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Author Topic: Babble
Member # 1698

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posted 02-18-2001 06:51 PM     Profile for Wolfie   Author's Homepage     Send New Private Message   Edit/Delete Post   Reply With Quote
What can I say? I feel like babbling at the moment... i have no idea why. Maybe because the past week or so I've been on a healthy-ish diet (aka very little chocolate and very little junkfood whatsoever) and about half an hour ago I drank a mug of hot chocolate (Cadbury's. mmmm) Mmm so if you wanna babble go ahead.

Ermmm so anyway it's 11:16pm on a Sunday night and I don't have school tomorrow because it's halfterm... but since I'm on the student council I'm going in anyway because we're doing up our common room, painting the walls and sofas and all that. I'm probably in for the whole week as well. We're gonna do some caricatures... should be cool. Like I was telling Red the other day before I got disconnected I finally decided to just let my 20 gig run by itself... and after pondering on the problem of no program disks for a while I hit myself on the head and said "duh partition magic plus norton ghost". So I got my friend George... he's this super techie guy I explained my plan to George and asked if it was plausible, he said yeah, should work fine, then I was like "damn I need to get those programs then" and he was like "oh I'll get them for you". The next day... voila on cd he handed me Norton ghost, norton utilities, PartitionMagic 6.0 and some other stuff. Figures I only needed Partition Magic but I didn't have the serial code so I had to get George again... however George wasn't in on Friday because he ate dark chocolate and he's allergic to it (silly boy) but I found him on icq around midnight. And oh my sister just handed me the newest edition of Doors "your guide to the internet". It's done by The Sunday Times. It's got this weird alien-looking thing on the cover. Speaking of aliens, I just watched this X-files episode where Mulder finally finds out that his sister Sam is dead. However in this very series (or was it the last one?) of the x-files some episodes ago they answered all the questions and it was affirmed that Sam was taken by the aliens to vaccine against them or something... I forget. ANyway, I digress. So I get George at midnight on icq and he finds a serial code for me in a minute... I was searching for over an hour.
And damn I just realized that this game I'm searching for, Electronoid, is nowhere to be found on the internet. There's some dude's copy of it that he called Multi-Sync ball, but no Electronoid. My sister really used to love that game and she'd be on there for hours.

So where was I. I had to download Adobe Acrobat Reader 4 because I only had 2, so I could read the manual. I'm a girl... I at least make an effort to read manuals. And then I had to backup all this stuff just in case partitioning went wrong. So I partitioned and everything... and then it turns out I'm past the 1024 cylinder boundary because I partitioned at the end of my 20 gig, so I have to partition on the front instead... then I finally was able to copy my C drive over into it. Go me! Of course then I ran into some confusion about Primary, Logical, Active hard drives and I had to look in the help manual to help me sort this stuff out. But all turned out well. And I also partitioned another part of my 20 gig off and called it Pluto. So now F: Pluto is my special partition of my harddrive. I could run linux on there if I wanted! But I decided not to because it might get a little confusing.
After all of that I ended up last night giving my hotmail password to this prick, Darren. I'm just so gullible! He's using this program, Ghostmail, and he sent me an e-mail from saying that I was in breach of their policy because it was logged that I had sent the 'Anna' virus on. If I felt this was an error, I was to reply with my password and postcode to the reply-all address, DUH I did it. Good thing my friend Neil was online last night and I was telling him about it... he told me to change my password IMMEDIATELY. Then somehow we ended up in a conversation where he was telling me how fed up he was with his situation with my friends... he used to be in my group but now isn't anymore because he really changed and we all think he's being very... damn I keep on forgetting that word. starts with pre I think. Presumptious? No, that's not the word. Well I use superficial in it's place but that's not really what I'm getting at either. Well, you know, where you're trying to be someone you're not.
But he swears that he's just trying to express himself... I still don't believe him but hey I don't say it out loud. The thing is a couple of my friends are really shitty to him and I try to stop it but they really don't like him, they say he lies just to get attention. For example, he's been telling us for the past two years that when he was 13 he slept with his older cousin (who just so happened to be named Samantha Fox) on a boat while his other cousin was on it. Now I don't believe that for a second... but then again who would make that kind of story up? Anyway, he ended up telling me all this stuff and he is SO self-pitying, and I told him that. He was hoping I could help him... and I'm not usually very rude but I was pretty rude in telling him just what I thought. But I was also nice as well. It was hard. I ended up analysing him through and telling him and he said I was pretty correct about what I said.
I also found out that apparently everyone loves me. Now I remember Red saying that before... about 3 years ago and my cousin always says that but you know I never really believed it. But last night I realized though it may not be exactly true it was true that I couldn't think of a single person who would want to harm me. And I dunno... that just makes me feel a bit weird.

TS... I just realized I haven't been by the chickclick boards for a while... I should pop by to see how things and people are going.

You know I think maybe that the reason why people are so tolerant of me is because I've got this whole 'cute' factor going on... I'm younger than everyone in my grade and for some reason that means I've got pretty much all the guys being my big brothers and all the girls being protective. Now there's something to muse about.

I figured the other day that the strangest thing has happened. While I've been trying to escape all these stereotypes I've walked into the biggest one... the stereotype of my generation. I've developed extreme characteristics of the stereotypical characteristics of my generation. I spend way too much time on the internet, I stress out but am laid back, I grew up on the computer, I'm the ultimate sarcasm queen but am the most gullible person in the entire universe.

How weird is that?

Anyway I think I've finished babbling for now but hey I just remembered something.
Be there or be not square. woooh. Hey that's cool. I should suggest that to Laz.

Anyway... babble on.

Posts: 786 | From: Cold place that rains all the time | Registered: Jan 2000  |  IP: Logged
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posted 02-18-2001 09:41 PM     Profile for Snag   Author's Homepage     Send New Private Message   Edit/Delete Post   Reply With Quote
That is a hell of a babble...

To mirror a drive though, DriveImage (same guys that do partition magic...powerquest) is a better program

And the pre word i think you were looking for is pretentious

Posts: 2606 | From: Canada | Registered: Nov 1999  |  IP: Logged
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posted 02-19-2001 12:59 AM     Profile for Redlemons   Author's Homepage     Send New Private Message   Edit/Delete Post   Reply With Quote
Well. I'll be damned. I was thinking about starting a nothing thread.

Of course everyone loves ya Wolfie

Well, I saw Hannibal on Saturday, and although it was thrilling (not really scary) I still thought it was OK. Just for mindless entertainment value. I thought Silence of the Lambs was scary, and the Blair Witch Project totally forked me over (I watched it at 2.30am during a storm, alone) but Hannibal was just gory and stuff.

This Saturday night, though, is The Party. Capitals and everything. My brother's just starting university (doing an International Politics course) so he and I are putting this on to celebrate starting my senior high school year and his starting his freshman uni year. I expect every one of you to be here. It's going to "go off" or whatever the lingo is nowadays.

I would ramble on a bit more but I've got some homework to do. The questions on Antony And Cleopatra aren't going to answer themselves.

Posts: 1711 | From: Melbourne, Australia | Registered: Jun 1999  |  IP: Logged
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posted 02-19-2001 03:34 AM     Profile for AcidWarp   Author's Homepage     Send New Private Message   Edit/Delete Post   Reply With Quote
That's okay that the Blair Witch Project forked you over Red, I watched it drunk and threw up, luckily I did it after the movie ended, and I was outside the theatre. I'll NEVER, EVER watch a movie drunk again. . . ever.
Posts: 4363 | From: Waterloo, Ontario | Registered: Nov 1999  |  IP: Logged
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posted 02-19-2001 04:25 PM     Profile for Snag   Author's Homepage     Send New Private Message   Edit/Delete Post   Reply With Quote
HAHA, I am never watching a movie after witnessing a murder anymore either

It was Boxing Day, 1996. My buddy was in from outta town visiting his grandmother (she lives in Red Deer but he drove to Edmontonn to visit me hehe) and we went to West Edmonton Mall to watch "Beavis and Butthead Do America". We bought our tickets and walked around the mall a bit. Stopped at a few arcades, went to the amusement park etc... When it came time to go for our movie. Walking through the Worlds Largest Mall on Boxing Day is no treat. And having damn near grown up in that mall, I new every nook and cranny. So, to shave a few seconds off our time, we cut a shortcut along the handrailing overlooking the Ice Palace (skating rink) on the upper level of phase two. While my buddy is laughing watching the people like cattle going to slaughter, we heard a bang. We both looked up and stopped. There was this one guy who was holding his head as he had just hit his head on one of the aquariums on the terrace. Then these 3 asian guys jump out. They were all asian so we thought they must just be dicking around and somebody fell. WELL, next thing ya know we see what looked like guys punching him. I thought, "Oh gee...yet another fight in this fucking place." So my buddy and I just stopped and stood there...we were not about to get involved in a asian gang fight. Within 10 seconds of this all happening, the guy getting pummled on, ran by us on the terrace, his blood trail within inches of our shoes. The perps ran by as well, but by this time we were in such a state of shock we didn't know what the fuck to make of it. When we turned around to see the victim, there he was, dying, on the floor, in the middle of a mall. He was a former gang member. Trying to get his brother out. His brother was the target. But he died senselessly. The perps were eventually rounded up (there are thousands of cameras in the mirrored pillars of the mall). But one by one, the little shits got off. Immediately after that, I called my parents and I was like, you will never fucking guess what Cory and I just saw!! And when I told them, they thought it was the typical 19 year old guy exaggerating, trying to make a good story. Apparantly, 30 minutes later, there was a newsflash of a murder happening in front of hundreds of witnesses in the mall. ANYHOW, my buddy and I went to the movie. And in the opening of it, because of the shock we were still in of witnessing a murder, when Beavis and Butthead came on in their little circles going hehehe huhuhuhuh at the very beginning, we laughed our asses off. All the way through the movie, even at unfunny parts, we were laughing our asses off. People we throwing popcorn at us telling us to shut up etc...but we didn't care. Compared to what we saw, this was the funniest shit in the world. Oh yeah, and on a comment on society, IT IS FUCKING PATHETIC. In this mall, there were people walking through the blood (there was enough that people SHOULD have seen it) and people were bitching cause they could not get into their stores. Then after the movie when the area was cordoned off for the investigation, people were again bitching cause their store that they wanted to go to was closed due to the investigation. I mean, how fucking insensitive...there is no way they could not figure it out with all the blood everywhere. This world is going for shit.

I have come to the conclusion that multiculturalism is a flop. Ethnic groups are ALWAYS fighting for certain perks, privileges or rights that others don't have. They always stay in their own little groups etc bla bla bla. This creates resentment for one and distrust for another. I mean, I have friends who are minorities and they are fucking awesome. But, if it came down to going out on the town with me or one of "their own", i would be sitting at home. This world WILL NEVER be rid of racism simply because of this. And racism never existed TO THE EXTENT that we know it today up until a few hundred years ago when cultures started to blend. It is interesting...everybody wants to be accepted, yet nobody wants to conform.

Another example of this is how the RCMP were EXPECTED to change a tradition that now dates a couple hundred years, for a Sikh who wanted to wear a turban on the force. It went to court and everything. Eventually he won, but the way I see it, is you don;t come to MY country, and expect me to make sacrifices to accomodate you. If you want to be here, you conform as needed not to piss the rest of us off and live as quietly as possible.

I am more than likely coming off as a redneck now, but I don't care. I am labelled a redneck cause I live in Alberta. I may have redneck values and beliefs. But the fact of the matter is, any white skinned, red blooded Canadian who has roots here dating back to the early 1800's (aka me) feels the same way as I do...they either admit it, or they are too pussy to. Either way, they feel it.

Vive l'Alberta et B.C.

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Member # 992

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posted 02-19-2001 04:33 PM     Profile for Snag   Author's Homepage     Send New Private Message   Edit/Delete Post   Reply With Quote
btw, i am not racist...I just don't believe it is possible to be free of racism when cultural sects are all vying for rights, freedoms and concessions that nobody else gets...
Posts: 2606 | From: Canada | Registered: Nov 1999  |  IP: Logged
Member # 1698

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posted 02-19-2001 04:55 PM     Profile for Wolfie   Author's Homepage     Send New Private Message   Edit/Delete Post   Reply With Quote
Wow. I should stop surfing the net late at night, huh.

Well I'm paint-covered. My jeans are paint-covered. My black shoes are white-paint covered. I'm just painted. Damn. Anyone know how to get paint off leather and off denim?

Snag, that's a pretty fucked story.

But that thing you were saying about RCMP... yeah it may be a tradition dating back over a hundred years but Sikh's wearing turbans have been around longer, and I think religion rates over tradition. But even if we continue arguing the point neither of us will be convinced so oh well...

Posts: 786 | From: Cold place that rains all the time | Registered: Jan 2000  |  IP: Logged
Member # 992

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posted 02-19-2001 05:22 PM     Profile for Snag   Author's Homepage     Send New Private Message   Edit/Delete Post   Reply With Quote
BUT, I do not go somewhere expecting someone to change for me. REGARDLESS. If you come here, and you want to be accepted, you conform. I worked with a Sikh. He also informed me that they DO NOT HAVE to wear turbans. That if they remove their turbans, they have to shave their beards. He came here from India and to conform that is what he did. He still has his religion. He went over to India for a month for a prearranged marriage. He grew his beard out for his wedding to wear a turban. He came back and he shaved again. But that is why multi-culturalism is a flop. I mean, I was quite pissed about the wanting to change our traiditions to accomodate this guy. Sure, he wanted to be a cop. THAT IS GREAT. I respect the man for that. It is very honourable. BUT, I didn't drag his family over here. Canada makes no promises to immigrants. Nor does the US. The US is the "Land of Opportunity" sure...but prosperity is not a promise. You gotta bust your ass off. The only promises north america in general promises is freedom of religion, persecution and the right to live in peace. BUT, do not take that to the extreme and think concessions are owed to you. It is like the whole thing with the indians here. I am paying for something that happened even BEFORE my earliest Canadian anscestors. Immigrants are paying the same. None of the Indians alive today know what TRULY happened, and nor do I. But they do not have to pay taxes, they get oil royalties given to them...the list goes on. Saskatchewan would be among the richest provinces in Canada except for the fact over 50% of the population there is Indian. Flash a treaty card and you got it easy!! Everyone says they want equality but do they honestly?? That is why I wanna be a fucking mountain man. Screw is all full of philanderers and hipocrates I just wanna be a philandering mountain man hehe...score me a hotty and up the mountains we go lol Nobody will see us again haha
Posts: 2606 | From: Canada | Registered: Nov 1999  |  IP: Logged
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posted 02-19-2001 10:11 PM     Profile for Redlemons   Author's Homepage     Send New Private Message   Edit/Delete Post   Reply With Quote
'Multiculturalism' has been Australia's favourite word for the last twenty years or so, and will be well into the future.

Everywhere you go someone (usually poitlicians) are talking about how great Australia is because we've got so many people from different cultures.

Now that I think about it, racism has also become the word you shout when you have nothing else to say. Believe it or not, but I've actually been scolded in school for saying 'Asians' because it may have offended some Asians we had in the class at the time. Apparently it has derogitory connotations, but as far as I see it, I'm just grouping people from Asian nations into one word. Same as Europeans, same as Americans etc. But people here are so sensitive and so careful to be politically correct and not to offend anyone that they don't actually say what they want to say, for fear of being labelled a racist.

Posts: 1711 | From: Melbourne, Australia | Registered: Jun 1999  |  IP: Logged
Member # 997

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posted 02-19-2001 11:58 PM     Profile for AcidWarp   Author's Homepage     Send New Private Message   Edit/Delete Post   Reply With Quote
Snag, you should see Surrey and Richmond (areas of Greater Vancouver) here in BC, the signs are all in Hindi or Chinese. . . and if they have room English. I shit you not. We are being forced to accept a culture not our own. These people are simply refusing to adapt to our way of life, to our culture. It's an absolutely sad state of affairs. Don't get me wrong, my Dad's an immigrant, he moved here from Italy, but he's adapted to our culture. So has his entire family. I don't see why it's so difficult. Everybody is treated the same here, why should we have different levels of sameness.
Posts: 4363 | From: Waterloo, Ontario | Registered: Nov 1999  |  IP: Logged
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posted 02-20-2001 12:11 AM     Profile for AcidWarp   Author's Homepage     Send New Private Message   Edit/Delete Post   Reply With Quote
I'll tell you where all this multicultural bullshit stems from. . . Quebec. Well indirectly I suppose. I'm talking about the Dual Language laws, and the fact that our country has two official languages. We should have just one. I don't particularly care which, I use to speak french fairly well, somebody should just pick one. All of the multiculural crap comes from that . . . I'm trying to say that as a country we are too fucking wishy washy on issues like this. I don't have a problem with ethnic diversity, I just don't like that we can't seem to impress upon new citizens that they aren't in "the old country" anymore. They have to obey our laws, they have to integrate into our culture, not the other way around.

And speaking of laws, that brings to mind the perfect example of the point that Snag is trying to make. A couple of years ago in a Squamish (if I remember correctly) BC, an East Indian man beat his wife almost to death, but he felt that he didn't actually do anything against the law, because apparently in India, they can do that kind of thing, because that's the kind of society they live in. Doesn't that sort of strike you as fucked up, not because of Indian culture being the way it is, but because he felt he shouldn't be prosecuted even though he is in our country where what he did is illegal. It certainly seems fucked up to me.

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posted 02-20-2001 01:44 AM     Profile for grumpy   Author's Homepage     Send New Private Message   Edit/Delete Post   Reply With Quote
i jus would like to add that i too, have started to eat healthier!! i have 2 salads a day now =)
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posted 02-20-2001 01:58 AM     Profile for Gladiator   Author's Homepage     Send New Private Message   Edit/Delete Post   Reply With Quote
Well shit.

What can I say? I guess ignorance is rampant right accross Canada, including BC.

Snag, I have a few things to say to you. First of all, this isn't YOUR country. Canada is a country made of immigrants. I don't give a fuck how far back your family goes (my mother's side of the family goes just as far back) your family immigrated here from another country just like everyone else. Just because your family (not you) has been in the country longer does not mean that you are more Canadian than the newest immigrant. In fact, people who have just been rewarded with citizenship I feel are better at describing what a true Canadian is. Second, the Sikh who went to court to have the laws changed on head dress was not out to change anyone, simply an outdated law that should probably never have been penned. (just because a law is old, doesn't mean it's right.

Acid, let me define "Official Language" for you. It is simply the languages that may be spoken in Canada's government buildings while in session. This doesn't mean that everyone must speak one of these languages on the street, this is up to the individual who may choose to continue speaking their native tongue. Now, there are 2 official languages because the 2 largest populations in Canada are predominantly English and French. (By the way, just a little history lesson, the French are bitter towards the English because when the English took Canada from them, they were forced into assimilation by the English culture. The French were treated as lowlifes, simply because they did not come from the same cultural background. The assimilation obviously failed, but the contempt for the french by the english continued right up into the 1960's where the french were still struggling for equal right with the English.)

Canada is looked up to by the rest of the world as a place where everyone may live in harmony. It is in fact the only place in the world where so many cultures have gotten along peacefully without religious and cultural contempt of their former countries. To hear my fellow Canadians speak about immigrants as foreigners that should be assimilated ashames me. This country is based on basic rights, just like the right to practicing your own religion, and not being forced to take upon a culture that is not your own. This ignorance must stop. It is thinking like this that will eventually destroy this country.

Freedom is not a right, it is a priviledge. You are not born a citizen, true citizens are made through their civic virtues and sense of civic duties. From what I've seen tonight, we have a long way to go in teaching the children of Canada what it really means to be Canadian. Ignorance is obviously rampant in the west.

Posts: 99 | From: Montreal, Quebec, Canada | Registered: Jan 2001  |  IP: Logged
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posted 02-20-2001 05:11 AM     Profile for AcidWarp   Author's Homepage     Send New Private Message   Edit/Delete Post   Reply With Quote
Glad, why would you call me ignorant without first trying to understand my point of view, I'm not ignorant, I fully understand the impications of the things I say as well as the underlying issues. Although, reading what I wrote, I guess I came off that way. I think I was angry because the hallway on the side entrance to my building (which is right where my apatment is) reaked of Curry because my neighbour cooks with his apatment door open for some reason. Vancouver is the pretty well the largest deep sea port in Western Canada, and as such we get a large influx of people moving here from India, China, Indonesia, Japan. We also get a fair number of peoples from Persia (Iraqi, Iranian, Arabian). I get treated badly because I'm not East Indian, or Chinese, or Iranian. I don't feel like this is my home anymore. I'm canadian to the core yet I feel ashamed of my self when I walk down the street. I see signs that have every langauge on them except the langauge spoken in this country. I'm pretty sure that only about 1 in 10 people in Vancouver and the Greater Vancouver areas was actually born here. I'm not being racist, I'm just trying to get my point across. The Charter of Rights and Freedoms says that all Canadians by birth or having permanent status are equal. But it seems at times that some are more equal than others. I've been passed over in restaurant line ups because I'm NOT an immigrant. The origins of the person who got served instead of me didn't even seem to matter. I've had East Indian servers pick Oriental customers over me, and vice versa. I take pride in the fact that the beliefs of others are protected in this country. I admire that a Sikh can wear his turban while being a member of the RCMP. I DON'T feel that certain people should be afforded special treatment. I don't want to be an outcast in my home.

Glad you're wrong about freedom being a priviledge. If I have to earn freedom then I'm be no better than a prisoner, or worse yet a slave. Freedom is the birthright of everyone on this green earth. That's what the Charter of Rights and Freedoms is based on, the basic human rights and freedoms that every man, woman, and child is born with. The only thing one has to earn is the priviledge of calling one's self Canadian. I LOVE this country, the good and the bad. Yes I even, ~sigh~, love Quebec. More importantly though I respect what the Charter stands for. Je souhaite juste que le reste du monde pourrait aussi.

[fixed some spelling, and my french grammar, it's been a while you know]

[This message has been edited by AcidWarp (edited 02-20-2001).]

Posts: 4363 | From: Waterloo, Ontario | Registered: Nov 1999  |  IP: Logged
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posted 02-20-2001 08:58 AM     Profile for Star6   Author's Homepage     Send New Private Message   Edit/Delete Post   Reply With Quote
I wonder is babble will post another picture of his ass soon?
Posts: 62 | From: Canada | Registered: Nov 1999  |  IP: Logged
Member # 1698

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posted 02-20-2001 05:18 PM     Profile for Wolfie   Author's Homepage     Send New Private Message   Edit/Delete Post   Reply With Quote
Errhhh I'm wondering why half of my threads end up like this.

Grumps, that's cool. *lol* I was bad today though 'cause I ate two chocolate bars and a pack of chips. Also I ate a cheeseburger and fries at McD's yesterday. It's not that I'm on a slimming diet it's that I'm on a healthier diet. I tried explaining that to my guy friend because when he heard I was on a health diet he was like "what? you? diet? what? you don't need to be on a diet!" This was at McDonalds yesterday as well. But though I've made some slip-ups I will keep going.

Aaaaarrrrgggghhhhh I feel so annoyed right now. In my last two schools there was association called IASAS... basically it's 5 intl. schools from 5 different countries in South East Asia competing against each other. I checked the swimming scores today and was SOO annoyed. The fastest 100m backstroke time is 3 seconds slower than me. DAMNIT. I was always gonna go swim for IASAS but you could ony do it once you reached highshool. I was in an IASAS school all the way through school... but moved right before highschool. DAMNIT DAMNIT DAMNIT.

AW, I know what you mean. Red, tell them you LIVED in friggin' asia for goodness sakes.

Posts: 786 | From: Cold place that rains all the time | Registered: Jan 2000  |  IP: Logged
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posted 02-21-2001 02:36 AM     Profile for Snag   Author's Homepage     Send New Private Message   Edit/Delete Post   Reply With Quote
Ignorant? For saying that when you come to a country you should expect something. I said I respect that Sihk for wanting to be a cop. It is honourable and very noble. But you say:
the Sikh who went to court to have the laws changed on head dress was not out to change anyone, simply an outdated law that should probably never have been penned

Newflash, this person in question wanted one tradition to change so he wouldn't have to comprimise his. Hell, IT IN NOT EVEN A LAW, IT IS TRADITION!!!! If I wanted to work at McDonalds and I said, I refuse to wear that shirt cause it violates my constitutional right to the freedom of expression, what is gonne happen???

This being said you also say:

Just because your family (not you) has been in the country longer does not mean that you are more Canadian than the newest immigrant

You ever hear the saying "When in Rome do as the Romans do"?? You quote brings time into it. Well then, why should our traditions be sacrificed because this guys tradition dates back further.

First of all, this isn't YOUR country.
IF IT AIN'T MINE, WHO THE FUCKS IS IT?? I was born here. As were my parents, granparents, great-granparents... I have paid my taxes, and my unemployment benefits. I have paid my CPP though I will most likely never collect it. I pay into all the welfare systems and collect FUCK ALL. I got laid off. I could be collecting UI. Am I now? NO! I am living on what I have saved. So again I ask you, having been born here, and paying so much into what makes this country what it is, HOW THE FUCK IS IT NOT MY COUNTRY.

The official language thing is not even an issue with me. However, THE FRENCH CANADIANS ARE FUCKING HIPOCRATES. I base this on:

By the way, just a little history lesson, the French are bitter towards the English because when the English took Canada from them, they were forced into assimilation by the English culture. The French were treated as lowlifes, simply because they did not come from the same cultural background. The assimilation obviously failed, but the contempt for the french by the english continued right up into the 1960's where the french were still struggling for equal right with the English.

Go to a Pow-Wow and say that bullshit reasoning. What do you think the Indians would say/do to you. That is why the west hates Quebec...they think they are owed so much too!!!

This ignorance must stop. It is thinking like this that will eventually destroy this country.

I said to start off with that multi-culturalism is a flop because each cultural sect is looking for rights or conessions none of the others do. QUEBEC IS THE #1 VIOLATOR OF THIS.

Ignorance is obviously rampant in the west.

If you were to live here, you would understand. See, Quebec cries, Ottawa listens. Alberta says "hey, helllloooo over here" and we are ignored. Ottawa has time and time again neglected BC, Alberta and Saskatchewan. Saskatchewan is getting screwed over via farming subsidies. Alberta is getting screwed over by providing the highest per capita GDP, it is the #1 oil producer, is easily and WITHOUT question, the wealthiest and most financially sound province, yet it gets ignored and shit on. NEP anyone??

If you really want a pissing match, I got more. The fact of the matter is, I NEVER made any racial comments. All I said, was that multi-culturalism is a flop. Quebec proves this. You may not be a separatist, but you live in Quebec. And I may not be a red neck, but I live in Alberta. If your idea of a country is one where anyone can come in and make demands for concessions, you can have it. I for one have decided to fully support the AIP. And I owe you to thank Glad. For you have personally aimed that eastern attitude towards me personally.

And again, I ask for a nomination for a Lounge Award for being the "Best Shit Distruber" hehe

Yeah, nice long winded post. OH YEAH WOLFIE, it's not you, it's me (in regards to how your posts wind up lol)

[This message has been edited by Snag (edited 02-21-2001).]

Posts: 2606 | From: Canada | Registered: Nov 1999  |  IP: Logged
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posted 02-22-2001 03:27 AM     Profile for AnArKi   Author's Homepage     Send New Private Message   Edit/Delete Post   Reply With Quote
BLAH, BLAH, FUCKIN' BLAH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I have better things to do than to listen to you FUCKING MORONS bicker over the biggest waste of my time. WHO GIVES A FUCK?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?! This is BULLSHIT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Oh, and by the way, I am the biggest shit distributer in the Ununited Shitload of America.


That's IT; I'm gunna open a whole CASE of WHOOPASS on you! That's right, 24 CANS

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posted 02-22-2001 02:51 PM     Profile for Snag   Author's Homepage     Send New Private Message   Edit/Delete Post   Reply With Quote
uhm, with your being a newcomer here, I don't think THAT was a prudent post. And the way you dissed our neighbours to the south like that was rather uncool.
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posted 02-22-2001 03:48 PM     Profile for AnArKi   Author's Homepage     Send New Private Message   Edit/Delete Post   Reply With Quote
I didn't diss MY neighboors to the South, I HAVE TO LIVE IN THIS HELL HOLE NAMED, The Ununited Shitload of America.

That's IT; I'm gunna open a whole CASE of WHOOPASS on you! That's right, 24 CANS

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posted 02-22-2001 05:43 PM     Profile for Snag   Author's Homepage     Send New Private Message   Edit/Delete Post   Reply With Quote
LOL apologies (not for living there...for assuming you didn't )
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posted 02-22-2001 10:44 PM     Profile for AnArKi   Author's Homepage     Send New Private Message   Edit/Delete Post   Reply With Quote
It's ok, I was just a little grumpy that day. but I'm still the biggest shit distributer in the USA

That's IT; I'm gunna open a whole CASE of WHOOPASS on you! That's right, 24 CANS! BWAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA

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posted 02-23-2001 05:02 PM     Profile for AnArKi   Author's Homepage     Send New Private Message   Edit/Delete Post   Reply With Quote
although, I would rather live in CANADA. I mean, you got so much cool stuff, The RED GREEN show, no George W. Bush, The RED GREEN show, no George W. Bush...
... the list goes on and on.

That's IT; I'm gunna open a whole CASE of WHOOPASS on you! That's right, 24 CANS!

[This message has been edited by AnArKi (edited 02-23-2001).]

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posted 02-23-2001 06:26 PM     Profile for AcidWarp   Author's Homepage     Send New Private Message   Edit/Delete Post   Reply With Quote
We don't have that much cool stuff. . . although the Red Green show is pretty cool. Don't forget we have pop not soda
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posted 02-23-2001 07:25 PM     Profile for AnArKi   Author's Homepage     Send New Private Message   Edit/Delete Post   Reply With Quote
Oh yeah, I forgot, you also have JONES SODA!

That's IT; I'm gunna open a whole CASE of WHOOPASS on you! That's right, 24 CANS!

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posted 02-24-2001 03:56 AM     Profile for Snag   Author's Homepage     Send New Private Message   Edit/Delete Post   Reply With Quote
Just remember, it just SEEMS we have all the cool stuff cause the US buys it all. The NHL of which I am the most bitter about. I mean, Hockey Night in Canada...I grew up with that.

Back in the 80's with Edmonton, and the Battle of Alberta...there is a level of hockey and rivalry that no matter what, the US cannot buy nor replicate. And though Americans may like hockey, they may know the rules...they do not have a culture built around hockey.

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posted 02-24-2001 04:25 AM     Profile for AcidWarp   Author's Homepage     Send New Private Message   Edit/Delete Post   Reply With Quote
Like the Habs, eh Snag. . . they never play a road game in Canada. . .
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posted 02-24-2001 06:03 AM     Profile for Snag   Author's Homepage     Send New Private Message   Edit/Delete Post   Reply With Quote
Yeah the bastards...

[This message has been edited by Snag (edited 02-24-2001).]

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posted 02-24-2001 06:01 PM     Profile for AnArKi   Author's Homepage     Send New Private Message   Edit/Delete Post   Reply With Quote
I hate the US, and I plan to go to colledge in CANADA.

Remember, If the women don't find you handsome, they should at least find you handy.

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posted 02-24-2001 07:33 PM     Profile for Snag   Author's Homepage     Send New Private Message   Edit/Delete Post   Reply With Quote
Just think, one years tuition would be like $1300 That is why I wanna get my flight certs and go to the US haha. But of course I would come back to the homeland...
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