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Member # 19

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posted 10-02-2000 11:56 AM     Profile for Cacophonous   Author's Homepage     Send New Private Message   Edit/Delete Post   Reply With Quote
My wife and I watched a documentary the other night on cats that actually live in public libraries. They lounge around or roam throughout the libraries often jumping up on the laps of patrons.
This has been going on for may years and is very common. There are currently over 100 public libraries in the US that have one or more cats residing there.

Of course anytime you have something remotely cool as this happening in public you will have people that want it stopped.

The opposing forces claim they have allergies or are deathly afraid of cats. The libraries that have these feline residents will go out of their way to please the minority of customers who complain about the cats. The libraries have offered to place the cats into a locked room prior to the arrival of the allergy or fraidy cat patrons.

The libraries have offered to hand deliver the requested book(s)to the patrons. Yet there are still a few people that want these cats removed permanently.

Several families with children that are allergic to cats claim that going to a library with a cat gives their children a chance to play with (see) cats since they cannot have them at home. They simply leave after 20-30 minutes before the allergies flair up.

Personally I think it is great. you probably don't know this about me but I kind of like cats. :P I am allergic to cats myslef but own two of them because they are so freaking cool. Anyway the few people they interviewed in the documentary seemed like old cranks that just like to bitch for bitching sake. I say the majority rules! This one old bag was saying that even if they locked the cat in another room when she was at the library she could not relax knowing the cat might get out of the room. Kind of nutty if you ask me.

Anyway what do you think? Should they come in and remove cats that have been living in these libraries for years or should they let them live there?

I am not asking if they should be allowed to bring cats into libraries that don't currently have cats there now but that could be a second question.

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posted 10-02-2000 12:31 PM     Profile for Broch   Author's Homepage     Send New Private Message   Edit/Delete Post   Reply With Quote

I'm no fan of cats, but c'mon. This is exactly what I hate about this country.

Everyone wants complete control over everything...

Pretty soon it will be a $50 fine to fart.

$100 for SBD farts...

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posted 10-02-2000 03:12 PM     Profile for DeskJet   Author's Homepage     Send New Private Message   Edit/Delete Post   Reply With Quote
I think it would be a cat-astrophy if they threw them out.
Really though, I was born and raised in the states (moved to Canada last year) and I think too many people got too much time on their hands and won't be happy until the whole country shares their views. I mean hell, when my daughter was born in Austin in 1988, I smoked a cigarrete in my wife's room. Now you can't smoke within 100 feet of a friggin door to a hospital. Canada is getting the same way.
The whole world is going to shit because of self-righteous idiots that get their rocks off over deciding what other people can or cannot do. Maybe if these same idiots got layed now and then they would chill out a little.
I have always looked forward to the future and what wonders I would see it bring in my lifetime, but now and then I long for the laid back days of years gone by.
There, I feel better now.

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posted 10-02-2000 04:20 PM     Profile for Cacophonous   Author's Homepage     Send New Private Message   Edit/Delete Post   Reply With Quote
This is not about cats but our rights to continue doing something the way we the people want.

Libraries are primarily funded by private donation not by the general public. Screw some old crank that has nothing better to do than bitch about the library cat tradition.

I think it started back in Egypt. Anyway it is a tradition that has been around for not only centuries but millenniums....

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posted 10-02-2000 04:59 PM     Profile for Anthrax   Author's Homepage     Send New Private Message   Edit/Delete Post   Reply With Quote
Damn liberals
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posted 10-02-2000 06:39 PM     Profile for PrincessGummy   Author's Homepage     Send New Private Message   Edit/Delete Post   Reply With Quote
i don't like cats!!!!!!

another poinless post by Kalie

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posted 10-03-2000 01:25 AM     Profile for Redlemons   Author's Homepage     Send New Private Message   Edit/Delete Post   Reply With Quote
Keep the cats. Cats are awesome. That'd be cool to be in the library and have a cat or two walking around.

I say majority rules when it comes to this. You can't please all of the people all of the time, but you can at least try, and because most people probably either want the cats or don't mind either way, keep em.

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posted 10-03-2000 06:41 AM     Profile for Parsout   Author's Homepage     Send New Private Message   Edit/Delete Post   Reply With Quote
YAY! people who like cats too!!

Redlemons, im the only person practically in the whole of adelaide who has cats!!!!

Taffy and CJ are there names HAHAHAAH prolly think im stoopid now!!! heheheh

About that library thing Caco, You are totally right! at the local lib here we had a little girl get toxiplasmosis from the library cat, BUT the cat was taken to a vet, treated, and then put back in the library.

The mother of the little girl (who is as right as rain now) was (prolly is still) pushing for the cat to b taken out and put down!!! thats going to far.


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posted 10-03-2000 12:04 PM     Profile for AcidWarp   Author's Homepage     Send New Private Message   Edit/Delete Post   Reply With Quote
[rant] What I don't understand is why the fuck the megalomaniacal(sp?) minority of cat haters thinks that they can force their narrow minded and backward views on the public at larger. These are the kind of people that also go out and send mail bombs to doctors who preform abortions. People like them should be rounded up and dumped onto a desert island. Let them rot for all I care. Don't get me wrong I'm a firm believer in Freedom of Speech, but just don't try and force your views on me, I can make my own descisions thank you very much. I can't fucking believe that a vocal minority such as these non-cat-lovers act as though everyone must have the same view as them. . . [/rant]

I think that it's kind of cool when my cat jumps into my lap when I'm reading . . . especially when she attacks the pages as I flip them.


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posted 10-03-2000 12:09 PM     Profile for grumpy   Author's Homepage     Send New Private Message   Edit/Delete Post   Reply With Quote
i had a cat in my home town library
it was a nice cat

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Member # 19

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posted 10-03-2000 12:53 PM     Profile for Cacophonous   Author's Homepage     Send New Private Message   Edit/Delete Post   Reply With Quote
A very wise man from another place had this to say:

The practice is over 6000 years old, and dates back to ancient Egypt. Cats have always been considered to be "wise and intelligent", and the superstition holds that a cat brings good luck to a library because it's the only home befitting his intelligence.
The actual belief may have died out over the millenia, but the tradition has remained. Asking libraties to end a 6000 year old tradition because a few people are allergic to them is stupid.

Oh, and I had actually forgotten why the tradition has lived on...mice. Ever see what a mouse can do to a book? Mice love books because they are easy to shred to make nests. The cats kill the mice, and in the process protect the books. This is especially important today with all the liability issues surrounding the use of mechanical traps and poisons in public buildings.

I agree with him btw and hope he does not mind that I posted his comments here.

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20 20
Member # 358

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posted 10-03-2000 01:26 PM     Profile for 20 20   Author's Homepage     Send New Private Message   Edit/Delete Post   Reply With Quote
So, Acid, I'm a mail-bomber?

Anyway, I'm not trying to force my cat-views on anyone. Why can you force a cat on someone who is severely allergic to them? And yes, there ARE people who are severely allergic to them. They can't use the library? And to say that if you call ahead the cat will be moved to another room is not the answer. The dander can have a fairly quick effect on some people. I know.

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posted 10-03-2000 01:38 PM     Profile for Cacophonous   Author's Homepage     Send New Private Message   Edit/Delete Post   Reply With Quote
What about people that are allergic to books? The cats are the only thing they come there for.
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20 20
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posted 10-03-2000 01:45 PM     Profile for 20 20   Author's Homepage     Send New Private Message   Edit/Delete Post   Reply With Quote
LOL@cac! Good one!
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posted 10-04-2000 12:04 AM     Profile for Redlemons   Author's Homepage     Send New Private Message   Edit/Delete Post   Reply With Quote
These are the kind of people that also go out and send mail bombs to doctors who preform abortions.

I don't quite get people who do that. I mean, they're against abortion obviously, so they must be pro-life. Sending a mailbomb to someone hardly suits their viewpoint. Hypocritical.

Don't get me wrong I'm a firm believer in Freedom of Speech, but just don't try and force your views on me.

I agree totally. It's fine for people to express their viewpoints, but once they start forcing them on other people, we have to draw the line. The problem is though that it's a bitch to determine when their forcing their stance onto you, or merely expressing it. Makes you go hmm.

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posted 10-04-2000 01:37 AM     Profile for AcidWarp   Author's Homepage     Send New Private Message   Edit/Delete Post   Reply With Quote
I apologize for the rant, I hadn't had my morning coffee yet.

Red, you make a valid point about the line between expression and forcing being a very fine one.

40, I was just using the mail bombing refrence as an example. In actual fact I don't really agree with abortions, but I won't deny someone the ability to CHOSE to have one, and I will support that right of choice do the bitter end. But here is neither the time nor the place for an abortion debate, that's an argument that will never be resolved. As for the people that are severly allergic to cats, my sister has bad asthma that cat dander exaserbates, she loves the little thing. She just avoids it if her asthma flares up. I do know what you mean though, you're talking about the kind of allergy that requires some kind of hospital treatment, or perhaps a shot of adrenalin. As for that, I don't know what the solution is, and I couldn't come up with one if I tried. . .

Damn it! I hate it when I can see both sides of an argument Maybe booz is the answer. . .


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posted 10-04-2000 04:17 PM     Profile for 20 20   Author's Homepage     Send New Private Message   Edit/Delete Post   Reply With Quote
Maybe booz is the answer

That's IT!! If you wanna go to the library, get good and drunk first! Then no damn little cat would bother ANYONE!!

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posted 10-05-2000 12:11 AM     Profile for KRUSTYY   Author's Homepage     Send New Private Message   Edit/Delete Post   Reply With Quote
The cat's should remain because "meeses" are sure to show up , if they're remooved.
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posted 10-05-2000 01:59 AM     Profile for AcidWarp   Author's Homepage     Send New Private Message   Edit/Delete Post   Reply With Quote
No 40!! That's not what I meant, the booze is for the cats. . . that way, they'll all pass out


Par'n Me

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posted 10-05-2000 02:47 AM     Profile for TheKiller   Author's Homepage     Send New Private Message   Edit/Delete Post   Reply With Quote
I believe Drako (at the other ubb) came up with a VERY very good point about why the cats are there in the first place... they stop rats/mice from destroying the books.


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posted 10-05-2000 09:20 AM     Profile for 20 20   Author's Homepage     Send New Private Message   Edit/Delete Post   Reply With Quote
Ok, how many libraries have cats? What percentage? Pretty small, I think. Now, how many libraries have a rampant mouse problem? If the theory is that cats are neccessary to curb the mouse problem is true, then the answer to that would be the inverse of the answer to the first. But I haven't heard much lately about the great 'library mouse infestation' problem, so I have a feeling the answer to the second question is also pretty small.

Cats aren't needed to fight a fictional 'mouse problem' in libraries. Just my opinion.

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posted 10-05-2000 11:56 AM     Profile for AcidWarp   Author's Homepage     Send New Private Message   Edit/Delete Post   Reply With Quote
40, you seem to be playing 'Devils Advocate' here. You heart just doesn't seem to be in your arguments. It's almost as if you're in opposition to the general opinion just to cause a ruckus


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posted 10-05-2000 01:08 PM     Profile for 20 20   Author's Homepage     Send New Private Message   Edit/Delete Post   Reply With Quote
Well, I'm not passionate about this discussion, if that's what you mean. I do believe that a library is no place for a cat, in today's world, but that's just my opinion.
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posted 10-05-2000 01:46 PM     Profile for TheKiller   Author's Homepage     Send New Private Message   Edit/Delete Post   Reply With Quote
There doesn't have to be an infestation for one mouse to destroy a number of books.

But you can bet that the libraries that have a cat or two don't have problems with mice.

I admidt that in most cases the libraries don't need any cats, but if so do, let the cats stay.

I like cats.


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posted 10-06-2000 02:09 PM     Profile for RoGuEBiTcH   Author's Homepage     Send New Private Message   Edit/Delete Post   Reply With Quote
i think its cozy to have a cat in a library - sorta puts you at ease.

suck it up, allergy-freaks. bring a fncking clothespin to clamp your shnoz shut if its that bad.

(im allergic to cats, too)

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posted 10-06-2000 02:24 PM     Profile for LordOPain   Author's Homepage     Send New Private Message   Edit/Delete Post   Reply With Quote
i think its sad that my tax dollars were even invested to the legislation that brought up the issue....
if this were the only problem in the U.S. maybe.... but if they need some more important goals to achieve im sure i could think of some....uhhh.... violent crime vs library cats....hmmmm....out of control gov. spending vs library on and so on...

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posted 10-06-2000 11:09 PM     Profile for Redlemons   Author's Homepage     Send New Private Message   Edit/Delete Post   Reply With Quote
I totally agree Lord of Pain. Tackle the big issues first. Homelessness and unemployment tends to trivialise the issue of cats in libraries.

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