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Member # 1171

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posted 08-27-2000 01:46 PM     Profile for Mithrandir   Author's Homepage     Send New Private Message   Edit/Delete Post   Reply With Quote
Its only rich people who can play online well...and enjoy it...with all the ADSL and cable and T1/2/3 connections....poor people like me with me old 56k and my doggy free server which is fine until I try to us the net or say a online game i.e. UT or Q3 other than that its fine...very stable for email....but basically what I am saying is that is it just a coinsidence that the people with the highest amount of frags at the end of a death match or a CTF match are always those with the lowest pings?
(I know this is logical but fuck it sux)

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posted 08-27-2000 03:30 PM     Profile for Snag   Author's Homepage     Send New Private Message   Edit/Delete Post   Reply With Quote
So let me get this straight, rich people have fast connections. Those who win at games always have the lowest ping/fastest connections. Therefore, certainly anyone good at online gaming HAS to be rich??? NO, I disagree Mithradir. Why you may ask? I worked retail at Radio Shack...borderline poverty-level income. I still had cable. hell, I had a nice speedy computer too. Was I rich? No. I worked hard for what I got. I placed things I wanted andneeded in priority sequence and went at it. I have had cable for soon to be 4 years between 3 different cities and I will never go back to dial-up....does this make me rich? No, it just means I enjoy quick internet...$40/month. How much do you spend at fast food restaurants? I spend maybe $5/month at one, but there are people I know who eat at them everyday on their lunch point is, not everyone who has quick internet has a money tree growing out of their asshole. Many people make sacrifices or re-evaluate priorities. I am in he category that you call I sure as hell it happens soon cause $23000 before taxes last year sure sucked!!!
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posted 08-27-2000 03:36 PM     Profile for Snag   Author's Homepage     Send New Private Message   Edit/Delete Post   Reply With Quote
btw, it is not did you come to buy Q3, UT and a computer than can play them? BTW, did i mention as was a starving college student and i had cable? i had no food, but dammit, i had my weed, and my internet had speed Sorry if thisseems asa pesonal is not. But I just personall don't like categorization of class based on one thing people choose to spend their money on. I mean, if I had a McLaren F1 then sure, I am rich...even if I had a new Cadillac...but not while i drive an 88 F150 and barely afford to keep it on the road!!
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posted 08-27-2000 05:54 PM     Profile for DeskJet   Author's Homepage     Send New Private Message   Edit/Delete Post   Reply With Quote
We have had cable for a year now but if we are rich (money wise) it's news to me. I can't remember the last time I ate at McDonalds but we try to get a Peter's burger at least once a month. Greatest burger place in Calgary. Besides that, we may eat out twice a month at the most. I would gladly give up those times before giving up cable if it ever comes to that.
And as far as low ping = best play = winning, hah.. you never seen me play.

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posted 08-27-2000 06:21 PM     Profile for Mithrandir   Author's Homepage     Send New Private Message   Edit/Delete Post   Reply With Quote
First I never said or meant that if u are rich u are GOOD at the games just that u have a lower ping and therefore have a unfair advantage over others with a worse connection..which incidentially just happens to be the ones who are poorer...
Second I never eat at take away places cos they are damn expensive and the food tastes like shit anyway....
as for "priorities" cable is hardly a "priority" food...electicity, water etc they are priorities that I may be able to do without but my girlfriend and baby son could not so I forget the quick connection in favour of food etc
In England cable is different...where I live we dont even HAVE cable...or ADSL..
and btw if it was on $40 I could probably afford it....(and the fact that I earnt $23000 a year)
I bought UT and Q3 to play mostly single player..(and I love FPS).but since I been connected at home (I am usually connected through uni) I thought I might as well try to play em online...
P.S. Sacrifices? what like not buying the third car or say not going on two holidays that year just one instead...or how about umm...not upgrading to the latest computer? just putting up with yer old one ((oh that sounds familiar...wonder why?))
P.P.S. Im interested what sacrifices do u make to have your cable?

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posted 08-27-2000 08:34 PM     Profile for Snag   Author's Homepage     Send New Private Message   Edit/Delete Post   Reply With Quote
OK, you took things that I said a little some extreme. I am not talking about sacrificing food, living in a cheaper home etc....for the sake of internet. But think of it, $23000 CANADIAN dollars BEFORE tax...then there is rent, car insurance, gas, food, bills...when it is all said and done, i am not rich...but i am living. You may ask me what sacrifices I make, but with our situations they are quite inconsequential...because quite honestly, I don't go out to bars. So I save money there. I don't have kids so even more money saved. I don't have a girlfriend so there is a sacrifice and a half there (i am working on it hehe). The thing is, our situations are totally different. What you may perceive as rich doesn't actualize as such here.

And DJ, you ever order a large fries there? My buddy made that mistake...i just smirked and never said a word...he had like 3 pounds of fries lol btw, where in Cowtown you in? I am in the far NE (right at the end of Memorial)

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posted 08-27-2000 11:32 PM     Profile for Cyborg6   Author's Homepage     Send New Private Message   Edit/Delete Post   Reply With Quote
Mithrandir~ Here was what I did when I was 56k. I turned down all graphics eliminating textures and everything else that takes CPU and video chip cycles and edited my config. to rate = 3500 & cl-maxfps "35". It still sucked playing LPB's but I could rail them in seeing wire frames!

Now I got a slower DSL connection (39.95) and UT & Q3A still suck for FPS on this old Celeron 400 machine so what did I do? I turned all the shit down and went back to shooting muddy wire framed targets. I kind of like it though...this is how a Cyborg might see his opponent.

Fast puter and fast connection do = good game play but the guys who own with 300 ping and a sucky computer still rule over the average player.

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posted 08-28-2000 01:48 AM     Profile for DeskJet   Author's Homepage     Send New Private Message   Edit/Delete Post   Reply With Quote
I do consider us lucky here with cable only being 39.95.
snag, I made that mistake with the fries once. heh. Now for our family of 3, I just get the small order and we still have some left over.
I am in the N.E. at McKnight and Edmonton Trail.

Posts: 484 | From: Calgary, AB | Registered: Oct 1999  |  IP: Logged
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posted 08-28-2000 02:03 AM     Profile for Redlemons   Author's Homepage     Send New Private Message   Edit/Delete Post   Reply With Quote
I placed things I wanted andneeded in priority sequence and went at it.

Exactly Snag. I don't have cable, but I haven't played online for 8 months either. A lot of people who piss and moan about not having cable can afford it. If they'd just quit eating McD's every second day, or not buy so much coffee, or go for the cheaper cola instead of Coke, they could afford it. It's just how people spend their money.

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posted 08-28-2000 05:27 PM     Profile for Wolfie   Author's Homepage     Send New Private Message   Edit/Delete Post   Reply With Quote
Mithandir... you get ic24 you can go on free on week nights 8-12 and weekends 9-5. It takes a while to get connected but afterwards it's pretty fast (at least for me)

Also, where in England do you live? BT are putting up an ADSL soon. I THINK we might get that... it's cheaper rental than the phonebill my family chucks up every month or 3 just on the internet. (It's usually around 100 pounds a month. yipes)
The connection would cost around 40, I think. I am very much looking forward to it.

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posted 08-28-2000 05:36 PM     Profile for Wolfie   Author's Homepage     Send New Private Message   Edit/Delete Post   Reply With Quote
Oh, and for y'alls moaning and bitching about your systems...

I have a 1.96 gig hard drive.
133 MhZ processor.
33.6k modem.

I am, however, HOPEFULLY getting a new hard drive sometime soon. A 20 gig would be nice. *sigh*

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posted 08-28-2000 06:06 PM     Profile for LordOPain   Author's Homepage     Send New Private Message   Edit/Delete Post   Reply With Quote
damn, if mine was that slow, i'd skip the internet until i could afford some parts...
btw, im fair at alot of games q3,q2 so on and so on... and ill admit that a low ping has a definite advantage, but itll cost me 1k us$ to get anything faster than a 56k connection.. so where im at, (the cornfields) it is the more wealthy that have the better connection... but their time is coming, adsl will be here.... instead of paying for a fast connection, i bought parts instead... ill be getting adsl and kicking the ass of off the lpb's that wont stay off of the hpb rooms..
i really dont mind them as much as i do the clans that team up on dm servers... their all pussies...none will come to my ip address and play where the table is turned...

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posted 08-28-2000 09:32 PM     Profile for PrincessGummy   Author's Homepage     Send New Private Message   Edit/Delete Post   Reply With Quote
hahaa...did i ever mention i worship snag??


*have some gummy slime*

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posted 08-31-2000 11:54 PM     Profile for MadHatter   Author's Homepage     Send New Private Message   Edit/Delete Post   Reply With Quote
i use to play on a 133mhz computer with a 33.6 connection. and i was good.

then i got a 233mhz laptop that i played on, and i was still good

then i got a p2 400 w/56k and i got better

no i have a p3 850 and cable. and i am usualy at the top of the frag list.

keep in mind, i am not rich, i worked my ass off to afford this computer. if you put a great player on a crapy computer he/she will still be great. if you put a sucky player on a good computer, he/she will still be sucky.


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posted 09-01-2000 12:50 AM     Profile for Snag   Author's Homepage     Send New Private Message   Edit/Delete Post   Reply With Quote
Worship? more minion in my bid for world conquest

Thanx rock too

Ed: My buddy just called me "a conceited little prick" for that comment! I see there is resistance within this house which may pose a threat to my iminent domination.

[This message has been edited by Snag (edited 09-01-2000).]

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posted 09-01-2000 07:26 AM     Profile for Mithrandir   Author's Homepage     Send New Private Message   Edit/Delete Post   Reply With Quote
Deep Madhatter.... I gotta 450cpu vodoobanshe 128mb 20gig 56k connection (which I built myself to save money)..I am good at fps I will admit it not the best but i can hold my own...but I have a average ping of 350 to 500 now u cant tell me that that is not going to have a negative effect on my online gaming? I have adapted though eg
i see a player i aim an inch or so infroint of him and i will frag him (with a sniper rifle in UT anyway) but the shit flys when I am tryign to capture a flag and i need to see whats comming etc cant be done...
And this crap about working hard and u get a fucking good puter and connection
I am a full time student
that means I am in uni half the week the other half I look after my son (13months) at night i I know bout working hard..but does this mean I can get a cable or adsl connection no...I know I will one day so I am not that worried but it is just fustrating at the moment...thats all...
But please enough of the "I work hard so I deserve it" crap I know this but some people work had and still dont have things the way they like em to be...

Posts: 102 | From: England | Registered: Nov 1999  |  IP: Logged
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posted 09-01-2000 11:35 AM     Profile for Snag   Author's Homepage     Send New Private Message   Edit/Delete Post   Reply With Quote


For the most part it was about priorities. YOUR SON IS NUMBER 1 MAN

Don't be upset with other people saying "i worked hard i deserve it blah blah blah" asa student and father, you deserve it too. But, funds are tighter and priorities are a little different.

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posted 09-01-2000 02:58 PM     Profile for MadHatter   Author's Homepage     Send New Private Message   Edit/Delete Post   Reply With Quote
i am a student to, but not a father.
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Member # 1912

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posted 09-01-2000 04:21 PM     Profile for grumpy   Author's Homepage     Send New Private Message   Edit/Delete Post   Reply With Quote
don't any of you d00ds do that all advantage crap and all those free internet thingers?
that's how i've been paying for my cable this last year. my old man sure as hell won't pay for it.
you only leave it on for like 5 nites outta the month, and uhmm, you got your next month's bill paid for
no i am not advertising for myself! dammit

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posted 09-02-2000 02:54 PM     Profile for Snag   Author's Homepage     Send New Private Message   Edit/Delete Post   Reply With Quote
I won't touch that all advatage crap because they also send data regarding you back to their db....surfing habits etc...
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posted 09-03-2000 12:18 AM     Profile for KRUSTYY   Author's Homepage     Send New Private Message   Edit/Delete Post   Reply With Quote
Advantage never paid me!


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