Reading another post got me thinking. This site is one of the oldest somewhat active gaming communities on the Internet, and yet its slowed to a crawl because nobody has time to visit it anymore. Reddit, on the other hand, is freaking HUGE and lots of people visit it every day anyway. So, I set up a new version of The Lounge on Reddit. If this site ever goes down, you can find it at And if you're already a Redditor, you can subscribe to the Reddit to easily keep in contact with everyone else.
If you know any other old Q3Arena.Com posters who don't follow the board any longer, feel free to forward the subreddit address on to them. While I've been more of a "Read every two months, post every two years" member for the past decade, I'd still like to help keep this community from dying.
Of course, if you think it's a stupid idea, you can post that here too. I won't hold it against you