna Kick Ur Butt

by mayhemm @ [10:29 AM] January 31 2002
Christian Antkow has updated his .plan file with an invitation for all RtCW
fanatics to play against him on iDSoftware's high-maxclient server. Here's
the server: - [id] Xian's BUST-A-CAP Rotation !
running all the maps except (except Castle) in stopwatch mode (4 rounds per map)
with friendly-fire turned off. So go on down there and get ur butt kicked!
Wanna play some Quake 2 music on your guitare?

by DGhost @ [11:05 PM] January 30 2002
Hahahaha found this one on Planetquake. Morgue has put online the tablature of some songs from the soundtrack of Quake 2. Now I've seen everything. Well maybe not yet. Go to his webpage for the tablature (damn why did I stop playing guitare 5 years ago? Ah yeah, I started playing Quake 2).
ILL Clan Interview @Quake3Stuff

by mayhemm @ [01:49 PM] January 30 2002
Straight from Relix of Q3Stuff via
Gamespydaily (no, silly :-) gamespydaily
just gave me the shout) comes an interview with none other than Marino from the
ILL Clan. Now... before you go wondering who the h3LL that Clan is, I can
tell ya what they're all about. About a year ago I posted a story about a
Quake clan who won an award for a real funny Q3engine based comedy movie.
Here's the post.
Now that you're up ta speed, here's a little cut'n'paste from the interview: Relix
: What prompted you in starting your movie making?
Marino : Well, as I said, three of us were filmmakers in our college
days, so there was a natural gravitation to creating a movie already in place.
We had aspirations to create a mod but filmmaking talents aside, none of us
were straight-up programmers. From the machinima side, it was upon seeing
Operation Bayshield. That made us take notice of what we could do with the
Classic Quake engine (and wasn't a mod) & how to apply our filmmaking
skills to it. The rest, as the cliche goes, is history.
Read the rest of the interview right here.
BTW, if you can watch the movies... they are hilarious!
Programation tips for Q3

by DGhost @ [01:05 PM] January 30 2002
Well, I don't know if many of you out there like to fiddle with codes (wowbagger?) but I found this article on Q3 Center that explain how to change the internal server browser to display only the information you want. You can find the article here. Warning: programmation skills required :P
Texturing for Quake 2 and Heretic II

by DGhost @ [12:44 PM] January 30 2002
Just found out on Polycount a small, usefull tool for texturer out there who still work on some textures for Quake 2 and Herectic II. Basically, it's a plugin utility that let you import pictures from photohop to a *.wal (for Quake 2) and a *.m8 format (for Heretic II). You can download the tool here To give the credit where it should be, the author name is Gwynhala (I couldn't find his webpage, sorry :P).
GTKRadiant new version (sic.)

by DGhost @ [12:05 AM] January 30 2002
Well, more than 24 hours after the new version for Linux, here's the new version for the Win32 platform. patch only, you need to download the full version first, if you don't have it, with the patch after that. IDSoftware ftp That bring GTKRadiant to version 1.2.4
New site in town: Planet Medal of Honor

by DGhost @ [09:45 AM] January 29 2002
It's been almost a week since the site exist, so if you are in need of something about Medal of Honor go give them a visit. At the same time they've got a pretty good manual for the single player game. Good luck Planet Medal of Honor!
We're not Gonna Take IT!! Fight Da Man!!

by mayhemm @ [07:54 PM] January 28 2002
Just saw this on Gamespydaily, and thought it would be a Good Cause™.
It seems like Electronic Arts decided that they don't want to port MOHAA (that's
Medal of Honor baybee!!) to the linux OS. Since most game servers out
there run Linux, this may be a disastrous development indeed. With that in
mind, an MOHAA fan site called
Medal of Honor Center
has pointed out an online petition which asks Electronic
Arts & 2015 to reconsider their recent decision. Like I said peeps, if
they don't port it to Linux, there won't be that many choices of Big Bandwidth
servers from which to chose. Sign the petition
Bid For Power Review @Q3Center

by mayhemm @ [07:44 PM] January 28 2002
Straight from F4nt0m45 and
Q3Center comes some news that they have posted a review of the just
released, and very long in development Q3TC,
Bid For Power. Now... heh, I
don't wanna ruin all the juicy details so I'm just gonna cut'n'paste their
w00Dyblurb (! is that a word??):
Bid For Power has been in production
for over two years as many of you might know. What you may not know though is
that in those two years, they accomplished more than just about any other mod
team out there.
Actually it's a interesting review indeed and should give you an
idea of whether you want to play this bad boy or not. Also, there are
plenty of little kids doing their thing (cussing on the messageboard, because
their parents aren't there ;P). Read it right
New version of GTKRadiant for linux users

by DGhost @ [03:00 PM] January 28 2002
Well, if you didn't already hear about it, there is a new version of GTKRadiant for linux. Seems that there was some bugs in it that has been fixed. Also, a new version for the Win32 platform is coming soon. You can download the new version for linux here.
Get Clobber(ed)@Violation

by mayhemm @ [02:06 PM] January 28 2002
Kewl. I haven't seen this guy in a while or anything from this
site. Lee David Ash of Violation
Entertainment sends word that he has released a new player model, so you can
finally get rid of sarge :) and play with a real bad@$$. The model's name
is Clobber the, errr, Clown. I snuck a peak at it and it looks like a real
evil mutha >:-0 Go 'head and grab it. While you're at it--if you
haven't been over to his site--take a look at his three other models, some of
his maps and some choice other shtuff right here.
Gamespy Arcade Does MOHAA

by mayhemm @ [12:14 PM] January 28 2002
Gamespydaily gives
a shout today that their parent site, Gamespy has added support for MOHAA
for Gamespy Arcade (bleh) their own lil' server browser. If you don't have
it grab it. Sigh.... I have to wait until they update Gamespy3d :-0
Q3Offline or the solitary game?

by DGhost @ [12:05 AM] January 28 2002
So, for all of you out there who like to play in solitary (I'm talking about Q3, you pervert), there is a new verson of Q3Offline available. DOWNLOAD!
New version of Q3Winamp

by DGhost @ [05:53 PM] January 27 2002
If you're like me, you probably listen to your mp3's will fraggin @ Q3. Well there is a new version of Q3Winamp that has been released during the weekend. I never heard of that tool but I can see that I'll use it a lot. It will display your mp3's information while playing (yeah cool!) The tool support Quake 3, RtCW and MoH:AA. You can also bind it with MBM5 (tool to display your computers informations about the temperature, fan speed and others usefull stuff). You can download Q3Winamp here
Shirow model @ Polycount

by DGhost @ [05:40 PM] January 27 2002
I'm a big fan of Masamune Shirow (Ghost in the shell, Appleseed, etc) and there is a new model at Polycount wich is kinda cute. Second model inspired by the characters of Shirow by the author (Frag Cow). He's getting better. ;)
MoH:AA multiplayer first patch!

by DGhost @ [12:04 AM] January 28 2002
So that it's! The game has not even been released for one week that the first patch is available (v 1.1). Go grab it guys! GO GO GO! :P No but seriously, a patch, so many bugs already? Ah well I'll live with it since the game is so fun. Electronic arts Fileplanet.com
New Features in SOF2?

by mayhemm @ [05:03 PM] January 25 2002
Rick Johnson from Raven takes time out of his busy schedule in a recent .plan
update (heh, actually it was yesterday ;P) to announce some new features that
will be present in their up-coming sequel to SOF, called :-/ SOF2. Here's
a snip from the .plan: ...We’ve been busy working on the SoF2 MP and
so I’ll announce a few features, which haven’t been announced until now. The
first big one is that the Random Mission Generator will be included with MP.
This includes both the dynamic terrain generation technology and the BSP
instantiation (buildings, walls, other pre-fab stuff). MOD makers will be
able to easily create their own generation parameters in the external files,
add in unique instances, etc. There’re a few other surprises in this area that
I’ll hold off announcing....
Hmmmm. Interesting.. Read the rest of it right
A JK2 Preview and MOHAA Review@Gamespot

by mayhemm @ [05:06 PM] January 25 2002
Gamespot takes an updated
look at the forthcoming sequel to one of the best PC games of 1997, Dark Forces
II: Jedi Knight. They also contribute to what will become a pretty big
deluge of MOHAA final reviews. Here they are, enjoy!
CMPA Aimbot Interview @Planetquake.de

by mayhemm @ [04:27 PM] January 25 2002
Forlani from Planetquake.de (THAT'S de as in Germany) has shouted out to us
that they have posted an interview on their site with non other than the coder
for the aimbot for CMPA, _shadE. Within he talks about how iDSoftware's
cheat protections can get bypassed and how a game can be made safer from the
buttheads who are ruining the game. Here's a cut'n'paste from the
interview to give you an idea: [wienerwald]: Do you aim at
publishing your aimbot? Or did you _really_ only intend to prove the
possibility of coding an aimbot for CPMA?
[_shadE]: NO! Publishing the aimbot would ruin the game again. Nobody
would know for sure anymore, if his opponent is cheating or not.. That isn´t
and _never_ was my intention in coding this aimbot.
Yeah right. Trying to say that a bot won't be
published is saying that it just won't get spread as quickly. Still I
would like to see iDSoftware expending more time protecting their games from
cheating than they do. After all, the success of a game (especially an
online based game) depends on it's following. Read the rest of the
interview, it's mucho interesting, right
Urban terror v2.4 soon?

by DGhost @ [12:06 PM] January 25 2002
SweetnutZ from the UT team just released a new .Plan. He tell us that the new version (2.4) is still in beta stage but should be release soon. At the same time he gave us 2 wallpaper. Isn't that sweet? :)
New models @ Polycount

by DGhost @ [12:29 PM] January 24 2002
Polycount got some new models. One that I took the time to check is this Gundam model. Pretty cool if you ask me. It look really huge. And there is this character, Scarab, from the Kabuki comics, she's kind of interesting but the model is really not perfect. And the last one, Lady Death was a good idea to start with but the author missed a couple of things on the model (like her butt :P).
ClanBase Cups, Spring 2002 season

by DGhost @ [12:24 PM] January 24 2002
Subscriptions are open! Head to their webpage to sign up for the following competition: - Quake 2: DM, CTF, Insta DM - Quake 3: DM, CTF, RA3, Urban Terror (new cup) - Half Life: CounterStrike, TFC - Unreal Tournament: CTF, CTF Insta, DM, DM Insta, TO (EU Cup + NA Cup) - Elite Force: CTF (previously the hosted EF league) - Return to Castle Wolfenstein (new cup)
Update on the Syndicate Arena mod.

by DGhost @ [09:03 PM] January 23 2002
I Just read on their webpage that several members has left the team. So, I want to play that mod and for that I will do some pushing :P They are looking for: -A Coder, who has much experiance with coding and especially Quake3-coding.
-A mapper, since we need a replacement for Noki.
-A 2D/skinner freelancer, helping LyCon with skinning and textures
-A Sound/Music freelancer, just a freelancer because there is not that much to do for a sound-guy.
Everyone who wants to join us has to be qualified enough to work fast and hard, and it would be nice to see some previous work from the person. So that's it! if you wanna join the ride you can send an email to Dave.
New version of GTKRadiant

by DGhost @ [08:50 PM] January 23 2002
As mayhemm was talking about last monday, the new version of GTKRadiant is out (version 1.2). The tool has been release for the platforms; Win32, Linux and Mac. For any kind of documentation you can go here. To download the tool you may use one of these servers (there is 2 version, one for RtCW only and the other for Q3 and RtCW): - qeradiant.com - IDsoftware.com
2 interresting interviews @ Quake3Stuff.com

by DGhost @ [09:36 AM] January 23 2002
Quake3Stuff got 2 interviews with 1- The brothers Grim (I just love their models!). They talk about how they make some models, what they're working on right now and a couple of other interresting things. 2- Paul Jaquays from IDsoftware talk about where he's coming from and how he get his inspiration for maps. You can read the interviews with the Brothers here and Paul here.
Kenn Hoekstra Interview

by mayhemm @ [09:42 PM] January 22 2002
and Video Games has posted
an interview with Kenn Hoekstra of
who--if you've been living under a rock and didn't know--are working on a couple titles,
which are all on most of our Must Play™ lists. One of those
games just happens to be Jedi Knmight II: Outcast. Kenn talks
about that up coming game the whole interview, and he concentrates
on the MP aspect. Here's a lil' cut'n'paste ta get ya whet:
Will we still be able to use Force
powers in multiplayer?
Kenn: Yes. The game-types in multiplayer
all support the use of Force powers. In most
game-types you will be able to customize your
character by choosing a Light or Dark side
Force path. In the Holocron, Force Powers are
practically the point of the game, as you can
collect them from the map like weapons. If you
have the Force Lightning Holocron, for
instance, you will be the only player with
that power in the game until you drop it or
someone kills you and takes it from you.
Are you designing specific multiplayer maps
or will these be taken from the single-player
Kenn: We are designing specific
multiplayer maps using the style and feel of
the single-player maps as inspiration.
Will we be able to do Stormtroopers versus
rebels CTF?
Kenn: An interesting question that's
somewhat difficult to answer... We don't have
pre-established teams in the game that force
you to join one set of characters or another
to depict good vs. evil. Teams certainly can
agree in advance to choose one set of skins or
another; that would be one way to do it
Read the rest right
D@mn!! I Can't Find MOHAA!!

by mayhemm @ [09:36 PM] January 22 2002
Whelp, I spent all friggin' day looking for MOHAA. I
went to EB, Babbages, and CompUSA, and since I didn't want to alert
my better half (who gets really p1ssed off when I buy games ;P), I
skipped Best Buy. Guess what? Nowhere to be found.
I feel robbed and disappointed, but that's OK, there's always
tomorrow :-) In the meantime I can always read the MOHAA
reviews that are starting to pop up all over the 'net. Here
they are:
PunkBuster Interview @Fragnation

by mayhemm @ [09:31 PM] January 22 2002
If you wanna hear a lil' more detail
about PunkBuster--you know, that anti-cheat utility that
iDSoftware is contracting to integrate into RtCW (and the one
I wish they'd add to Q3)--then
FragNation has an interview with with PunkBuster's Tony
Ray that talks about the whole cheat prevention topic in
detail, and what we can expect from it. Read it right
Props goes out to
Gamespydaily for the shout.
Battle on the Beachhead!

by mayhemm @ [09:15 PM] January 22 2002
If you're into WolfMP and wanna strut your stuff in an
officially sanctioned contest then this lil' bitty I spied
on several sources, but mainly
World Online Gaming League, will tickle you dead.
Here's the press release: ACTIVISION AND ID SOFTWARE
Santa Monica, CA — January 21, 2001 — Activision, Inc. (Nasdaq:
ATVI) and id Software have teamed up with the Online Gaming
League (OGL) to host the Return to Castle Wolfenstein™
“Battle on the Beachhead” tournament. Gamers from across
North America will hit the front lines and battle for world
domination and exciting prizes including the Nintendo
GameCubes®, Nintendo Game Boy® Advances and hundreds of
popular games. The tournament will run from January 29
through March 12, 2002 at http://wolf.worldogl.com, on the
Speakeasy Network, home of the largest broadband gaming
community and the official ISP of the OGL.... If
you wanna sign up for it go right
After a Couple Years....Bid For Power Baybee!!

by mayhemm @ [10:33 AM] January 21 2002
Well... I don't know how we missed this.... :-/ ahhh well... I
was off!! hehe, but I always say, "better late than never!!" The
Bid for Power TC for Quake 3 has been released and it's one big f'n TC
indeed. If you're on a fat pipe, this won't be a big deal, but I feel
sorry for you modem peeps. It's almost 100MB and includes several types of
multiplayer modes. Grab it right
New All-Seeing Eye!

by mayhemm @ [10:28 AM] January 21 2002
Version 1.7 of the
All-Seeing Eye has been released, adding some general fixes and support for
"BG2: Throne of Bhaal, Codename: Outbreak, Counter-Strike retail, Gunman
Chronicles, Serious Sam 2 demo and Cheating-Death". Go grab dat
bad boy!!
Q3A networking with UKG

by mayhemm @ [10:26 AM] January 21 2002
Have you ever wondered about the funky settings that people like to play with?
Do you just blow up with anger at the guy who has a .20 ping but still looks
choppy when he's playing? Well, arQon from PROMODE and 155&Rising
have gone inside, looked around and have cleared up some of the misconceptions about Q3
while explaining exactly what timenudge actually does and so forth...
Here's a lil' cut'n'paste from the post ta get ya whet:
Having received many puzzled comments on my last update,
with lots of people writing in to express the same impressions of arQon's OSP/CPM
netcode, but not understanding enough about how Q3A worked to "fix" their
problems, I thought I'd waste a couple of hundred characters on a crash course
in id Software's networking. Now please bear in mind that my understanding of
how the game works is based on explanations from people with much bigger brains
than I, not necessarily in the most recent of times, and certainly not always in
words of a length I can cope with, but this is the basics I could grasp at :)
From this it should at least become clear what timenudge actually does, some of
what arQon's done, and why it's such a pain in the arse for players who have
extended experience of timenudging.
Head over to
UK Gamer
and read up on all the info. Thanks goes out to
Q3Center for the shout..
NSCO Update--New Screenshots :-/

by mayhemm @ [10:16 AM] January 21 2002
Navy Seals Q3 guys have just updated their site (well :-/ they did it
yesterday, but I was off hehe) with what has become a little tradition in
Quakedom: gracing us with some kewl new screenies, but still no beta or
game to try out. In this weekly installment they show us a sw33t new
reskin of the MP5 and a beta map called Ghettoship. Check it out right
here. D@mn!! I can't wait till this sucker comes out, though I
may miss it while playing things that have been released =P
GtkRadiant for RtCW?

by mayhemm @ [10:06 AM] January 21 2002
Just saw this lil' jewel on
Gamespydaily today :) for you budding mappers out there. Apparently,
QERadiant have announced they will be releasing a new version of
GtkRadiant with Wolfenstein support, possibly as early as the end of this
weekend. Read all about it right
Seven New Maps for Review @DMZone

by mayhemm @ [10:01 AM] January 21 2002
OK, this is a new site as far as I can tell. The fine boys over at the
Deathmatch Zone have graced us all with a new map review--and, surprise they
have added 7 new maps to their review database. All in all, that makes 11
maps for your DM enjoyment. If you're an admin and are looking for some
kewl custom maps, or just wanna try your hand with these maps against bots
offline, then go give them a visit and
grab those suckaS!!
Quake 2 for Amiga

by DGhost @ [08:27 AM] January 21 2002
Amiga... In the '80 there was 3 kind of computer. PC, Mac and the Amiga. Pc was cheap, Mac wasn't cheap (and is still) and there was the one in the middle. Not too cheap, but some good quality hardware (not as good as the Mac). It sold mostly in europe and now the Amiga is coming back (they're making a new computer based on the PPC architecure). So, that brings me to the following informations: A small team is making a port of Quake 2 for the Amiga (as I can read on the webpage of Amiga Extreme, they're trying a convert on both Amiga, the old and the new one). Also what is interesting is that their making at the same time the port of the most popular mods (more than 40 mods). The team is (as I can read) Steffen Haeuser, Thomas and Hans-Joerg Frieden.
Saturday night and MoH

by DGhost @ [04:18 AM] January 20 2002
Okay I'm playing medal of honor and I must say that I am impress with that game! The details they've put for making that one is incredible. Any quake news? Naaah Ill just go back playing. :)
.Plan update from Duffy

by DGhost @ [04:14 PM] January 19 2002
Ooops. It seems that I may have misunderstood the news about the Linux binaries that was released yesterday. But, our magnificient Robert Duffy from IDsoftware give us the details that we need: To clear up a bit of confusion, what we released yesterday was the level editing tools and not the full SDK for Wolfenstein. Everything is there to create both single-player and multi-player maps. Also included is Escape ( from single-player ) and Beach ( from multi-player ) for reference.
The source code will be available soon. Ah well it's coming soon anyway.
Tuplay on WolfMP

by mayhemm @ [06:53 PM] January 18 2002
Just got this from
Gamespydaily.... In a new article
at Tuplay, Glenn Lortscher--I guess he's the big cheese there
:-/--looks at RtCW MP and the multiplayer FPS and does a little
comparo. Here's a little snip from his post:
Return to Castle Wolfenstein, however, possesses more than
enough original ideas, concepts, and polish to make it the game
we've been waiting for. Sure, it's not TeamFortress 2, or
CounterStrike 2, or anyone of the much-hyped pipedreams that
have yet to breath free outside of their dark development
.... :-/ right... Read the rest
Tuplay,while I go play MOHAA >:P
Bid For Power Interview @Q3Center

by mayhemm @ [06:44 PM] January 18 2002
from the team behind Bid For
Power, that anime based Q3TC which should be released
tonight, has been
interviewed by
Q3Center. Here's a snip from the interview:
Lard: Well, if one thing stood out about the
mod, what would it be?
PyroFraggor: The ability to script attacks.
Everything from the shader and the sound to the size of
the explosion can be changed. It will hopefully increase
the longevity of this mod.
Go ahead and give them another
visit, or just look at these Q3Center
RtCW Linux single player Demo!

by DGhost @ [04:20 PM] January 19 2002
Linux users rejoice! RtCW single player demo has been released just today by IDsoftware. The binaries* of the retail game are also avalaible if you're into that stuff or you may just want to download the full installer. Mirrors (full installer): - IDsoftware.com
- Bluesnews.com * I used the mirror of Blue's news since it appears that the FTP server of ID is not responding fast enough. Thank you Blue's news! :) Update: The binaries are not of the retail game but the level editing tools!
Sidrial demo for Q3A

by DGhost @ [04:17 PM] January 19 2002
Sidrial is a TC (Total Conversion) for Quake 3 made by FountainHead who also made the animated feature of Sidrial (I don't know that, if it was for the TV, no wonder then, since I don't have a TV for the last year :P). The TC is a single and multiplayer conversion. The screenshots are amazing, it looks like a science fiction theme. I didn't have the time to try it so far but I'll download it tonight and give you some of my feedback of that mod. The project look really big and well made, so head over to their webpage to check all the informations. Here's some mirror servers if you want to download it right away: - Nvidia.com
- Fileplant.com
- Activision.com
- Blue's News.com Or if you don't want to download it but would prefer to see a preview before trying it, you can check Sidrial's trailer here. Update: Since it's a demo, there is only one map in the single player game. /me start crying. And I didn't try the multiplayer side yet since I can't find a server, so far, that is not too far away (i.e. ping time :P ).
Blast from the past!

by DGhost @ [11:11 PM] January 16 2002
Okay! So I was browsing (as ususal :P ) in my bookmarks when I found an old link. I didn't remember what it was ('cauz I renamed it to be QIPv6). So, I load the page and here it was: It's a Quake 1 server (Yes, I said Quake ONE, the first). that is running on the IPv6. This is, for the non too much technical curious out there, the Internet Protocol version 6 (right now we use version 4, the 5 was a prototype only). The IPv6 is the new protocol that has been running around for sometime that give more possibilities to the adress name (more adress available), check more carefully for packet corrupted (we all hate downloading 600 megs to discover at the end that the file is not good :P ) and a bunch of other upgrade on IPv4. So, Viagénie look to be a small company in Sainte-Foy, Quebec, providing IT expertise. But, also, some people there like either IPv6 or Quake 'cauz they're the ones running the server (right now it's running the mod Team Fortress). At the same time, on their Quake IPv6 webpage, they're giving others adresses of servers around the globe. All the instructions are on the page to be able to frag on their servers. If you like new technologies (like me) or still play Quake but want to try someting new, you may give it a try. Don't think you'll have some new graphx in Quake, you won't see a difference except how the data travel across the network will be more efficient.
News Posters Wanted

by mayhemm @ [10:17 PM] January 16 2002
We have a new Q3Arena news poster :) but unfortunately, due to real life's
habit of encroachment on our cyber life, DGhost and yours truly need another
news poster to spell us during the week and weekend. If you're
interested in news posting, you've done this before or know basic html (h3LL, if
you have a copy of frontpage and know how to cut'n'paste), and would like to try
your hand as a Q3Arena poster, then give us a ring right
New Official JK2 Site

by mayhemm @ [10:07 PM] January 16 2002
LucasArts, in ramping
up for the release date of their much anticipated Star Wars and Q3Engined based
Jedi Knight II: Jedi Outcast have totally revamped their site. They
offer some goodies there in the form of screenshots, wallpapers, etc. just so we
won't go there to "oooooh and ahhhh" at their webmaster's coding :P Give
them a
Anime Q3, err Bid For Power, on Friday!

by mayhemm @ [10:01 PM] January 16 2002
If you remember my last
regarding Bid For Power,
that juicy, interesting--neeto :)--DragonBallZ-based Q3TC, then you won't need a
cut'n'paste to know WTF it is. As reported the TC authors have promised a
January release date, and they are delivering in spades. This Friday, Jan
19th, after 2 years of development (d@mn!! that's longer than some commercial
games!), with no public betas, we will finally get the chance to test this TC
out. As soon as it's available for download you will get the links from
us. Until then read more about it right
RtCW Patch Woes

by mayhemm @ [08:59 PM] January 15 2002
Hmmmm. Just saw this at PlanetWolfenstein. Seems that some peeps
are having problems installing that new RtCW patch. Not to worry.... Caryn 'Hellchick'
Law of Activision has sent along a note on the topic. Here's
a little of what she had to say:
...There is a link at the top of the readme that
explains how to extract the files if you're having
problems with the installer.
There's also info in the readme about what's compatible
with what: those who've upgraded to 1.1 can play on 1.0
servers, but we encourage everyone to update so the
multiplayer issues get fixed.
Heh, she means "read the file!" hehe
Kenn Hoekstra Interview

by mayhemm @ [08:55 PM] January 15 2002
Win an X-Box or GF3!

by mayhemm @ [08:47 PM] January 15 2002
Good News™ for ya'll who don't have the caesh for an XBOX or your very own
Geforce3. IlanGame and the Ilan Gaming League have teamed up to give you a
chance of winning your very own shtuff. All you have to do----wait!!!
Why am I typing this when all I need is a good cut'n'paste? :) Here ya go
Our good friends at
IlanGame have
tossed out 2
GEFORCE 3 prizes for
the IGL community. One is for our Quake 3 members, the other for
our UT players. Each of you will have the opportunity to sign on and
compete for these prizes in 1V1 DM combat. Here's how it works:
Quake 3: The IGL has now launched two Quake 3 1v1 DM
ladders, one for players on the East Coast and one for players in the West. On
February 16th, the IGL will select the top 16 rated players on each
ladder for two single elimination tournaments. The champions of the Quake 3
1v1 Eastern Division and Quake 1v1 Western Division will then face
each other in a central server for the grand prize, his or her choice of an
XBOX or GEFORCE 3 video card. Along the way, players who distinguish
themselves will receive additional prizes. The ladders will be ongoing, even
after the tourney, with similar prizes at irregular intervals.
Note: IGL ladders run on a point system. If you challenge and beat
high point players you can easily jump as many as 100 rungs on the ladder. So
don’t fret if you sign up and find yourself in dead last. As little as 1 win can
move you a long way. There ya go!! Good luck and go get ya
NSCO Update--New Screenshots!

by mayhemm @ [08:00 PM] January 14 2002
Although I haven't seen a weekly update in, errr, a few weeks from them
The official Navy Seals website has been given another one of their weekly
updates. The update mainly consists of screenshots of the new SAW Minimi 5.56
Machinegun, and they look pretty sw33t. Of course, the weapons not in the game
yet, so we'll have to wait for the next release. Of course, if they were to
finally release this TC instead of weekly updates we'd get to see everything in
action :P I have a feeling though, that it may be well worth the wait.
Check it out right
Activision Buys Gray Matter

by mayhemm @ [07:53 PM] January 14 2002
I don't think this will affect us other than a great game developer now
getting support and security from a great game publisher to make kick@$$ games
for you and me.
This press release has the announcement that Activision has bought Gray
Matter, who--if you didn't know and have been living under a rock--developed the
single player portion of Return to Castle Wolfenstein under the watchful eye of
iDSoftware.. Congrats!
WolF Patch

by mayhemm @ [07:50 PM] January 14 2002
Activision released the RtCW v1.1 patch today, and most of its fixes concern
what I didn't like about it; its multiplayer element. Don't worry about
how big it is, it's only
1.5MB and shouldn't be a problem to download unless you're on a 56k pipe (bleh.)
Also it's compatible with v1.0 in
multiplayer and won't screw up your saved games, so you won't have to keep
multiple copies of executables and complex .bat files to convert your game
version a la Q3. Here are the mirrors:
A New Reaction Q3

by mayhemm @ [07:41 PM] January 14 2002
Reaction Q3 fans rejoice! The boys behind this mod have released
version 1.10 beta of ReactionQ3 and they are just waiting for the rush of
download requests. If you've never heard of this mod before, let me give ya a lil cut'n'paste ta get ya up ta speed:
Reaction Quake 3 (or simply known as "Reaction") is essentially a
direct-as-possible port of Action Quake 2 (AQ2) to Quake 3: Arena. Because the
A-Team decided to continue work on Action Half-Life and Action Unreal
Tournament, there will be no official port of AQ2 to Quake 3. Reaction Quake 3
is a community-based effort to implement the gameplay from the hit
modification with Quake 3's superior rendering engine and networking code.
Reaction Quake 3 IS NOT Action Quake 3! (see this)...Like
Action, the emphasis of Reaction is gameplay and not weapon selection. A
submachine gun is a submachine gun. A pistol is a pistol....
Hmmmm. Well.. basically RQ3 builds on ActionQ2, that
popular, errr, Q2 :-/ mod which featured realistic gameplay (in other words, it
didn't take much to die).. Read more about this mod, or just download it
PimP Yer SkInZ!!

by mayhemm @ [07:31 PM] January 14 2002
Heh, better late than never I always say =P If you are an amateur
skinner, and think you have what it takes to do some skinning for a company,
clan, or modgroup, but you don't know where to advertise your wArEZ (heh, not
THAT kind!!) then
Skindom has
just that new feature for which you've been hankering. They have added a " jobs"
section to their skinning site and now they're looking for peeps who are ready
to pimp their stuff out. Go give them a
visit and good
New beta Quake 3 for Mac users

by DGhost @ [02:08 PM] January 13 2002
Graeme Devine just released a new .Plan. Here's the news (notice that the Classic Mac OS is also available). There is a beta 4 build up of the Macintosh Quake 3 1.31 executable. This time there is also a Classic
If those of you brave enough to test these out could get back to me with problems, then we'll see if we
can quickly follow up with a full final installer for 1.31
Graeme. Update: Ooops, I just woke up and saw that I forgot to put the link to download. Here it is!
Weapons Factory Arena v3.3

by DGhost @ [03:36 AM] January 13 2002
Okay, so if you have read the news like me you have learned that WFA has been released just a little bit earlier. Go here for the file. The Windows, the Linux and the Mac versions has all been released at the same time (That's what I call quality work).
Threewave 1.2 is here!

by DGhost @ [11:36 PM] January 10 2002
Okay so the patch is out. Go to their webpage to see the news. If you want a direct link to their mirrors page, here it is. The mod is 123 mgs (v1.0) and the patch (v1.2) is 7 megs.
PunkBuster Interview

by mayhemm @ [08:41 PM] January 10 2002
Just saw this on Captured.com.
Wolfenstein Xtreme (hehe,
don't know them :P) has posted
an interview with Tony Ray from Even Balance inc, the developers of that
anti-cheating software PunkBuster, who are helping iDSoftware to curb cheating
in Wolfenstein. Here's a little snip from a big and interesting interview:
Q: Will the software be integrated or standalone? If it is integrated
will there be an option for server admins to turn it on or off?
A: PunkBuster always has been and always will be optional. We are not trying
to force anything on anyone. We just want to give honest players and admins a
choice that they did not have before. From a licensing standpoint, it is
separate. All PB users are still licensing directly from us (Even Balance,
Inc.). However, from a technical standpoint, the software is fully integrated
once it has been enabled by a user (admin or player). It is very easy to turn
it off, but it does require a restart of the game program for the disabling to
take effect (i.e. it can't be just secretly disabled in the middle of a
D@mn, I still wish they'd make another patch for Q3A using the software.
Read the interview right
RtCW Selling Just Fine Thank You =)

by mayhemm @ [08:33 PM] January 10 2002
Well, well, well... A little bird surmised recently that the only
reason Todd H. was pimping RtCW was that the game wasn't perhaps selling as well
as they thought. A post today on
PlanetWolfenstein puts that little rumor
to rest: We already know the game rocks, but
it looks like Return to Castle Wolfenstein has exceeded everyone's
expectations, becoming one of the best selling games throughout the holiday
season. Topping selling charts in the US, UK, Germany and other European
countries, over one million units have been sold thus far! Check out the
press release here.
So there ya go!!
MOHAA Interview @ Gamespy

by mayhemm @ [08:28 PM] January 10 2002
Wanna know what's in the head of an
MOHAA designer? Here's your chance
to crawl inside and find out what one of the former
2015 level designers, Benson
Russell, had to say about everyone's upcoming WWII based object of dr00L.
It's in the form of an interview with
Gamespy, and here's a little cut'n'paste
ta get ya going:
GameSpy: At E3 2001, the buzz surrounding MOHAA was deafening.
What is it about the game that has grabbed so much attention?
Benson Russell: One big part is the
immersion level of the game. We wanted to go for a rich, detailed environment
and setting to try and draw the player into the events of history of which he
would partake. There is lots of atmosphere and events going on around you
combined with awesome sounds that the EALA (formerly Dreamworks Interactive)
team created.
I was one of the guys performing the demo at E3, and I got to run it for
Captain Dale Dye, who also consulted on the game, and he mentioned afterwards
how he was starting to feel sweat on his back from watching the demo. That was
very flattering to hear, and it also meant that we were heading in the right
direction with what we wanted to achieve.
Read the rest of it right
Syndicate mod for Q3A

by DGhost @ [10:45 PM] January 09 2002
Okay, I didn't see this mod elsewhere on the net, maybe I'm the last to know about it but I found this mod. Have you ever played Syndicate? That was a cool game! (personnal opinion of course... :P ) and now someone (Democritus to be precise) is leading a team to do a mod! The screenshot looks very nice. I can't wait for that mod to be released!
Threewave 1.2 will be release tomorrow

by DGhost @ [10:24 PM] January 09 2002
Just read on Threewave that their new version will be release tomorrow around 7:00PM EST. Go to their webpage to check for all the fixes.
Todd H. Interview @cHIQ

by mayhemm @ [10:10 PM] January 09 2002
Dear Chiq
has sat down for an interview with Todd Hollenshead
(iD big buziness guy =)). Heres a cut'n'paste
cuz I gotta hit the homework :P:
"chiQ - You're a gamer
under that big CEO hat right? Which id game is
your favourite?
Todd - If I had to pick an all-time favorite, I
think I would have to choose Wolf 3D because it
was the first id game I ever played and was the
first game that just absolutely and totally
enthralled me. I mean I had played my share of
PacMan and Tempest and Defender and Gauntlet and
Missile Command and on and on and on, but Wolf
3D just blew me totally away. My current
favorite is Return to Castle Wolfenstein (not
just id game, but any video game bar none) if
you base it on what you play the most."
To read the rest of the interview click right
Bid For Power

by mayhemm @ [10:06 PM] January 09 2002
I just noticed a post over there about a mod/TC called
Bid For
Power, and the fact that their final character model has
been finished. Now I was extremely curious (heh, kewl
names for mods make me curious :P) so I went down to their
site (and you know what??) and I could swear that I had seen
that mod before from the looks of the screenies. I
don't know if you had remembered my earlier
post about that Q3TC, DragonBallZ (about a year ago),
but now it's called Bid For Power. If you're into
deathmatch, and have big w00D for anime then this might be
the concoction for you! What's better is that they are
slated to release this game in January (this month!) so
you'll soon be able to check it out for real. The
downside to the whole thing is that they don't have a beta
version of the mod on their site (I think there is a alpha
copy floating around somewhere :P) but they have a few Q3
downloadable models to tide you over. Go ahead and
them out, and tell me what you think.
Eternal Arena 5.5 Go Grab It!

by mayhemm @ [09:52 PM] January 09 2002
Thanks to Corven and
Eternal Arena fans
can rejoice at the newest version of their fav mod to be
released. That's right.. version 5.5 for Q3A has now
been released. A number of additions and fixes have been made,
among them are the following:
- Team Instagib Rails
- Rocket Duel (moved rocket rampage)
- added new graphics and font
- fixed server options not saving
- fixed callvote gametype names order
- fixed client colours not saving
- fixed knockback reduce to normal
- fixed zoom delay restored to normal
Of course, you don't have to take my word for it.
You can grab it all right
JK2 New Screenies @ GamespyDaily

by mayhemm @ [09:47 PM] January 09 2002
Heya peeps!! I know some of you are hungry to see some new news, and
you are especially hungry for some new word about
LucasArts, and (more
importantly for the quality of the game) Ravensoft's up-coming Star Wars and
Q3-engine based FPS Jedi Knight II: Jedi Outcast. Fortunately
GamespyDaily delivers
with five brand-spankin new screenies of one of this year's most anticipated
games. Check 'em out
here. Of course, if you want to see the whole shebang, go on ahead to
official JK2 page and see the rest!
Wanna test wolfenstein 1.1?

by DGhost @ [09:23 PM] January 09 2002
Christian Antkow (a.k.a Xian) just released a new .Plan. He's running RtCW 1.1 on his server and he would like you to test it. Anyway, here's a small portion of the story: We're currently testing the release candidate for Wolf 1.1 (will be released
in "two weeks"). I'm running the latest server code on all my servers, so if
people could play on them for a few days, and forward any bugs/issues they
encounter to wolfbugs@idsoftware.com, we would greatly appreciate the feedback.
xian-gameserver.idsoftware.com:27960 - mp_destruction
xian-gameserver.idsoftware.com:27961 - mp_base stopwatch - mp_trenchtoast There ya go!
SOF2 Movie Gore @ Gamespot

by mayhemm @ [08:21 AM] January 08 2002
Gamespot brings us our very
first news post of the day with an "exclusive" video clip of SOF2
in-game action. Just in case you don't know... SOF2 is the
Q3-engined sequel do Ravensoft's
highly realistic (hehe the shotgun blast in an enemy's groin elicited a very
satisfying reaction :P) FPS, Soldier of Fortune. The video comes in
downloadable form as a winzip RM file or windows media file. Also, if you
just want to stream it there are two streaming options. Grab the video
right here.
You can also read more about SOF2 straight from the horse's
Sum New Goodies @ Q3Center

by mayhemm @ [07:34 PM] January 07 2002
Look out peeps!! Q3Center tries to relieve us of our boredom with three
new jewels for us to play with in Q3 (hmmm... did that sound funky or what?).
It's in the form of a new map, a new skin, and a new model for our quakin'
enjoyment. Here they are, buffed, polished, and packaged just for you!
MOHAA Single Player Coop?

by mayhemm @ [07:25 PM] January 07 2002
This is interesting. It looks as if nobody is ready to wait for
MOHAA to be on the shelves
before we all see the inevitable mod come out for it. In fact, there are
already many changes to the demo out already--not that it will change my
dr00ling expectations of buying the game when it finally comes out. By way
VoodooExteme (yeah :-) I still read it) there is a mod out for the leaked
single player demo of MOHAA on the Allied Assault fan website, which turns the
demo into a coop experience you can play online with your friends. It
seems that 2015 found out about this mod and have warned about it on the Allied
Assault forums; however, they don't seem to want to stop the mod at this moment.
Here's the link to the
discussion, here's the link to the
Allied Assault fansite,
and here's the link to the
iDSoftware's gonna Bust those RtCW w/Punkbuster!

by mayhemm @ [07:05 PM] January 07 2002
Hmmmm.. Just saw this on PlanetWolfenstein..
It seems that
iDSoftware enlisted the
help of Even Balance, the creators of
PunkBuster, to
integrate their anti-cheat software into
Return to Castle
Wolfenstein. Apparently, PunkBuster is famous in the Half-Life
gaming community for providing anti-cheat software, but I
wouldn't know that much, as I'm not part of the Half-Life gaming community ;-P.
Here's a lil' clip:
We are pleased to announce that Even Balance, Inc. has
been contracted by id Software, Inc. to integrate our
anti-cheat technology, known as PunkBuster, into the newly
released yet already highly acclaimed Return to Castle
Wolfenstein (RTCW). We are working hard to get the
integration code written and tested for an upcoming patch
to the game. Based on preliminary work, we fully expect to
be able to support and enhance all areas of the PunkBuster
system and sustain only a brief beta period with RTCW. The
PunkBuster software will still be a separate and optional
addition but will be directly integrated with the game
when it is enabled by players and server administrators.
As always, there will be no direct cost to players and
server admins for non-commercial use of PunkBuster and we
fully intend to support the clan and league communities,
as well as mods that develop around RTCW with both free
and premium support services and add-on software.
Let's hope that their products works... Just dreaming,
but wouldn't it be nice if iDSoftware could get a patch for Q3 as well? Heh NM.
Kiltron Texture Pack @ Mean Arena

by mayhemm @ [06:49 PM] January 07 2002
If you're into mapping then this might be the thing for you... Straight
from Gamespydaily
comes the news that
Mean Arena
has released a huge texture pack for Q3Arena and FAKK2.
Weighing in at 122 different textures, the "Kiltron Texture Pack 03" weighs in
at approximately 14 and 15 megs apiece. If you're a mapper for any of
these games, and are looking for some dark textures to spice up something in
your repertoire, then go give
Mean Arena a
.Plan from Christian Antkow about the master server

by DGhost @ [11:31 AM] January 06 2002
Christian Antkow aka Xian of IDsoftware just release a new .plan concerning their master server. Here's the whole thing: Until further notice, all ICMP communications to our Q3A master server
are being blocked. This should not affect your ability to continue playing
Q3A online. It will, however, prevent you from pinging the master server
to make sure it's up and running.
Rest assured, we have a system in place internally which notifies us of any
outages with our critical servers, and if/when they do go down, we're usually
all over it within minutes.
Doom 3 music by Trent Reznor?

by DGhost @ [01:21 AM] January 06 2002
Oh sweet! Okay, remember Quake 1? Me? Of course I remember since that's what I was mostly hooked on (there was Doom before, but I still prefer Quake than Doom, personnal taste). As I remember not too much people liked the soundtrack from Trent Reznor of Nine Inch Nails. But not me... I was in love with that soundtrack (I still listen to it from time to time). I grew up listening to NIN. And now on MacWorld, there is an interview with Trent himself. The questions are mostly for his next project, the DVD called And All That Could Have Been. And one of the question that has been asked to Trent is this one: Q: After providing the music for Quake, are you scoring any more games?
Reznor: I've been discussing things with Id Software for Doom III. It's not formalized at this point, but it's something I really want to do. When I did Quake, we were still questioning if the audio was going to be streamed off of CD, which if it wasn't was incredibly limiting. But with as interactive as things are now, and as immersive as the engine they've been working on is graphically, and some of the program is so moody; it's like scoring a film. Yet it's much more intense than a film because it doesn't always go the same way, it has to be interactive. Plus the mood of the game is so dark and evil, it's interesting to me. I just have one thing to say: There is some interresting thing that happens during the week end! :)
Rt Castle Wolfenstein skins

by DGhost @ [03:54 PM] January 05 2002
Okay I'm the week end poster, that's the deal, but you know what I hate about week end? There almost nothing new on the Quake scene during the week end that is really interresting. So I was looking in my bookmark of links for something not really new but worth it. So I would suggest to go to Planetentropy and go to the Projects section. The author call it a mod but it's more of a skins replacement in the single player mode. No, I won't tell you what are the skins and give you the direct link, you'll understand why if you go see it.
And So On....

by mayhemm @ [06:44 PM] January 04 2002
Heh, not two hours after his last .plan update Graeme Devine weighs in again
with a little "mini-one." You Macheads may want to read it. Here's
the whole thing all gussied up, cut'n'pasted just for you :P :
There's a new build up. It's marked BETA2.
Mouse movement is now back to normal. The side effect of this is that the
mouse isn't staying accelerated when you quit the game again. It shows it's
accelerated in System Preferences, but you need to re-click the position to
make it happen. Uggh. I really really really call the system functions to
put the settings back.
You can now switch out of the app as well. There ya go.. Go grab
it at iDSoftware's
Quake 3 Arena PR 1.31 for Mac OSX is out!

by DGhost @ [06:04 PM] January 04 2002
Wahoo! Quake 1.31 PR is out for Mac OSX! So for all of you Mac lover (even I, since I grew up with a Mac in my house) you can go to IDsoftware FTP to download it or the big FilePlanet also got it. At the same time here's Graeme Devine .plan :
Man, do people watch that id ftp server or what.. Didn't get a chance to update before
it's on the news sites!
Quake 3 1.31 for OS X has been posted on the id ftp site. We don't have the benefit of
outside testing for OS X builds, so it is a BETA release (ie. use at your own risk).
- stereo sound
- works every time on powerbooks
- mouse stays accelerated when you quit
- some dual monitor stuff
You need to have Quake 3 1.30 installed for OS X before you update to this build of 1.31
since only the updated pak files are included.
I've not built Classic Q3A 1.31 yet. I seem to have accidently nuked my install of
New version of Weapon Factory Arena soon?

by DGhost @ [11:20 AM] January 04 2002
I just learned that there is going to be a new version of Weapon Factory Arena soon on their webpage. But no date has been given yet. The list of all the fixes is included on the page, so we can expect it's gonna be soon (let's hope).

by mayhemm @ [07:07 PM] January 03 2002
Here's a site for y'all who are playing RtCW right now and just can't get the
hang of it. It's called
Wolfgeheimnisse (loosely translated Wolfenstein Secrets, but don't
worry, the site is in English.) Go give 'em a

by mayhemm @ [07:03 PM] January 03 2002
IGN has posted some MOHAA gameplay movies for our dr00ling enjoyment.. Not
only do they post many movies they also post descriptions of the multiplayer
maps available in the full release. Here's a description of a map called
"Destroyed Village":
Countless towns, villages, and hamlets throughout Normandy such as the one
depicted here were the site of frenzied door-to-door battles between Allied
and Axis infantry. The presence of German snipers often taught the Allied
infantrymen "to stay off the streets".
D@mn--W00T!! I can't wait to get this game
>:) Check out the rest of those map descriptions
here and the movies
iDSoftware's (Disruptor's) WolfMP Server

by mayhemm @ [06:53 PM] January 03 2002
If you're one of the peeps who are enamoured with RtCW multiplayer (heh,
don't take my opinion of it, just make your own :P) you may have a chance of
playing against Christian 'Disruptor' Antkow of, errr :-/ in case you don't
know, iDSoftware.
He recently updated his .plan file to point everybody over to his new server.
Here's a little clip from his .plan: Effective midnight tonight, my
popular xian-osx.idsoftware.com WolfMP
server will be going down. It is being moved to xian-gameserver.idsoftware.com. mp_destruction !!! Stopwatch Mapcycle
The server is currently running the WolfMP 1.1 binaries (Thanks Brandon!)
which should hopefully be released in the near future. The 1.1 server works
just dandy with v1.0 retail clients !
So, for all you guys that frequent the xian-osx.idsoftware.com server, I
greatly appreciate it if you all moved to the new server (which has has it's
maxclients raised higher than was set on xian-osx...)...
If he is there, my guess is that his nick would be
New map from Charon

by DGhost @ [11:43 PM] January 02 2002
Alright I saw this one, this morning, on PlanetQuake (again). Charon has released a new map called Liquid Carbon v2 (v2 stand for version 2 since there was a problem when he released the map yesterday, he fixed the problem and added v2 to the name :P). So I just came back from work and download the map and it's still awesome. For those of you who don't know, Charon is, for me, one of the best map maker out there who do that for pleasure. I've got all his map in my \baseq3 directory and they are popular at the lanpartys that I attend from time to time. At the same time I found on his website that link at BotEpidemic. A small test to determine what Quake 1 monster would you be. My result was that I am a Shub Niggurath!
1.31 for Mac?

by DGhost @ [12:53 PM] January 02 2002
I was reading my emails this morning (yeah I'm back to work) and I learned from some members (Memnoch to be more precise) on the Game Admins mailing list that the PR 1.31 for Mac will be out around the Macworld Expo at San Francisco in the second week of January. Check this link for the full story (not really big) with Graeme Devine.
Threewave 1.1 Released

by DGhost @ [12:36 PM] January 02 2002
I just learn on PlanetQuake that there is a new version of Threewave CTF(v 1.1). Click on this link to get all the mirrors for download (at the bottom of the page for the update).
MOHAA Single Player Demo Leaked

by mayhemm @ [04:16 PM] January 01 2002
Heh, just saw this at
Clanpages.com. Then single player demo for MOHAA (which was being
peddled for Money(!!!) at Amazon.com) has leaked out to the internet.
Currently there are 3 sites offering it for download. Here they are:
Seismovision Demo Player

by mayhemm @ [04:03 PM] January 01 2002
If ya wanna view your game demos from old matches, but just don't want to go
through the trouble of starting Q3 and going through the things you need to do
to start a demo, then this little utility from
Clan Handle with
Care might be the thing for you. It's called Seismovision, and it's
not only a demo for Quake3, but it also supports Quake 1, Quake 2,
Half-Life, Unreal Tournament and Star Trek Voyager Elite Force. All you
have to do once this utility is installed is double click the .dm3 or other demo
file and you're in businesss. Grab it
"A Return to Quake1" RA3 Style

by mayhemm @ [03:45 PM] January 01 2002
A shout by Tumi is all it takes to give all you RA3 fans (the many of you)
out there a late Christmas present or New Years gift for your fraggin' pleasure.
It's an arena called "Return to Quake1" and it's posted on the RA3 German site
called RA3Combat.
Grab the
and enjoy.
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