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New Quake3 Wallpaper
by Nigel @ Sun 01-31-1999 11:49

Bobby Ankony mailed us with word that he's got a new Quake3 Background up on his website. It's available in multiple resolutions, so go check it out.

GameCompass Opens to the Public
by Nigel @ Sun 01-31-1999 11:39

The guys over at QuakeCity have informed us that a new search engine, GameCompass, has just been put online. You can submit your own site to be added to their database by going to http://www.gamecompass.com/add.shtml.

Gloom Final Released
by NetGuy @ Sun 01-31-1999 12:07

The final version of Gloom has been released. Gloom has been brought to us by the makers of Jailbreak, QPong, and the letter R. After you download it, you can join them for their IRC party in #gloom on 3DNet.

Dunk! Mod Launcher Released
by NetGuy @ Sat 01-30-1999 13:29

Dunk! is a new modified version of the Eraser Bot Shell Launcher which now works with the Q2Ball mod.

Hey Beavis...
by NetGuy @ Sat 01-30-1999 13:26

PlanetWank has opened to the public. Contrary to what just about everybody probably believes, it's actually a gaming news site with reviews, previews, and a "different" approach to gaming in general, so be sure to check it out.

HotWire Software Q3A Toolkit Ideas
by NetGuy @ Sat 01-30-1999 13:22

HotWire Software is now taking ideas and suggestions to put into their new Q3Arena Toolkit. They hope to release it to the public before Q3A comes out as a completely free pre-release, and then release the full version as shareware after Q3Arena comes out. To send them your suggestions, drop them a note here.

Disposable Heroes Release Date Announced
by NetGuy @ Sat 01-30-1999 13:17

The team over at The Coven has announced the release date for their commercial Quake2 deathmatch pack "Disposable Heroes." It should hit store shelves on Monday, February 1st. The pack will initially be available to European and US customers, with Australian distribution following soon afterwards. Full details can be found on The Coven news page.

Quake2: The Exodus Canceled
by NetGuy @ Sat 01-30-1999 13:14

Well, kinda anyway. The team that has been working on the Quake2: The Exodus mod has decided to switch gears and develop their mod for the Half-Life engine instead. They still have v0.4 of the Quake2 version on their site available for download, as well as with some screenshots.

Carmack .plan Update
by Sho @ Sat 01-30-1999 12:35

John Carmack updated his .plan file with some information on level sizes and how Quake 3 handles larger levels than Quake1/2. He also discusses other various topics in a pretty large update. Check it out.

Source: Blue's News

CPL Announces Extreme Annihilation
by NetGuy @ Fri 01-29-1999 17:09

The Cyberathlete Professional League has announced their next computer gaming event called "Extreme Annihilation." The event has been scheduled for March 12, 1999 and will take place in Dallas, Texas at the Westin Park Central Hotel. There will be prizes and giveaways, as well as conferences, workshops, and more hosted by EA. You can read the official press release for more info here.

LoToH Software Update
by NetGuy @ Fri 01-29-1999 17:03

The guys over at LoToH Software have updated their site about the new mod they're working on called "Devil's Domain." They have posted info about the mod including the storyline and some screenshots.

Help Wanted
by NetGuy @ Fri 01-29-1999 09:23

Black Omega is looking for a quality modeller to create the final boss model for their free Quake 2 Mission Pack: "The Stroggos Conspiracy." More information can be found here.

New Classic Quake Bot
by NetGuy @ Thu 01-28-1999 17:54

A new classic Quake bot has been released for those of you still reliving the glory days. The Holy Wars Frogbot Edition is now available on the Holy Wars site as a "fusion of the Holy Wars mod and the popular FrogBot."

by NetGuy @ Thu 01-28-1999 15:00

I was recently reading through some news threads at Planet Crap, and noticed mention of a site called Quakeport.com. I'd suggest everyone check this very cool site out. What with SlipgateCentral being gone (for a LONG time), it's good to see someone step up and make a truly cool gaming search engine. Kudos to the Quakeport crew.

New BattleCom Released
by NetGuy @ Thu 01-28-1999 11:37

ShadowFactor Software has announced new releases of their BattleCom (previously Battlefield Communicator) voice-communications software for both client and server platforms. The client version 1.2 and server version 0.9 public betas have been changed significantly, with a ton of new features and improvements. They're both available from the ShadowFactor website as public beta tests, which runs through February, ending on the 28th.

Paul Jaquays Interview
by NetGuy @ Thu 01-28-1999 10:21

PlanetQuake has posted an interview they recently did with id level designer Paul Jaquays. Among the topics covered are his own history with the gaming industry, as well as Quake3!

Ragnarok LMCTF Tourney Info
by NetGuy @ Thu 01-28-1999 10:02

The Ragnarok LMCTF Tournament is in full swing and into the playoffs now. They've held a few all-star games with some of the greatest LMCTF players, and have posted demos of those games and others on their site. Check out their site for more updates and demos!

Historical Events in the Quakemunity
by NetGuy @ Thu 01-28-1999 10:00

Pels Interactive is doing a list of Historical Events in the Quake Community. The list includes events like the release of Qtest, the Quake shareware, and when Quake2 hit store shelves around the globe. You can also add an event to their timeline, if you know of one that they missed.

sCary's Q3Arena Preview Part 2
by NetGuy @ Thu 01-28-1999 00:06

sCary has posted part two of his Quake3 Preview. Check out both parts for the answers to all of your Q3Arena questions.

Q3Arena Wallpapers
by NetGuy @ Wed 01-27-1999 21:27

There are some new Q3Arena Wallpapers available from this site, compliments of Bobby's Computer Page. They've been made using most of the screenshots from Q3Arena that have been released so far, so if you're looking for a new look to your desktop, you might wanna check these out.

by NetGuy @ Wed 01-27-1999 21:22

Der Kommissar from the Loki's Minions team passed along this parody link to a CNN spoof page that shows news coverage of the Unites States and Canada clashing in a LMCTF Tournament. It's a pretty interesting read ;)

GameStats Interactive Poll
by NetGuy @ Wed 01-27-1999 21:12

GameStats is running a new interactive poll which asks "What is YOUR first person shooter?" Head on over to the poll and have your voice heard!

New PingTool Released
by NetGuy @ Wed 01-27-1999 21:03

Version 2.5 Beta 4 of PingTool has been released. This new version offers support for personalizing your copy of PingTool by using custom themes, as well as a few other new features. Thanks Blue.

Chat Rooms
by Blitz @ Tue 01-26-1999 20:53

Check out our new 1000 room java chat server at: http://www.Q3Arena.com/chat/

German LAN Video
by NetGuy @ Wed 01-27-1999 10:21

Lan-Party.de, a German site, has posted a video that they recorded from one of their LAN parties. They have a low-quality 3 meg version and a higher-quality 8 meg version. The site is totally in German, so you may need to use Babelfish to translate.

New Quake 3 Arena Chick AVI
by Sho @ Tue 01-26-1999 19:20

Paul Steed sent NetCombat a new, short AVI showing off the latest Q3 female player to be released in a 'post q3' model pack. You can check out the AVI here.

Source: 3DNews.net

NetGames USA Press Release
by NetGuy @ Tue 01-26-1999 09:25

NetGames USA, a new company started by BotanikA (from Orange Smoothie Productions) and some non-OSP partners, has posted a press release on their site which announces the use of their ngTCS Control System by the Cyberathlete Professional League. For more info about the use of ngTCS and its features, check the press release link.

Windows of Retaliation Released
by NetGuy @ Tue 01-26-1999 09:20

The first (public) version of Windows of Retaliation for Quake2 has been released. Their site has a really cool storyline, which places you in the middle of a clean-up mission on Earth after the Stroggs are gone... or are they?

Quake3 Arena Webring
by NetGuy @ Tue 01-26-1999 09:16

The first Quake3 Arena Webring will be opening soon, and is looking for people to volunteer their time to help them get ready to open.

BostonChick Feature Mod
by NetGuy @ Mon 01-25-1999 19:43

BostonChick has announced their featured modification for January and February: Action Quake2. Their feature write-up is jam packed with everything you need to know about Action Quake2.

Message Board: On-Line
by GFKiller @ Mon 01-25-1999 19:05

The Message Board is back on-line folks, so start registering your names with it. Sorry it took so long but I ran into many problems, so I had to reinstall the whole BB, then redesign, etc... It was a process, but it's well worth it. Enjoy the new board!

New Player Database Version
by NetGuy @ Mon 01-25-1999 15:07

Version 1.4 of the Player Database has been released. New features include logging, and the ability to examine a listing of all the players on the server and determine the stats of specific players. Check the PD page for more info.

New Terror Quake2 Beta
by NetGuy @ Mon 01-25-1999 14:15

I saw over on Blue's that Terror Quake2 beta version 1.0 has been released. This version fixes a skin bug that people who downloaded it early were experiencing. Blue notes that there is also an official player model pack up for grabs at the Terror Q2 site.

Coming Soon: Gloom
by NetGuy @ Mon 01-25-1999 13:25

Team Reaction, the people who brought you Jailbreak and QPong, is planning on releasing their next big mod called "Gloom" this Saturday. Among its features are: 2 Teams (Aliens and Marines), 7 Combat classes for each side (totalling 14 for the entire game), all new weapons, new maps, and more! Check the Team Reaction Gloom site for more info.

LMCTF 5.0 Screenshots
by NetGuy @ Mon 01-25-1999 10:08

Screenshots of the upcoming LMCTF 5.0 release are up on the Loki's Minions site. LMCTF won the "Best Maps" award for 1998 from Mod Central, so you know they've gotta be good!

Zaranthustra Studios Update
by NetGuy @ Mon 01-25-1999 10:03

Zaranthustra Studios has released a recammed Quake2 finals match from the Fragfest LAN party event in December, as well as the third in the line of demo editing tutorials - this one again geared primarily toward beginners looking to get started.

Hosting Information
by NetGuy @ Sun 01-24-1999 17:11

We've had a couple requests for hosting information now, and I realize it's my fault for not telling you all when we opened: we are 99.99999% sure that we won't be doing *any* hosting at all. We ran into some problems with our Quake2.com hosting and have decided to leave the hosting to those sites that want to specialize in hosting. Meanwhile we want to concentrate our efforts on improving this site and on offering the latest greatest Quake/2/3 news and info.

BotJohnny Version 2.2
by NetGuy @ Sun 01-24-1999 16:42

A new version of BotJohnny has been released. Version 2.2 features a new option to allow you to select any additional config files you wish to execute on launch, a configurable chat editor, an option to explore mod files, and more.

One Man Clans Update
by NetGuy @ Sun 01-24-1999 16:32

The Rogue's Gallery now has an updated list of 500+ players from all over the world. They also have 4 rogue squads that are ready to challenge any and all clans. Check it out!

New Quick Start Released
by NetGuy @ Sun 01-24-1999 16:21

Version 2.30 revision 2 of Quick Start, the Eraser Bot Wizard, has been released. This is mainly a bugfix release, although it sports a new time delays feature as well. They have a patch available for the new version or you can use the RealTime Update Wizard that comes with QS.

New Q3Arena TC (already?)
by NetGuy @ Sun 01-24-1999 16:17

Perdition by Ddb7xx is a new TC planned for Q3Arena. Perdition will be a huge TC in which you have escape from hell into the future world of 2039, see the Ddb7xx software site for the storyline and more information!

New Player Database
by NetGuy @ Sun 01-24-1999 15:59

A new version of the Player Database for Quake2 has been released. The new release includes a rating system as well as a high-score board.

GameOn UK LAN Party Info
by NetGuy @ Sun 01-24-1999 15:54

GameOn is holding a Lan Party in London during the 6th and 7th of February. This will start Saturday and run until Sunday, for 32 hours of gaming! The cost is £15 for the whole weekend. For more details visit their site.

Trick Library Opens
by NetGuy @ Sun 01-24-1999 15:49

The Trick Library is a new site that's now open to the public. They feature organized lists of the various tips and tricks that exist throughout Quake2, with screenshots, demos, and explainations of how the tricks work.

QuakeWorld Holywars Released
by NetGuy @ Sun 01-24-1999 15:46

A QuakeWorld version of the mod HolyWars is now available. They say this version is vastly cooler than the original one so be sure to check it out!

New QuakeStarter Released
by NetGuy @ Sun 01-24-1999 15:43

QuakeStarter version 0.67b has been released. New features include small bugfixes, map and serverlist windows sorted by TC, and an archive of Total Conversion webpage URL's.

OSP Tourney Version 1.06i Released
by NetGuy @ Sun 01-24-1999 15:33

Version 1.06i of OSP Tourney is now available from Orange Smoothie Productions. This patch fixes a problem for Linux server crashes related to logging as well as a few minor enhancements to some gameplay issues.

Message Board Status
by NetGuy @ Sun 01-24-1999 03:50

UPDATE: The Message Board will be up later today. I ran into some problems that are being straightened out, so all should be well.

As some of you have realized, the Message Board is un-accessable right now. I am working on this as you read. The reason the Message Board wasn't ready at time of opening of this site was because I need to do some finalizations of the board. I have to close the old Quake2.com board, move all the messages and users, and open the new board. It should be ready within an hour or 2, so please be patient.

Navigation Problems
by Sho @ Sat 01-23-1999 20:03

I've received a few mails about people saying they can't reach menu pop-up lists when they become overlapped. The solution for this is the white "X" that appears in each of the boxes, clicking this X will close that list and let you reach the ones under it.

Thanks for the support and if you have any other problems then let me know.

(Update) - I have changed the "X" to "(close)".

Welcome to Q3Arena.com!
by NetGuy @ Sat 01-23-1999 16:00

Welcome to Q3Arena.com! We've finally opened and we look forward to being your number one Quake, Quake2, and now Quake3: Arena news resource! Please take the time to browse around our really cool new site, enjoy the design as much as we do.

As you surf around the site you undoubtedly will encounter a few "coming soon" pages (like in the Game Info secion for example). We've decided to spend extra time on these sections because we feel they will be one of the most used of our resources. Never the less, be sure to check back *daily* for up to date coverage of all things in the Quake Universe. Enjoy!!

Help Wanted!
by NetGuy @ Sat 01-23-1999 15:59

That's right, we're looking for just a couple people who see what they like, and would like to help us maintain one of the Game Info sections. There are 4 sections to maintain: coding, mapping, skinning, and modeling. We are looking for 4 people who would like to help us maintain those sections. You can browse to those sites to see what we will be doing with each. If you're interested in helping, email NetGuy for more info!

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