Ahhhhh. I'm not sure what I've been writing, and uncertain what I've been saying - there have been so many sudden changes. Ladies and Gentlemen, we have all been attacked by a psychotic jewish bird, lavishly decked in Deutsch sonar.You know it and I know it - the 'free' little "talisman" I selected for myself at the Frankfurt airport was of course the compact disc "GOA TRANCE VOL. 2" which I haven't heard in a long time and I did forget about. That cover was for blacklights. That's what the big bird knows about, right there. I've given that bird another chance, and now messy out the sty comes from my eye. Roberto Baamonde in Barcelona had a sty in his eye, and so did Paul Blakes - when I moved in here.
Think of that last long stretch of battle - con-sty-pat-ion is so evil, that's why I take several laxative pills per day. I might continue that practice longer than a normal person would and that's just the way it is here in Seattle.
So we're all caught up on 'Die Frau ohne Schatten' now. It's Father's forced explanation to X. of everything - since that bitch in Frankfurt swipped my passyport and I flew to the American cops in Newark, from then until the Washington State Trade and Convention Center officer manager handed me the dvd of that Salzburg production. I was facing Salzburg in Pod Emauzy Namesti that day before the flood August 2002 - remember I described that all - at this point I'm truly shocked at how proven necessary and important and worthwhile and valuable I am, etc.
About that office manager -she had a funny, winking eye, too. And the gayest twerp there was named Brian Baum - just like the falcon and the branch.
Nice of Dad. Wealthy isn't he?
Oh my gosh those were cool mirrored elevators there in the Convention Center with ultraviolet light beams under the window-glass overlooking the Freeway forest park downtown. I was elevated... can you believe how shockadelic?
You know about Keiko and "Free Willy" now, too don't you? Oh guess what - my first day of work that star was seen nearby - Brendan Fraser - maybe that's got to do with some stupid "PC" movie about idiotic politically correct discriminiators.
So what was the point? I bought the dvd of Zauberflote, that's much more like it, and I looked at my outline again and I see now what the deal is with the title page being the "talisman" lost by the "empress" - it says "Kubika Catastrophe" and that's the curse I've just lived through.
The outline needs a little work but in general I'm ok with proceeding in a higher class of more valuable and worthwhile necessary way. Little more time needed. Really freaked out by Minus Fun Kamp... I do look forward to exterminating those "arch-angles."
about that falcon, and the glass harmonica... think about how freakadelicshockaschnappish.
I mean I've got this corner-style desk here in vintage white provincial, and the chair with enlarged pillow, huge plaster bust of youth, lovely gilded and silvered shelf and mirror, tiny sconce and ornate ball, three tiered white standee and three colored glass vases. Glass pendant, glass ring, zoo nearby, when do I play?
It's too hot outside. And too sunny... even though I bought seven packets of bleach, jumbo developer, toner, special platinum shampoo and creme rinse -
Just think about it. That's yet to come, and that's what really makes that all happen - back then. Otherwise I wouldn't have seen it, except that I'm now living with the shadow. Think about that description of all that...
I need to write my prologue. Can't anyone do anything?