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Member # 78

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posted 01-21-2001 02:06 AM     Profile for HAL9000   Author's Homepage     Send New Private Message   Edit/Delete Post   Reply With Quote
Thank God that's philandering, lying, worthless sack of donkey nuts is finally out of the White House.....

Too bad Harry Browne didn't win the election. Bush isn't much better, but at least it isn't Al "I'm a liar just as much as Bill" Gore.

Ahhh, the lesser of two evils.

Hal "Don't steal my meat" 9000

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posted 01-21-2001 03:34 AM     Profile for Snag   Author's Homepage     Send New Private Message   Edit/Delete Post   Reply With Quote
Yeah no shit. The odassity of Al Gore saying he invented the internet when everyone fucking knows I DID!!!


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posted 01-21-2001 09:13 AM     Profile for Cyborg6   Author's Homepage     Send New Private Message   Edit/Delete Post   Reply With Quote
I kinda like Bush. He's a quiet, non celebrity type guy. Kinda refreshing...we will see.
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posted 01-21-2001 12:16 PM     Profile for Scooby   Author's Homepage     Send New Private Message   Edit/Delete Post   Reply With Quote
I am pretty pissed off at the inaguration though. THEY FNCKING OVERRUN MY SATURDAYMORNING CARTOONS!!

I was all set to watch The Weekenders, a hillarious cartoon, when I turn to ABC, and the inaguration is on. They a quick surf finds that atleast 5 other channels are carrying it. WHY?

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posted 01-23-2001 12:42 PM     Profile for Broch   Author's Homepage     Send New Private Message   Edit/Delete Post   Reply With Quote

Time to turn the tables!

Now we get 4 years to pick the lame duck apart. He better hope everyone one he appointed.. from white office boy to secretary of state is on their best behavior. I give it 1 month before the first scandal begins.

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20 20
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posted 01-23-2001 01:14 PM     Profile for 20 20   Author's Homepage     Send New Private Message   Edit/Delete Post   Reply With Quote
Nothing personal, Broch, but that's the kind of attitude that will get in the way of anything constructive happening. This is not Democrat-bashing, this goes for both sides. It hurt in the last 8 years, it'll hurt the next x years. Until this total 'us against them' attitude stops, on BOTH sides, we're doomed for mediocrity.
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posted 01-23-2001 03:55 PM     Profile for Wolfie   Author's Homepage     Send New Private Message   Edit/Delete Post   Reply With Quote
I won't/don't take sides about a government/president in a country I don't come from or never lived in, but this didn't do any favours about what I think of Bush Jr.

EU chief attacks Bush on abortion cash

January 23, 2001
Web posted at: 1:43 PM EST (1843 GMT)

STOCKHOLM, Sweden -- Plans by new U.S. President George W. Bush to ban funding for international family planning groups that support abortion have been criticised by a European Union chief.

After Bush reinstated the policy in one of the first acts of his presidency, Anna Diamantopoulou, EU Commissioner for Employment and Social Affairs, said she was disappointed by the move and feared it "may be a signal of things to come."

"Why is it so easy at a single stroke to put back the achievements in the area of equality of 20 years?" she said, speaking at a meeting in Sweden of EU ministers for gender equality.

Diamantopoulou urged Swedish Prime Minister Goran Persson to raise the issue at a meeting with Bush planned for June. Sweden currently holds the EU presidency.

But Persson played down the issue, arguing that Bush's abortion policy was a domestic U.S. issue.

"I don't think it is going to affect relations between the United States and Europe," he said.

Population expert Professor John Hobcraft of the London School of Economics (LSE), said: "To anyone outside the United States it is an extremely strange and bullying policy because it is not about not funding abortion.

"It is not about protecting federal money from abortion. It is really about being completely anti-abortion and trying to do everything you can to sabotage any organisation that is in any way promoting abortion."

The 'Mexico City Policy' that Bush is reinstating was introduced by President Ronald Reagan in 1984, when it was known as the "global gag rule," and rescinded by President Bill Clinton in 1993.

It bans financial support for organisations if any of their funding, even if it does not come from the U.S., is spent on abortion.

This means organisations that also provide other services, including family planning, education and health facilities, will be affected by Bush's action.

Bush said he believed "taxpayer funds should not be used to pay for abortions or advocate or actively promote abortion either here or abroad."

The International Planned Parenthood Federation (IPPF) predicted programmes to prevent unplanned pregnancies will suffer the most from the move -- not abortion services which have been ineligible for U.S. funds for decades.

"To place restrictions on family planning choices disempowers women and men and undermines their efforts to extricate themselves from poverty," IPPF Director General Ingar Brueggemann said in a statement.

"The Mexico City policy has cost many lives and actually increased to a large degree the number of unintended pregnancies and illegal, unsafe abortions causing death and disability."

The policy will not apply to U.S. groups because they are protected by constitutional free speech provisions.

Dr Sheilagh Ogilvie, an economist at Cambridge University, described the move as ethically questionable and said Bush's decision further separates women in poor and rich nations.

"Because abortion is legal for American women it is a little bit inconsistent that the American government is, in a sense, forbidding women in poor countries something which women in the United States are allowed to do," she said.

But LIFE, a pro-life group in Britain, described Bush's decision as an excellent way to begin his presidency.

It urged British Prime Minister Tony Blair to follow the U.S. example.

"IPPF and the United Nations Fund for Population Activities (UNFPA) have promoted wicked sterilisation and abortion programmes throughout the Third World and have condoned the brutal one-child policy on China," said Nuala Scarisbrick, a LIFE trustee.

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posted 01-23-2001 05:06 PM     Profile for Cacophonous   Author's Homepage     Send New Private Message   Edit/Delete Post   Reply With Quote
I still by my earlier statement that Bush is a moron. I am not a liberal nor a Demoncrat btw.


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20 20
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posted 01-23-2001 07:01 PM     Profile for 20 20   Author's Homepage     Send New Private Message   Edit/Delete Post   Reply With Quote
I still stand by my earlier statement that Bush is not a moron.
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posted 01-24-2001 02:20 AM     Profile for Rivendell   Author's Homepage     Send New Private Message   Edit/Delete Post   Reply With Quote
Heh...I think I want to stay out of this discussion this time...
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posted 01-24-2001 02:33 AM     Profile for Snag   Author's Homepage     Send New Private Message   Edit/Delete Post   Reply With Quote
As a taxpayer, I don't like my healthcare tax dollars going towards aborting a baby because somebody was:
a. stupid/drunk/whatever
b. didn't take all necessary options
c. not willing to face the consequence of theirs actions.

Coming from Alberta, the last I heard was that abortions were PARTIALLY covered. Even that I do not agree with because that takes money away from essential services and to maintain those services our taxes/rates go up. Unless a pregnancy poses a threat to the life of the woman, it should NOT be paid for by the government.

It is not a matter of equal rights is a matter of responsibility. If you speed, you get a ticket. Society doesn't pay it for do it yourself.

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posted 01-24-2001 02:34 AM     Profile for Snag   Author's Homepage     Send New Private Message   Edit/Delete Post   Reply With Quote
BTW, I still think I deserve a lounge award for being a shit disturber cause I don't back down when I feel strongly about something like this.
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Member # 493

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posted 01-24-2001 04:38 AM     Profile for Lindi   Author's Homepage     Edit/Delete Post   Reply With Quote
Originally posted by Rivendell:
Heh...I think I want to stay out of this discussion this time...

Ditto, had just about enough with the election process.

Spell checks? SPELL CHECKS? we don't need no stinking Spell Checks.

Posts: 3036 | From: Turku, Finland | Registered: Jul 1999  |  IP: Logged
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posted 01-24-2001 09:50 AM     Profile for Cacophonous   Author's Homepage     Send New Private Message   Edit/Delete Post   Reply With Quote
As a taxpayer, I don't like my healthcare tax dollars going towards aborting a baby

Snag - I understand your point but don't think you would have to pay even more taxes for welfare or health care to raise some unwanted child. Possible crack baby, etc?

Think about it.

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20 20
Member # 358

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posted 01-24-2001 10:12 AM     Profile for 20 20   Author's Homepage     Send New Private Message   Edit/Delete Post   Reply With Quote
Put the money into preventing pregnancies, not killing babies.

Now THAT should get some responses, eh?

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Member # 493

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posted 01-24-2001 10:33 AM     Profile for Lindi   Author's Homepage     Edit/Delete Post   Reply With Quote
Here's mine:

I really don't have a position on abortions. Don't really like to get into conversations about them either, because they have a tendency become quite heated...

What do you guys think about Britain allowing cloning human featuses for scientific research?

They aren't allowed to grow beyond 14 days, but it's still cloning humans.

Spell checks? SPELL CHECKS? we don't need no stinking Spell Checks.

Posts: 3036 | From: Turku, Finland | Registered: Jul 1999  |  IP: Logged
20 20
Member # 358

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posted 01-24-2001 10:58 AM     Profile for 20 20   Author's Homepage     Send New Private Message   Edit/Delete Post   Reply With Quote
Ewww, don't like that! Sure, it's only for medical purposes, but what a can of worms it opens!
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posted 01-24-2001 12:57 PM     Profile for Broch   Author's Homepage     Send New Private Message   Edit/Delete Post   Reply With Quote
No Offense..

But everytime I hear somebody say "Killing babies" I want to tell them to go adopt a child or become a foster parent or join a Big Brothers/Sisters program or donate to programs that help welfare mothers get GOOD respectable jobs or help find fathers who are missing child support payments.

BTW, study after study supports that only 15% of American want to outlaw abortions. So Bush is just throwing a bone to the fringe of America.

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posted 01-24-2001 01:27 PM     Profile for Broch   Author's Homepage     Send New Private Message   Edit/Delete Post   Reply With Quote


I just farted and it smells in my office. Damn permaseal windows!!!!

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20 20
Member # 358

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posted 01-24-2001 01:39 PM     Profile for 20 20   Author's Homepage     Send New Private Message   Edit/Delete Post   Reply With Quote
I guess the that's the heart of the matter. The phrase 'killing babies'. How many of the pro-choice crowd would be for the elimination of babies up to, say 1 week after they were born? Not many, I would guess.

The pro-life crowd believes that a concieved fetus IS as much a human being as that 1 week old baby. THAT is the heart of the matter. Some people believe a fetus is human. Some don't. Some think that you can pick a 'time' in a pregnancy when a fetus becomes human. Some don't.

Pro-choicers don't believe killing a human being should be allowed. Neither do pro-lifers.

[This message has been edited by 20 20 (edited 01-24-2001).]

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posted 01-24-2001 02:20 PM     Profile for Cacophonous   Author's Homepage     Send New Private Message   Edit/Delete Post   Reply With Quote
40 - The funds Bush cut went mostly for planned parenthood activites, not actual abortions.

The International Planned Parenthood Federation (IPPF) predicted programmes to prevent unplanned pregnancies will suffer the most from the move -- not abortion services which have been ineligible for U.S. funds for decades.


Population expert Professor John Hobcraft of the London School of Economics (LSE), said: "To anyone outside the United States it is an extremely strange and bullying policy because it is not about not funding abortion.

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20 20
Member # 358

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posted 01-24-2001 02:24 PM     Profile for 20 20   Author's Homepage     Send New Private Message   Edit/Delete Post   Reply With Quote
Yes that's true, and that's the hard part about this. It stops funding things they don't want to fund, but also stops funding things they DO want to fund. Quite the dilemma.
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posted 01-24-2001 02:51 PM     Profile for outrider   Author's Homepage     Send New Private Message   Edit/Delete Post   Reply With Quote
For every "convenience" abortion, there should be a vasectomy included at no extra charge. That way, everybody on both sides of the abortion fence can be happy in the future.

Now that should get the conversation going

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20 20
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posted 01-24-2001 02:58 PM     Profile for 20 20   Author's Homepage     Send New Private Message   Edit/Delete Post   Reply With Quote
Nah, I don't agree with that. It should come with both a vasectomy, AND a tube-tieing!
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posted 01-24-2001 03:18 PM     Profile for Snag   Author's Homepage     Send New Private Message   Edit/Delete Post   Reply With Quote
Ok, I am quite the mix. On issues like this and other morality topics, I am quite conservative. But on the whole I am also quite liberal. Guess that is what happens when you grow up in rural redneck Alberta and then move to town when you are 11 haha.

ANYWAY!! As far as my tax dollars going to support some welfare case...I do not believe a person should raise a child in squallor. Therefore, if you cannot support a child without assistance, you should not have that child. Simple as that. Cruel it may be, but children deserve the best chance they can to succeed in life. Just because someone is a bum or they got a few hard knocks in life, doesn't give them the right to drag another human down with them in the process. There are many many many odoptive and foster parents out there who love taking in children. Many who just love doing it, and many who just can't have children of their own. Abortion has become a crutch if you will, for people making poor choices. If I speed and get a ticket, that was a poor choice...why should YOU pay for my bad judgement?? And it is becoming a form of birth control for many. 40 percent of women who have abortions have more then one. So does this seem right? They didn't learn the first time to use a rubber or pop a pill??
I just cannot stand having to pay for others mistakes. I know this is an American issue....but it as just an issue here.

ALSO, wtf. All those other countries should get a grip. Why should the US, Canada or any other G7 country have to provide abortions for other countries. I mean, sure, they are poor bla bla bla...but as our national debts rack up we keep giving these countries more money without ever expecting to get it back. I don't mind charity etc...I give often (usually childrens and battered women's charities) but once that is EXPECTED and someone is CONDEMNED for not providing....that is WRONG!! Am I pro-life...I cannot say.

Am I pro-choice? Well, I sure would like the would-be father to have a say. And I would expect them to pay...for nobody else got them in that predicament.

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posted 01-25-2001 05:15 PM     Profile for Wolfie   Author's Homepage     Send New Private Message   Edit/Delete Post   Reply With Quote
Well don't I feel stupid for starting up an abortion controversy.

For the record... I don't think getting pregnant is quite like getting a speeding ticket. I haven't done either so I can't really speak from experience, but I'd think if you get a speeding ticket, you pay for it, and you forget about it. Getting pregnant is something else. You live with the 'mistake' the whole of your life.

For the record I was a 'mistake'... my parents were gonna have a third child but they didn't plan on having one so soon. But here I am.

I don't think abortion is as simple as it being a form of birth control... for many would-be mothers who have had abortions it scars them emotionally. Many times they don't have a choice. I mean, they do literally, but if they had the kid it just would make things very very bad.

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Member # 70

posted 01-25-2001 06:13 PM     Profile for Redlemons   Author's Homepage     Send New Private Message   Edit/Delete Post   Reply With Quote
You've also got to remember that saying "make them have the kid!" isn't really a solution. It's almost a punishment to the mother (and father). Once the kid is born, he/she will know they're not wanted, and you're punishing the kid for doing nothing wrong. If the parents don't want a baby, and aren't allowed to abort, then chances are the kid isnt going to grow up in a loving, caring household.
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posted 01-25-2001 09:45 PM     Profile for Snag   Author's Homepage     Send New Private Message   Edit/Delete Post   Reply With Quote
I never said make them have a kid. I never said ban abortion. I just said that THEY should be the ones to pay for such procedures. To expect someone else to pay because it is an inconvenience is not the solution. Remember, I NEVER SAID THEY SHOULD NOT BE ALLOWED...JUST DON'T EXPECT THE PUBLIC TO PAY FOR IT. There are alternative options such as adoption. Why people dump babies in dumpsters etc is apalling. I mean, just put he child up for adoption. With it being an infant they grow up knowing anything else, they don;t feel the resentment towards the people they call mom and dad, and furthermore, it makes another couple happy. All avenues should be explored. And you say if they aren't allowed to abort the child will not grow up loved...who is to say that if the child isn't allowed to live in the first place??
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posted 01-26-2001 01:44 AM     Profile for Redlemons   Author's Homepage     Send New Private Message   Edit/Delete Post   Reply With Quote
Snag- I wasn't talking to you directly, or to anyone else. That's just a point that some people overlook, and dont realize they're punishing the baby in some cases.

We were talking about this in my religion class sometime last year, and my class was full of idiots (to put it nicely). They were so easily moved and influenced- they wouldn't take one side and stick to it. After a while my friend and I just got sick of ignoring the whole discussion and peeling the paint off the walls, we just started up our own one, shouting and stuff, and soon the whole class was just listening to us

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posted 01-26-2001 10:23 AM     Profile for Cacophonous   Author's Homepage     Send New Private Message   Edit/Delete Post   Reply With Quote
Why in the fuck would we want our country run by religion anyway. We may as well move to India.
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posted 01-26-2001 03:39 PM     Profile for Wolfie   Author's Homepage     Send New Private Message   Edit/Delete Post   Reply With Quote
Snag, have you ever been to an orphanage? I used to live in Indonesia and my school was very close to an orphanage. I went to visit a few times, and the kids there were living in a very derelict way.

This is not the States we're talking about... this is the world, 3rd world countries included.

There are so many kids living in orphanages... if for some reason the kid gets past babyhood without being adopted hardly anyone would want to adopt them.

As for people paying for their own abortions... some just can't afford it. What about the girl who gets dumped by her boyfriend when they find out they're pregnant? Or the couple with 9 kids living in a shanty town outside New Mexico?

If I were paying taxes I'd rather my money go to family planning than the Millenium Dome or big fireworks to herald in the new year.

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posted 01-26-2001 04:23 PM     Profile for outrider   Author's Homepage     Send New Private Message   Edit/Delete Post   Reply With Quote
Or the couple with 9 kids living in a shanty town outside New Mexico?

A perfect candidate for my proposal

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posted 01-26-2001 04:37 PM     Profile for AcidWarp   Author's Homepage     Send New Private Message   Edit/Delete Post   Reply With Quote
I came across an amusing quote this morning. . . funny becuase it's by Nostradamus, serious because well you'll see

"Come the millennium, month 12. In the home of greatest power, the village idiot will come forth to be acclaimed the leader." -- Nostradamus

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posted 01-26-2001 07:10 PM     Profile for Redlemons   Author's Homepage     Send New Private Message   Edit/Delete Post   Reply With Quote
I also heard that America was going to fall to pieces once Bush was elected. That is written in the Bible Code, if anyone believes in it.
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posted 01-26-2001 07:33 PM     Profile for Cyborg6   Author's Homepage     Send New Private Message   Edit/Delete Post   Reply With Quote
I once saw Jesus in a crumpled up piece of paper...

Do you believe everything you hear/read RL or do you view the facts then form your own personal opinion?

Just wondering/provoking.

[This message has been edited by Cyborg6 (edited 01-26-2001).]

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posted 01-26-2001 09:10 PM     Profile for Snag   Author's Homepage     Send New Private Message   Edit/Delete Post   Reply With Quote
Antidisestablishment is what you are referring to Cac. And quite honestly, modernized countries are not governed/ruled by religion. The fact is though there is religious influences. These influences come from personal beliefs of politicians. Politicians enter politics with certain platforms, beliefs and agendas that influence every decision they make. Ever wonder why the morality of every religion is the same? The Bible, the Torah, the Koran...everything, speaks of peace and harmony among people. The way we interpret it or act upon it is bad.


Furthermore, if you hire (elect) a highly religious person to govern over you, expect those beliefs to be reflected in the way in which he governs. Atheists are the worst of all religious people (AND ATHEISM IS RECOGNIZED AS A RELIGION!!) They are worse than even Jahova's Witnesses because rather than trying to get people to see their point through rationalization etc... they criticize and bitch and whine and belittle and berate...

Also Wolfie, what right do foreign countries have to get upset over how another country spends their money? Aid is great. Charity? If ya got it give it. But to expect it, and get pissed off when it is no longer there is not right. Especially when the provider is not even obligated.

Atheism is a ferocious system, that leaves nothing above us to excite awe, nor around us to awaken tenderness. --R. Hall.

[This message has been edited by Snag (edited 01-26-2001).]

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posted 01-26-2001 10:20 PM     Profile for Gladiator   Author's Homepage     Send New Private Message   Edit/Delete Post   Reply With Quote
I agree with Snag, about the religion thing. One other thing though, I'm not an American, therefore I have not been corrupted by the recent debates and squallor from the recent US elections. The fact that I am not biased to any american political party means that my opinion may be a bit more representative of Bush's character. I must say the the US has elected a moron, bad leadership WILL lead to problems, this is just the beginning.
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posted 01-26-2001 10:48 PM     Profile for Snag   Author's Homepage     Send New Private Message   Edit/Delete Post   Reply With Quote
I am not American either Glad. And since you are in Quebec, just thought you would be interested in knowing there is now the Alberta Independence Party. You may have heard about it since an Alliance MP caught shit for going to one of their rallies. I just hope that maybe Ottawa gets an eye opener from it. The one province with the highest GDP, GDE and best standards of living showing signs of civil unrest and desire to get out...I think the thought of Albertan dollar signs jumping out of their coffers might turn their heads.
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posted 01-26-2001 11:07 PM     Profile for Cacophonous   Author's Homepage     Send New Private Message   Edit/Delete Post   Reply With Quote
All I meant is that we should not let deep religious beliefs like 'pro-life' dictate our government. We should keep religion the hell out of politics. IMO

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posted 01-26-2001 11:09 PM     Profile for Gladiator   Author's Homepage     Send New Private Message   Edit/Delete Post   Reply With Quote
One thing about separatist movements, Newfoundland has been trying to seperate itself from Canada before it was even a member. That's one province I truly believe HAS been screwed by confederation. The Alberta seperatist movement is in it's extreme infancy, I personaly don't believe it will EVER develope beyond a small minority, especially judging by the number of Albertans I met at the Federalist Rally in Union Square of Montreal just before the tha last Quebec referendum. ...By the way, I believe that if Quebec does hold another, they will succeed. In the past few years, I have seen a massive exodus of the english population due to the hostile Quebec environment. Do you know what it's like to have your tax dollars go towards Language Police and $500,000,000 referendums when english hospitals are being shut down. Just last night on the news, it was announced that a hospital in my area has a 48 hour waiting period in it's emergency room... IT'S EMERGENCY ROOM! CAN YOU BELIEVE THIS SHIT?! Don't support any kind of separatist movement, it's leads to inequality, hostilities, and the only people to suffer in the end will be us. One more note, the Montreal area, at the end of this year will become 1 city... Dozens of cities will be absorbed by Montreal, this is dictated by Quebec city. There is only one reason to turn dozens of ridings that voted NO in 1994's referendum into only 1, let's just guess what that may be.

Oh! And if you ever visit Quebec city, pay close attention to what the signs say on your drive in... "Quebec - La Capital Nationale" The National Capital?! WHAT THE FUCK?! What fucking racist nation are these separatist bastards talking about?!

Please don't talk to me anymore about any sort of separatist movement here in Canada, I've had my fill.

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posted 01-27-2001 12:36 AM     Profile for AcidWarp   Author's Homepage     Send New Private Message   Edit/Delete Post   Reply With Quote
I'd like to point out that ALL of Nostradamus' predictions have come true in one fashion or another. He even predicted the birth of hitler. So there if he says that the world's largest power is going to have the village idiot running it, the it's going to happen.

Second, I'm canadian as well, I live in southwestern BC within 50 miles of the border, I can safely say that I don't give a rat's ass what the american political system does. The only thing I'm concered with is NAFTA. The whole agreement is a bunch of garbage not even worth the paper it's printed on.

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posted 01-27-2001 03:34 AM     Profile for Redlemons   Author's Homepage     Send New Private Message   Edit/Delete Post   Reply With Quote
I'm waiting for my stir fry to cook.

Cy- firstly, I never said I believe in the Bible code. It was just a point I made. Secondly, I don't know if you belive Nostradamus' predictions, but if you do, then why not believe in God, too? Surely people would have an easier time believing in a power which could have created every single thing you see, a power which so many people believe in and a power which has so much evidence going for it, than believing a guy who hundreds of years ago predicted that something would happen.

I can't make up my mind.

And my dinner's ready.

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posted 01-27-2001 03:36 AM     Profile for Redlemons   Author's Homepage     Send New Private Message   Edit/Delete Post   Reply With Quote
And before I go...
"The basis of religion", anyone?

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posted 01-27-2001 06:15 AM     Profile for Snag   Author's Homepage     Send New Private Message   Edit/Delete Post   Reply With Quote
Ok, let since religion has been brought into this, let's bring up another point. SCIENCE AND RELIGION. Science for the most part has become the thorn of religion. The one abolishing factor of religion. Yet despite all this, the one man, the man who is probably the most famous theorist/scientist of all time, who was Jewish yet believed in Christ, God and creation itself; the man whose theories have oft been used to attempt to present the universe itself as a living thing and thus eliminating the god factor out of this, spoke out bluntly and to the point saying that anyone believing that God did not have a hand in creating the universe was essentially a fool. This man is often quoted for sooooo many things. His theories are taught as truth of the workings of the universe. Yet he believed in something more than that of his theories. Why THEORIES (something not proven) are more credible than BELIEFS (something also not physically proven) is beyond me. Yet, the credibility of this said man is never in question. Can anyone name this man???

[This message has been edited by Snag (edited 01-27-2001).]

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posted 01-27-2001 07:34 AM     Profile for Cacophonous   Author's Homepage     Send New Private Message   Edit/Delete Post   Reply With Quote
Snag - What do you mean 'since religion has been brought into this'? Who do you think is the driving force behind pro-life?

Bush felt he morally had to overturn our governments position on family planning because of what?

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posted 01-27-2001 08:54 AM     Profile for Cyborg6   Author's Homepage     Send New Private Message   Edit/Delete Post   Reply With Quote

I believe in God. Always have and always will but I am not part of any organized militant or peaceful group and pretty much keep silent about what he tells me! ;-)

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posted 01-27-2001 09:30 AM     Profile for Snag   Author's Homepage     Send New Private Message   Edit/Delete Post   Reply With Quote
non-denominational christian i assume? respectable and understandable
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posted 01-27-2001 05:32 PM     Profile for Wolfie   Author's Homepage     Send New Private Message   Edit/Delete Post   Reply With Quote
Originally posted by Snag:
Also Wolfie, what right do foreign countries have to get upset over how another country spends their money? Aid is great. Charity? If ya got it give it. But to expect it, and get pissed off when it is no longer there is not right. Especially when the provider is not even obligated.


It bans financial support for organisations if any of their funding, even if it does not come from the U.S., is spent on abortion.

you tell me?

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posted 01-27-2001 05:42 PM     Profile for Snag   Author's Homepage     Send New Private Message   Edit/Delete Post   Reply With Quote
Uhm yeah...and yer point is? People are still getting pissed off how the US is deciding to spend their money. You wanna tell me I can't save my money in my savings account? Or I can't buy that new video card? Or maybe a new car? Well guess what! You can kiss my ass cause it is my cash...same thing. And that kiss my ass was not directed at you was put it there for dramatic purposes.

Hell, I think last night I pissed of some chick lol. I was drunk and we were getting in the designated drivers car. and i had shotgun called. And one of my buddies was getting in slow so I said "Hurry up and get in the car you fucking slut!" ya know....the way guys talk to each other. WELL, I look over and there is this chick just getting into the ex-bf of one of my friends' car. And she glared at me as though I said that to her. OOOPS!! LOL

That is my story from last night

[This message has been edited by Snag (edited 01-27-2001).]

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posted 01-27-2001 06:13 PM     Profile for Wolfie   Author's Homepage     Send New Private Message   Edit/Delete Post   Reply With Quote
it BANS support. Bush is telling everyone else they can't provide funding!

HE'S the one who's telling people how to spend their money.

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